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    科学研究費助成事業 研究成果報告書:基盤研究(C)2019-2021課題番号 : 19K0923


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    Efficacy of Two-Dimensional Perfusion Angiography for Evaluations after Infrapopliteal Bypass Surgery for Critical Limb Ischemia

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    Two-dimensional perfusion angiography (2DPA) is utilized in hybrid operating rooms. 2DPA produces color map images and functional parameters to provide more robust visual and quantitative evaluations than conventional angiography. Its efficacy was suggested in five patients following bypass surgery; unexpected results were obtained in one patient, leading to a decision to perform surgical re-anastomosis. Furthermore, we found that the general anesthesia eliminates body movements that tend to disrupt 2DPA results. 2DPA was more useful during surgical revascularization than conventional angiography and provided more detailed information