3,329 research outputs found

    Dixit Dominus

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    Edition of Spanish composer Diego Ortiz's (c.1510-c.1570) Vespers psalm Dixit Dominus for four voices (SATB), from his 1565 Musices Liber Primus. Original note values and original pitch were kept in this edition

    Genetic dissection of photosynthetic traits in sorghum under cold and drought stress

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    Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is one of the most important cereal crops cultivated in arid and semiarid regions for food, feed and biofuel production. Cold and drought stresses reduce photosynthesis in sorghum, limiting biomass production and yield. It is necessary to understand the genetic mechanisms controlling stress response to develop cultivars with increased cold and drought tolerance. We performed genome wide association studies (GWAS) for gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence traits in sorghum. The main objective was to discover genes/genomic regions that control the photosynthetic capacity under optimal, low temperature and drought stress conditions. Two experiments were conducted in growth chambers. For cold, 304 sorghum genotypes were measured during three periods: control (six days, 28ïÿýC/24ïÿýC day/night); cold (seven days, 15ïÿýC day/night); and recovery (five days, 28ïÿýC/24ïÿýC day/night). For drought, we developed a low-cost automated irrigation system that allowed a controlled dry-down treatment of plants. Using this system, photosynthetic parameters were measured in 324 sorghum genotypes during three periods of contrasting soil volumetric water content: control (three days, \u3e30%); drought (seven days of dry-down; three days at 15%); and recovery (five days, \u3e30%). A large variation was found in seven photosynthetic traits under optimal and stress conditions and in three derived variables: cumulative response, ratio drought-control, and ratio drought- recovery. For cold, a total of 143 unique genomic regions were discovered associated with at least one trait in a particular treatment or with derived variables. Ten regions on chromosomes 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 that harbor multiple significant markers in linkage disequilibrium (LD) were consistently identified as being associated with gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence traits. Several candidate genes within those intervals have predicted functions based on homologous genes related to carotenoids, phytohormones, thioredoxin, components of PSI and antioxidants. For drought, a total of 60 genomic regions were associated with one or more traits in a particular treatment or with derived variables. The most relevant candidate genes have annotated functions for stress signaling, carotenoid biosynthesis, oxidative stress protection, and dehydration protection. Our discoveries provide useful information for the selection of sorghum genotypes with improved photosynthetic performance under optimal and stress conditions

    Reasoning about Explanations for Negative Query Answers in DL-Lite

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    In order to meet usability requirements, most logic-based applications provide explanation facilities for reasoning services. This holds also for Description Logics, where research has focused on the explanation of both TBox reasoning and, more recently, query answering. Besides explaining the presence of a tuple in a query answer, it is important to explain also why a given tuple is missing. We address the latter problem for instance and conjunctive query answering over DL-Lite ontologies by adopting abductive reasoning; that is, we look for additions to the ABox that force a given tuple to be in the result. As reasoning tasks we consider existence and recognition of an explanation, and relevance and necessity of a given assertion for an explanation. We characterize the computational complexity of these problems for arbitrary, subset minimal, and cardinality minimal explanations

    La responsabilidad por infracción y el principio de personalidad de la pena: a propósito de la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 17 de diciembre de 2009

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    La Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 17 de diciembre de 2009, siguiendo recientes pronunciamientos del Alto Tribunal, defiende la legalidad de la extensión de la responsabilidad tributaria a los administradores de sociedades, en aplicación del artículo 40.1 de la anterior Ley General Tributaria. En este trabajo se intenta rebatir el principal argumento empleado por los defensores de la tesis de la responsabilidad tributaria por infracción: la ausencia de vulneración del principio de personalidad de la pena

    Los responsables de las sanciones como obligados al pago de una sanción ajena

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    La tesis que sostiene la legitimidad de aquellos preceptos legales que obligan a los responsables tributarios al pago de las sanciones tributarias, cuando el presupuesto normativo de la responsabilidad tributaria consista en la participación del responsable tributario en la infracción tributaria, de cuya realización deriva la imposición de la sanción que se exige al responsable tributario, se encuentra consolidada jurisprudencialmente, encontrando también apoyo en un extenso sector de la doctrina científica. El argumento utilizado para legitimar la extensión de la responsabilidad tributaria a las sanciones, en caso de participación del responsable tributario en la comisión de la infracción tributaria, es el de la naturaleza sancionadora de la obligación impuesta al partícipe. La obligación de pago de la sanción que se impone al responsable tributario es, entiende mayoritariamente la jurisprudencia y un importante sector de la doctrina, la sanción legítimamente impuesta a quien participa en la comisión de una infracción tributaria. Argumento que, por cierto, encontraría apoyo en la doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional que, como posteriormente habrá ocasión de examinar, en la Sentencia 85/2006, de 27 de marzo, calificó expresamente como «materialmente sancionadora» la responsabilidad de los administradores de una sociedad, ex artículo 40.1 de la LGT/1963, en relación con las cantidades reclamadas a éstos por la Administración tributaria en calidad de responsables, aunque no tengan su origen en la comisión por ellos de ninguna de las infracciones tributarias tipificadas en la LGT