194 research outputs found

    Design of Tribologically Enhanced Polymeric Materials for Biomedical Applications

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    Anytime two surfaces are in normal contact, accompanied by tangential motion, there is potential for deterioration of one or both surfaces. Gradual wear, or the removal of surface material, is typically an undesirable event. Therefore, the need for lubrication arises to minimize the amount of shear stress that develops between opposing surfaces. This reduction in shear stress is characterized by the coefficient of friction (COF). Friction is one of the primary subjects of interest in tribology, the science of the friction and wear of articulating surfaces. A number of fascinating tribological systems can be found in nature. One example which has drawn a considerable interest is articular cartilage. This smooth white tissue lines the articulating surfaces of our joints and sustains a tremendous amount of stress while maintaining smooth joint motion and low COF. The low COF exhibited by articular cartilage is unmatched by any man-made material. The phenomenal tribological properties of this biphasic material are attributed to a combination of a unique boundary lubrication mechanism and its ability to support interstitial fluid pressurization This dissertation details the synthesis and characterization of novel tribologically enhanced polymeric materials which show great potential for several biomedical applications. Design of these material relied on the use of biomimetic tribological mechanisms. The overarching characterization described in this investigation provides valuable insight into the physical and mechanical characteristics of these unique materials


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    Purpose: This article examines the self-efficacy and research output of librarians in polytechnic libraries in South-South Nigeria. Design, methodology, and approach: This study adopted an ex-post facto research design and used a questionnaire to collect data from librarians in Polytechnic Libraries in South-South, Nigeria. Findings: This study showed a moderate relationship between self-efficacy and the research output of librarians in polytechnic libraries in southern Nigeria. The study also revealed that self-efficacy will significantly predict research output among librarians in polytechnic libraries in southern Nigeria. Originality/value: This study generated significant findings that are capable of encouraging polytechnic management to provide a foundation for a mentor-mentee policy. This is to make sure that librarians in polytechnics, particularly the junior ones, closely study senior librarians in the field of research so they may be able to use their high levels of self-efficacy to enhance their research output because the more one learns about research, the more confident one becomes in the ability to perform it

    Empirical Assessment of Manufacturing Companies Efficiency in Nigeria:Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Approach

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    This study dwells on data envelopment analysis and industry analysis. The study analyzed the technical efficiency of twenty (20) selected manufacturing companies for the period 2015 to 2016 using input and output oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach. Findings arising from the study indicate that 35% of the quoted sampled manufacturing firms in Nigeria were scale efficient while 65% were scale inefficient in the period observed. Thirty percent (30%) of the manufacturing companies on the basis of constant return to scale (CRS) were technically efficient while 70% of them were technically inefficient in the period observed. Forty percent (40%) of the companies in terms of variable return to scale (VRS) were technically efficient while 60% were not technically efficient in the context of variable return to scale. The study concluded that manufacturing firms in Nigeria are not optimally performing with input and output mix of variables. It is therefore recommended that there is need for them to scale down cost of production through appropriate strategic decisions. Keywords: Technical efficiency, data envelopment analysis, firm performanc

    Academic Libraries and Institutional Repository: The Nigerian Polytechnics Perspective

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    The study examined Academic Libraries and Institutional Repository in Nigeria: the Polytechnics perspective. The study pointed out that academic library has a significant role in the establishment of institutional repository in institutions of higher learning because academic libraries are best positioned to provide much of the document preparation expertise. Polytechnic libraries can most effectively provide much of the expertise in terms of metadata tagging, authority controls and other content management require in institutional repository that increases access to and usability of the data. The study highlighted the benefits polytechnics stand to gain from institutional repository to include visibility and show casing of the polytechnics to the research community. The study discussed some challenges militating against the establishment of institutional repository in Nigerian Polytechnics. The challenges discussed are lack of fund, lack of infrastructures, lack of automation and polytechnic management lack of interest in library development. The study therefore recommended that polytechnics management should ensure that library budget, library dues and other money meant for library are judiciously expended on library development such as establishment of institutional repository, library automation, and provision of internet facilities, information technology infrastructure, training and retraining of library staff. Polytechnics management should create or provide enabling environment for their libraries and librarians to embark on the establishment of institutional repository. Keywords: Academic, Libraries, Polytechnics, Institutional Repository, Nigeria. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/9-9-02 Publication date:October 31st 201

    Application of web 2.0 tools for the provision of library services for teaching, learning and research in Polytechnics

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    This study investigated the application of web 2.0 tools for the provision of library services for teaching, learning and research in Polytechnics. The researchers employed a descriptive survey method and a questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection.  The population of the study consisted of ninety one (91) library staff in polytechnic libraries in Edo and Rivers states. However, eighty four (84) library staff was found in their respective offices during the period of this study and were subsequently selected as the sample for the study using convenience sampling techniques. The data obtained from the copies of questionnaires retrieved from respondents were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages and mean to answer the research questions. Any item with a mean score of 2.5 and above was considered as an acceptable standard for judgment/ decision making in this study. The results indicated that social networking sites and instant messaging are the most used Web 2.0 applications utilized by the library staff. It was discovered in the study that the library staff in the polytechnic libraries in Edo and Rivers states did not use web 2.0 applications for the provision of library services to users rather for personal purpose to dissemination of information, for communication and for entertainment. The study therefore recommended that government and polytechnic management should be committed to library development by providing the necessary infrastructure and facilities to enable polytechnic libraries render 21st century services to their patrons and the entire polytechnic community

