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    [EN] This project is a study of my personal identity, introspection inside my inner, I present my essence of “Me”. Exposing my “inner” based at all around me and my existence. We recorded in our body ocurrence unresolved in our family system, and everything that affects us in our lives. We are part of the branches of a tree, despite of having our individuality, we are connec - ted with others, when we are together form a whole in one place. We are conected with other people and with other situations that help us evolve inwardly and spiritually. Thus, when I understand what are behind my story there are more stories to compliment me, that my perception is built for much more than a simple vision, everything that has accompanied me for many years, not only in my life, also the roots of all my family, has developed a perception; CG Jung said; “No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell”. The big blows of life, are made for built ways for learning and teaching the truth that we don ́t perceived. Through the self-portrait I discover a link between myself and the world. Any detail can create connecting threads in creating my personal existence, many of them are inserts in the unconscious, which makes us don ́t know the aware of our the reality truth or know the authentic wisdom that has our being. That is why we need a reflection of our interior, designed for those people who are part of our way, discovering into them what we keep secret oursel - ves, by them we can discover the truth of the self-portrait that will help us not only to a personal evolution, to heal and know our inner of ourselves. Self-portrait has helped me to express one identity and the body in connec - tion with all my outsite, showing my face, my intimate space at the same time the outward of “Me”. Which expresses both directly and indirectly their psychology inner[ES] Este proyecto parte del estudio de una identidad personal, a través de una búsqueda interior, donde presento la esencia de mi “yo”. Sacar a la luz mi “ser interior” partiendo de todo aquello que me rodea y ha formado parte de mi existencia. Llevamos grabado en nuestro cuerpo los sucesos no resueltos en nuestro sistema familiar, y todo aquello nos afecta en el entorno que nos rodea. Formamos parte de las ra - mas de un árbol, que a pesar de tener nuestra individualidad, estamos conectados a muchas más, que juntas, forman un todo, en un mismo lugar. Estamos unidos a personas y situaciones que nos ayudan a evo - lucionar interiormente y espiritualmente. Es así, cuando comprendo que detrás de mi historia hay más historias que me complementan, que mi percepción esta construida por mucho más que una simple visión, todo aquello que me ha acompañado du - rante años, no solo en mi vida, si no, en todas las raíces familiares, ha desarrollado una percepción. 1 “ Se dice que ningún árbol puede crecer hasta el cielo a menos que sus raíces lleguen al infierno”. Los grandes golpes de la vida, son para construir un camino de aprendizaje y ense - ñar una verdad que no percibíamos. A través del autorretrato descubro una vinculación entre mi ser y el mundo. Cualquier mínimo detalle puede crear hilos conectores en la creación de mi existencia personal, y muchos de ellos, están anclados en el inconsciente, lo que nos hace no ser consciente de nuestra verda - dera realidad ni conocer la autentica sabiduría que posee nuestro ser. Es por ello, que necesitamos de un reflejo de nuestro interior, proyec - tado en aquellas personas que forman parte de nuestro camino, des - cubriendo en ellos lo que nos ocultamos a nosotros mismos, a través de ellos podemos descubrir un verdadero autorretrato que nos ayude no solo a una evolución personal, si no a sanar y conocernos realmen - te. El autorretrato me ha ayudado a expresar una identidad y un cuerpo en conexión a todo mi exterior, mostrando mi rostro, el lugar más inti - mo y a la vez más externo del “yo” como sujeto, el que expresa tanto directamente como indirectamente su interioridad psicologíaOrtega Soriano, G. (2016). EL HILO DEL INCOSCIENTE. BUSQUEDA DEL SER INTERIOR. AUTORRETRATO. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/73751.TFG

