1,599 research outputs found

    Analytical approximations for the higher energy structure in strong field ionization with inhomogeneous electric fields

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    Recently, the emergence of a higher energy structure (HES) due to a spatial inhomogeneity in the laser electric field, as is typically found close to a nano tip, was reported in Phys.~Rev. Letter {\bf 119}, 053204 (2017). For practical applications, such as the characterization of near-fields or the creation of localized sources of monoenergetic electron beams with tunable energies, further insight into the nature of this higher energy structure is needed. Here, we give a closed form analytical approximation to describe the movement of the electron in the inhomogeneous electric field. In particular, we derive a simple scaling law for the location of the HES peak and give a scheme to analytically tune the width of the peak, both of which will prove useful in optimizing the nanostructure size or geometry for creating the HES in experimental settings

    Intensity dependence of Rydberg states

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    We investigate numerically and analytically the intensity dependence of the fraction of electrons that end up in a Rydberg state after strong-field ionization with linearly polarized light. We find that including the intensity dependent distribution of ionization times and non-adiabatic effects leads to a better understanding of experimental results. Furthermore, we observe using Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo simulations that the intensity dependence of the Rydberg yield changes with wavelength and that the previously observed power-law dependence breaks down at longer wavelengths. Our work suggests that Rydberg yield measurements can be used as an independent test for non-adiabaticity in strong field ionization

    Factors influencing the long-term competitiveness of commercial milk producers: evidence from panel data in East Griqualand, South Africa

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    This study investigates factors influencing the long-term competitiveness of 11 commercial milk producers from East Griqualand (EG), South Africa using unbalanced panel data for the period 1990 to 2006. Results of a ridge regression analysis show that dairy herd size, the level of farm debt, annual production per cow, technology and policy changes over time, and the ratio of trading income to total milk income influence the long-term competitiveness of these milk producers. To enhance their competitiveness in a deregulated dairy market, relatively small and profitable EG milk producers should consider increasing their herd sizes, as the importance of herd size in explaining competitiveness suggests that size economies exist. All EG milk producers should consider utilising more pasture- and forage-based production systems to lower feed costs and select dairy cattle of superior genetic merit to improve milk yields on pasture.Commercial milk production, competitiveness, panel data, Production Economics,

    Dietary variability of western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)

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    Spatial and temporal variability in the availability of food resources will lead to variation in a species’ diet, which can then influence patterns of space use, sociality, and life history characteristics. Despite such potential impacts, little information is available about dietary variability for some species with large geographical ranges. Here we quantify the diet and nutritional content of plants consumed by western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in Loango National Park, Gabon over a 2.6 year period and make comparisons with two study sites located 800 km away. The major foods consumed by the Loango gorillas differed greatly from the other two study sites, but gorillas at all three locations spent a similar proportion of feeding time consuming herbaceous vegetation and tree leaves (~ 50%) and fruit (35%). The Loango gorillas spent approximately 10% of feeding time eating nuts, which were not consumed at the other two study sites. Gorillas at those sites spent about 5% of feeding time eating insects, which were not consumed by Loango gorillas. Even though the species composition of the diet differed among the three sites, the nutritional composition of the major food items differed very little, suggesting that western gorillas consume foods of similar nutritional values to meet their dietary needs. This study shows the flexibility of diet of a species with a wide geographic distribution, which has implications for understanding variation in life history characteristics and can be useful for conservation management plans

    Instantaneous ionization rate as a functional derivative

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    We describe an approach defining instantaneous ionization rate (IIR) as a functional derivative of the total ionization probability. The definition is based on physical quantities which are directly measurable, such as the total ionization probability and the waveform of the pulse. The definition is, therefore, unambiguous and does not suffer from gauge non-invariance. We compute IIR by solving numerically the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom in a strong laser field. We find that the IIR lags behind the electric field, but this lag is entirely due to the long tail effect of the Coulomb field. In agreement with the previous results using attoclock methodology, therefore, the IIR we define does not show measurable delay in strong field tunnel ionization

    Fluid and particle retention in the greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros)

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    On the one hand, the greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) is a strict browser and would therefore be expected to display a ‘moose-type’ digestive physiology with a comparatively low rumen fluid throughput, a low ratio of small particle to fluid mean retention time (MRT) in the reticulorumen (RR), and relatively unstratified RR contents. On the other hand, reports on relatively small salivary glands, susceptibility to negative effects of tannins, and a putative absence of tannin-binding salivary proteins would suggest the greater kudu to be an exceptional browser with a ‘cattle-type’ digestive physiology. We measured MRT in four zoo-kept greater kudu females, which resulted in a MRTparticleRR/MRTfluidRR ratio between 1.07–1.43, well within the range of ‘moose-type’ ruminants and similar to eland (Taurotragus oryx). In this regard, consistent morphophysiological studies on greater kudu are required to resolve the seemingly contradictory findings in this species

    PITX1, a specificity determinant in the HIF-1α-mediated transcriptional response to hypoxia

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    Hypoxia is an important developmental cue for multicellular organisms but it is also a contributing factor for several human pathologies, such as stroke, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In cells, hypoxia activates a major transcriptional program coordinated by the Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) family. HIF can activate more than one hundred targets but not all of them are activated at the same time, and there is considerable cell type variability. In this report we identified the paired-like homeodomain pituitary transcription factor (PITX1), as a transcription factor that helps promote specificity in HIF-1α dependent target gene activation. Mechanistically, PITX1 associates with HIF-1β and it is important for the induction of certain HIF-1 dependent genes but not all. In particular, PITX1 controls the HIF-1α-dependent expression of the histone demethylases; JMJD2B, JMJD2A, JMJD2C and JMJD1B. Functionally, PITX1 is required for the survival and proliferation responses in hypoxia, as PITX1 depleted cells have higher levels of apoptotic markers and reduced proliferation. Overall, our study identified PITX1 as a key specificity factor in HIF-1α dependent responses, suggesting PITX1 as a protein to target in hypoxic cancers