58 research outputs found

    Razvoj modela liderstva u funkciji upravljanja ljudskim resursima u sistemu menadžmenta obrazovanja

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    Развој људских ресурса постаје све значајнији за успешно пословање организације. Човек има ново место и улогу у свим друштвеним процесима као и у њиховом управљању. Менаџмент људских ресурса не представља више помоћну службу или функцију у предузећу, него интегралну менаџмент функцију која има прворазредни стратегисјки значај и захтева визију. Процеси у оквиру менаџмента људских ресурса нису сами себи циљ, него пут за остваривање циља који трасира лидер – визионар, чији начин размишљања и ментални склоп постаје пресудан за успешно каналисање процеса. Без тога регрутовање постаје рутинска активност, развој се дешава као случајно откривање чудеса, просечни менаџери се толеришу, у кључним тачкама јавља се истрошеност, а учинак трпи. Нова улога менаџмента људских ресурса у основи је развојна, динамичка и стратешка. Она подразумева стално учење и развој, како појединаца, тако и организације као социјалне целине, затим прилагођавање променама и стратешко промишљање и усклађивање активности и захтева из перспективе будућих потреба. Лидерство није ограничено само на менаџмент, широко је прихваћено да најуспешније организације имају јаке и ефикасне лидере. Модел лидерства је приступ који лидери усвајају и одражавају кроз њихове улоге, а не начин на који користе власт. Kоличина задржаног ауторитета и направљене одлуке играју кључну улогу у одређивању модела лидерства. Модел лидерства подстиче и промовише укључивање запослених у планирање, решавање проблема и доношење одлука.Razvoj ljudskih resursa postaje sve značajniji za uspešno poslovanje organizacije. Čovek ima novo mesto i ulogu u svim društvenim procesima kao i u njihovom upravljanju. Menadžment ljudskih resursa ne predstavlja više pomoćnu službu ili funkciju u preduzeću, nego integralnu menadžment funkciju koja ima prvorazredni strategisjki značaj i zahteva viziju. Procesi u okviru menadžmenta ljudskih resursa nisu sami sebi cilj, nego put za ostvarivanje cilja koji trasira lider – vizionar, čiji način razmišljanja i mentalni sklop postaje presudan za uspešno kanalisanje procesa. Bez toga regrutovanje postaje rutinska aktivnost, razvoj se dešava kao slučajno otkrivanje čudesa, prosečni menadžeri se tolerišu, u ključnim tačkama javlja se istrošenost, a učinak trpi. Nova uloga menadžmenta ljudskih resursa u osnovi je razvojna, dinamička i strateška. Ona podrazumeva stalno učenje i razvoj, kako pojedinaca, tako i organizacije kao socijalne celine, zatim prilagođavanje promenama i strateško promišljanje i usklađivanje aktivnosti i zahteva iz perspektive budućih potreba. Liderstvo nije ograničeno samo na menadžment, široko je prihvaćeno da najuspešnije organizacije imaju jake i efikasne lidere. Model liderstva je pristup koji lideri usvajaju i odražavaju kroz njihove uloge, a ne način na koji koriste vlast. Količina zadržanog autoriteta i napravljene odluke igraju ključnu ulogu u određivanju modela liderstva. Model liderstva podstiče i promoviše uključivanje zaposlenih u planiranje, rešavanje problema i donošenje odluka

    Uloga molekulskih osobina mononitrofluorantena u njihovoj mutagenoj aktivnosti :AB initio i DFT pristup

