28 research outputs found

    Persistent diurnal enuresis in a 6-year-old boy after bilateral ureteroneocystostomy

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    Urinary incontinence is one of the most common symptoms in children and adolescents. Due to numerous causes, a thorough examination is necessary. We present a case of a 6-year-old boy with diurnal enuresis, who was admitted to our Department for further treatment after the procedure of bilateral ureteroneocystostomy due to suspected bilateral ureter stenosis. With the persistence of the incontinence, our examination revealed a posterior urethral valve which was incised and the symptoms subsided

    Plasma cell myeloma – therapeutic opportunities

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    Introduction: Plasmocytic myeloma (PCM) is a neoplastic disease with a multistage course. Monoclonal plasmocytes undergo uncontrolled, multifocal growth in the bone marrow, which results in the production of monoclonal immunoglobulin or its fragments that damage the bone marrow. Aim: The aim of this study is to present selected therapeutic possibilities of multiple myeloma. Materials and methods: The work uses the method of non-systematic review and analysis of the available scientific literature. Databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Arianta, Scopus, Web of Science were searched. The years 2005-2022 were assumed as the review period. Discussion: Multiple myeloma accounts for 1-2% of all cancer cases, and 10-15% of all hematological cancers. It is the third most common lymphoid neoplasm after chronic lymphocytic leukemia and large B-cell lymphoma. The diagnosis of PCM requires the presence of a minimum of 10% clonal plasmocytes in the bone marrow or biopsy confirmed plasmocytoma. Moreover, the CRAB and SLiM CRAB criteria are also important. Treatment should be initiated in all symptomatic patients meeting the SLiM CRAB criteria. The first stage of treatment is to induce remission of the disease.   Conclusions: Thanks to the progress of medicine, an increasing percentage of patients achieve permanent remissions. The success of the therapy is a component of the earliest possible detection of the disease and the use of appropriate, individually selected drugs

    Multidisciplinary of depression spectrum disorders from a health care system perspective

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    Introduction: Depression is the leading cause of disability, and incapacity in the world and the most common mental disorder. Year after year, the incidence of this disease entity is increasing, therefore, depression is a serious challenge for modern medicine. Aim of the study: To synthesize the knowledge of depression as a problem in modern medicine. Material and method: A non-systematic review of scientific literature from 2012 - 2022 was carried out, according to the keyword’s depression, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Results and conclusions: Depression is a psychiatric disorder showing varied symptoms lasting more than 2 weeks. Prominent among them are lowered mood, anhedonia, reduced life activities, and others. Diagnosis of depression is difficult, requiring cooperation between the doctor and the patient. Treatment of depression is mainly based on pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy; unconventional treatment is also distinguished

    Antioxidant effects of carotenoids in a model pigment-protein complex

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    The effect of carotenoids on stability of model photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes subjected to chemical oxidation with hydrogen peroxide or potassium ferricyanide was investigated. The oxidation of carotenoid-less and carotenoid-containing complexes was conducted in the presence or absence of ascorbic acid. The progress of the reactions was monitored by use of absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. Our results show that carotenoids may significantly enhance the stability of photosynthetic complexes against oxidation and their protective (antioxidant) effect depends on the type of the oxidant

    Persistent diurnal enuresis in a 6-year-old boy after bilateral ureteroneocystostomy

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    Urinary incontinence is one of the most common symptoms in children and adolescents. Due to numerous causes, a thorough examination is necessary. We present a case of a 6-year-old boy with diurnal enuresis, who was admitted to our Department for further treatment after the procedure of bilateral ureteroneocystostomy due to suspected bilateral ureter stenosis. With the persistence of the incontinence, our examination revealed a posterior urethral valve which was incised and the symptoms subsided

    Therapeutic methods in the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer - a review

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    Breast cancer is a common female malignancy characterized by the presence of multiple subtypes taking into account, among other things, hormonal activity. The purpose of this study is to show the therapeutic options for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). A review of the literature in databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science by keywords was performed, taking into account papers from 2017-2022. The main therapeutic approaches are surgical intervention and systemic chemotherapy (neoadjuvant and adjuvant). Unsatisfactory results from chemotherapy have prompted researchers to work on other methods to combat TNBC. Clinical trials are being conducted on the use of immunotherapy focusing mainly on molecules against PD-1, PD-L1, and CTLA-4. Targeted therapy is the latest proposed form of therapy, which offers the possibility of introducing a drug in the future that will be tailored to the patient's needs limiting the negative therapeutic impact

