414 research outputs found

    Gamificação e cicloturismo sénior : design de uma app para a comunidade miOne

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    As the aging population continues to grow, there has been an increasing interest in the subject of gerontechnology. In the specific case of the digital game industry, senior citizens are becoming better consumers due to their purchasing power and free time, so it is important to focus on the role of games to their wellbeing and meet their needs and preferences. However, there is a general lack of information and products that address physical exercise in the interrelationship of cycling, tourism, games, gamification and senior citizens. The aim of this research is to understand the way gamification interventions can motivate senior citizens to adhere to cyclo-tourism. This dissertation reports on the use of the Development Research Method, deploying a broad array of methods, including focus groups, eye-tracking and interviews. A total of 46 participants (7 focus group participants, 8 participants in eye-tracking and 31 cyclists’ interviewees) were involved in this research. Based on the literature review, related work and the insights from each method, a cyclo-tourism digital app entitled Jizo was co-designed and prototyped. Findings indicate that certain gamification techniques and elements can trigger senior citizens’ motivations towards cyclo-tourism, being essential integrative parts of a digital app in this context. The elements highlighted were social relationships, progression, challenges, competition, feedback and rewards, having an important role in pre-, in loco and post- experience. These data support the view on gamification capability to motivate senior cyclo-tourism.Com o contínuo crescimento do envelhecimento da população, tem havido um interesse progressivo na área da gerontecnologia. No caso específico da indústria dos jogos digitais, os cidadãos seniores fazem parte de um grupo de consumidores com poder de compra e tempo livre, pelo que é essencial compreender o papel dos jogos digitais no seu bem-estar e atender às suas necessidades e preferências. No entanto, continua a prevalecer uma falta de informação e de produtos que abordam o exercício físico nas inter-relações entre o ciclismo, turismo, jogos, gamificação e cidadãos seniores. O objetivo desta investigação é compreender o uso de estratégias de gamificação para motivar os cidadãos seniores a aderirem ao cicloturismo. Esta dissertação reporta a utilização do Método de Investigação de Desenvolvimento, tendo como base os seguintes métodos: grupos de discussão, eye-tracking e entrevistas. Um total de 46 participantes (7 participantes de grupos de discussão, 8 participantes de eye-tracking e 31 ciclistas entrevistados) foram envolvidos nesta investigação. Após a revisão da literatura, trabalho relacionado, e os resultados obtidos de cada método, procedeu-se ao co-design e prototipagem uma app de cicloturismo designada Jizo. Os resultados indicam que certas técnicas e elementos da gamificação podem desencadear as motivações dos cidadãos seniores para o cicloturismo, além de serem partes essenciais e integrantes de um aplicativo deste contexto. Os elementos destacados foram as relações sociais, progressão, desafios, competição, feedback e recompensas, na medida em que eles têm um papel importante na pré, in loco e na pós-experiência. Estes dados suportam a ideia da capacidade da gamificação para motivar o cicloturismo sénior.Mestrado em Comunicação Multimédi

    Dr. Pere Folch Mateu, mestre i amic

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    Five Factor Model of Personality and Structure of Psychopathological Symptoms in Adolescents

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    This study aims to explore the factorial structure of the most prevalent psychopathological symptoms in adolescence, and to explore the associations between the resulting psychopathological factors with both the Five-Factor Model of personality and the General Factor of Personality (GFP). A sample of 835 adolescents (M = 14.35, SD = 1.58; 49% girls) completed personality and psychopathology self-reports. The confirmatory factor analyses showed that a bifactor model of psychopathology, which included a general psychopathological factor (p factor) and specific factors (i.e., internalizing, externalizing, and hyperactivity and attention problems), better fitted the data than other competing models. The main associations found in the regression analyses were: neuroticism and introversion with the internalizing factor; low agreeableness with the externalizing factor; low conscientiousness with the hyperactivity and attention problems score; high neuroticism, low conscientiousness and low agreeableness with the p factor. Last, the GFP and p factor were substantially related, with β coefficients between 0.42 and 0.49 (p < .001). This study suggests that a bifactor model adequately depicts the psychopathology structure in adolescence. This structure was supported by differential associations of personality traits with each resulting factor

