403 research outputs found

    Reduction of the seismic vulnerability of vernacular architecture with traditional strengthening solutions

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia CivilThe valorization and preservation of vernacular architecture, as well as traditional construction techniques and materials, is a key-element for cultural identity. As part of this essential objective, the present thesis focuses on vernacular architecture earthquake preparedness, with a particular focus on the Portuguese case. Conservation efforts are often mainly focused on historical constructions and monuments. Furthermore, more detailed and sophisticated seismic vulnerability assessment approaches typically used for monumental buildings require time, cost and resources that are not commonly assigned to the study of vernacular architecture. Earthquakes come unexpectedly, endangering in-use vernacular architecture and the population who inhabits it. That is why the development of a simplified method for the seismic vulnerability assessment of vernacular architecture is of paramount importance. The present research establishes four clear objectives that are accomplished through the development of four research tasks structured along the nine chapters that composed this document. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the investigation of traditional strengthening construction techniques developed empirically by local communities to protect their built-up environment, based on literature review and on-site visits. The second part deals with the development of two seismic vulnerability assessment methods for vernacular architecture: (1) Seismic Vulnerability Index for Vernacular Architecture (SVIVA); and (2) Seismic Assessment of the Vulnerability of Vernacular Architecture Structures (SAVVAS). The development of these two methods composes the main body of the thesis, which is carried out on the basis of an extensive numerical modeling campaign that also helped to gain a deeper quantitative knowledge on the seismic behavior of representative examples of existing Portuguese vernacular architecture. The third part of the thesis addresses the numerical investigation of traditional strengthening construction solutions identified within the first part. It is mainly intended to validate their efficiency in mitigating the seismic vulnerability of vernacular architecture for their eventual application. Finally, the thesis deals with the application of the two methods in two different case studies. This part allows calibrating the two methods, as well as validating their applicability as first level seismic vulnerability assessment approaches.A valorização e conservação da arquitetura vernácula, assim como das técnicas e materiais tradicionais de construção, é um elemento chave de identidade cultural. A presente tese centra-se na arquitetura vernácula e na sua preparação para fazer face aos terramotos, em particular no caso português. Os esforços de conservação centram-se em geral nas construções históricas. Abordagens muito detalhadas e sofisticadas para a avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica são, sobretudo, aplicáveis em edificios históricos e monumentais, porque requerem um tempo, um custo e uma quantidade de recursos que não podem ser atribuídos ao estudo da arquitetura vernácula. Contudo, os sismos são inesperados e põem em risco a arquitetura vernácula e os seus habitantes. É por isso que o desenvolvimento de um metodo simplificado para a avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica da arquitetura vernácula é de suma importância. A presente investigação estabelece quatro objetivos que são atingidos através do desenvolvimento de quatro tarefas organizadas em nove capítulos que compõem este documento. A primeira parte da tese centra-se no estudo de técnicas tradicionais de reforço desenvolvidas por comunidades locais empiricamente, com o objetivo de proteger os seus edifícios das ações sísmicas. Esta parte inclui a revisão da literatura e a investigação in-situ. A segunda parte dedica-se a desenvolver dois métodos para a avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica da arquitectura vernácula: (1) Seismic Vulnerability Index for Vernacular Architecture (SVIVA); e (2) Seismic Assessment of the Vulnerability of Vernacular Architecture Structures (SAVVAS). O desenvolvimento destes métodos compõe o corpo principal da tese, baseado num extenso trabalho de modelação numérica, que também contribui para se obter um melhor conhecimento do comportamento sísmico de exemplos existentes e representativos da arquitetura vernácula portuguesa. A terceira parte aborda a investigação numérica das soluções de reforço tradicionais identificadas previamente e destina-se principalmente à validação da sua eficiência na mitigação da vulnerabilidade sísmica da arquitectura vernácula, para assim poder ser aplicadas em edifícios existentes. A tese é concluída com a aplicação dos dois métodos desenvolvidos, em dois casos de estudo. Esta parte contribui para a calibração dos métodos, além da validação da sua aplicabilidade como abordagem de primeiro nível na avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica

