55 research outputs found

    Written Heritage in the Mediterranean: Research Developments in Spain

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    Studies of written heritage have been encouraged during the last years in Europe. They have recently introduced new fields of study within its methodology such as palaeography and codicology, mainly in cataloguing documents. Many libraries have been updated through new catalogues and editions of its manuscripts collections in different ancient languages. Other collections have been restored or inventoried by specialists. The research group devoted to the study of original texts in languages developed in the Mediterranean basin since antiquity is trying to contribute to this field. A survey on the studies carried out during the last years in the CSIC is here presented.Peer reviewe

    Observaciones gramaticales en el comentario de Abraham Ibn Ezra a Lamentaciones

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    One of the main concerns of the biblical commentaries of Abraham Ibn Ezra is the study of the Hebrew grammar and its characteristics. There we can find indeed many of the theories he had on the subject. Ibn Ezra includes remarks about the consonants, punctuation, morphology of verbs and nouns, etc., using several expressions which are characteristic of his own style. The present paper aims at analyzing the grammatical aspects of the commentary of Ibn Ezra on Lamentations, and at the same time comparing his theories with those of other Medieval commentators.Uno de los principales objetivos de Abraham Ibn Ezra en sus comentarios bíblicos es el estudio de la gramática hebrea y sus características. En sus comentarios podemos encontrar expuestas muchas de sus teorías acerca de este tema. A menudo hace observaciones acerca de las consonantes hebreas, de su vocalización, morfología, de verbos y nombres, etc., utilizando expresiones típicas de su estilo. En el presente trabajo se analizan los aspectos gramaticales del comentario de Ibn Ezra al libro de las Lamentaciones, intentando relacionar sus teorías con las de otros comentaristas medievales

    Los códices modelo y los manuscritos hebreos bíblicos españoles

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    The importance of Biblical Hebrew manuscripts preserved in Spanish libraries is well known. Some of them, for example, were used in the edition of celebrated Polyglote Bibles, such as the Complutensian or Antwerp Bible. Despite the apparent similarity of the Masorah of most significant Spanish manuscripts, the style and the information they provide show some differences. In the present article I have selected some important Spanish manuscripts, and studied the notes in the Masorah of the Pentateuch referring to the so-called Model Codices.La importancia de los manuscritos hebreos bíblicos conservados en bibliotecas españolas es bien conocida. Algunos de ellos, por ejemplo, han sido utilizados en la composición de famosas biblias, tales como la Políglota Complutense o la Biblia Regia. A pesar de la aparente similitud de la masora de los manuscritos españoles más significativos, el estilo y la información que proporcionan muestran algunas diferencias. En este artículo he seleccionado algunos manuscritos españoles relevantes y he analizado las notas que aparecen en las masoras del Pentateuco acerca de estos códices modelo


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    Póster presentado en la International Conference On the Same Page: Digital Approaches to Hebrew Manuscripts, celebrada en King's College London el 18 y 19 de mayo de 2015.-- Contiene un documento pdf con más informaciónThe Manuscript@CSIC portal presents the collections of manuscripts in Hebrew, Arabic and Aljamiado stored in the CSIC libraries, including both, their cataloging and digitalization. This is a joint project between the Institute of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (ILC), the School of Arabic Studies in Granada (EEA) and the CSIC Library Coordination Unit. This portal is conceived as an open project, since in later stages it intends to incorporate other important collections of manuscripts written in other languages and kept in CSIC libraries.Under the management of Mª Teresa Ortega Monasterio and Agnès Ponsati Obiols, research staff has been appointed from the institutes and technical staff from both libraries and also from the Library Coordination Unit for the tasks of developing the catalogue, the portal and monitoring the digitalization processes.The Manuscript@CSIC portal provides access to codicological and catalographic descriptions of these manuscripts, and the complete text of each document. It also has advanced visualization functions, making it a valuable working tool for both national and international scientific communities.Peer reviewe

    Las masoras de A, C y L en el libro de Nahum

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    Uno de los problemas más debatidos de la crítica textual hebrea es el de la relación existente entre los textos y masoras de los códices del Antiguo Testamento. La mayoría de los especialistas ,consideran estos dos elementos como entidades independientes, con historia propia y distinta y cuya conexión en la misma página de un determinado códice bíblico no es necesariamente fruto de una interrelación efectiva.Peer reviewe


