55 research outputs found

    A comprehensive approach to transdermal drug delivery through the skin: Ibuprofen derivatives in semi-solid formulations

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    Abstract. This article presents a comprehensive study on the formulation and evaluation of pharmaceutical emulsions for topical drug delivery. The research focused on emulsions containing ibuprofen and its derivatives (sodium and L-lysine propyl ester salts), investigating their solubility, consistency, stability, and skin permeation. The study offers valuable insights into the development of effective pharmaceutical products. Background. Transdermal and topical drug delivery is a promising approach for the treatment of various medical conditions. Pharmaceutical emulsions provide an ideal platform for delivering active substances through the skin. The selection of emulsion ingredients, consistency, and stability play a critical role in determining the suitability of these formulations. Aim of the study. The primary aim of this study was to formulate and evaluate pharmaceutical emulsions containing ibuprofen and other active substances. Key objectives included assessing solubility, consistency, stability, and skin permeation characteristics of the emulsions. The study aimed to provide insights into the development of effective topical drug delivery systems. Material and methods. Solubility tests were conducted to select suitable emulsion ingredients. Various emulsions were prepared with different water-to-oil phase ratios. Rheology modifiers were added to enhance consistency. Quality control assessments were performed, including uniformity, consistency, stability, density, viscosity, and particle size analysis. The release of active substances from the formulations and their penetration and accumulation in the skin were determined. Results. The results revealed variations in viscosity, consistency, and stability among different formulations. Emulsion-based preparations demonstrated the highest accumulation of active substances in the skin, with formulation F1 (5294.617 μg/g skin) exhibiting the most promising results. The highest release of ibuprofen was observed from the formulation based on Celugel with the addition of [LysOPr][IBU] (F6) - approximately 7750 μg IBU/cm2, and the highest penetration of the active substance was obtained for the emulsion with the addition of IBU∙Na (F2) - 3300 μg IBU/cm2 after 24 hours of testing. Conclusion. This comprehensive study on pharmaceutical emulsions for topical drug delivery provides critical insights into the formulation and evaluation of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. The findings highlight the importance of ingredient selection, consistency, and stability in the development of effective emulsion-based formulations. Furthermore, the study suggests that emulsion-based preparations have potential for topical applications, especially for more hydrophilic active substances. Future research can build on these results to enhance drug delivery systems and improve patient outcomes

    Chemical and structural changes of pretreated empty fruit bunch (EFB) in ionic liquid-cellulase compatible system for fermentability to bioethanol

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    The pretreatment of empty fruit bunch (EFB) was conducted using an integrated system of IL and cellulases (IL-E), with simultaneous fermentation in one vessel. The cellulase mixture (PKC-Cel) was derived from Trichoderma reesei by solid-state fermentation. Choline acetate [Cho]OAc was utilized for the pretreatment due to its biocompatibility and biodegradability. The treated EFB and its hydrolysate were characterized by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and chemical analysis. The results showed that there were significant structural changes in EFB after the treatment in IL-E system. The sugar yield after enzymatic hydrolysis by the PKC-Cel was increased from 0.058 g/g of EFB in the crude sample (untreated) to 0.283 and 0.62 ± 06 g/g in IL-E system after 24 and 48 h of treatment, respectively. The EFB hydrolysate showed the eligibility for ethanol production without any supplements where ethanol yield was 0.275 g ethanol/g EFB in the presence of the IL, while lower yield obtained without IL-pretreatment. Moreover, it was demonstrated that furfural and phenolic compounds were not at the level of suppressing the fermentation process

    Forecasting of moving out inhabitantsand various activities from their spaces

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    W artykule ukazano symulacje rozkładu przestrzennego procesu opuszczania miejsc dotąd zajmowanych przez mieszkańców i przedsiębiorstwa w miastach. Opisano sposób wykorzystania do tego celu modelu ORION. Przedstawione są symulacje z użyciem tego modelu dla Łodzi oraz rozważania dotyczące związku opuszczania zajmowanych miejsc z procesem kurczenia się miasta.Simulations of the spatial model of the distribution process of moving out of inhabitants and various activities from their spaces in the cities by means of the ORION model are presented. Also presented are simulations for city of Łódź and are delineated, also presented are deliberations on the relation between movement out of inhabitants from their places and the process of the city shrinking

