413 research outputs found

    Epizoic acoelomorph flatworms compete with their coral host for zooplankton

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    Satisfying nutrient requirement of corals is still a major constraint for maintaining corals in marine aquariums. Corals are polytrophic in nature. Heterotrophic feeding on zooplankton is one of the corals’ strategies to overcome nutrient deficiency. Artemia salina nauplii are commonly used as biocarriers for many fish larvae in aquaculture and can also serve as a biocarrier for coral in aquariums, provided coral acceptability, optimal feeding rate, and digestibility of the nauplii are well understood. Feeding rate and digestibility of coral fed on A. salina nauplii at 100, 2,000, 4,000, 6,000, and 10,000 ind. l-1 under light and dark conditions was assessed in this study. The maximum feeding rates of Galaxea fascicularis under light and dark conditions was 113.6 ind. polyp-1 h-1 and 76.9 ind. polyp-1 h-1, respectively. The daily feeding rates of G. fascicularis varies and depends on nauplii density. Light plays an important role in coral feeding. Nevertheless, the quantity of A. salina nauplii consumed by the coral under light and dark conditions was not significantly different (P > 0.05). A. salina nauplii are well accepted by G. fascicularis. Complete nauplii digestion was observed after 180 min. Digestibility of A. salina nauplii by G. fascicularis was positively correlated with digestion time

    Modification of light utilization for skeletal growth by water flow in the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis

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    In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the importance of water flow for skeletal growth (rate) becomes higher with increasing irradiance levels (i.e. a synergistic effect) and that such effect is mediated by a water flow modulated effect on net photosynthesis. Four series of nine nubbins of G. fascicularis were grown at either high (600 µE m-2 s-1) or intermediate (300 µE m-2 s-1) irradiance in combination with either high (15–25 cm s-1) or low (5–10 cm s-1) flow. Growth was measured as buoyant weight and surface area. Photosynthetic rates were measured at each coral’s specific experimental irradiance and flow speed. Additionally, the instantaneous effect of water flow on net photosynthetic rate was determined in short-term incubations in a respirometric flowcell. A significant interaction was found between irradiance and water flow for the increase in buoyant weight, the increase in surface area, and specific skeletal growth rate, indicating that flow velocity becomes more important for coral growth with increasing irradiance levels. Enhancement of coral growth with increasing water flow can be explained by increased net photosynthetic rates. Additionally, the need for costly photo-protective mechanisms at low flow regimes could explain the differences in growth with flow

    Sponge Aquaculture Trials in the East-Mediterranean Sea: New Approaches to Earlier Ideas

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    Aquaculture trials were conducted in the East Aegean Sea with Dysidea avara and Chondrosia reniformis to test the possibility of growing these sponges in the vicinity of sea-based fish farms. Culturing sponges in the vicinity of fish farms may have two benefits: the sponges may grow faster due to an increased availability of organic food and the pollution caused by the fish farms is remediated by the filtering activities of the sponges. An initial trial was conducted to compare growth of the two sponge species under floating fish cages to growth in a natural, pristine environment. Explants of D. avara were grown suspended on nylon threads, explants of C. reniformis were grown in cages constructed of stainless steel. After being one year in culture, nearly 100% of all explants of D. avara survived. Growth was highest underneath the fish cages, but growth rates were low compared to earlier studies. For C. reniformis survival at the pristine site was 100%, and growth was estimated at 800% per year. All explants cultured underneath the fish cages died due to smothering with sediment. After the initial trial, a new, cost-saving and growth promoting method for D. avara was tested at the fish farm location. Explants were grown on PVC pins that were mounted into a metal frame. Growth of the sponges on the pins was eight times faster than that of sponges growing on threads. We conclude that culturing D. avara under floating fish cages is feasible when using the new methodolog

    Determination of prey capture rates in the stony coral Galaxea fascicularis: a critical reconsideration of the clearance rate concept

