1,144 research outputs found

    Analisis Implementasi Standar Pelayanan Minimal Bidang Kesehatan Kabupaten/kota

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    Ministry of Health has set a Health Minimum Service Standards (HMSS) for District/City by Minister of Health Decree No. 741/Menkes/Per/VII/2008, which consist of 18 indicators. After three years of implementation, an analysis of the HMSS implementation has conducted. Using a cross-sectional study design, site selection is done purposively to represent Eastern, Central, and Western part of Indonesia. There were nine districts/cities of 9 provinces selected. The analysis showed that problems in the implementation of HMSS are: some indicators do not meet the SMART criteria, inconsistency between the title of indicators, operational definitions and formulas, wide gap in the coverage both within the district at different times and among districts/cities. Differences also occur at the operational level, including dissemination of HMSS, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation. It is recommended that the Ministry of Health should provide sufficient training, proper socialization of HMSS, set up a special unit to monitor and facilitate the implementation of HMSS. The existing MSS should be revised, no longer focusing on the achievement of the program but rather based on a form of health care provided. In addition, revision is necessary to gain consistency between definitions, operational definitions and formulas of HMSS indicators

    Determinan Kejadian Komplikasi Persalinan Di Indonesia (Analisis Data Sekunder Survei Demografi Dan Kesehatan Indonesia Tahun 2007)

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    Analisis data sekunder SDKI 2007 guna mengidentifikasi determinan kejadian komplikasi persalinan di Indonesia. Sampel adalah wanita usia 15-49 tahun yang melahirkan anak 5 tahun terakhir sebelum survei dalam hal ini yang dianalisis adalah kelahiran anak terakhir yaitu sebesar 15.334. Variabel dependen adalah kejadian komplikasi persalinan. Diketahui bahwa proporsi kejadian komplikasi persalinan di Indonesia antara kurun waktu tahun 2002-2007 sebanyak 43,7%. Hasil determinan kejadian komplikasi persalinan adalah paritas 1/≥4 anak, adanya komplikasi kehamilan, adanya riwayat komplikasi persalinan dahulu, adanya masalah dalam mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan, kunjungan minimal pemeriksaan antenatal, dan penolong persalinan tenaga kesehatan dan tempat persalinan. Dan faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kejadian komplikasi persalinan adalah riwayat komplikasi persalinan dahulu dengan odds ratio 5,52. Diharapkan adanya kerjasama semua pihak dalam menurunkan angka komplikasi persalinan ini antara pemegang program pusat, daerah dan puskesmas dengan perencanaan program antenatal care terpadu yang merupakan bagian dari pelayanan antenatal guna mendeteksi secara dini kehamilan risiko tinggi dan tanda-tanda komplikasi kehamilan dan mencegah komplikasi persalinan dan nifas

    Determinan Upaya Pengobatan Tuberkulosis Pada Anak Di Bawah Umur 15 Tahun

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    One of the WHO\u27s step of TB strategy reflects the importance of the need to improve care for children with TB. However, children with TB often are neglected to cure, even in the countries with high TB incidence. Around 20 percent children estimated with TB, caused by the spreading of adult TB, and many of them without specific symptom as adult. The aim of this study is to get information about the relation between demography, socio-economic, environmental factors, vaccination status, and contact with adult TB patient, and TB treatment practice of children aged <15 years. The sample was a cross-sectional data of TB Prevalence Survey 2004 and Susenas 2004, which had been merged. The method of analysis was multivariate. The result showed that the significant variable were Sumatera region, household expenditure, BCG scars, and contact with TB patients with log-likelihood < 0.05 (p=0.000). Final model for determinant factors of TB treatment practice for children aged < 15 years were children contact with adult TB patient in the household that had risk of 1.9 times (CI 95%: 1.26-2.89) and place of living classification (Sumatera region) that had risk of 2.6 times (CI 95%: 1.65-4.01). To handle child TB cases and their treatment, there are some actions could be applied, namely: to cure every adult TB until recovery, to conduct active case finding, to educate TB patients and their family to be discipline in taking the drug, to support financial transportation to go to health facility for TB patient in poor family, and to prevent from drop out by supervising them closely