    Influencia de una propuesta de educación sexual en la búsqueda de información y en la experiencia sexual adolescente

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    El presente estudio se enmarca dentro de una investigación sobre la eficacia y la repercusión de una propuesta concreta de Educación Sexual desarrollada con estudiantes de 3º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Para ello se examina y compara la evolución de dos grupos de sujetos, el primero, grupo experimental, compuesto por 71 adolescentes, y el segundo, grupo control, formado por 52 compañeros del mismo centro escolar, todos ellos con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y los 17 años. Este trabajo se centra en el análisis, en ambos grupos, de las fuentes que usan para informarse sobre sexualidad, los conocimientos percibidos y la experiencia sexual declarada antes y después de la intervención educativa (pretest-postest). Los resultados muestran como el programa favorece la comunicación del alumnado con profesionales educativos o sanitarios. Se evidencia además, un mayor ajuste entre los conocimientos percibidos y las conocimientos demostrados en las diferentes escalas. De igual manera se observa un incremento de la experiencia sexual similar en ambos grupos.The study presented is part of a research on the efficacy and impact of a specific proposal of Sexual Education developed with students from 3rd grade of Complusory Secondary Education. For that , the evolution of two groups of individuals is examined and compared, the first experimental group, consisting of 71 adolescents, and the second, control group, consisting of 52 students of the same school, all aged between 13 and 17 years. This paper focuses on the analysis of the sources that both groups use to learn about sexuality, the acquired knowledge and the sexual experience stated before and after the educational intervention (pretest-posttest). The results show how the program favors communication of students with educational and health professionals. Greater alignment between perceived knowledge and proven knowledge is shown in different scales. Also, in both groups a similar increase of sexual experience is observed.peerReviewe

    Design and Initial Validation of the Scales Epistemology, Methodology and Gender in Taught History (EMG), and Women in History (WH) for the Evaluation of Gender Competence of Social Science Teachers in Training

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    In recent decades, it has been frequent to apply instruments and built ad hoc in studies oriented to the diagnostic evaluation of the inclusion of the gender perspective in the teaching of history and the degree of acquisition of gender competence in the initial teaching training. However, less usual has been the work dedicated to the analysis and validation of the metric properties of these instruments, with the specific purpose of guaranteeing the validity of the conclusions reached from the data obtained. In order to respond to this absence, the present study describes the initial validation of the scales Epistemology, methodology and gender in taught history (EMG) and Women in history (WH) in a sample of primary and secondary school trainee teachers from four Spanish public universities. With this aim, the reliability of each scale, the validity of its content and the construct validity are studied by means of an exploratory factorial analysis of principal components and varimax rotation. The results obtained inform about the general viability of both scales to be applied for the evaluation of the gender competence of trainee teachers, and the analysis of their social representations on the place of women in the taught history. The study shows the functional interdependence between scales and robustness for its joint application in the general assessment of gender as a category of analysis in social science teaching.research project EDU2016‐80145‐P (Ministry of Economy and Business of Spain), and by the Research Group of the University of Burgos of Didactics of History and Social Sciences (DHISO

    Seismic-resistant building practices resulting from local seismic culture

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    Considering that vernacular architecture may bear important lessons on hazard mitigation, this chapter focuses on the European Mediterranean countries and studies traditional seismic-resistant architectural elements and techniques that local populations developed to prevent or repair earthquake damage. This area was selected as a case study because, as a highly seismic region, it has suffered the effect of many earthquakes along the history and, thus, regions within this area are prone to have developed a Local Seismic Culture. After reviewing seismic resistant construction concepts, a wide range of traditional construction solutions that, in many cases, have shown to improve the seismic performance of vernacular constructions of these regions is presented, as a contribution to the general overview of retrofitting building systems provided in this book. The main motivation is that most of these techniques can be successfully applied to preserve and to retrofit surviving examples without prejudice for their identity.(undefined

    Modelação numérica do comportamento de tração-compressão de ligadores em paredes de alvenaria

