30 research outputs found

    La pandemia de gripe española vista desde el siglo XXI

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    On the 4th of March in 2018, it was the first century of the worst pandemic of influence than the humankind has ever known.Spanish influence pandemic is, only, equal to Black Death; 500 millions of persons were infected, and it´s calculated that 50-100 millions of persons died.That event was the main reason for influence vaccine’s development after discovering influence virus, and the deployment of one of the most extensive webs of world monitoring of infectious disease.El 4 de marzo de 2018 se cumplió el primer centenario de la pandemia más grave de gripe que ha conocido la especie humana.La pandemia de gripe española sólo es compatible a la peste negra del S.XIV;afectó a 500 millones de personas de las que se calculan que fallecieron entre 50-100 millones.Aquel acontecimiento fue determinante para el desarrollo de las vacunas de la gripe tras el descubrimiento del virus y la implementación de una de las más extensas redes de vigilancia mundial de una enfermedad infecciosa

    Epidemia de gripe en la temporada 2016-2017.

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    El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer una descripción de la pasada temporada epidémica gripal apoyándose en datos procedentes de fuentes oficiales que analizan el modelo epidemiológico de presentación de la gripe y en los propios recogidos por el Centro Nacional de Gripe de Valladolid

    Gingivocrevicular transudate for HIV screening

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    Producción CientíficaThe use of saliva as an alternative biological fluid to serum in diagnosis or screening of infectious diseases by antibody detection has been the main subject of several articles in the last few years [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Saliva samples can be obtained simply, without specialized personnel, and the process is non-traumatic for the patient and economic and poses no contamination risks for health workers. For these reasons, saliva samples may be of great utility in underdeveloped nations, where there is a severe shortage of personnel and specialized equipment. Saliva is a mixture of the secretions produced by the salivary glands and gingival crevicular transudate (GCT). The use of GCT, which has a greater concentration of immunoglobulins (Ig) of the IgG type than does complete saliva [7], seems to improve detection of such Ig in the samples [8]

    HIV-1 Infection in Persistently HIV-1-Seronegative Individuals: More Reasons for HIV RNA Screening

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    Producción CientíficaThe World Health Organization (WHO) has recently released updated guidelines for HIV diagnosis that recommend serum antibody testing by either EIAs or rapid tests and that encourage the identification of unrecognized HIV infections [1]. However, this approach may fail to identify subjects with acute infection. In consideration of the potential public health benefits of not missing individuals in the most contagious phase of infection, implementation of routine HIV RNA screening has been suggested [2]. We want to stress that there are other situations in which viral load is detectable in the absence of reactive antibody tests and in which the introduction of nucleic acid testing may be beneficial. This is the case for HIV-infected subjects in whom specific antibody responses are absent, as for the case reported here.Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (project CP05/00300)Fundación para la Investigación y Prevención del Sida en España (project 36483/05)Fundación Investigación y Educación en Sida.RIS (project ISCIII-RETIC RD06

    Macroloides for the treatment of severe respiratory illness caused by novel H1N1 swine influenza viral strains

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    Producción CientíficaThe current outburst of a new H1N1 swine influenza strain(s) in México and the United States is causing great concern in health authorities and in the general population [1]. With the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting the pandemic potential of the new strain, it is necessary to determine which therapeutic options are available until a specific vaccine is available. Based on information from the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), the virus is sensitive to oseltamivir and zanamivir. Antivirals are strongly affected by viral mutations; thus their efficiency could be lost as the virus changes

    Retrospective assessment of the antigenic similarity of egg-propagated and cell culture-propagated reference influenza viruses as compared with circulating viruses across influenza seasons 2002–2003 to 2017–2018

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    Producción CientíficaSuboptimal vaccine effectiveness against seasonal influenza is a significant public health concern, partly explained by antigenic differences between vaccine viruses and viruses circulating in the environment. Haemagglutinin mutations within vaccine viruses acquired during serial passage in eggs have been identified as a source of antigenic variation between vaccine and circulating viruses. This study retrospectively compared the antigenic similarity of circulating influenza isolates with egg- and cell-propagated reference viruses to assess any observable trends over a 16-year period. Using annual and interim reports published by the Worldwide Influenza Centre, London, for the 2002–2003 to 2017–2018 influenza seasons, we assessed the proportions of circulating viruses which showed antigenic similarity to reference viruses by season. Egg-propagated reference viruses were well matched against circulating viruses for A/H1N1 and B/Yamagata. However, A/H3N2 and B/Victoria cell-propagated reference viruses appeared to be more antigenically similar to circulating A/H3N2 and B/Victoria viruses than egg-propagated reference viruses. These data support the possibility that A/H3N2 and B/Victoria viruses are relatively more prone to egg-adaptive mutation. Cell-propagated A/H3N2 and B/Victoria reference viruses were more antigenically similar to circulating A/H3N2 and B/Victoria viruses over a 16-year period than were egg-propagated reference viruses

    Perfil de ingresos y urgencias pediátricas en período epidémico de rotavirus en Valladolid. Utilidad de un modelo predictivo

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    Producción CientíficaEste estudio pretende determinar las semanas de alta circulación de rotavirus en valladolid, y comparar las características de los ingresos y urgencias en período epidémico con respecto al período no epidémico. Se utilizaron las declaraciones al sistema de información microbiológica, el conjunto mínimo básico de datos y el registro de urgencias. Se calcularon los casos esperados para 2006 a partir de un modelo elaborado previamente. Si los casos observados superaban el umbral superior del 95% de los esperados, la semana se consideró epidémica. Se compararon las características de los ingresos y urgencias en ambos períodos. En 2006 se diagnosticaron un 42% menos de los casos esperados. La media de ingresos diarios fue superior en período epidémico (diferencia=1,49; p=0,01), y también fue mayor la duración media del ingreso. La actividad del servicio de pediatría se incrementó en período epidémico, por lo que es oportuna la implantación de actividades de vigilancia, programas de prevención y control frente a rotavirus en el ámbito hospitalario