    Open access, open education resources and open data in Uganda

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    As a follow up to OpenCon 2014, International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) students organized a 3 day workshop Open Access, Open Education Resources and Open Data in Kampala from 15-18 December 2014. One of the aims of the workshop was to engage the Open Access movement in Uganda which encompasses the scientific community, librarians, academia, researchers and students. The IFMSA students held the workshop with the support of: Consortium for Uganda University Libraries (CUUL), The Right to Research Coalition, Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL), Makerere University, International Health Sciences University (IHSU), Pan African Medical Journal (PAMJ) and the Centre for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD). All these organizations are based or have offices in Kampala. The event culminated in a meeting with the Science and Technology Committee of Parliament of Uganda in order to receive the support of the Ugandan Members of Parliament and to make a concrete change for Open Access in the country.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Ground and excited state communication within a ruthenium containing benzimidazole metallopolymer

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    Emission spectroscopy and electrochemistry has been used to probe the electronic communication between adjacent metal centres and the conjugated backbone within a family of imidazole based metallopolymer, [Ru(bpy)2(PPyBBIM)n]2+, in the ground and excited states, bpy is 2,2’-bipyridyl, PPyBBIM is poly[2-(2-pyridyl)-bibenzimidazole] and n = 3, 10 or 20. Electronic communication in the excited state is not efficient and upon optical excitation dual emission is observed, i.e., both the polymer backbone and the metal centres emit. Coupling the ruthenium moiety to the imidazole backbone results in a red shift of approximately 50 nm in the emission spectrum. Luminescent lifetimes of up to 120 ns were also recorded. Cyclic voltammetry was also utilized to illustrate the distance dependence of the electron hopping rates between adjacent metal centres with ground state communication reduced by up to an order of magnitude compared to previously reported results when the metal to backbone ratio was not altered. DCT and De values of up to 3.96 x 10-10 and 5.32 x 10-10 cm2S-1 were observed with corresponding conductivity values of up to 2.34 x 10-8 Scm-1

    Profiling cervical ripening for induction of labour with Foley’s balloon catheter in Ebonyi state, Nigeria: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: The ripeness of the cervix is an important prerequisite to a successful labour induction. Use of extra-amniotic Foley catheter is a mechanical method of cervical ripening with proven efficacy. This study compared the difference in efficacy between 30 ml and 60 ml of water for inflation of Foley catheter balloon when used for cervical ripening during induction of labour.Methods: A single-blind randomized controlled study where 260 term pregnant women with intact membranes and unfavourable cervix were selected for induction of labour and randomized into two equal groups (30 ml- and 60 ml- groups) from October, 2019 to July 2020. Each participant had cervical ripening with the catheter bulb inflated with either 30 ml or 60 ml of sterile water (as assigned to the individual). After achieving favourable cervix (BS ≥6), oxytocin titration was commenced and the labour monitored with the outcomes well documented and statistically analysed.Results: Mean duration to favourable Bishop Score significantly reduced in the 60 ml group (10.8 hours±2.99) as against 12.7 hours±10.0 in 30ml group (p=0.038). Mean duration of active phase of labour was significantly reduced in 60 ml group (5.6 hours±2.4) as against 8.4 hours±3.2 in 30 ml group (p=0.010). Caesarean delivery rate was significantly reduced in the 60 ml groups (p=0.027).Conclusions: The use of 60 ml inflated Foley’s balloon catheter when compared with 30mls to ripen the cervix effectively reduced the duration to favourable Bishop Score, duration of the active phase of labour and the rate of Caesarean sections.

    Obstetric Outcome and Significance of Labour Induction in a Health Resource Poor Setting

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    Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the methods, indications, outcome of induced labor and its significance in obstetric practice in the study area. Methods. This was a retrospective study of cases of induced labor at the Catholic Maternity Hospital in Ogoja, Cross-River State, Nigeria, between January 1, 2002, and December 31, 2011. Data on the sociodemographic characteristics of the parturient, induction methods, indications for induction, outcomes and reasons for failed induction were abstracted from personal case files and the hospital’s maternity/delivery register. The data were analyzed with SPSS15.0 window version. Result. The induction rate in this study was 11.5%. Induction was successful in 75.9% of cases but failed in 24.1%. Misoprostol was the commonest induction method (78.2%). The commonest indication for induction was postdate pregnancy (45.8%). Failed induction was due to fetal distress, prolonged labor, cephalopelvic disproportion and cord prolapse. The induction-delivery interval was 12±3.6 hours. Conclusion. Induction of labor is a common obstetric procedure which is safe and beneficial in well-selected and properly monitored high risk pregnancies where the benefits of early delivery outweigh the risk of continuing the pregnancy
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