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    The molecular properties of the environmental mutagens nitrofluoranthenes (NFs; 1-, 2-, 3-, 7- and 8-NF), such as (hyper)polarizability, dipole moment, molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), spectroscopic characteristics, magnetic index (NICS) and others, obtained by means of ab initio (MP2) and density functional theory (DFT) approaches have been correlated with the observed mutagenic activities. A very good linear correlation (Rav = 0.99) between average polarizability () and experimental mutagenic activities of NFs in different Salmonella typhimurium strains from two independent experimental studies (Vance and Levin, Environ. Mutagen. 6 (1984) 797 and Zielinska et al., Mutation Res. 206 (1988) 131) was established. Higher values of polarizability derivatives with respect to the νsNO+CN vibrational coordinate for 8-NF and 3-NF compared to 1-NF and 7-NF and, consequently, higher Raman activities in the spectra that are in correlation with mutagenic activities, implicate significant intermolecular interactions along this vibrational coordinate. The results indicate that the binding of NFs to enzymes is the main step in mutagenic pathway of these nitro derivatives.Молекулске особине мутагена нитрофлуорантена (NF; 1-, 2-, 3-, 7- и 8-NF) као што су (хипер)поларизабилност, диполни момент, молекулски електростатички потенцијал (MEP), спектроскопске карактеристике, магнетни индекс (NICS) и др., добијене ab initio (MP2) и DFT приступом, корелисане су са мутагеним активностима ових изомера. Установљена је врло добра линерана корелација (Rav = 0,99) између средње поларизабилности () и експериментално одређених мутагених активности нитрофлуoрантена у различитим сојевима бактерије Salmonella typhimurium из две независне експерименталне студије (Vance and Levin, Environ. Mutagen. 6 (1984) 797 и Zielinska et al., Mutation Res. 206 (1988) 131). Веће вредности извода поларизабилности у односу на νsNO+CN вибрациону координату за 8-NF и 3-NF у поређењу са 1-NF и 7-NF и, следствено томе, веће вредности Раман активности у спектрима које су у корелацији са мутагеном активношћу, упућују на знатне молекулске интеракције дуж ове вибрационе координате. Резултати указују да је везивање изомера NF за активно место ензима главни корак у активацији мутагености код ових нитро деривата

    Važnost ljudskih resursa u poslovnom odlučivanju

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    The main goal of the research is to determine the effects of the selected factors (organization culture, organization learning, market orientation and innovation culture) on the innovation performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in agribusiness. The Structural Equation Modeling method was used to test the research hypotheses. The results showed that the selected factors are significant determinants of innovative performance. In addition, the relationship between organizational culture and innovation performance, as well as organizational learning and innovation performance, was found to be fully mediated, and the relationship between market orientation and innovation performance was found to be partially mediated by innovation culture. Small and medium-sized businesses should be empowered in the globalized and fiercely competitive market of today by fostering product innovation, investing in the development of human resources and technology, and broadening their market reach. These initiatives are essential to enhancing their marketing plans and successfully taking on competitors


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    Marketing kao naučna disciplina danas je dobila izuzetan značaj na tržištu i predstavlja jedan od preduslova za efikasnu borbu protiv konkurencije. Ono što čini marketing odnosi se na aktivnosti za procenupotreba, opsega tih potreba, ali i njihovog intenziteta. Formiranje brenda koji je samostalan i prepoznatljiv na tržištu omogućuje sticanje konurentske prednosti u odnosu na ostale učesnike iz iste branše. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada obuhvata analiza sticanja poverenja visokoškolske ustanove od strane studenta, kao i utvrđivanje uloge marketinga u smislu formiranje brenda. Brend predstavlja značajan faktor u okviru svakog tržišta. Brend će pružiti pomoć visokoobrazvnoj ustanovi prilikom pravilnog nastupanjana tržištu, privlačenju kupaca i obezbeđivanju lojalnosti potrošača.Marketing as a scientific discipline has gained exceptional importance in the market today and represents one of the prerequisites for an effective fight against competition. What constitutes marketing refers primarily to activities for assessing needs, the scope of those needs, but also their intensity. The formation of a brand that is independent and recognizable on the market enables the acquisition of a competitive advantage over other participants in the same industry. The subject of research of this paper includes the analysis of gaining the trust of the higher education institution by the student, as well as determining the role of marketing in terms of brand formation. Brand is an important factor in any market. The brand will provide assistance to the higher education institution in proper marketing, attracting customers and ensuring consumer loyalty