    Personality and nonjudging make you happier: Contribution of the Five-Factor Model, mindfulness facets and a mindfulness intervention to subjective well-being

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    Mindful individuals are able to acknowledge mind wandering and live in the present moment in a nonjudgmental way. Previous studies have found that both mind wandering and mindfulness are associated with subjective well-being. However, the main predictor of happiness is personality; more specifically, happier people are emotionally stable and extraverted. The present study aimed to explore the contribution of the five factors of personality, dispositional mindfulness facets and a mindfulness intervention to happiness. A sample of 372 university students was assessed with the NEO-Five Factor Inventory, and another sample of 217 community adults answered the Big Five Personality Trait Short Questionnaire. Both samples, 589 participants in all, completed the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire and the Subjective Happiness Scale. Furthermore, 55 participants from the general population sample took a 6-week training course in meditation and developing mindfulness. The regression analyses showed that emotional stability and extraversion traits were the strongest predictors of subjective well-being. Nonetheless, the nonjudging facet, which is nonevaluative/acceptance awareness of thoughts and feelings, still remained a significant predictor of happiness when personality was accounted for. Finally, mindfulness training did not increase subjective well-being. Being nonjudgmental of one’s inner thoughts, feelings and sensations contributes to happiness even when personality is taken into account. Accordingly, it seems reasonable that mindfulness training that intends to improve subjective well-being should focus on noticing thoughts without judging the

    Development of a 50-Item abridged form of the Junior Spanish version of the NEO questionnaire (JS NEO-A50)

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    The aim of this psychometric study was to construct an abridged 50-item form, 10 for each of the five factors of personality, of the Junior Spanish version of the NEO-PI-R (JS NEO-A50). Two separate studies were conducted. In Study 1, 400 high school students completed two personality scales to examine the factor structure (exploratory factor analysis), convergent validity, and reliability of the JS NEO-A50. In Study 2, an independent sample of 385 adolescents completed the JS NEO-A50 and several outcome measures to replicate the factor structure (exploratory structural equation model) and examine criterion validity, respectively. The five-factor structure found in Study 1 was satisfactorily replicated in the second, independent sample. Sources of reliability (internal consistency and test-retest) and validity (convergent) were adequate. Also, the outcome measures assessed in Study 2 were related to personality traits in the expected direction. Life satisfaction was significantly predicted by emotional stability; symptoms of behavioral problems were predicted by low scores in both agreeableness and conscientiousness while internalizing emotional symptoms were mainly predicted by emotional instability; finally, academic performance was mainly predicted by conscientiousness. We conclude that the JS NEO-A50 is a sound inventory to measure the five broad personality domains in Spanish-speaking adolescents

    Self-reported DSM-5 Anxiety Severity Measures: Evidence of Validity and Reliability in Spanish youths