    Biodegradación de plásticos en ambientes naturales

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    57 p.Los plásticos son materiales poliméricos de alto peso molecular presentes en nuestro día a día debido a sus múltiples usos. La contaminación por plásticos se ha visto incrementada en los últimos años ocasionando graves impactos en entornos naturales terrestres y acuáticos. Ante este escenario, el aprovechamiento de la capacidad de ciertos microorganismos para degradar plásticos supone una oportunidad para reducir esta problemática. Solo considerando los denominados bioplásticos, se han identificado más de 90 tipos de microorganismos degradadores, principalmente bacterias y hongos. La biodegradación de plásticos en entornos naturales está afectada por múltiples factores como las condiciones ambientales, las características del polímero y las características de las enzimas microbianas degradativas. En relación con estas, destacan las hidrolasas, lipasas y cutinasas, por su capacidad de atacar distintos tipos de plásticos. La información existente ha evidenciado la biodegradación de determinados plásticos en sistemas acuáticos (oceánicos y fluviales) y en sistemas terrestres (compost y suelos) tanto en condiciones naturales como de laboratorio. Sin embargo, la degradación microbiana de materiales plásticos es un proceso lento y que presenta diversas limitaciones derivadas de las características intrínsecas de los plásticos como su baja biodisponibilidad y elevado peso molecular. Por ello, se han propuesto diversas estrategias para su optimización, como la modificación genética de los microorganismos o la mejora de la termoestabilidad enzimática requerida para aumentar la eficiencia del proceso. Además, datos recientes sugieren la aplicabilidad de la actividad microbiana para producir compuestos de alto valor añadido a partir de productos derivados de los procesos de despolimerización de los plásticos.Plastics are a wide number of polymeric materials with high molecular weight that are present in our day by day because of their multiple applications. In the last decades, plastic pollution has rapidily increased, leading to harmful impacts in natural aquatic and terrestial environments. In this scenario, the use of the ability of some microorganisms to degrade plastics becomes an opportunity to minimize this issue. More than 90 types of microorganisms able to degrade bioplastics have been identiffied, mainly bacteria and fungi. Plastic biodegradation in natural environments is affected by multiple factors such as the environmental conditions, the physic chemical characteristics of the polymer, and features of the microbial degradative enzymes. A wide number of enzymes has been reported to be involved in the biodegradation, such as hydrolases, lipases and cutinases, able to degrade several types of plastics. Plastic biodegradation has been found in aquatic environments (oceans and rivers) and terrestrial environments (compost and soils). However, plastic biodegradation rate is low, and this process still presents several limitations, mainly related with intrinsic properties of plastics such as low bioavailability and high molecular weight. Recently, there has been biotechnological advances for the optimization of the biodegradation process, mainly related to genetic engineering and modification of biodegradative enzymes to improve their thermostability. Additionally, new approaches are being explored to exploit the microbial activity to produce high value compounds from plastic wastes.Grado en Ciencias Ambientale

    El Salón de Reinos: la construcción de un espacio de poder

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    Las manifestaciones iconográficas han sido referentes para el estudio del poder desde tiempos remotos; el complejo programa decorativo del Salón de Reinos representa por si solo, de forma plástica, el poder ejercido por la Monarquía de los Austrias, como estandarte de la culminación de una época donde la concepción de la imagen de la Corona y los monarcas estaba sujeta a un control exhaustivo. Muchos autores han realizado trabajos acerca de este Salón, pero en la mayoría de ellos el estudio se limita al valor iconográfico de las obras. En ese marco, este trabajo intentará dar un paso más allá de lo meramente visual. La metodología empleada se ajustará a la Historia de la Cultura y al Método iconográfico-iconológico, junto a preceptos más actuales, donde muchos autores reclaman que las producciones artísticas sean contempladas como una oportunidad adicional para rellenar vacíos de determinados procesos históricos, además del uso de la documentación disponible para apoyar lo que dicen las imágenes. El acercamiento a este espacio de poder se hará teniendo en cuenta la individualidad de cada uno de los bloques iconográficos que lo componen y su conceptualización global

