5,854 research outputs found

    Stochastic field theory for a Dirac particle propagating in gauge field disorder

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    Recent theoretical and numerical developments show analogies between quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and disordered systems in condensed matter physics. We study the spectral fluctuations of a Dirac particle propagating in a finite four dimensional box in the presence of gauge fields. We construct a model which combines Efetov's approach to disordered systems with the principles of chiral symmetry and QCD. To this end, the gauge fields are replaced with a stochastic white noise potential, the gauge field disorder. Effective supersymmetric non-linear sigma-models are obtained. Spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry is found. We rigorously derive the equivalent of the Thouless energy in QCD. Connections to other low-energy effective theories, in particular the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and chiral perturbation theory, are found.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Moyal Quantum Mechanics: The Semiclassical Heisenberg Dynamics

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    The Moyal--Weyl description of quantum mechanics provides a comprehensive phase space representation of dynamics. The Weyl symbol image of the Heisenberg picture evolution operator is regular in ℏ\hbar. Its semiclassical expansion `coefficients,' acting on symbols that represent observables, are simple, globally defined differential operators constructed in terms of the classical flow. Two methods of constructing this expansion are discussed. The first introduces a cluster-graph expansion for the symbol of an exponentiated operator, which extends Groenewold's formula for the Weyl product of symbols. This Poisson bracket based cluster expansion determines the Jacobi equations for the semiclassical expansion of `quantum trajectories.' Their Green function solutions construct the regular ℏ↓0\hbar\downarrow0 asymptotic series for the Heisenberg--Weyl evolution map. The second method directly substitutes such a series into the Moyal equation of motion and determines the ℏ\hbar coefficients recursively. The Heisenberg--Weyl description of evolution involves no essential singularity in ℏ\hbar, no Hamilton--Jacobi equation to solve for the action, and no multiple trajectories, caustics or Maslov indices.Comment: 50, MANIT-94-0

    Dirac eigenvalues and eigenvectors at finite temperature

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    We investigate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the staggered Dirac operator in the vicinity of the chiral phase transition of quenched SU(3) lattice gauge theory. We consider both the global features of the spectrum and the local correlations. In the chirally symmetric phase, the local correlations in the bulk of the spectrum are still described by random matrix theory, and we investigate the dependence of the bulk Thouless energy on the simulation parameters. At and above the critical point, the properties of the low-lying Dirac eigenvalues depend on the Z3Z_3-phase of the Polyakov loop. In the real phase, they are no longer described by chiral random matrix theory. We also investigate the localization properties of the Dirac eigenvectors in the different Z3Z_3-phases.Comment: Lattice 2000 (Finite Temperature), 5 page

    Adaptive multigrid algorithm for the lattice Wilson-Dirac operator

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    We present an adaptive multigrid solver for application to the non-Hermitian Wilson-Dirac system of QCD. The key components leading to the success of our proposed algorithm are the use of an adaptive projection onto coarse grids that preserves the near null space of the system matrix together with a simplified form of the correction based on the so-called gamma_5-Hermitian symmetry of the Dirac operator. We demonstrate that the algorithm nearly eliminates critical slowing down in the chiral limit and that it has weak dependence on the lattice volume

    The Transition from Heavy Fermion to Mixed Valence in Ce1-xYxAl3: A Quantitative Comparison with the Anderson Impurity Model

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    We present a neutron scattering investigation of Ce1-xYxAl3 as a function of chemical pressure, which induces a transition from heavy-fermion behavior in CeAl3 (TK=5 K) to a mixed-valence state at x=0.5 (TK=150 K). The crossover can be modeled accurately on an absolute intensity scale by an increase in the k-f hybridization, Vkf, within the Anderson impurity model. Surprisingly, the principal effect of the increasing Vkf is not to broaden the low-energy components of the dynamic magnetic susceptibility but to transfer spectral weight to high energy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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