1,347 research outputs found

    Preparation of GaAs₁-ₓPₓ compounds from the melt under controlled vapour pressures

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    Crystalline solid solutions between GaAs and GaP compounds were prepared from the melt under controlled vapour pressures. The experimental results were found to agree with the theoretical formulae derived in order to calculate the pseudo-equilibrium in a heterogeneous system consisting of two parts with different temperatures. It was assumed that all condensed phases would be regular or sub-regular and that the gas phase is ideal. In addition some of the thermodynamic properties of the Ga-As-P ternary system were dicussed. It was confirmed that one can apply the concept of the pseudo-equilibrium to preparation of crystalline solid solutions of III-V compounds containing two volatile components

    Infrared Absorption in Gallium Arsenide-Gallium Phosphide Alloys

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    The infrared absorption has been quantitatively investigated with respect to the shape, the temperature dependence and the carrier concentration dependence of the additional absorption band in the region from 1000 to 4000 cm⁻¹. The experimental method for the determination of the threshold energy was discussed. The present experimental results have given a reasonably clear indication of the difference between the additional absorptions in n-GaAs-rich alloys and ones in n-GaP-rich alloys. Especially, the additional bands in n-GaAs-rich alloys were concluded to occur by a transition of conduction electron from the lowest band minimum to the upper subsidiary one. The dependence of the threshold energy on composition x was found to be expressed as Eₜ=0.29-0.67x (eV). The empirical cross over point occurred at 43 mol% GaP. On the other hand, in n-GaP and GaP-rich alloys, the additional band showed a relatively sharp peak and all the absorption shapes were similar to the previous analysis. The threshold energy was found to depend to a small extent on the composition. The dependence could be illustrated in terms of the composition dependence of the ionization energy

    Mechanical and Superconducting Properties of Multifilamentary Nb₃Sn Composites

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    The interrelation of mechanical and superconducting properties with the microstructure of multifilamentary composites has been investigated. The fracture behaviour changed depending on the growth of the compound layer. When the layer is thin, multiple fracture is observed and the composite can be plastically deformed with a large elongation. On the other hand, when the heat tratment progresses and the layer thickness becomes thicker, the whole composite fractures at once after a small elastic elongation. There exists a critical thickness dividing these two modes, which has been determined theoretically as well as experimentally. The maximum global pinning force can be well described as a function of the inverse grain size of the compound. The strength of the compound is also made clear so as to be expressed as a function of the inverse grain size. Finally, we propose the structure of composites and the conditions of heat treatment to optimize both properties mentioned above

    Electrical and Optical Properties of Te doped GaSb

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    To examine the property of impurity states in n- and p-type GaSb, the crystals were prepared by doping it with Te. The Hall and resistivity measurements were made and, simultaneously, the free carrier absorption was measured. The undoped crystals were always p-type. The perfect compensation was found to occur at the 0.003 at% amount of Te added to the melt. In the p-type GaSb, it was found that the acceptor level, which results from vacancies in Sb sub-lattice site, is located at 0.021 eV. In the n-type GaSb, the donor concentration changed from 0.5 to 10 x10¹⁸cm⁻³ by increasing the Te amount. It was suggested that the acceptor introduced into the n-type crystal corresponds to the deeper acceptor level, which was observed in the highly compensated p-type sample. The concentration of its acceptor was found to be fairly larger than that of the native acceptor

    Gas-Grain Modeling of Isocyanic Acid (HNCO), Cyanic Acid (HOCN), Fulminic Acid (HCNO), and Isofulminic Acid (HONC) in Assorted Interstellar Environments

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    Isocyanic acid (HNCO) is a well-known interstellar molecule. Evidence also exists for the presence of two of its metastable isomers in the interstellar medium: HCNO (fulminic acid) and HOCN (cyanic acid). Fulminic acid has been detected toward cold and lukewarm sources, while cyanic acid has been detected both in these sources and in warm sources in the Galactic Center. Gas-phase models can reproduce the abundances of the isomers in cold sources, but overproduce HCNO in the Galactic Center. Here we present a detailed study of a gas-grain model that contains these three isomers, plus a fourth isomer, isofulminic acid (HONC), for four types of sources: hot cores, the warm envelopes of hot cores, lukewarm corinos, and cold cores. The current model is partially able to rationalize the abundances of HNCO, HOCN, and HCNO in cold and warm sources. Predictions for HONC in all environments are also made

    Inhibitory Effects of Anti-VEGF Antibody on the Growth and Angiogenesis of Estrogen-induced Pituitary Prolactinoma in Fischer 344 Rats: Animal Model of VEGF-targeted Therapy for Human Endocrine Tumors