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    Background: Very few studies about the psychometric properties of the Anxiety Severity Measures (ASM) proposed in the DSM-5 exist, and none in Spanish-speaking populations. Thus, the aim of the present study was to provide validity and reliability evidence for the Spanish versions of the Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety, Separation Anxiety, Panic, Generalized Anxiety and Specific Phobia Severity measures. Method: Participants included 567 Spaniards (mean age=21.26, SD=3.61; 68.3% women). We performed Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses to test the structure of the scales, Differential Item Functioning (DIF) by sex, Cronbach's alpha and ordinal omega to test reliability, and the Pearson correlations between the ASM and different outcomes to provide evidence for convergent/discriminant (internalizing/externalizing symptoms) and criterion validity (satisfaction, quality of life and personality). Results: Structural analyses supported a one-factor solution for all of the ASM except for the Specific Phobia scale, which was also the only scale that exhibited DIF. Reliability indices ranked from .82 to .93. All six scales showed stronger associations with internalizing than externalizing measures and were also negatively related to criterion measures. Conclusions: The Spanish version of ASM is suitable for assessing anxiety-related symptoms, except the Specific Phobia Scale, which requires further examination.Antecedentes: existen pocos estudios sobre las propiedades psicométricas de las Escalas de Gravedad de la Ansiedad (EGA) del DSM-5, y ninguno en población española. Así, el objetivo del estudio fue aportar evidencias de validez y fiabilidad de la versión española de las escalas para evaluar síntomas de Agorafobia, Ansiedad Social, Ansiedad por Separación, Pánico, Ansiedad Generalizada y Fobia Específi ca. Método: participaron 567 españoles (edad media= 21,26, DT= 3,61; 68,3% mujeres). Se realizaron análisis factoriales exploratorios y confi rmatorios para testar la estructura, Funcionamiento Diferencial de Ítems (FDI) por sexo, alfa de Cronbach y Omega Ordinal para evaluar la fiabilidad y correlaciones de Pearson entre las EGA y otras variables para analizar la validez convergente/discriminante (síntomas internalizados/externalizados) y de criterio (satisfacción, calidad de vida y personalidad). Resultados: los análisis respaldan una estructura unidimensional para las EGA excepto para Fobia Específica, que además fue la única escala que mostró un FDI. Los índices de fi abilidad oscilaron entre 0,82 y 0,93. Las escalas se asociaron más con las conductas internalizadas que externalizadas, y se asociaron negativamente con las variables criterio. Conclusiones: la versión española de las EGA son adecuadas para evaluar síntomas relacionados con la ansiedad, excepto la escala de Fobia Específi ca que requiere más investigación

    Application of the time-driven activity-based costing methodology to a complex patient case management program in Portugal

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    Funding Information: Hugo F. Mendonça Vitor G. Vicente Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s).Background: The number of people with chronic diseases has increased globally, as has the number of chronic diseases per person. Faced with this reality, the term “complex patient” is current and actual. The healthcare costs associated with these patients are high and are expected to increase since most healthcare systems are not yet ready to provide integrated long-term care. In Portugal, several health institutions have made efforts to provide integrated care: case management models have been implemented to complex patients follow-up. However, studies related to cost of these programs are still limited. Therefore, a qualitative investigation was conducted, approaching the design criteria of a case study research, to design a case management program for complex patients and determine its direct costs, following the Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing methodology, in Local Health Unit setting. Method: The direct costs of providing care to a complex patient involved in a case management program were determined, using the Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing methodology. A map of the complex patient was drawn, considering a standard flow in the program. Times and costs were allocated to the activities on the map, following Portuguese and international practices of case management models. Results: A total of 684,45€/year is spent for each new patient in the case management program, of which 452,65€ corresponds to cost of remuneration of professionals involved; and 663,85€/year, for each patient who is in the case management program (over 1 year), where 432,05€ corresponds to cost of the remuneration of the professionals involved. Follow-up is the most costly phase (80.82%) and where more time is spent (85.62%). Conclusion: The time spent by professionals and resources involved and the costs associated with each patient were obtained. The economic impact of the analysed activities was not studied, however, according to international authors, when well applied and selected, integrated care models lead to cost reduction and improved health outcomes.publishersversionpublishe

    El estudio de la personalidad en animales: la deambulación/exploración del ratón en el campo abierto poco amenazador como análogo del rasgo humano búsqueda de sensaciones

