9 research outputs found

    Verification of Operating Point of Hydrodynamic Pump

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    Import 02/11/2016Cílem této bakalářská práce je přiblížit problematiku ověřování pracovního bodu hydrodynamického čerpadla dle příslušné normy: Hydrodynamická čerpadla – Přejímací zkoušky výkonových parametrů – Stupně přesnosti 1, 2 a 3 pod označením ČSN ISO 9906:2012. První část je zaměřena na dopravu kapalin a na energetickou bilanci v obecném čerpacím systému. Dále přiblížíme čerpadla a zaměříme se více na čerpadla hydrodynamická. V poslední kapitole ověříme dle naměřených parametrů skutečného hydrodynamického čerpadla, zda leží jeho provozní bod v garantovaném pásmu.The bachelor thesis deals with verification of operating point of dynamic pump according to standard: Rotodynamics pumps – hydraulic performance acceptance tests – Grades 1, 2 and 3 under a designation CSN ISO 9906:2012. First chapter of thesis is focused on moving of the fluid and next energy balance in the pumping system. Next chapter is focused on pumps and special attention is paid to dynamic pumps. Verification of operating point of dynamic pump is verified by experimental measurement in last chapter. Verification of operation point consist in validation that operating point lay in guarantee area according to standard.338 - Katedra hydromechaniky a hydraulických zařízenívýborn

    Design of Equipment for the Hydraulic Transport of Oil and Oily Clay Suspension

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou hydraulické dopravy suspenzí, konkrétně příkladem hydraulické dopravy olejnaté hlinky, kde nosné médium tvoří slunečnicový olej s vysokou viskozitou a pevnou složkou je olejnatá hlinka. První část práce je s využitím významné světové literatury zaměřená na shrnutí obecné teorie hydraulické dopravy. Dále je přiblíženo obecné sestavení výpočtového modelu hydraulické dopravy, zaměřeného na dopravu pevné fáze s nosným médiem. V poslední kapitole je řešen vytvořený výpočtový model hydraulické dopravy suspenze slunečnicového oleje s olejnatou hlinkou. Pro potřeby práce bylo autorem také provedeno experimentální měření viskozity oleje, hustoty oleje a dalších nezbytných parametrů. Na základě výsledků měření a následných výpočtů jsou navrhnuty jednotlivé hlavní části dopravního zařízení.This master’s thesis deals with a hydraulic slurry transportation problem, where a high viscosity sunflower oil is a carrying liquid and an oil clay is a solid phase. The first part of the thesis is focused on the general theory of hydraulic transportation problem, author used a significant world literature data. In addition, a general model of the computational modelling of the hydraulic slurry transport is created. In the last part, the created mathematical model of hydraulic slurry transportation of sunflower oil and oil clay is solved. The experimental measurement of oil viscosity, oil density and other necessary parameters was also performed by the author. Based on the results of measurements and subsequent calculations, individual main parts of the transportation equipment are designed.338 - Katedra hydromechaniky a hydraulických zařízenívýborn

    Cutting Force When Machining Hardened Steel and the Surface Roughness Achieved

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    This article deals primarily with the problem of determining the cutting force when machining hardened steels. For this study, the steel used was 100 Cr6, number 1.3505. The secondary aspects of the study focused on the evaluation of the surface quality of machined samples and the recommendation of cutting conditions. A wide variety of components are used in engineering, the final heat treatment of which is hardening. These components are usually critical in a particular product. The quality of these components determines the correct functioning of the entire body of technical equipment, and ultimately, its service life. In our study, these are the core parts of thrust bearings, specifically the rolling elements. The subject of this experiment involves machining these components in the hardened state with cubic boron nitride tools and the continuous measurement of the cutting force using a dynamometer. The machining is carried out on a conventional lathe. A total of 12 combinations of cutting conditions were set. Specifically, for three cutting speeds of 130, 155 and 180 m·min1, the feed rates of 0.05 and 0.1 mm·rev1 and the cutting widths of 0.2 and 0.35 mm, were evaluated The evaluation assessed the surface quality by both touch and non-touch methods. A structural equation with the appropriate constants and exponents was then constructed from the data obtained using the dynamometer. The experiment confirmed the potential of achieving a value of the average arithmetic profile deviation Ra in the range of 0.3–0.4 when turning hardened steels with cubic boron nitride

    Ekonomická efektivnost vinařských podniků při různém zajištění zpracovávané suroviny

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    The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate economically the efficiency of wine grape acquiring possibilities together with the presentation of a suitable proposal for the wine grape acquiring in view of the findings. The diploma thesis has two basic parts. The literary research introduces the problems of winery and viticulture with a focus on the issue of obtaining raw materials for wine production. The actual work consists of quantification of capital expenditures and operating costs associated with grape acquiring and harvesting. In connection with the above objective, the costs, the return on investment, the net present value of the investment, and the internal rate of return to the differ-ent possibilities of wine grape acquiring are also evaluated. Part of the thesis is also a preview of the impacts of the individual wine grape acquiring possibilities on the liquidity of the wine producer

    Finanční dopady pojistných podvodů na komerční pojišťovnu

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    The aim of this bachelor thesis is to propose measures, that conserve funds of the selected commercial insurance company in connection with insurance frauds. These measures are based on the analysis of insurance frauds development in the selected commercial insurance company and insurance market as well as on informations about fraud management of the selected commercial insurance com-pany. This bachelor thesis contains two main parts. The literature review introduces economy of commercial insurance companies and insurance fraud issues. Own work consists of the analysis, assessing the effectiveness of measures in relation to saved value and proposed measures. Own work ends with discussion of results

    Optimization Of A Shape Grinding With Increased Demands On Quality Of Machined Surface

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    Abstract The article discusses the issue of finish turning of hardened materials in the production of bearing ring

    Small protein blockers of human IL-6 receptor alpha inhibit proliferation and migration of cancer cells

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    Abstract Background Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a multifunctional cytokine that controls the immune response, and its role has been described in the development of autoimmune diseases. Signaling via its cognate IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) complex is critical in tumor progression and, therefore, IL-6R represents an important therapeutic target. Methods An albumin-binding domain-derived highly complex combinatorial library was used to select IL-6R alpha (IL-6Rα)-targeted small protein binders using ribosome display. Large-scale screening of bacterial lysates of individual clones was performed using ELISA, and their IL-6Rα blocking potential was verified by competition ELISA. The binding of proteins to cells was monitored by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy on HEK293T-transfected cells, and inhibition of signaling function was examined using HEK-Blue IL-6 reporter cells. Protein binding kinetics to living cells was measured by LigandTracer, cell proliferation and toxicity by iCELLigence and Incucyte, cell migration by the scratch wound healing assay, and prediction of binding poses using molecular modeling by docking. Results We demonstrated a collection of protein variants called NEF ligands, selected from an albumin-binding domain scaffold-derived combinatorial library, and showed their binding specificity to human IL-6Rα and antagonistic effect in HEK-Blue IL-6 reporter cells. The three most promising NEF108, NEF163, and NEF172 variants inhibited cell proliferation of malignant melanoma (G361 and A2058) and pancreatic (PaTu and MiaPaCa) cancer cells, and suppressed migration of malignant melanoma (A2058), pancreatic carcinoma (PaTu), and glioblastoma (GAMG) cells in vitro. The NEF binders also recognized maturation-induced IL-6Rα expression and interfered with IL-6-induced differentiation in primary human B cells. Conclusion We report on the generation of small protein blockers of human IL-6Rα using directed evolution. NEF proteins represent a promising class of non-toxic anti-tumor agents with migrastatic potential