    Standards of conduct in residential long-term nursing care in view of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic

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    Introduction: SARS - CoV - 2 virus, which causes COVID - 19 disease, is transmitted mainly by droplets. The symptoms of infection are: fever, wet cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, headache, pain in muscles and bones, general malaise accompanied by exhaustion. Anosomy (loss of smell) and dysgeusia are also common, as well as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea. The diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection is based on molecular tests involving the detection of fragments of the viral genome in real time PCR (real time polymerase reaction) in nasopharyngeal swabs, less often throat swabs. Objective of the work: The aim of the study is to summarize the guidelines for long-term nursing care for a patient infected with SARS - CoV - 2 in the patient's home environment. Material and methods: The work was based on the method of non-systematic review of scientific literature. The following databases were searched: PubMed, EBESCO, SCOPUS, Web of Science, according to keywords in Polish and English: SARS - CoV - 2, long-term care, nursing, recommendations. The annual limits 2019 - 2020 were assumed as the search period. Results and conclusions:The SARS-CoV-2 virus appears in residential long-term care facilities primarily through its transmission from the external environment by the entity's employees. Proper management of long-term care facilities is the basis for reducing COVID - 19 transmission, and thus the number of confirmed cases. The knowledge about the recommendations and recommendations of authorized bodies regarding the proceedings limiting the transmission of the virus should be regularly updated

    The quantity, quality, and daily distribution of protein supplementation in maximizing muscle hypertrophy induced by resistance training

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    Introduction and purpose: Resistance training (RT) combined with sufficient protein intake (PI) stimulates muscle hypertrophy. There are many factors determining the influence of PI on muscle hypertrophy. The aim of the study is to analyze the current state of knowledge on protein supplementation in the context of optimizing the effects of RT-induced muscles hypertrophy. Description of the state of knowledge: The quality of protein supplements is a factor that has a significant impact on the degree to which they increase MPS. Protein meals containing all EAAs will stimulate MPS most potently. The most important factor determining the effectiveness of protein supplementation is the amount of protein intake per day in relation to body weight. PI in amounts greater than ~1.6 g/kg b.w./day does not further increase the rate of  fat free mass gains induced by RE. Supplementing more protein at breakfast than at dinner is more effective in increasing muscle mass gain in response to RT. Summary: The quantity, quality and source of protien supplements, that are daily administered, are important factors contributing to the efectiveness of the supplementation. Distributing the doses of protein supplement throughout the day and consuming greater amount of protein for breakfast rather than dinner may also be beneficial in terms of augmenting muscle protein synthesis (MPS). Optimizing these conditions is conducive to achieving a positive net protein balance, which result in improving RT-induced muscle mass gain

    Development of diagnosis and treatment in the iliotibial band syndrome

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    Introduction and objective: The iliotibial band (ITB) is a complex structure located in the lateral part of the thigh and consists of longitudinally arranged fascial connective tissue. The aim of this study is to analyze the current literature regarding etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and conservative treatment of iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS). Materials and methods: PubMed database were searched. The criteria for qualifying the article for the review were the following keywords: running, iliotibial band syndrome, knee injuries, conservative treatment, physical therapy modalities. 11 articles from 2017 to 2022 were analyzed. The searches included systematic reviews, meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, and review articles. Description of the state of knowledge: Iliotibial band syndrome is the most common cause of lateral knee pain in runners and cyclists.  It is presumably caused by excessive tension in the iliotibial band. Excessive tension is the result of overuse disorder of the lateral knee. Key symptom of ITBS is sharp or burning pain in the region of the lateral femoral epicondyle.. Pain typically occurs during physical activity, after a reproducible time or distance of running. The diagnosis is achieved through taking clinical history and physical assessment. Summary: Treatment of ITBS is based on therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, neuromuscular re-education, modalities and  anti-inflammatory medications. Eliminating modifiable risk factors helps prevent ITBS from recurring