200 research outputs found

    Origin of the negative differential resistance in the output characteristics of a picene-based thin-film transistor

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this work, we have fabricated and studied p-type picene thin-film transistors. Although the devices exhibited good electrical performance with high field-effect mobility (up to 1.3 cm2/V¿s) and on/off ratios above 105, the output electric characteristics of the devices exhibited a Negative Differential Resistance for higher drain-source voltage. Finally, a possible explanation for this phenomenon is developed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Enabling silicon-on-silicon photonics with pedestalled Mie resonators

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    High-refractive-index Mie resonators are regarded as promising building blocks for low-loss all-dielectric nanophotonic applications. To avoid the otherwise excessive damping and loss of symmetry such devices typically need to be implemented over a low-index substrate, which hampers their integration in many practical applications. In this paper we propose a new photonic structure consisting of silicon-on-silicon spheroidal-like resonators, each one supported by a slim silicon pedestal that makes the micro-cavities stand optically separated from the substrate while providing both mechanical stability and electrical contact with the substrate. These structures are produced in high-quality monocrystalline Si and their size and arrangement can be precisely controlled through standard lithography. We demonstrate that such structures present an optical performance similar to the one achieved with low-index substrates, opening new avenues for developing novel hybrid photonic/electronic devices.Postprint (author's final draft

    TCO-free low-temperature p+ emitters for back-junction c-Si solar cells

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    In this work, we report on the fabrication and characterization of n-type c-Si solar cells whose p+ emitters are based on laser processed aluminum oxide/silicon carbide (Al2O3/SiCx) films. The p+ emitter is defined at the rear side of the cell and it consists of point-like laser-diffused p+ regions with a surface charge induced emitter in between based on the high negative charge located at the Al2O3/c-Si interface. These emitters are fabricated at low temperature (1000 nm) that reach the rear surface of the cell resulting in an excellent back reflector. We fabricated solar cells with distance between p+ regions or pitch ranging from 200 to 350 µm with a front surface based on silicon heterojunction technology. Best efficiency (18.1%) is obtained for a pitch of 250 µm as a consequence of the trade-off between Voc and FF values.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Numerical simulations of rear point-contacted solar cells pn 2.2 Wcm p-type c-Si substrates

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    Rear surface of high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells is based on a combination of dielectric passivation and point-like contacts. In this work, we develop a 3D model for these devices based on 2.2 Ωcm p-type crystalline silicon substrates. We validate the model by comparison with experimental results allowing us to determine an optimum design for the rear pattern. Additionally, the 3D model results are compared with the ones deduced from a simpler and widely used 1D model. Although the maximum efficiency predicted by both models is approximately the same, large deviations are observed in open-circuit voltage and fill factor. 1D simulations overestimate open-circuit voltage because Dember and electrochemical potential drops are not taken into account. On the contrary, fill factor is underestimated because of higher ohmic losses along the base when 1D analytical model is used. These deviations are larger for relatively low-doped substrates, as the ones used in the experimental samples reported hereby, and poor passivated contacts. As a result, 1D models could mislead to too short optimum rear contact spacing.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Towards photovoltaic powered artificial retina

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    The aim of this article is to provide an overview of current and future concepts in the field of retinal prostheses, and is focused on the power supply based on solar energy conversion; we introduce the possibility of using PV minimodules as power supply for a new concept of retinal prostheses: Photovoltaic Powered Artificial Retina (PVAR). Main characteristics of these PV modules are presented showing its potential for this application.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Recombination processes in passivated boron-implanted black silicon emitters

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    In this paper, we study the recombination mechanisms in ion-implanted black silicon (bSi) emitters and discuss their advantages over diffused emitters. In the case of diffusion, the large bSi surface area increases emitter doping and consequently Auger recombination compared to a planar surface. The total doping dose is on the contrary independent of the surface area in implanted emitters, and as a result, we show that ion implantation allows control of emitter doping without compromise in the surface aspect ratio. The possibility to control surface doping via implantation anneal becomes highly advantageous in bSi emitters, where surface passivation becomes critical due to the increased surface area. We extract fundamental surface recombination velocities Sn through numerical simulations and obtain the lowest values at the highest anneal temperatures. With these conditions, an excellent emitter saturation current (J0e) is obtained in implanted bSi emitters, reaching 20 fA/cm2 ± 5 fA/cm2 at a sheet resistance of 170 O/sq. Finally, we identify the different regimes of recombination in planar and bSi emitters as a function of implantation anneal temperature. Based on experimental data and numerical simulations, we show that surface recombination can be reduced to a negligible contribution in implanted bSi emitters, which explains the low J0e obtained.Postprint (published version

    Interdigitated laser-contacted solar cell on liquid-phase crystallized silicon on glass

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    10 µm thick liquid-phase crystallized silicon (Si) layers on 3.2 mm Borofloat 33 glass (5cm x 5cm) are fabricated by continuous wave line focus laser (808 nm). A sputtered SiO2/SiON layer stack has been implemented as barrier layer at the glass Si interface. Solar cells with interdigitated back contact are prepared on these multicrystalline layers by using low temperature ( 20 µm is found. Laser doping and contacting using UV laser resulted in small (< 20 mV) loss of Voc(1sun). Crack formation in LPCSG absorbers after laser crystallization process presents technological problems in the preparation of the interdigitated metal contact.Postprint (published version

    Light harvesting by a spherical silicon microcavity

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    Silicon colloids are presented as efficient absorbers in the VIS-NIR region. The theory of resonant absorption by Mie modes in a single high-index sphere is reviewed and engineering rules established. The presented model predicts enhanced absorption in the crystalline silicon band-to-band absorption region, with absorption efficiencies exceeding one in the VIS and excellent NIR response. A maximum resonant absorption efficiency close to 4 can be obtained at the violet region (425 nm), and values above 0.25 are possible in the bandgap edge at wavelengths up to 1400 nm. Silicon colloids are proposed as a promising cost-effective, silicon saving, sunlight harvesters with improved VIS and NIR response.Postprint (author's final draft

    2D/3D Simulations of black-silicon interdigitated back-contacted c-si(n) solar cells

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    Black silicon (b-Si) reduces drastically light reflectance in the front side of c-Si solar cells to values near zero for the whole absorbed solar spectrum. In this work, we apply 2D and 3D simulations to explore the efficiency limits of interdigitated back-contacted c-Si(n) solar cells with line or point contacts respectively, using ALD Al2O3 passivated b-Si in the front surface. Realistic physical and technological parameters involved in a conventional oven-based fabrication process are considered in the simulations, especially those related to surface recombination on the b-Si as well as high doped p+/n+ strip regions. One important issue is the temporal stability of surface passivation on b-Si surfaces. In this work experimental long-term b-Si surface passivation data after two years and its impact on cell performance are studied. Simulations demonstrate initial and final photovoltaic efficiencies over 24.6% and 23.2% respectively for an emitter coverage of 80% independently of the cell contact strategy. A photocurrent loss about 1.3 mA/cm2 occurs when surface recombination velocity at the b-Si surfaces degrades from 6 cm/s to a final value of 28 cm/s.Postprint (author's final draft
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