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    Segones Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 1996-1997)El propósito principal de este trabajo es el de replicar en ratones algunos de los resultados obtenidos en ratas en el campo abierto poco amenazador. A pesar de que se había considerado la deambulación como un análogo de la extraversión, trabajos actuales apuntan a que ésta podría ser considerado como un modelo de búsqueda de sensaciones. Por tanto, consideramos que la exposición repetida en el campo abierto poco amenazador hará que descienda la deambulación/exploración a lo largo de los días debido a la pérdida de la condición de novedad de la situación. Además, esta medida debería ser independiente de otras medidas biológicas, como por ejemplo el peso. Para comprobar estas hipótesis hemos utilizado tres cepas de ratones, dos no consanguíneas (CD1 y Swiss Albino) y una consanguínea (C57BL), de modo que se expuso a cada uno de los ratones al campo abierto poco amenazador durante cinco minutos. Este procedimiento se repitio durante cuatro días seguidos y en las mismas condiciones ambientales. Los resultados muestran una muy alta consistencia en la deambulación/ exploración de los ratones en las tres cepas (alfa de al rededor de 0’88). De acuerdo con las hipótesis, esta conducta se ve influenciada por la repetición en la administración de la prueba, por lo que aparecen diferencias significativas entre el primer y último día en las tres cepas. Finalmente, la conducta de deambulación/ exploración se mostro independiente de otras medidas biológicas como el peso. De acuerdo con lo resultados podemos concluir que existen diferencias individuales consistentes en la conducta de deambulación/exploración de los ratones, y que estas son independientes del día de administración de la prueba, de la cepa, o de su interacción. El hecho de que a la vez que desciende la novedad de la situación desciende también esta conducta, y no otras, nos podría estar indicando que alguno de los componentes de la conducta de deambulación/exploración es la búsqueda de la novedad y, por tanto, esta podría ser considerada como análogo animal de la búsqueda de sensaciones humana

    P2CS: a database of prokaryotic two-component systems

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    P2CS (http://www.p2cs.org) is a specialized database for prokaryotic two-component systems (TCSs), virtually ubiquitous signalling proteins which regulate a wide range of physiological processes. The primary aim of the database is to annotate and classify TCS proteins from completely sequenced prokaryotic genomes and metagenomes. Information within P2CS can be accessed through a variety of routes—TCS complements can be browsed by metagenome, replicon or sequence cluster (and these genesets are available for download by users). Alternatively a variety of database-wide or taxon-specific searches are supported. Each TCS protein is fully annotated with sequence-feature information including replicon context, while properties of the predicted proteins can be queried against several external prediction servers to suggest homologues, interaction networks, sub-cellular localization and domain complements. Another unique feature of P2CS is the analysis of ORFeomes to identify TCS genes missed during genome annotation. Recent innovations for P2CS include a CGView representation of the distribution of TCS genes around a replicon, categorization of TCS genes based on gene organization, an expanded domain-based classification scheme, a P2CS ‘gene cart’ and categorization on the basis of sequence clusters

    P2RP:a Web-based framework for the identification and analysis of regulatory proteins in prokaryotic genomes

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    BACKGROUND: Regulatory proteins (RPs) such as transcription factors (TFs) and two-component system (TCS) proteins control how prokaryotic cells respond to changes in their external and/or internal state. Identification and annotation of TFs and TCSs is non-trivial, and between-genome comparisons are often confounded by different standards in annotation. There is a need for user-friendly, fast and convenient tools to allow researchers to overcome the inherent variability in annotation between genome sequences. RESULTS: We have developed the web-server P2RP (Predicted Prokaryotic Regulatory Proteins), which enables users to identify and annotate TFs and TCS proteins within their sequences of interest. Users can input amino acid or genomic DNA sequences, and predicted proteins therein are scanned for the possession of DNA-binding domains and/or TCS domains. RPs identified in this manner are categorised into families, unambiguously annotated, and a detailed description of their features generated, using an integrated software pipeline. P2RP results can then be outputted in user-specified formats. CONCLUSION: Biologists have an increasing need for fast and intuitively usable tools, which is why P2RP has been developed as an interactive system. As well as assisting experimental biologists to interrogate novel sequence data, it is hoped that P2RP will be built into genome annotation pipelines and re-annotation processes, to increase the consistency of RP annotation in public genomic sequences. P2RP is the first publicly available tool for predicting and analysing RP proteins in users’ sequences. The server is freely available and can be accessed along with documentation at http://www.p2rp.org