14 research outputs found

    Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Phytochemicals in Methanolic Extracts of Hurricane Weed ( Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. &Thonn) Plant

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    The phytocomponents of the leaf and root extracts of Phyllanthus amarus (Euphorbiaceae) were studied. The constituents of the leaves and roots were identified and quantified by using GC-MS. Result from the phytochemical analyses showed the presence of saponins, tannins, phenolics, anthocyanins, and glycosides in both leaves and root of the plant. Alkaloids and triterpenoids were, however only absent in the root of P. amarus but present in the leaves of the plant. Flavonoids, coumarins and steroids were absent in the leaves but present in the root part. The mean concentration of the phytochemicals investigated in leaves are 0.73\ub10.01%, 1.85\ub10.03%, 1.12\ub10.01%, 1.80\ub10.01%, 1.59\ub10.50%, 0.13\ub10.10%, and 0.86\ub10.01%, for saponins, tannins, phenolics, anthocyanins, alkaloids, triterpenoids, and glycosides respectively, while the mean concentration of the phytochemicals investigated in roots are 0.91\ub10.01%, 1.53\ub10.03%, 0.70\ub10.01%, 2.97\ub10.10%, 2.47\ub10.03%, 0.62\ub10.01%, 0.90\ub10.01% and 2.02\ub10.10% for saponins, tannins, phenolics, steroids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, glycosides and coumarins respectively. Furthermore, the GC-MS analysis of methanol extracts of the leaves and root of P. amarus revealed the presence of three medicinally important bioactive compounds, which are: 9-Octadecenoic acid which has percentage of abundance of 92.23% and 82.46% in leaves and roots of the plant respectively, followed by n-Hexadecanoic acid and Tetradecanoic acid with their corresponding percentage of abundance of 7.7% and 17.54% for leaves and root. These analytical results suggest the plantto possess a significant role in phyto-medicine. The importance of this plant was discussed in line with the role they play in ethnomedicinal life of the people

    Farmer perceptions and responses to soil degradation in Swaziland

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    Soil degradation is globally concerning due to its adverse effects on the environment and agricultural production. Much of Swaziland is at risk from degradation. This paper assesses farmer perceptions and responses to soil degradation in 2002 and 2014, focusing on two land uses that underpin rural livelihoods: arable land and rangeland areas. It uses repeat household surveys and semi-structured interviews, in two case study chiefdoms in the country’s middleveld (KaBhudla and Engcayini) in the first longitudinal study of its kind. We find that observations of land degradation are perceived mainly through changes in land productivity, with chemical degradation occurring predominantly on arable land and physical degradation and erosion mainly in rangeland areas. Changes in rainfall are particularly important in determining responses. While perceptions of the causes and impacts of degradation largely concur with the scientific literature, responses were constrained by poor land availability, shorter and more unpredictable cropping seasons because of changing rains and low awareness, access to or knowledge of agricultural inputs. We suggest that sustainable arable land management can be enhanced through improved access to alternative sources of water, use of management practices that retain soil and moisture and greater access to agricultural inputs and capacity building to ensure their appropriate use. We suggest collaborative management for settlement planning that integrates soil conservation and livestock management strategies such as controlled stocking levels and rotational grazing could improve land quality in rangeland areas. Together, these approaches can help land users to better manage change

    Accidental Peno-Scrotal Degloving Injuries in a Child A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Injury to male external genitalia is very rare because of some intrinsic factors like location, strong investing tunica albuginea and cremasteric muscles. However, when it occurs it is considered a urological emergency. Child labour with poor understanding of risks and safety precautions, especially under harsh supervision, surely poses major challenges. This case illustrates degloving injury of the penis and avulsion of the scrotum in a young boy whileoperating a roller type machine used in palm trees plantation. The penis was primarily regloved and avulsed skin primarily repaired. A good cosmetic outcome was observed from this treatment. This case also illustrates theimportance of early presentation and emergency intervention in this condition.Keywords:- Child Labour, Industrial Accident, degloving Peno-scrotal injury, Urological emergenc

    Potential use of forage-legume intercropping technologies to adapt to climate-change impacts on mixed crop-livestock systems in Africa: a review

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    This paper summarizes effects of forage-legume intercropping on grain and fodder yield, land equivalent ratio, residual soil fertility, disease and insect pest reduction in mixed crop-livestock systems in Africa. In particular, it discusses the potential benefit of forage-legume intercropping in improving productivity, resource use efficiency and resilience of the system under climate change, which enhances adaptation to climate change and possibly provides the co-benefit of reducing greenhouse gases in sub-Saharan Africa. Research undertaken in Africa demonstrates that intercropping forage legumes with cereals improves overall yield and soil fertility, and reduces the risk of crop failure owing to rainfall variability, diseases, weeds and pests. When the forage from intercropped legumes is provided to animals it improves the digestibility of poor-quality feed, animal performance and efficiency of roughage feed utilization by ruminants. Additional role that legumes may play include lowering erosion and the loss of organic matter, reducing nitrogen leaching and carbon losses, and promoting carbon sequestration. Nitrogen fixed by legumes is safer than nitrogen from inorganic fertilizers. Despite the many benefits of forage legume intercropping the current adoption rate in sub-Saharan Africa is very low. Future research aimed at selection of compatible varieties, appropriate plant geometry and temporal arrangement of the various intercrops under different locations and management scenarios, as well as minimizing the confounding effects of water, soil, light, microclimate, and seeds could enhance adoption of the technology in Africa.http://link.springer.com/journal/101132018-08-30hb2017Animal and Wildlife SciencesPlant Production and Soil Scienc