    Developer obligations – land for public purposes in selected countries

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    Paper presents a comparison of instruments to oblige developers to free transfer land for public infrastructure in Canada, USA, Australia, Germany, and Poland in following dimensions: form, procedure, and an extent of obligations, documents defining obligations, public objects included in obligations, and utilization of exacted land. Compared instruments were evaluated according to their: simplicity, operability, and transparency as well as their role for creation of high quality urban tissue, equality of developers before the law, and complexity of urban transformations

    Czynniki skuteczności w ochronie krajobrazu kulturowego – park kulturowy „Stare Miasto” we Wrocławiu

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    After four years from funding of The Cultural park “Old Town” in Wrocław, before elaboration of required by law plan of protection for it, basing on large experience from time of its functioning, three factors of its effectiveness in cultural midtown landscape protection are examined: quality of construction of selected bans and limitations binding in the Park, ability of teams responsible for implementation, and kinds of procedures being applied in the park.Po czterech latach od utworzenia Parku kulturowego „Stare Miasto” we Wrocławiu, a przed opracowaniem wymaganego prawem planu ochrony dla niego, na podstawie bogatych doświadczeń z okresu jego działania, poddane są analizie trzy czynniki jego skuteczności w zakresie ochrony śródmiejskiego krajobrazu kulturowego: jakość konstrukcji obowiązujących w Parku zakazów i ograniczeń, kompetencji zespołu wdrażającego te regulacje oraz rodzaje stosowanych w nim procedur

    Principles of Sustainable Spatial Development

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    Studies on thermal stability of amino acid ionic liquids

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    Porównano stabilność termiczną soli zbudowanych z aminokwasowego anionu i różnych organicznych kationów. Badania obejmowały ciecze jonowe z kationem: tetrabutyloamoniowym (TBA), tributylometyloamoniowym (tBMA), didecylodimetyloamoniowym (DDA), benzalkoniowym (BA), 2-hydroksyetylotrimetyloamoniowym (Chol) i 1-etylo-3-metyloimidazoliowym (EMIM). Zbadano wpływ kationu na stabilność termiczną dla cieczy z anionem L-leucynianowym, natomiast wpływ budowy aminokwasowego anionu określono dla soli z kationem benzalkoniowym. Dla analizowanych związków, na podstawie analizy termograwimetrycznej (krzywych TG i DTG), wyznaczono temperatury początku rozkładu, temperatury 50% ubytku masy oraz temperatury najszybszego rozkładu związku. Wykazano, że badane aminokwasowe ciecze jonowe mogą być bezpiecznie stosowane do temperatury ok. 140°C. Najwyższą stabilność termiczną wykazywał L-leucynian 1-etylo-3-metyloimidazoliowy. Badania pokazały, że zdecydowanie większy wpływ na stabilność termiczną ma rodzaj kationu. Wykazano ponadto, że pochodne aminokwasów, zawierających w łańcuchu bocznym ugrupowania aromatyczne – indolu (Trp) lub fenolu (Tyr), są termicznie najtrwalsze.We compared the thermal stability of the salt composed of amino acid anions and various organic cations. Studies included cations such as: tetrabutylammonium (TBA), tributylmethylammonium (tBMA), didecylodimethylammonium (DDA), benzalkonium (BA), (2-hydroxyethyl)trimethylammonium (choline) (Chol) and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (EMIM). We investigated the influence of the cation on the thermal stability of the ionic liquid with L-leucine anion, and the impact of the anion in amino acids ionic liquids with benzalkonium cation. Based on thermogravimetric analysis (TG curves and DTG curves) we determined initial decomposition temperatures, 50% weight loss temperatures and the fastest decomposition temperatures. It has been shown that the amino acid ionic liquids can be safely applied to a temperature of approximately 140°C. The compound with the highest decomposition temperature is 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium L-leucinate. Studies showed that type of cation affects on the thermal stability. It was also demonstrated that amino acid derivatives containing the aromatic moieties – indole (in Trp) or phenol (in Tyr), reveal the highest thermally stability

    Poland: Ban on conditioning the land-use plan to developer obligations diminishes their effectiveness

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