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    Con ocasión del 32th MELCOM Conference en Córdoba los días 19-21 de abril, 2010, se ofreció una panorámica del proyecto Manuscripts@CSIC, un proyecto que digitalizará a lo largo de 2010 150 manuscritos árabes, aljamiados y hebreos pertenecientes a la colección de manuscritos orientales del CSIC y sitos en la Escuela de Estudios Árabes de Granada y en la Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás de Madrid. Los manuscritos tratan variadas temáticas y abarcan un periodo cronológico comprendido entre el siglo XIII y el siglo XIX.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasPeer reviewe

    Spanish Biblical Hebrew Manuscripts

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    [ES] El presente artículo presenta algunas de las colecciones mas importantes de manuscritos hebreos conservados en España. La importancia de los manuscritos hebreos medievales escritos en España ha sido reconocida mundialmente y existen algunos ejemplares de extraordinario valor[EN] The aim of this study is to present the most important Hebrew manuscripts conserved in the libraries of Madrid and El Escorial. The collection of Hebrew manuscripts is especially significant in the National library of Spain, the library of the Monastery of El Escorial and the Complutensian University library. Most of the manuscripts are of sephardic origin. The importance and accuracy of Spanish manuscripts has been recognized since the Middle Ages. Some of them have been used in the editing of such important Polyglot Bibles like the Complutensian Polyglot or the Antwerp Polyglot. In order to update old catalogues from the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century and in order to incorporate relevant data for researchers and librarians a new catalogue is being published. The first step of the work is the study of Bibles, biblical commentaries ang grammatical works. Further research must be done in the future to update the description of other Hebrew manuscripts in these libraries.Proyecto de investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid Tesoro bibliográfico hebreo de la Comunidad de Madrid (2003

    Masoretic Appendices in Spanish Bible Manuscripts

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    26 páginas, 15 figuras.[ES] Existe un importante corpus de manuscritos hebreos bíblicos hispánicos datado entre los siglos XII y XV. Estos manuscritos contienen información masorética de diversas categorías: masoras parva, magna, finalis, o bien apéndices masoréticos, ya sean ornamentales o no. Hasta el momento, estos manuscritos han sido estudiados desde un punto de vista textual, es decir, mediante ediciones críticas de sus textos y masoras o de forma comparativa entre ellos. Sin embargo, los estudios comparativos sobre los contenidos masoréticos y sus características especiales son escasos. En este artículo se analizan algunas de estas listas masoréticas contenidas en una selección de manuscritos españoles escritos en la misma época, comparando sus similitudes y discrepancias, prestando especial atención a los apéndices masoréticos,las masoras ornamentales y sus textos.[EN] There is a significant corpus of Spanish Hebrew manuscripts of the dated 13th-15th centuries. These manuscripts do all contain Masorah in its different categories: parva, magna, finalis or lists being it ornamental or not. So far, these manuscripts have been studied from a textual point of view, either critical editions of their texts or Masorah, or textual comparative studies. However, comparative studies on the specific characteristics of the Masoretic contents and, moreover, a comparison of the different manuscripts from this specific perspective, are scarce. In this paper, intend to analyse some of these Masoretic lists, by comparing a selection of the most prestigious Spanish Bible manuscripts, their similarities and discrepancies. Furthermore, will present under scrutiny some of the so-considered ornamental Masorahs and their texts.Peer reviewe

    Manuscritos Bíblicos Hebreos en Bibliotecas Españolas

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    [EN] A great number of valuables Biblical Hebrew manuscripts are conserved in Spanish libraries. They are of various content and some of them are specially significant for many reasons, one of them having been used in the editing of such important Polyglote Bibles like the Complutensian or the Antwerp Bible. An overview of the main libraries collections of manuscripts is given, analyzing its catalogs and the most significant manuscripts. In order to identify better the single copies, they appear distributed in groups, depending on its content.[ES] Las bibliotecas españolas contienen diversas colecciones de manuscritos hebreos de excelente calidad y muy variados temas, habiendo sido algunos de ellos utilizados para ediciones de las más importantes Biblias Políglotas, como la de Amberes o la Complutense. Se ofrece aquí una visión de conjunto de los manuscritos bíblicos o relacionados con la Biblia en las principales colecciones, haciendo un análisis de los principales manuscritos que las componen y de su estado de catalogación. Para su mejor identificación, se han agrupado en varios apartados, atendiendo principalmente a su contenido.Peer reviewe