181 research outputs found

    Modulational instability in nonlocal Kerr-type media with random parameters

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    Modulational instability of continuous waves in nonlocal focusing and defocusing Kerr media with stochastically varying diffraction (dispersion) and nonlinearity coefficients is studied both analytically and numerically. It is shown that nonlocality with the sign-definite Fourier images of the medium response functions suppresses considerably the growth rate peak and bandwidth of instability caused by stochasticity. Contrary, nonlocality can enhance modulational instability growth for a response function with negative-sign bands.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figures, revTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Negative magnetoresistance in indium antimonide whiskers doped with tin

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    Negative magnetoresistance of InSb whiskers with different impurity concentrations 4.4 × 10 ¹⁶–7.16 × 10 ¹⁷ cm −³ was studied in longitudinal magnetic field 0–14 T in the temperature range 4.2–77 K. The negative magnetoresistance reaches about 50% for InSb whiskers with impurity concentration in the vicinity to the metal–insulator transition. The negative magnetoresistance decreases to 35 and 25% for crystals with Sn concentration from the metal and dielectric side of the transition. The longitudinal magnetoresistance twice crosses the axis of the magnetic field induction for the lightly doped crystals. The behavior of the negative magnetoresistance could be explained by the existence of classical size effect, in particular boundary scattering in the subsurface whisker layer

    Low-temperature magnetoresistance of GaSb whiskers

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    Transverse and longitudinal magnetoresistancies in n-type GaSb whiskers with different doping concentration (Te) in the vicinity to the metal-insulator transition (MIT) from metal side of the transition were studied in the temperature range 1.5–60 K and magnetic field 0–14 T. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in GaSb whiskers at low temperatures were revealed in magnetic field range 2–12 T. The oscillation period 0.025 T⁻¹ was found at various doping concentration in GaSb whiskers. The effective mass of electrons m c = 0.041 m ₀ and Dingle temperature of about 7.5 K were found in GaSb whiskers with impurity concentration in the vicinity to MIT. The presence of negative magnetoresistance in GaSb whiskers with the impurity concentration in the nearest approximation to MIT with resistivity ρ ₃₀₀ K = 0.0053 Ω cm was observed and associated with weak localization. Besides for the whiskers a resistance minimum was observed at temperature about 16 K that is connected with Kondo effect. Magnetoresistance studies of n-type conductivity for GaSb whiskers revealed the crossover from weak localization to antilocalization in the temperature range of 1.4–4.2 K and magnetic fields below 1 T

    Langmuir wave linear evolution in inhomogeneous nonstationary anisotropic plasma

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    Equations describing the linear evolution of a non-dissipative Langmuir wave in inhomogeneous nonstationary anisotropic plasma without magnetic field are derived in the geometrical optics approximation. A continuity equation is obtained for the wave action density, and the conditions for the action conservation are formulated. In homogeneous plasma, the wave field E universally scales with the electron density N as E ~ N^{3/4}, whereas the wavevector evolution varies depending on the wave geometry

    Імпедансна спектроскопія ниткоподібних кристалів Sі в області переходу метал-діелектрик