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    Brick masonry veneer walls connected to infill walls inserted in a reinforced concrete (RC) frame is a very common constructive system in Portugal. The stability of the veneer wall is ensured by ties that make the connection with the masonry infill walls. These ties are the main structural element transferring the out-of-plane loads to the main structure during an earthquake. However, the characterization of the seismic behavior of these tie connections is an insufficiently explored topic. The present paper shows a numerical investigation that aims to simulate experimental results of tension and compression tests performed on masonry wallets connected by means of steel ties. The main objective of the present research is to obtain a better understanding of the complex structural behavior of this specific construction system to eventually develop simplified numerical tools to be used in engineering practice for the seismic design and retrofitting of brick masonry veneer walls.As paredes de alvenaria não estruturais de fachada constituem um dos elementos construtivos mais tradicionais das envolventes de edifícios construídos em Portugal. A estabilidade destas paredes é garantida por ligadores que fazem a ligação com as paredes de alvenaria de enchimento. Estes ligadores são o principal elemento estrutural a transferir as cargas fora do plano para a estrutura principal durante um terremoto. No entanto, a caracterização do comportamento sísmico dos ligadores é ainda um tema insuficientemente explorado na literatura. O presente artigo mostra uma investigação numérica com o objetivo de simular ensaios de tração-compressão realizados em provetes de alvenaria ligados através de ligadores metálicos. O objetivo último da investigação será obter um melhor entendimento do complexo comportamento estrutural de esta tipologia construtiva e eventualmente propor ferramentas numéricas simplificadas que possam ser usadas por engenheiros na prática profissional para o desenho sísmico e reabilitação de paredes de alvenaria de fachada.The authors acknowledge the support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through the financing of the research project SEVen - Development of Sustainable Ceramic Brick Masonry Veneer Walls for Building Envelops (PTDC/ECICON/30876/2017)

    Safety analysis of modern heritage masonry buildings: Box-buildings in Recife, Brazil

