59 research outputs found

    Extraction and application of dyestuffs from the leaves of guinea corn and onion skin

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    This research work is aimed at assessing the dyeing and colouring  potentials of ethanol extracts from the leaves of guinea corn and the skin of onion. It is intended to apply the purified dye extracts on textile, drinkand food. The leaves of guinea corn (Sorghum bicolor) and the skin of onion (Allium cepa) were collected, chopped, dried and pulverized. The powdered samples were extracted using ethanol absolute as solvent. Theguinea corn leaves yielded dark red colour while the onion skin gave brownish red colour. The crude dyestuffs were purified by recrystallization in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). The percentage yields, melting points, pH andRF values are 10.64% and 9.83%, 186 °C and 194 °C, 7.10 and 5.96, 0.84 and 0.53 respectively. UV/visible absorptions and IR spectra of dye  samples were recorded. The dye samples obtained were used to colour food (pap) and drink (illicit gin). The dye baths made from these dyestuffs were used to dye some cotton fabrics, unmordanted and mordanted  scoured fabrics. The products got from these dyeings, showed varied colourshades and hues. Wash and light fastness properties were carried out on the dyed fabrics. Both dyed fabrics experienced improved wash and light fastness with mordanting.Keywords: Natural dyes, textile dyeing, wash and light fastness, food and drink colouring

    Evaluation of chemical and fermentation parameters during the preparation of wine from berry (Maesobotyra standii)

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    Amilky red wine was produced from locally sourced berry (Maesobotyra standii) in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria using innate wild yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) augmented with baker’s yeast activated with 2, 5 and 10% (w/v) sugar solutions in activated yeast: fruit extract ratios of 1:2 and 1:3. It was observed that there was an inverse proportional relationship between percentage (%) titratable acidity and pH as well as for specific gravity (SG) and percentage (%) alcohol for 48 h after which both SG and % alcohol increased. Diauxic growth and malo-lactic fermentation were observed. Total aerobic counts followed same trend as for % alcohol. pH, % titratable acidity, specific gravity, % alcohol and total aerobic counts at 72 h fermentation ranged from 4.85 - 5.85, 0.955 - 1.152, 0.956 - 1.141, 0.54 - 2.62 and 0.95 - 185 x 103 cfu/ml, respectively. The baker’s yeast activated with 5% (w/v) granulated sugar was most suitable for home or commercial berry wine production which gave wine with lower alcoholcontent (1.84%, v/v alcohol) using 1:2 activated baker’s yeast : fruit extract ratio; it gave wine with slightly higher alcohol-content (2.62%, v/v alcohol) with 1:3 baker’s yeast : fruit extract ratio. Thus portable and/or commercial wine can be produced from berry (M. standii) with baker’s yeast activated with 5% (w/v) granulated sugar.Key words: Berry wine, sugar, baker’s yeast, malo-lactic, fermentation


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    Social protection programmes have been recognised and proven to be one of the most effective policies in fighting poverty, hunger and unproductive capacity of rural or poor farmers. Despite the fact that poverty have seen to be declining over the years, the number of people who are still undernourished remains high in Nigeria, and where little effort has been made in improving social interventions. Thus, this study explores the relationship between social protection policies and agricultural output in Nigeria using data from Living Standard Measurement Study-Integrated Survey on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA). The method of analysis engaged is the Propensity Score Matching (PSM). The result from the PSM shows that households who benefit from social protection programmes in form of agricultural credits experienced trice yields more than their counterparts who do not benefit from the programme

    The reinforcing potentials of Velvet tamarind seed shell as filler in natural rubber compounds

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    This work focused on the development of a reinforcing filler from renewable natural plant resources as part of the ongoing search for environmental friendly fillers that will substitute synthetic reinforcing fillers such as carbon black and silica in rubber manufacturing. The cure characteristics, physico-mechanical and equilibrium swelling properties of natural rubber, Standard Nigerian Rubber (SNR10) vulcanizates separately filled with commercial grade carbon black (CB), N330 and pulverized natural plant material, Velvet tamarind (VT), seed shell were investigated. The results of the analyses showed that the scorch and cure times decreased while the maximum torques increased with increasing filler loading for both filled-SNR10 vulcanizates. The tensile strengths of both VT-filled and CB (N330) filled-SNR10 vulcanizates increased to 30 phr and 40 phr respectively and decreased with increasing filler loading. The modulus at 100% strain, specific gravity, abrasion resistance and hardness increased while elongation at break, equilibrium swelling and rebound resilience decreased with increasing filler loading for both filled-SNR10 vulcanizates. The results showed that Velvet tamarind seed shell manifested a reinforcing effect on the SNR10 compounds but lower than that of CB (N330) filler.Keywords: Natural rubber, fillers, reinforcement and vulcanizate properties