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    Introduction. The paper deals with investigation of impedance spectroscopy of Si whiskers with doping concentration in the vicinity to metal-insulator transition in the region of low (4,2 – 70 K) temperature and frequency range 0,01 – 250x103 Hz. Experimental results. The silicon whiskers were grown by chemical vapour deposition method in closed bromine system. The whiskers of 40x10-6 m in diameter have boron concentration from 2×1018 to 2×1019 сm-3. The impedance spectroscopy of Si whiskers was investigated with use of Lock-in amplifier in the region of low (4,2 – 70 K) temperature and frequency range 0,01 – 250 x 103 Hz. The investigations showed that in the range of zone conductance (T= 30 – 70 K) the whisker impedance has inductive character, while at the range of impurity conductance (T = 4,2 – 20 K) impedance changes to capacity character. The reduction of impurity concentration at dielectric side of metal-insulator transition leads to decrease of the whisker capacity in the range of low temperatures. Discussion. An inductive character of whisker impedance is explained skin-effect of conductance in thin whisker, while capacity character of the whisker impedance is connected with hopping conductance on impurity band. Conclusions. Character of changes of Si whisker impedance conductance is discussed in the frame of hopping conductance on impurity band, which takes place at low temperatures.В результате выполненных исследований электропроводности нитевидных кристаллов Si с диаметрами 40x10-6 м, легированных примесью бора до концентраций вблизи перехода металл-изолятор (ρ300К =0,94 - 1,68x10-4 Ом м) в температурном интервале 4,2-70 К, частотном диапазоне 0,01-250x103 Гц обнаружено, что импеданс образцов в зависимости от температуры имеет емкостный (4,2 – 20 К) и индуктивный (30-70 К) характер, величина которого зависит от концентрации легирующей примеси. Исходя из результатов исследований кристаллов методом импедансной спектроскопии обсуждены отличия поведения импенданса образцов с различной концентрацией легирующей примеси.На основі дослідження електропровідності ниткоподібних кристалів Si з діаметрами 40х10-6 м, легованих домішкою бору до концентрацій поблизу переходу метал-діелектрик (ρ300К = 0,94-1,68х10-4 Ом•м) у температурному інтервалі 4,2-70 К, частотному діапазоні 0,01-250 х103 Гц виявлено, що імпеданс зразків в залежності від температури має ємнісний (4,2К – 20 К) та індуктивний (30 – 70 К) характер, величина якого залежить від концентрації легуючої домішки. На основі досліджень кристалів методом імпедансної спектроскопії обговорено відмінність поведінки імпендансу зразків з різною концентрацією легуючої домішки

    Modulational instability and nonlocality management in coupled NLS system

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    The modulational instability of two interacting waves in a nonlocal Kerr-type medium is considered analytically and numerically. For a generic choice of wave amplitudes, we give a complete description of stable/unstable regimes for zero group-velocity mismatch. It is shown that nonlocality suppresses considerably the growth rate and bandwidth of instability. For nonzero group-velocity mismatch we perform a geometrical analysis of a nonlocality management which can provide stability of waves otherwise unstable in a local medium.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, to be published in Physica Script

    Нитевидные кристаллы кремния-германия как чувствительные элементы сенсоров деформации, работоспособные в сложных условиях эксплуатации

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    На основі експериментальних досліджень встановлено, що деформовані стиском мікрокристали Si1-хGeх (х = 0,01÷0,03) з питомим опором ρ300 = 0,016 Ом*см можуть бути використані як чутливі елементи сенсорів механічних величин, працездатні за кріогенних температур. Створено вимірювальну систему з використанням чутливих елементів сенсорів на основі нитчастих кристалів Si1-xGex із одночасною корекцію їх температурних залежностей, що дозволить враховувати температурну залежність коефіцієнта тензочутливості при зміні температури середовища.Introduction. The paper deals with investigation of electrophysical performances of Si1-xGex whiskers as strain sensors, operating at harsh conditions, in particular at liquid helium temperatures, and development of measurable system for signal treatment from the sensors. Experimental results. It was found that compression strained Si1-xGex (x = 0,01 ÷ 0,03) microcrystals with a resistivity ρ300 =1,6*10-4 Om*m can be used as sensitive elements of sensors of mechanical quantities operating at cryogenic temperatures. It was elaborated a measuring system using sensing elements based on Si1-xGex microcrystals with simultaneous correction of their temperature dependences, which will take into account the temperature de-pendence of the coefficient tensosensibility on environment temperature. Discussion. A low temperature whisker conductance is explained by Mott law and hopping conductance on twice occupied states of boron impurity. Conclusions. Gauge factor of Si-Ge whiskers was shown to have a very high value at low temperatures (of about 51000 at 4,2 K), that has been used for high sensitivity strain sensors and measuring system elaboration.На основе экспериментальных исследований установлено, что деформированые сжатием микрокристаллы Si1-хGeх (х = 0,01÷0,03) с удельным сопротивлением ρ300 = 1,6*10-4Ом*м могут быть использованы как чувствительные элементы сенсоров механических величин, работоспособные при криогенных температурах. Создано измерительную систему с использованием чувствительных элементов сенсоров на базе нитевидных кристаллов Si1-xGex с одновременной коррекцией их температурных зависимостей, что даст возможность учитывать температурную зависимость коэффициента тензочувствительности при изменении температуры среды