    Promotion of tourist potentials, traffic and investments as the basis of the economic development of Vranjska Banja

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    Spa tourism has experienced full recognition in international tourist flows in recent decades. This fact points to a significant development opportunity for the Republic of Serbia for more complete utilization of tourist potential in spa towns. One such area is Vranjska Banja in the southeast of Serbia, where the warmest hyperthermal water in the world springs. Apart from therapeutical waters, this tourist spot has preserved tourist values that qualify it to become an ecological oasis in this part of Serbia. Accordingly, the subject of research in the paper is the tourist potential of Vranjska Banja, which has not been sufficiently utilized for the needs of tourism, nor is it sufficiently promoted through digital media. The aim of the work is to identify the impact of tourism on the overall economic development of Vranjska Banja. Qualitative, descriptive, statistical and comparative methods were used in the research. The results show that adequate valorization and promotion of tourist attractions and greater investments in tourism and hospitality activities would lead to faster development of tourism in this area, which would have positive effects on the local economy. The contribution of the work is reflected in the identification of appropriate solutions that can be the basis for formulating the economic development strategy of Vranjska Banja as an ecological destination

    Singlet-triplet interaction in Group 2 M2O hypermetallic oxides

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    This ab initio study of Group 2 M2O hypermetallic oxides focuses mainly on the two heaviest members, Ba20 and Ra20. In accordance with previous studies in our group on the Be, Mg, Ca and Sr hypermetallic oxides, we find that the Ba0Ba and Ra0Ra molecules have a linear X1Eg+ ground electronic state and a very low lying first excited 5/3Eu+ triplet electronic state. Special attention is placed on calculating and understanding how the singlet-triplet splitting and singlet-triplet interaction strength vary down the series. The calculations reveal that MgOMg shows the largest singlet-triplet splitting and does not fit into the overall trend down the Group 2 series of elements. However, in all cases the extent of the singlettriplet interaction between vibronic levels of the (X) over tilde and (alpha) over tilde states is very small. On the experimental side, there is literature evidence for the formation of electronically excited Ba2O in oxidation reactions of barium dimers, and our calculations of excited singlet and triplet state energies support that assignment.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: B. Ostojić, P. Jensen, P. Schwerdtfeger, P.R. Bunker, Singlet-triplet interaction in Group 2 M2O hypermetallic oxides, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy (2014), doi: [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jms.2014.05.003][http://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1559

    The importance of tests applied to evaluate the effectiveness of antiplatelet therapy in patients with recurrent coronary stent thrombosis

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    Background. Stent thrombosis is potentially lethal complication with huge economic burden. The role of insufficient response to antiplatelet therapy is still unclear reason for its occurrence. Case report. We presented 54-year-old man with recurrent stent thrombosis on the 4th, 9th and 12th day after the primary percutaneous coronary intervention in spite of double antiaggregation therapy (aspirin+ clopidogrel). All possible procedural causes were excluded and reimplantation of intracoronary stent was insufficient to resolve the problem, so four platelet tests were performed: flow cytometry, Platelet Function Analyzer-100 test, aggregometry, and determination of gene polymorphism for P2Y12 receptor (directly involved in the mechanism of thienopyridine), and GPIIbIIIa receptor (final receptor in aggregation). The patient was the carrier of the major haplotype H1H1 for P2Y12 receptor and minor A1A2 for GPIIbIIIa receptor. The results of all the performed tests showed insufficient antiplatelet effect of aspirin and sufficient response to thienopyridin (not to clopidogrel, but to ticlopidine). Conclusion. Performance of platelet function tests is necessary in the case of major adverse cardiac events especially stent thrombosis, after implantation of intracoronary stent