    Calamus deerratus fibre reinforced natural rubber vulcanizates

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    This research study investigates the potentials of Calamus deerratus fibre (CDF) as a reinforcing filler in natural rubber, Standard Nigerian Rubber (SNR10)   vulcanizates. The Calamus deerratus was cut, dried, pulverized, characterized and incorporated into the natural rubber compounds and the effects on the cure  characteristics and physico-mechanical properties of the CDF-reinforced natural rubber vulcanizates were determined. The results of the analyses, in comparison with a standard carbon black, CB(N330)-filled vulcanizates showed that the CDF manifested a reinforcing effect on the SNR10 vulcanizates but inferior to carbon black, N330-filled vulcanizates. The maximum torque, abrasion resistance, modulus, specific gravity and hardness increased while the scorch time, cure time,   elongation at break and rebound resilience decreased with increasing filler content. The cure time and scorch time were however higher in CDF-filled SNR10   vulcanizates compared to those filled with carbon black, N330. Tensile strengths of CB(N330)- and CDF- filled vulcanizates increased to optimum levels at 40 phr  and 30 phr respectively and decreased with increasing filler content. The results however showed that CDF imparted lower reinforcing potential as shown by the   lower tensile strength, abrasion resistance and modulus. The hardness results of the CDF-filled vulcanizates showed slight superiority over that of CB(N330)-filled vulcanizates.Keywords: Natural rubber, Calamus deerratus, fillers, reinforcement and vulcanizates

    Public Health Expenditure and Under-five Mortality in Nigeria: An Overview for Policy Intervention

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    AIM: This study looked at the contribution of the health expenditure by the government on under-five mortality in Nigeria. METHODS: The autoregressive distribution lag technique was employed in this study in examining the long-run effect of public health expenditure on under-five mortality in Nigeria. Data were sourced from the World Development Indicators for the period 1985–2017. RESULTS: Results from the study showed that though public health expenditure is statistically significant, it showed a positive relationship with the under-five mortality. CONCLUSION: The implication of this result is that 1 unit increase in public health expenditure would improve increase under-five mortality rate by 1.56 units. However, in the Nigerian context, this can be better explained by the lack of proper health-fund coordination and other factors such as maternal education. Therefore, the study concluded by recommending that proper health-fund coordination should be put in place to ensure that budget allocated to the health sector is being spent properly. &nbsp

    Cure Characteristics and Physico-Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber Filled with the Seed Shells of Cherry ( Chrysophyllum Albidum )

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    The cure characteristics and the physico-mechanical properties of natural rubber, standard Nigerian rubber, SNR10 filled with cherry seed shell (CSS) and standard carbon black CB (N330) were determined. The results showed that the scorch, cure times and the maximum torque gradually increased with increasing filler content for CSS-filled natural rubber, but in the case of CB-filled natural rubber, the scorch and the cure times decreased while the maximum torque increased with increasing filler content. The tensile strength of both CSS and CB-filled vulcanizates increased to a maximum at 40 phr filler content before declining. The moduli (M100 and M300), specific gravity (S.G), hardness and abrasion resistance increased while the elongation at break and Dunlop resilience decreased with increasing filler content for both vulcanizates. The locally sourced CSS filler, had a lower reinforcement properties compared to the CB (N330) filler, probably due to its higher moisture content and larger particle size

    Food Security and Technology Nexus in Nigeria: An ARDL Approach

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    In this paper, we examined the level of technology, (quite low in developing countries, especially Nigeria) and how improved technological know-how can help in achieving food security. The indicators of food security utilized include: prevalence of food inadequacy, value of food production, among others. Regression analysis was engaged in investigating the important role of technology on food security using ARDL (Auto Regressive Distributed Lag). The results, among others, showed that in Nigeria, there is a long-term relationship between the indicators of food security and technology. In the event of distortion, the speed of adjustment from the short-run is rather low but significant. Some policy options to enhance the level of food security are documented in the study

    Rice Production and Processing in Ogun State, Nigeria: Qualitative Insights from Farmers’ Association

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    This study examined the importance of indigenous institutional arrangements in rice production and processing activities in Ogun State, Nigeria through the use of Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). Analyses from the study showed that agricultural financing constitutes the greatest challenge that affects rice production and processing. Other findings from the discourse revealed that in some rice producing areas where there is the existence of rice farmers’ clusters; there is access to modern rice processing machines such as winnowers, threshers and destoners. The operations of Rice Growers Association of Nigerian-RGAN in Ogun State are coordinated by the executive committee, which constitute the indigenous institutional arrangement. This study recommends that sincere and concerted efforts on the part of the government in implementing the goals of Agricultural Transformation Agenda be made to engender the welfare of rice farmers through the development of the rice value chain. The need for actively involving the rice farmers through the RGAN is also germane. The opportunities identified in the study include: the having ‘pool of land’ RGAN that enables the rice farmers to form clusters and increase production; creating platform through which the rice growers could leverage upon to facilitate access to inputs and technical support; gaining of visibility and market access to enhance returns on their farming endeavours

    ICT investments, human capital development and institutions in ECOWAS

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    The study explores the linkage between the investment in information and telecommunication technology (ICT) and human capital development on economic transformation in Economic Communities of West African States (ECOWAS). It further examines how investment in ICT and human capital development can transform the economies of ECOWAS members. This study engaged the generalised method of moments (GMM) in achieving its objective. The findings, among others, showed that investment in ICT did not have a statistically significant relationship with human development. Factors responsible for the non-significant impact of investment in telecommunications on human development could be attributed to the relatively low investment in telecommunications accompanied with high cost of acquisition of the technology in ECOWAS and harsh policy environment. Thus, policies such as the enforcement of good institutions, stabilisation of the political and economic variables in ECOWAS economies will encourage investment in telecommunications, which will enhance ICT adoption and human development
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