    Импедансная спектроскопия нитевидных кристаллов Sі в области перехода металл-диэлектрик

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    На основі дослідження електропровідності ниткоподібних кристалів Si з діаметрами 40 ×10⁻⁶ м, легованих домішкою бору до концентрацій поблизу переходу метал-діелектрик (ρ300К = 0,94 ÷1,68 ×10⁻⁴ Ом•м) у температурному інтервалі 4,2 ÷70 К, частотному діапазоні 0,01 ÷250 ×10³ Гц виявлено, що імпеданс зразків в залежності від температури має ємнісний (4,2К – 20 К) та індуктивний (30 – 70 К) характер, величина якого залежить від концентрації легуючої домішки. На основі досліджень кристалів методом імпедансної спектроскопії обговорено відмінність поведінки імпендансу зразків з різною концентрацією легуючої домішки.Introduction. The paper deals with investigation of impedance spectroscopy of Si whiskers with doping concentration in the vicinity to metal-insulator transition in the region of low (4,2 – 70 K) temperature and frequency range 0,01 – 250 ×10 ³ Hz. Experimental results. The silicon whiskers were grown by chemical vapour deposition method in closed bromine system. The whiskers of 40 ×10 ¯⁶ m in diameter have boron concentration from 2×10 18 to 2×1019 сm ¯³. The impedance spectroscopy of Si whiskers was investigated with use of Lock-in amplifier in the region of low (4,2 – 70 K) temperature and frequency range 0,01 – 250 ×10 ³ Hz. The investigations showed that in the range of zone conductance (T= 30 – 70 K) the whisker impedance has inductive character, while at the range of impurity conductance (T = 4,2 – 20 K) impedance changes to capacity character. The reduction of impurity concentration at dielectric side of metal-insulator transition leads to decrease of the whisker capacity in the range of low temperatures. Discussion. An inductive character of whisker impedance is explained skin-effect of conductance in thin whisker, while capacity character of the whisker impedance is connected with hopping conductance on impurity band. Conclusions. Character of changes of Si whisker impedance conductance is discussed in the frame of hopping conductance on impurity band, which takes place at low temperatures.В результате выполненных исследований электропроводности нитевидных кристаллов Si с диаметрами 40 ×10⁻⁶м, легированных примесью бора до концентраций вблизи перехода металл-изолятор (ρ300К =0,94 ÷ 1,68 ×10⁻⁴ Ом м) в температурном интервале 4,2÷70 К, частотном диапазоне 0,01 – 250 ×10 ³ Гц обнаружено, что импеданс образцов в зависимости от температуры имеет емкостный (4,2 – 20 К) и индуктивный (30-70 К) характер, величина которого зависит от концентрации легирующей примеси. Исходя из результатов исследований кристаллов методом импеданс-ной спектроскопии обсуждены отличия поведения импенданса образцов с различной концентрацией легирующей примеси

    Modulational instability of bright solitary waves in incoherently coupled nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations

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    We present a detailed analysis of the modulational instability (MI) of ground-state bright solitary solutions of two incoherently coupled nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations. Varying the relative strength of cross-phase and self-phase effects we show existence and origin of four branches of MI of the two-wave solitary solutions. We give a physical interpretation of our results in terms of the group velocity dispersion (GVD) induced polarization dynamics of spatial solitary waves. In particular, we show that in media with normal GVD spatial symmetry breaking changes to polarization symmetry breaking when the relative strength of the cross-phase modulation exceeds a certain threshold value. The analytical and numerical stability analyses are fully supported by an extensive series of numerical simulations of the full model.Comment: Physical Review E, July, 199