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical ConstructionsThere was a large increase in the construction of public housing in Brazil during the 1970s because of housing shortage and economic policies supporting development projects and private investments. Box-buildings arose in that time, constructed by non-experts interested only in a fast return on the investment. These buildings were made in an empirical way, with no consideration of specific technical norms or standards and thus, critically reducing their safety coefficient. Now, it is estimated that there are between 4,000 to 6,000 buildings constructed with these characteristics in the Recife Metropolitan Region. They are inhabited by more than 250,000 people, comprising approximately 10% of the population of this region. Around 90% of these buildings seem to present some risk of collapse, with different severity. 230 buildings are at high risk of collapse and have been evacuated. More than 100 buildings have been condemned, 5 have been demolished and 12 have already collapsed. The present dissertation focuses on a recent PhD thesis co-supervised at University of Minho carried out by de Carvalho (2010) and aims to extend it. That work is an experimental and numerical research applied to one building that suffered collapse. An extensive testing programme was carried out, including non-destructive and minor destructive testing on the building, as well as laboratory testing. A finite element model was made, updated with the data obtained through the dynamic identification, and a linear elastic numerical analysis was performed. The objective of the present dissertation is to extend the work carried out before to the non-linear regime, by incorporating the inelastic phenomena, aiming at quantifying the safety of the existing buildings and better understanding the damage and the reasons for the collapse. The research mainly comprises a safety analysis of the structure and a sensitivity analysis, in order to understand the importance of the material parameters and their influence on the structural response of the building.construção de habitação social no Brasil teve um grande impulso a partir da década de setenta devido à escassez de habitação, incentivada pelas políticas económicas que facilitaram os projetos de desenvolvimento do país na época e o investimento privado. Os prédios tipo caixão emergiram naquela época, construídos por profissionais sem experiência em construção, interessados apenas no rápido retorno desse tipo de investimento. A maior parte destas edificações foram executadas de forma empírica, sem consideração dos requisitos de regulamentação técnica específicas que possibilitassem o estabelecimento de um nivel de segurança estrutural aceitável. Atualmente, estimase que existam entre 4,000 a 6,000 edifícios com essas características construídos na Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR) e que estes sejam habitados por cerca de 250,000 pessoas, compreendendo aproximadamente 10% da população do grande Recife. Cerca de 90% destes edifícios apresentam risco de colapso, sendo que 230 são considerados de alto risco e já foram evacuados. Mais de 100 prédios foram interditados, 5 foram demolidos e 12 sofreram colapso. O presente trabalho centra-se numa recente tese de doutoramento coorientada na Universidade do Minho realizada por de Carvalho (2010) e pretende continuar o seu trabalho. Aquela tese é uma investigação experimental e numérica aplicada a um edifício que colapsou. Foram realizados no edifício ensaios não destrutivos e semi-destrutivos, tendo ainda sido executados ensaios em laboratório de amostras retiradas das paredes do edifício. Por outro lado, realizou-se um modelo de elementos finitos, atualizado com as informações obtidas por meio de um ensaio de identificação dinâmica realizado no edifício, e completou-se uma análise elástica linear. O objetivo do presente trabalho é alargar o trabalho feito na tese para uma análise em regime não linear, incorporando a resposta inelástica para quantificar a segurança desses edifícios, entender melhor os danos e tentar identificar as causas do colapso. A investigação compreende principalmente uma análise da segurança da estrutura e uma análise de sensibilidade, a fim de entender a importância das características dos materiais e a sua influência sobre a resposta estrutural do edifício.Durante los años 70, hubo un gran aumento de la construcción de vivienda pública debido a la escasez de vivienda y las políticas económicas que apoyaban proyectos de desarrollo y la inversión privada. Los edificios tipo caixão surgieron en ese momento, construidos por profesionales sin experiencia en el campo de la construcción e interesados solamente en el rápido retorno de la inversión. Los edificios se construían de manera empírica, sin consideraciones a las normas y códigos de la época y por ello, el coeficiente de seguridad de los edificios se redujo drásticamente. Actualmente, se estima que hay entre 4,000 y 6,000 edificios construidos de esta manera en el área metropolitana de Recife (RMR). Están habitados por más de 250,000 personas, lo que comprende aproximadamente al 10% de la población total de la región. Alrededor del 90% de estos edificios presentan algún riesgo de colapso y de los cuales 230 están considerados en alto riesgo y ya han sido evacuados. Más de 100 están pendientes de demolición, 5 han sido ya demolidos y 12 han colapsado. El presente trabajo pretende continuar el trabajo empezado en la tesis doctoral realizada por de Carvalho (2010) y codirigida en la Universidade do Minho. La tesis es una investigación numérica y experimental sobre un edificio que colapsó. Se llevó a cabo un extenso programa de ensayos que incluyó ensayos no destructivos y semi-destructivos sobre el edifico, y trabajo experimental en laboratorio, con muestras extraídas del edificio. Se realizó un modelo de elementos finitos, actualizado con la información obtenida a través de un ensayo dinámico que se desarrolló sobre el edificio, y se llevó a cabo un análisis elástico lineal. El objetivo del presente trabajo es ampliar el trabajo realizado en la tesis llevando el análisis al régimen no lineal, incorporando la respuesta inelástica para así cuantificar la seguridad de este tipo de edificios y entender mejor los daños y las razones del colapso. La investigación comprende principalmente un análisis de la seguridad de la estructura y un análisis de sensibilidad, con el fin de comprender la importancia de las características de los materiales y su influencia en la respuesta estructural del edificio

    Seismic behavior of an old masonry building in Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal

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    Vila Real de Santo António is located in the Algarve region and was erected ex novo at the end of the 18th Century, after the 1755 Lisbon earthquake, following a Pombaline development that showed seismic concern at an urban and architectural level. However, most of the original constructions have been subjected to continuous alterations or even substituted for new ones. The first building built in the town was the Alfândega or Customs House and was selected as a case study because it still preserves most of its original characteristics. It was studied through historical survey, visual inspection and experimental in-situ characterization. As a result, a detailed finite element model was constructed and pushover analyses were carried out to assess its seismic vulnerability. The main goals of the paper are to understand the resisting mechanisms and seismic behavior of the building, as well as to evaluate the influence of structural alterations.NAFOSTED -National Foundation for Science and Technology(PTDC/ATPAQI/ 3934/2012

    Modelling strategies for traditional earthquake resistant solutions enhancing wall-to-wall connections