    Social and economic impact of chicken pox vaccine at 15 months of age. Castile and Leon, Spain, 2004

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    Producción CientíficaFundamento: La varicela es una enfermedad infecciosa fundamentalmente infantil producida por el virus Herpes Vari- cela Zoster que produce importantes costes sanitarios y socia- les. En 2005 Castilla y León introdujo en su calendario de vacunación infantil la vacuna de la varicela a los niños de once años susceptibles de padecerla. Dicha estrategia no modifica la importante morbilidad que genera en edades inferiores. El objetivode este trabajo es valorar la rentabilidad de la vacuna- ción sistemática frente a la varicela a los niños de 15 meses de edad en Castilla y León. Métodos: Se ha planteado una evaluación económica de coste-beneficio a través de un árbol de decisión. Se estudia una cohorte ficticia de 100.000 niños castellano-leoneses que en el año 2004 cumplieran 15 meses, alos que se les administraría junto a la vacuna triple vírica la de la varicela. El estudio se plantea desde la perspectiva social. El horizonte temporal ele- gido ha sido hasta que la cohorte de estudio cumpliera 15 años, aplicando una tasa de descuento del 3%. Para valorar la incer- tidumbrede algunas variables se ha desarrollado un análisis de sensibilidad. Resultados: El coste-beneficio de la introducción de la vacuna en el calendario de vacunación infantil se cifra en 1,23. Conclusiones: Desde la perspectiva social la estrategia de vacunación frente a la varicela, junto a la triple vírica se mues- tra rentable. La rentabilidad se ve modificada tanto si se intro- duce una segunda dosis de vacuna como si se analizan sólo los costes directos sanitariosBackground: Chicken pox is a mainly childhood contagious disease caused by the Varicella Zoster Virus which gives rise to major healthcare and social costs. In 2005, Castile and Leon added chicken pox vaccine injections to its childhood vaccination schedule for eleven year-olds subject to coming down with this disease. This strategy does not modify the major mobility generated thereby at younger ages. This study is aimed at evaluating the profitability of systematic vaccination for chicken pox in infants 15 months of age in Castile and Leon. Methods: An economic cost-benefit evaluation has been set out by jeans of a decision-making tree. A fictitious cohort of 100,000 children in Castile and Leon having reached 15 months of age in 2004 is studied, to whom the chicken pox vaccine would be administered in conjunction with the mumps, measles, rubella vaccines. This study is approached from the social standpoint. The time horizon selected was that of up until the study cohort was to reach 15 years of age, applying a 3% discount rate. A sensitivity analysis was made for evaluating the uncertainty of some variables... Results: The cost-benefit ratio of adding this vaccine to the childhood vaccination schedule amounts to 1.23. Conclusions: From the social standpoint, administering chicken pox vaccine in conjunction with the mumps, measles, rubella vaccines show itself to be profitable. The profitability is modified both if a second dose of vaccine is added as well as if only the direct healthcare costs are analyzed

    SEPAR Recommendations for COVID-19 Vaccination in Patients With Respiratory Diseases

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    La Sociedad Espanola de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR) ha elaborado este documento de reco mendaciones sobre la vacuna para la COVID-19 en las enfermedades respiratorias, con el objetivo de ayudar al personal sanitario en la toma de decisiones sobre cómo actuar en la vacunación de estos pacientes. Las recomendaciones han sido elaboradas por un grupo de expertos en la materia, tras la revisión de la literatura recopilada hasta el 7 de marzo del 2021, y de la información aportada por distintas sociedades científicas, agencias del medicamento y estrategias de organismos gubernamentales hasta esa fecha. Podemos concluir que las vacunas para la COVID-19 no solo son seguras y eficaces, sino que, en aquellos pacientes vulnerables con enfermedades respiratorias crónicas, son prioritarias. Además, la implicación activa de los profesionales sanitarios que manejan estas patologías en la estrategia de vacunación es clave para lograr una buena adherencia y coberturas vacunales elevadas.The Spanish Society of Pneumonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR) has elaborated this document of recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination in patients with respiratory diseases aimed to help healthcare personnel make decisions about how to act in case of COVID-19 vaccination in these patients. The recommendations have been developed by a group of experts in this field after reviewing the materials published up to March 7, 2021, the information provided by different scientific societies, drug agencies and the strategies of the governmental bodies up to this date. We can conclude that COVID-19 vaccines are not only safe and effective, but also prior in vulnerable patients with chronic respiratory diseases. In addition, an active involvement of healthcare professionals, who manage these diseases, in the vaccination strategy is the key to achieve good adherence and high vaccination coverage

    Evaluation of Antibody-based Preventive Alternatives for Respiratory Syncytial Virus: A Novel Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Framework and Assessment of Nirsevimab in Spain

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a highly infectious disease that poses a significant clinical and medical burden, as well as social disruption and economic costs, recognized by the World Health Organization as a public health issue. After several failed attempts to find preventive candidates (compounds, products, including vaccines), new alternatives might be available, one being nirsevimab, the first and only option approved for RSV prevention in neonates and infants during their first RSV season. The objective of this study was to develop a novel multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) framework for RSV antibody-based preventive alternatives and to use it to assess the value of nirsevimab vs. placebo as a systematic immunization approach to prevent RSV in neonates and infants during their first RSV season in Spain.This project was funded by Sanofi and AstraZeneca.Medicin