5 research outputs found

    Estimation of expected energy not served due to power supply interruption in transmission or distribution network

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    U ovome radu je opisan elektroenergetski sustav Republike Hrvatske, njegova pouzdanost i prekidi napajanja električnom energijom. Analizirana je metoda proračuna ENS-a koja se koristi u prijenosnoj mreži prilikom prekida opskrbe električne energije na sučelju prijenos – distribucija. Na stvarnim primjerima prekida opskrbe električne energije su napravljene procjene neisporučene električne energije te su dani glavni razlozi prednosti korištenja metode ali isto tako i nedostaci.This paper describes the Republic of Croatia power system, its reliability and power supply interruption. The ENS assessment method used in the transmission network after power supply interruption at the transmission/distribution interface is analyzed. Assessments are made on the real examples of power supply interruptions and advantages and disadvantages of this method are given

    Pogon bioplinskog postrojenja "Bioplinsko postrojenje Mala Branjevina"

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    Pogon bioplinskog postrojenja "Bioplinsko postrojenje Mala Branjevina". U prvom dijelu završnog rada opisana je povijest Žita d.o.o.. Žito d.o.o. se sastoji od više poduzeća kao što su Mambo d.o.o., Termes Grupa d.d., West d.o.o., Tvornica šećera Osijek d.o.o.. Analiziran je proces proizvodnje bioplina i električne energije. Pogon se sastoji od istosmjernih i izmjeničnih motora, različitih snaga potrebnih za njihovu radnju. Cijeli sadržaj je popraćen odgovarajućim skicama, slikama i shemama pomoću kojih možemo približiti sliku rada ovakvog pogona.The drive at biogas plant "Biogas plant Mala Branjevina". The first part of the final paper describes the history of Žito ltd. Žito ltd consists of several companies, such as Mambo ltd, Termes Group Inc, West ltd, Sugar Factory Osijek ltd. Production process of biogas is analyzed, same as the production process of electrical energy. The drive consists of DC and AC motors, various power required for their operation. The entire content is accompanied by appropriate drawings, pictures and schemes with which we can bring a picture of this plant

    Trading Electricity with Blockchain Systems

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    On the wave of the development of new ICT technologies and renewable energy, the power system will certainly experience great changes to its outdated architecture over the next several decades. One of the key drivers of change in the power system is distributed energy resources. They are completely changing the paradigm of the power system as a system with a centralized hierarchy and one-way power flows from generation to customer and from high voltage to low voltage. Because the goals of net zero greenhouse gas emissions are gathering pace and are being accepted by countries around the world, slowdown in the integration of distributed energy resources cannot be expected. Another reason why we can expect faster integration is the development of technology for energy production which is becoming more available to power consumers. Because of the problems that are currently occurring in the distribution system, it is clear that the system must be modernized in line with the development of these technologies. The technology that will likely have the greatest impact on the modernization of the power system is blockchain technology combined with the smart grid paradigm. Blockchain has the ability to completely change the way the power system is managed and optimized for performance

    Estimation of expected energy not served due to power supply interruption in transmission or distribution network

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    U ovome radu je opisan elektroenergetski sustav Republike Hrvatske, njegova pouzdanost i prekidi napajanja električnom energijom. Analizirana je metoda proračuna ENS-a koja se koristi u prijenosnoj mreži prilikom prekida opskrbe električne energije na sučelju prijenos – distribucija. Na stvarnim primjerima prekida opskrbe električne energije su napravljene procjene neisporučene električne energije te su dani glavni razlozi prednosti korištenja metode ali isto tako i nedostaci.This paper describes the Republic of Croatia power system, its reliability and power supply interruption. The ENS assessment method used in the transmission network after power supply interruption at the transmission/distribution interface is analyzed. Assessments are made on the real examples of power supply interruptions and advantages and disadvantages of this method are given

    Estimation of expected energy not served due to power supply interruption in transmission or distribution network

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    U ovome radu je opisan elektroenergetski sustav Republike Hrvatske, njegova pouzdanost i prekidi napajanja električnom energijom. Analizirana je metoda proračuna ENS-a koja se koristi u prijenosnoj mreži prilikom prekida opskrbe električne energije na sučelju prijenos – distribucija. Na stvarnim primjerima prekida opskrbe električne energije su napravljene procjene neisporučene električne energije te su dani glavni razlozi prednosti korištenja metode ali isto tako i nedostaci.This paper describes the Republic of Croatia power system, its reliability and power supply interruption. The ENS assessment method used in the transmission network after power supply interruption at the transmission/distribution interface is analyzed. Assessments are made on the real examples of power supply interruptions and advantages and disadvantages of this method are given