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    Estrogen-induced pituitary prolactin-producing tumors (PRLoma) in F344 rats express a high level of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) associated with marked angiogenesis and angiectasis. To investigate whether tumor development in E2-induced PRLoma is inhibited by anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody (G6-31), we evaluated tumor growth and observed the vascular structures. With simultaneous treatment with G6-31 for the latter three weeks of the 13-week period of E2 stimulation (E2+G6-31 group), the following inhibitory effects on the PRLoma were observed in the E2+G6-31 group as compared with the E2-only group. In the E2+G6-31 group, a tendency to reduction in pituitary weight was observed and significant differences were observed as (1) reductions in the Ki-67-positive anterior cells, (2) increases in TUNEL-positive anterior cells, and (3) repair of the microvessel count by CD34-immunohistochemistry. The characteristic “blood lakes” in PRLomas were improved and replaced by repaired microvascular structures on 3D observation using confocal laser scanning microscope. These inhibitory effects due to anti-VEGF antibody might be related to the autocrine/paracrine action of VEGF on the tumor cells, because VEGF and its receptor are co-expressed on the tumor cells. Thus, our results demonstrate that anti-VEGF antibody exerted inhibitory effects on pituitary tumorigenesis in well-established E2 induced PRLomas

    Closer look at the matching condition for radiative QCD θ\theta parameter

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    In this paper, we scrutinize a radiatively generated QCD θ\theta parameter at the two-loop level based on both full analytical loop functions with the Fock-Schwinger gauge method and the effective field theory approach, using simplified models. We observe that the radiatively generated θ\theta parameters at the low energy scale precisely match between them. It provides validity to perturbative loop calculations of the QCD θ\theta parameter with the Fock-Schwinger gauge method. Furthermore, it is also shown that the ordinary Fujikawa method for the radiative θ\theta parameter by using θˉ=argdetMqloop\bar\theta = - arg det M_q^{loop} does not cover all contributions in the simplified models. But, we also find that when there is a scale hierarchy in CPCP-violating sector, evaluation of the Fujikawa method is numerically sufficient. As an application, we calculate the radiative θ\theta parameter at the two-loop level in a slightly extended Nelson-Barr model, where the spontaneous CPCP violation occurs to solve the strong CPCP problem. It is found a part of the radiative θ\theta parameters cannot be described by the Fujikawa method.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Muisti ja Arki : Ajankohtaista tietoa muistisairauksista, niiden ennaltaehkäisemisestä sekä arjesta muistisairauden kanssa

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    Suomen väestön ikärakenne muuttuu nopeasti lähivuosikymmeninä. Tilastokeskuksen ennusteiden mukaan yli 75-vuotiaiden määrä kaksinkertaistuisi vuoteen 2030 mennessä, joten muistisairauksien esiintyvyys tulee myös lisääntymään ikääntyvien määrän kasvaessa. Opinnäytetyömme idea sai alkunsa SenioriKaste-hankkeelta, joka toivoi ensitietopäivän järjestämistä Keski-Pohjanmaan alueella muistisairauksiin sairastuneille sekä heidän läheisilleen. Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli järjestää muistisairauksia käsittelevä tilaisuus muistisairauteen sairastuneille sekä heidän läheisilleen. Tilaisuus oli myös avoin kaikille asiasta kiinnostuneille. Opinnäytetyömme tavoitteena oli välittää muistisairauteen sairastuneille ja heidän läheisilleen ajankohtaista tietoa muistisairauksista sekä keinoista, joiden avulla kotona pärjääminen onnistuu mahdollisimman pitkään. Kartoitimme yhteistyökumppaneidemme kautta aiheen tärkeyttä ja tarvetta. Heidän asiakkailtaan saadun palautteen perusteella varmistuimme tilaisuuden järjestämisen tärkeydestä ja tiedon tarpeellisuudesta. Opinnäytetyömme toteutui toiminnallisena projektityönä yhteistyössä toimeksiantajan SenioriKaste-hankkeen kanssa Kokkolassa 4.6.2015. Tilaisuudessa luennoitiin muistisairauksien ennaltaehkäisemisestä, yleisimmistä muistisairauksista, muistisairauksien varhaisesta tunnistamisesta sekä niiden tuomista haasteista ja vaikutuksista ihmisen jokapäiväiseen elämään. Tilaisuuteen osallistui yhteensä 140 henkilöä. Osallistujilta kerättiin kirjallinen palaute. Palautekyselyistä tehtiin yhteenveto ja kehittämisehdotukset kirjattiin myös opinnäytetyöhön. Tilaisuus vastasi yleisesti osallistujien odotuksia kiitettävästi. Projekti toteutettiin parityöskentelynä, jossa onnistuimme kiitettävästi.The age structure of Finnish population is changing rapidly within the next few decades. Statistics prognosis is that the number of over 75 years old people will be doubled by 2030, so the occurrence of memory disorders will increase with aging people. The idea for this study got its start from Senior Initiation project that wished a public lecture to be organized in Central Ostrobothnia for patients with memory disorder and their families. The purpose of our study was to organize a memory disorder event for the aforementioned groups. The occasion was open for anyone who was interested in it. The aim of this study was to provide current information to memory disorder patients and their loved ones about memory disorders and ways to cope with it at home as long as possible. Through our co-operation partners we surveyed the importance and need of the topic. Based on the feedback from their clients we were convinced of the importance of the event and the need for information. Our thesis was completed as a functional project work together with our client Senior Initiation project in Kokkola 4th of June 2015. The prevention of memory disorders, most common memory disorders, their early recognition and the challenges and effects they bring to people’s everyday lives were discussed during this event. The total of 140 people took part in the event. A written feedback was collected from all participants. A summary was made from the feedback survey, and all development proposals were registered also in this thesis. The event corresponded in general to the participants’ expectations very well. The project was implemented as pair work, in which we succeeded commendably