766 research outputs found

    HyRec: A fast and highly accurate primordial hydrogen and helium recombination code

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    We present a state-of-the-art primordial recombination code, HyRec, including all the physical effects that have been shown to significantly affect recombination. The computation of helium recombination includes simple analytic treatments of hydrogen continuum opacity in the He I 2 1P - 1 1S line, the He I] 2 3P - 1 1S line, and treats feedback between these lines within the on-the-spot approximation. Hydrogen recombination is computed using the effective multilevel atom method, virtually accounting for an infinite number of excited states. We account for two-photon transitions from 2s and higher levels as well as frequency diffusion in Lyman-alpha with a full radiative transfer calculation. We present a new method to evolve the radiation field simultaneously with the level populations and the free electron fraction. These computations are sped up by taking advantage of the particular sparseness pattern of the equations describing the radiative transfer. The computation time for a full recombination history is ~2 seconds. This makes our code well suited for inclusion in Monte Carlo Markov chains for cosmological parameter estimation from upcoming high-precision cosmic microwave background anisotropy measurements.Comment: Version accepted by PRD. Numerical integration switches adapted to be well behaved for a wide range of cosmologies (Sec. V E). HyRec is available at http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~yacine/hyrec/hyrec.htm

    Environment assisted electron capture

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    Electron capture by {\it isolated} atoms and ions proceeds by photorecombination. In this process a species captures a free electron by emitting a photon which carries away the excess energy. It is shown here that in the presence of an {\it environment} a competing non-radiative electron capture process can take place due to long range electron correlation. In this interatomic (intermolecular) process the excess energy is transferred to neighboring species. The asymptotic expression for the cross section of this process is derived. We demonstrate by explicit examples that under realizable conditions the cross section of this interatomic process can clearly dominate that of photorecombination

    Ionized Gas Kinematics and Morphology in Sgr B2 Main on 1000 AU Scales

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    We have imaged the Sgr B2 Main region with the Very Large Array in the BnA configuration (θbeam\theta_{beam} = 0\farcs13) in both the H52α\alpha (45.453 GHz) radio recombination line (RRL) and 7 mm continuum emission. At a distance of 8500 pc, this spatial resolution corresponds to a physical scale of 0.005 pc (\sim1100 AU). The current observations detect H52α\alpha emission in 12 individual ultracompact (UC) and hypercompact (HC) HII regions. Two of the sources with detected H52 α\alpha emission have broad (Δ\DeltaVFWHM_{FWHM}\sim50 \kms) recombination lines, and two of the sources show lines with peaks at more than one velocity. We use line parameters from the H52α\alpha lines and our previous H66α\alpha line observations to determine the relative contribution of thermal, pressure and kinematic broadening, and electron density. These new observations suggest that pressure broadening can account for the broad lines in some of the sources, but that gas motions (e.g. turbulence, accretion or outflow) contribute significantly to the broad lines in at least one of the sources (Sgr B2 F3).Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    PPAK Integral Field Spectroscopy survey of the Orion Nebula: Data Release

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    We present a low-resolution spectroscopic survey of the Orion nebula which data we release for public use. In this article, we intend to show the possible applications of this dataset analyzing some of the main properties of the nebula. We perform an integral field spectroscopy mosaic of an area of ~5' X 6' centered on the Trapezium region of the nebula, including the ionization front to the south-east. The analysis of the line fluxes and line ratios of both the individual and integrated spectra allowed us to determine the main characteristics of the ionization throughtout the nebula.The final dataset comprises 8182 individual spectra, which sample each one a circular area of \~2.7" diameter. The data can be downloaded as a single row-stacked spectra fits file plus a position table or as an interpolated datacube with a final sampling of 1.5"/pixel. The integrated spectrum across the field-of-view was used to obtain the main integrated properties of the nebula, including the electron density and temperature, the dust extinction, the Halpha integrated flux (after correcting for dust reddening), and the main diagnostic line ratios. The individual spectra were used to obtain line intensity maps of the different detected lines. These maps were used to study the distribution of the ionized hydrogen, the dust extinction, the electron density and temperature, and the helium and oxygen abundance...Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publishing in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Post common envelope binaries from SDSS. II : identification of 9 close binaries with VLT/FORS2

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    Context. Post common envelope binaries (PCEBs) consisting of a white dwarf and a main sequence star are ideal systems to use to calibrate current theories of angular momentum loss in close compact binary stars. The potential held by PCEBs for further development of close binary evolution could so far not be exploited due to the small number of known systems and the inhomogeneity of the sample. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is changing this scene dramatically, as it is very efficient in identifying white dwarf/main sequence (WDMS) binaries, including both wide systems whose stellar components evolve like single stars and − more interesting in the context of close binary evolution − PCEBs. Aims. We pursue a large-scale follow-up survey to identify and characterise the PCEBs among the WDMS binaries that have been found with SDSS. We use a two-step strategy with the identification of PCEBs among WDMS binaries in the first phase and orbital period determinations in the second phase. Here we present first results of our ESO-VLT/FORS2 pilot study that targets the identification of the PCEBs among the fainter (g >∼18.5) SDSSWDMS binaries. Methods. From published SDSS catalogues we selected 26 WDMS binaries to be observed with ESO-VLT/FORS2 in service mode. The design of the observations was to get two spectra per object separated by at least one night.We used the Na I λλ 8183.27, 8194.81 doublet to measure radial velocity variations of our targets and a spectral decomposition/fitting technique to determine the white dwarf effective temperatures and surface gravities, masses, and secondary star spectral types for all WDMS binaries in our sample. Results. Among the 26 observed WDMS binaries, we find 9 strong PCEB candidates showing clear (≥3σ) radial velocity variations, and we estimate the fraction of PCEBs among SDSS WDMS binaries to be ∼35 ± 12%. We find indications of a dependence of the relative number of PCEBs among SDSSWDMS binaries on the spectral type of the secondary star. These results are subject to small number statistics and need to be confirmed by additional observations. Using Magellan-Clay/LDSS3, we measured the orbital periods of two PCEB candidates, SDSS J1047+0523 and SDSS J1414–0132, to be 9.17 h and 17.48 h, respectively. Conclusions. This pilot study demonstrates that our survey is highly efficient in identifying PCEBs among the SDSSWDMS binaries, and it will indeed provide the observational parameters that are needed to constrain the theoretical models of close binary evolution