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    Traditional masonry buildings located in seismic prone areas often present construction techniques empirically developed to improve the buildings seismic performance, for example by enhancing their box-behaviour in order to avoid premature out-of-plane failure of masonry walls. Often, earthquake-resistant techniques consist of a combination of locally available materials, such as timber or metal ties, embedded in masonry components. Finite Elements Macro-modelling approximates masonry as a homogeneous isotropic continuum, in order to obtain simpler and larger meshes, because the model does not have to describe the internal structure of masonry. One of the main challenges related to the numerical simulations is the use of adequate constitutive materials models able to replicate the non-linear behaviour of masonry. In the framework of macro-modelling approach of the masonry walls, an additional challenge is the modelling strategy to simulate the contribution of elements embedded in masonry, which work as traditional earthquake resistant solutions. This work presents the results of the numerical analyses simulating the out-of-plane response of reduced scale (1:2) U-shaped stone masonry walls built with earthquake resistant techniques embedded at the corners, namely steel ties in wall 1 and timber lath beams in wall 2, which were tested experimentally. The work primarily aims at the comparison of the results obtained with two different modelling strategies for the two reinforcing solutions, namely using 3D beams elements (CL18B) and solid elements (CHX60). The outcomes provided by this work represent a useful contribution to achieve a deeper understanding regarding the consistency of the aforementioned strategies in capturing the influence of traditional of earthquake resistant techniques on the out-of-plane response of reinforced stone masonry walls

    Seismic vulnerability assessment method for vernacular architecture

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    The valorization and preservation of vernacular architecture, as well as traditional construction techniques and materials, is a key-element for cultural identity. As part of this essential objective, the present paper focuses on vernacular architecture earthquake preparedness. Earthquakes come unexpectedly, endangering in-use vernacular architecture and the population who inhabits it. However, conservation efforts are often mainly focused on historical construction and monuments. Furthermore, more detailed and sophisticated approaches typically used for monumental buildings require time, cost and resources that are not commonly assigned to the study of vernacular constructions. That is why the development of a simplified method for the seismic vulnerability assessment of vernacular architecture is of paramount importance. The paper firstly provides a brief overview of seismic vulnerability assessment methods, specifically the vulnerability index method, on which the proposed method is based. Then, the paper presents the procedure that was followed for the development of the seismic vulnerability assessment method for vernacular architecture proposed, which includes: (a) the identification and selection of constructive aspects and parameters that most influence the seismic behavior of the building; (b) the definition of the parameters seismic vulnerability classes by means of numerical parametric analysis using detailed finite element (FE) modeling and nonlinear static (pushover) analyses; and (c) the definition of the parameters weight, according to a statistical analysis performed on the results of the parametric study. Finally, the paper shows, as an example, the numerical strategy followed for the definition of the classes of one parameter.FEDER funds through the Competitivity and Internationalization Operational Programme–COMPETE and by national funds through FCT–Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POC1-01-0145-FEDER-007633.This work was also financed in the framework of the Portuguese Public Procurement Code,LOTE3EC5–Escola Secundária da Anadia e Gafanha da Nazar

    Coeducation and citizenship: A study on initial teacher training in sexual equality and diversity

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    Producción CientíficaThe present study makes an exhaustive review of the conditions and challenges faced by society to transform the school into a truly inclusive, coeducational, and democratic space. It proposes a theoretical model, of a bottom-up nature, to achieve gender equality in the school environment, giving special importance to teacher training. This study evaluates the training in gender equality and coeducation that students with degrees related to teaching are receiving. An analysis is conducted of the presence of attitudes that support the gender/sex system and the identification of relevant female references in a sample of 452 students in the Degree in Primary Education or the University Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching (MUPES). For the collection of information, an ad hoc questionnaire was used that contemplates formative and cultural aspects, together with the Inventory of Ambivalent Sexism (ASI), the Attitudes of Heterosexuals toward Homosexuals (HATH), and the Women in History (WH) scales. Among the main results, the important lack of training in aspects related to gender equality and coeducation, as well as a general lack of knowledge of historical female references, stands out. It can be concluded that, at present, teacher training is still in the early stages of the proposed model