    Flexible generation of correlated photon pairs in different frequency ranges

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    The feasibility to generate correlated photon pairs at variable frequencies is investigated. For this purpose, we consider the interaction of an off-resonant laser field with a two-level system possessing broken inversion symmetry. We show that the system generates non-classical photon pairs exhibiting strong intensity-intensity correlations. The intensity of the applied laser tunes the degree of correlation while the detuning controls the frequency of one of the photons which can be in the THz-domain. Furthermore, we observe the violation of a Cauchy-Schwarz inequality characterizing these photons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Gambaran Penyebab Kematian Di Kabupaten Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Tahun 2011 (Description of Causes of Death in Gowa District South Sulawesi Province in 2011)

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    Background: Research of mortality was essential to provide basic information on the status of population health. Indonesia does not have a standart role for recording and reporting cause of death for every case that occurs in hospital or at home. Objective: determinan cause of death in MCCD in Gowa regency in 2011. Methods: Training and socialitation to medical doctors in every hospital how to fill the Information and Cause of Death Form ICD-10. The source information to fill MCCD was medical record and autopsi verbal questionnaire. Autopsi verbal was collected by nurse and paramedics then the doctors was resumed and cause of death code in MCCD. The analyses data was underlying causes of death based on ICD 10. Results: There are 2.813 mortality in Gowa regency in 2011 year. The place of mortality most at home (87,6%) and 12,4% only in health facility. The mortality was rised by increasing of age. The most of mortality by age group is + 65 years (47,2%). The main of base on 6 groups cause of death in Gowa regency is non communicable deseases (54,1%). There are transition of epidemiology cause of death in Gowa regency from communicable disease to non communicable disease. The main casue of death is stroke (13,6%). Conclusions: Recording and reporting system on UCoD in Gowa regency is developed but not optimal, because the result was still underestimate of mortality rate. The most mortality by sex is man and by place of death is at home. The main cause of death in Gowa regency is stroke. Recommendations: need to increase non-communicable disease control programs, especially stroke to reduce deaths from stroke

    Pemanfaatan Completeness Sebagai Koreksi Angka Kematian Hasil Registrasi Kematian Dan Sp-2010

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    Angka kematian merupakan indikator yang sensitif untuk menilai keberhasilan program kesehatan. Angka ini didapat dari berbagai sumber data termasuk dari survei, registrasi, dan sensus penduduk, namun umumnya perhitungan secara langsung tersebut akan mendapatkan angka kematian yang under reported, untuk itu perlu dilakukan koreksi. Completeness dapat menjadi angka koreksi yang merupakan perhitungan dari dua metode pengumpulan data yang saling independen, dalam hal ini registrasi dan sensus penduduk. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data registrasi kematian di empat daerah yaitu Kota Metro, Surakarta, Kabupaten Pekalongan, dan Gorontalo, yang kemudian dilakukan pula matching dengan Sensus Penduduk 2010 untuk mendapatkan completeness. Diketahui bahwa completeness dari sistem registrasi kematian di empat daerah tersebut bervariasi, untuk Kota Metro 66% sehingga angka kematian harus dikoreksi dengan 1,5, Kota Surakarta 74% (koreksi 1,35), Kabupaten Pekalongan 40% (koreksi 2,5) dan Kabupaten Gorontalo sebesar 53% (koreksi 1,9). Pada kelompok umur 50 tahun ke atas nilai completeness semakin tinggi, yang berarti sistem pelaporan dan pencatatan kematian lebih baik dari kelompok umur yang lain. Penggunaan angka koreksi dalam melakukan kajian angka kematian masih perlu dilakukan, upaya lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan pula pada kajian angka kematian karena sebab yang spesifik