    The line parameters and ratios as the physical probe of the line emitting regions in AGN

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    Here we discuss the physical conditions in the emission line regions (ELR) of active galactic nuclei (AGN), with the special emphasize on the unresolved problems, e.g. the stratification of the Broad Line Region (BLR) or the failure of the photoionization to explain the strong observed optical Fe II emission. We use here different line fluxes in order to probe the properties of the ELR, such as the hydrogen Balmer lines (Ha to He), the helium lines from two subsequent ionization levels (He II 4686 and He I 5876) and the strongest Fe II lines in the wavelength interval 4400-5400 \AA. We found that the hydrogen Balmer and helium lines can be used for the estimates of the physical parameters of the BLR, and we show that the Fe II emission is mostly emitted from an intermediate line region (ILR), that is located further away from the central continuum source than the BLR.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, New Astronomy Reviews (Proceeding of 7th SCSLSA), in pres

    Cosmic Reionisation by Stellar Sources: Population II Stars

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    We study the reionisation of the Universe by stellar sources using a numerical approach that combines fast 3D radiative transfer calculations with high resolution hydrodynamical simulations. Ionising fluxes for the sources are derived from intrinsic star formation rates computed in the underlying hydrodynamical simulations. Our mass resolution limit for sources is M~ 4.0 x 10^7 h^-1 M_sol, which is roughly an order of magnitude smaller than in previous studies of this kind. Our calculations reveal that the reionisation process is sensitive to the inclusion of dim sources with masses below ~10^9 h^-1 M_sol. We present the results of our reionisation simulation assuming a range of escape fractions for ionising photons and make statistical comparisons with observational constraints on the neutral fraction of hydrogen at z~6 derived from the z=6.28 SDSS quasar of Becker and coworkers. Our best fitting model has an escape fraction of ~20% and causes reionisation to occur by z~8, although the IGM remains fairly opaque until z~6. In order to simultaneously match the observations from the z=6.28 SDSS quasar and the optical depth measurement from WMAP with the sources modeled here, we require an evolving escape fraction that rises from f_esc=0.20 near z~6 to f_esc>~10 at z~18.Comment: 42 pages, 13 figure

    Comparing simulations of ionisation triggered star formation and observations in RCW 120

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    Massive clumps within the swept-up shells of bubbles, like that surrounding the galactic HII region RCW 120, have been interpreted in terms of the Collect and Collapse (C&C) mechanism for triggered star formation. The cold, dusty clumps surrounding RCW 120 are arranged in an almost spherical shell and harbour many young stellar objects. By performing high-resolution, three-dimensional SPH simulations of HII regions expanding into fractal molecular clouds, we investigate whether the formation of massive clumps in dense, swept-up shells necessarily requires the C&C mechanism. In a second step, we use RADMC-3D to compute the synthetic dust continuum emission from our simulations, in order to compare them with observations of RCW 120 made with APEX-LABOCA at 870 micron. We show that a distribution of clumps similar to the one seen in RCW 120 can readily be explained by a non-uniform initial molecular cloud structure. Hence, a shell-like configuration of massive clumps does not imply that the C&C mechanism is at work. Rather, we find a hybrid form of triggering, which combines elements of C&C and Radiatively Driven Implosion (RDI). In addition, we investigate the reliability of deriving clump masses from their 870 micron emission. We find that for clumps with more than 100 M_sun the observational estimates are accurate to within a factor of two and that, even at these long wavelengths, it is important to account for the radiative heating from triggered, embedded protostars.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Spatially resolved spectroscopy of Coma cluster early-type galaxies - II:the minor axis dataset

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    We present minor axis, off set major axis and one diagonal long slit spectra for 10 E and S0 galaxies of the Coma cluster drawn from a magnitude-limited sample studied before. We derive rotation curves, velocity dispersion profiles and the H-3 and H-4 coefficients of the Hermite decomposition of the line of sight velocity distribution. Moreover, we derive the line index profiles of Mg, Fe and Hbeta line indices and assess their errors. The data will be used to construct dynamical models of the galaxies and study their stellar populations

    HI ``Tails'' from Cometary Globules in IC1396

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    IC 1396 is a relatively nearby (750 pc), large (>2 deg), HII region ionized by a single O6.5V star and containing bright-rimmed cometary globules. We have made the first arcmin resolution images of atomic hydrogen toward IC 1396, and have found remarkable ``tail''-like structures associated with some of the globules and extending up to 6.5 pc radially away from the central ionizing star. These HI ``tails'' may be material which has been ablated from the globule through ionization and/or photodissociation and then accelerated away from the globule by the stellar wind, but which has since drifted into the ``shadow'' of the globules. This report presents the first results of the Galactic Plane Survey Project recently begun by the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory.Comment: 11 pages, 5 postscript figures, uses aaspp4.sty macros, submitted in uuencoded gzipped tar format, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters, colour figures available at http://www.drao.nrc.ca/~schieven/news_sep95/ic1396.htm