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    In order to determine optimal feeding regimes for captive corals, prey capture by the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis was determined by measuring clearance of prey items from the surrounding water. Colonies of G. fascicularis (sized between 200 and 400 polyps) were incubated in 1300 ml incubation chambers. Nauplii of the brine shrimp Artemia sp. were used as the prey item. A series of incubation experiments was conducted to determine the maximal capture per feeding event and per day. To determine maximal capture per feeding event, total uptake of nauplii after one hour was determined for different prey item availabilities ranging from 50 to 4000 nauplii per polyp. To determine maximal capture per day, the corals were subjected to four repetitive feeding events at three different prey item densities (50, 100 and 150 nauplii per polyp). Alongside these quantitative experiments, it was tested to what extent the feeding response of corals is triggered by chemical cues. One hour after food addition, extract of Artemia nauplii was added to the incubation chambers to test its effect on subsequent prey capture rates. In all experiments, prey capture was expressed as the number of nauplii consumed per coral polyp. Total capture of Artemia nauplii by G. fascicularis after a single feeding event increased linearly up till a prey item availability of 2000 nauplii per polyp. Maximal capture per feeding event was estimated at 1200 nauplii per polyp, which is higher than rates reported in previous studies. It became apparent that at high densities of Artemia nauplii, the clearance rate method does not discriminate between active capture and passive sedimentation. Repetitive feeding with 50 nauplii per polyp resulted in a constant total prey capture per feeding event. At a supply of 100 nauplii per polyp, total capture decreased after the first feeding event, and remained constant during the subsequent feeding events at a level comparable to the lower food availability. However, at a supply of 150 nauplii per polyp, total capture per event was higher throughout the entire four-hour incubation period, which obfuscates an accurate estimation of the maximal daily food uptake. In all incubations, a decrease in capture efficiency was observed within the course of the feeding event. In all repetitive feeding experiments, capture efficiency increased immediately upon addition of a new batch of food. This increase in efficiency was not caused by a priming effect of extract of Artemia. The inconsistencies in the data show that estimates of prey capture based on clearance rates should be interpreted with caution, because this method does not take into account potential dynamics of prey capture and release

    Light intensity, photoperiod duration, daily light flux and coral growth of Galaxea fascicularis in an aquarium setting: a matter of photons?

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    Light is one of the most important abiotic factors influencing the (skeletal) growth of scleractinian corals. Light stimulates coral growth by the process of light-enhanced calcification, which is mediated by zooxanthellar photosynthesis. However, the quantity of light that is available for daily coral growth is not only determined by light intensity (i.e. irradiance), but also by photoperiod (i.e. the light duration time). Understanding and optimizing conditions for coral growth is essential for sustainable coral aquaculture. Therefore, in this study, the question was explored whether more light (i.e. more photons), presented either as irradiance or as light duration, would result in more growth. A series of nine genetically identical coral colonies of Galaxea fascicularis L. were cultured for a period of 18 weeks at different light duration times (8 hours 150 µE m-2 s-1:16 hours dark, 12 hours 150 µE m-2 s-1:12 hours dark, 16 hours 150 µE m-2 s-1:8 hours dark, 24 hours 150 µE m-2 s-1:0 hours dark) and different irradiance levels (8 hours 150 µE m-2 s-1:16 hours dark, 8 hours 225 µE m-2 s-1:16 hours dark and 8 hours 300 µE m-2 s-1:16 hours dark). Growth was determined every two weeks by measuring buoyant weight. Temperature, salinity and feeding levels were kept constant during the experiment. To detect possible acclimation of the corals to an increased light duration, rates of net photosynthesis and dark respiration were measured, hereby comparing coral colonies grown under an 8:16 hours light (150 µE m-2 s-1):dark cycle with corals grown under a 16:8 hours light (150 µE m-2 s-1):dark cycle. No increase in growth was detected with either increasing photoperiod or irradiance. Continuous lighting (24 hours 150 µE m-2 s-1:0 hours dark) resulted in immediate bleaching and the corals died after 14 weeks. Hourly photosynthetic rates were significantly reduced in the 16 hour light treatment compared to the 8 hour light treatment. As a result, daily net photosynthetic rates were not significantly different, which may explain the observed specific growth rates. Acclimation to photoperiod duration appeared neither to be mediated by changes in chlorophyll-a concentration nor zooxanthellae density. Based on the results of this study, we can conclude that the enhancing effect of light on coral growth is not only a matter of photons. Obviously, the availability of light was not limiting growth in these experiments and was probably in excess (i.e. stressful amounts). Other factors are discussed that play a role in determining growth rates and might explain our results

    Oxygen dynamics in choanosomal sponge explants

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    Oxygen microprofiles were measured over the boundary layer and into the tissue of 10-day-old cultivated tissue fragments (explants of 2–4 cm3) from the choanosome of the cold-water sponge Geodia barretti with oxygen-sensitive Clark-type microelectrodes. At this time of cultivation, the surface tissue and the aquiferous system of the explants is regenerating, which makes oxygen and nutrient supply by pumping activity impossible. Oxygen profiles showed a parabolic shape, indicating oxygen flux over a diffusive boundary layer and into the tissue. Oxygen was always depleted only 1 mm below the sponge surface, leaving the major part of the explants anoxic. Diffusive oxygen flux into the explant was calculated from three oxygen profiles using Fick's first law of diffusion and revealed 9 μmol O2 cm−3 day−1, which is in the lower range of in situ oxygen consumption of whole sponges. The ability of G. barretti to handle continuous tissue anoxia enables choanosomal explants to survive the critical first weeks of cultivation without a functional aquiferous system, when oxygen is supplied to the sponge explant by molecular diffusion over its surface