    Explicitly Context-Aware Publish/Subscribe with Context-Invariant Subscriptions

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    Although context could be exploited to improve the performance, elasticity and adaptation in most distributed systems that adopt the publish/subscribe (P/S) model of communication, only very few works have explored domains with highly dynamic context, whereas most adopted models are context agnostic. In this paper, we present the key design principles underlying a novel context-aware content-based P/S (CA-CBPS) model of communication, where the context is explicitly managed, focusing on the minimization of network overhead in domains with recurrent context changes thanks to contextual scoping. We highlight how we dealt with the main shortcomings of most of the current approaches. Our research is some of the first to study the problem of explicitly introducing context-awareness into the P/S model to capitalize on contextual information. The envisioned CA-CBPS middleware enables the cloud ecosystem of services to communicate very efficiently, in a decoupled, but contextually scoped fashion

    Biocrust cover and successional stages influence soil bacterial composition and diversity in semiarid ecosystems

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    Biocrusts are an important drylands landscape component, which enriches the upper millimeters of the soil with organic matter and initiates biogeochemical cycles. However, little is known about the influence of biocrusts on soil bacterial community structure and diversity. Different biocrust types representing a successional gradient were studied. This gradient, from the earliest to the latest successional stages, consisted of an incipient cyanobacterial biocrust < mature cyanobacterial biocrusts < biocrust dominated by the Squamarina lentigera and Diploschistes diacapsis lichens < Biocrust characterized by the Lepraria isidiata lichen. Moreover, in each biocrust type, four different percentages of biocrust cover were also selected. Soil diversity gradually increased with biocrust successional stage and percentage of biocrust cover. The biocrust cover had an important role in the total abundance of bacteria, generally increasing in soils colonized by the highest percentages of cover. Biocrust successional stage was the most important factor, significantly influencing 108 soil bacteria genera, whereas biocrust cover showed significant differences in only 10 genera. Principal Component Analysis showed contrasting microbial composition across the biocrust successional gradient. Some bacterial taxa were dominant in the soil colonized by different biocrust types. Thus, Leptolyngbya, Rubrobacter, Solirubrobacter, Geodermatophilus, etc., were more abundant in incipient cyanobacteria; Nostocales, Chroococcidiopsaceae, Coleofasciculaceae etc., under mature cyanobacterial biocrusts; Truepera, Sphingobacteriaceae, Actinophytocola, Kribella, etc., below the S. lentigera and D. diacapsis community, and Bryobacter, Ohtaekwangia, Opitutus, Pedosphaeraceae, etc., in soils colonized by L. isidiata. Several soil bacteria taxa showed significant correlations (p < 0.05) with chemical soil properties (pH, total nitrogen, total organic carbon, available phosphorous and electrical conductivity). We discuss the role of biocrusts influencing these chemical soil parameters, including the presence of certain metabolites secreted by biocrusts, and also their effects on soil moisture and several physical soil features, as well as their association with different microclimates, all of which could favor a more selective environment for certain bacteria

    Privacy as Data Protection: Some Critical Legal Problems

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    This paper is presented as a collective contribution of members of the multidisciplinary project Digital Age: New Problems for the Law, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, which aims at analysing and discussing some crucial impacts that communication and information technologies are having on our legal systems. Our present proposal revolves around the content and reach of a conception of privacy interpreted in an informational sense. The controversial separation of the public and private spheres is particularly troubling nowadays given the current capacity of governments and enterprises to collect and use personal information. Starting with a conceptual approach to the meaning and value of privacy where the cluster of moral pretensions and reasons implied can be a guide to legislative and judicial decisions, the paper goes on to deal with three problems that have been considered worthy of particular attention. First, the recording of communications of customers that financial institutions will accomplish in accordance with the European regulation on market abuse raises particular concern about their impact on privacy. Secondly, the use of video surveillance evidence has been considered by our constitutional jurisprudence specially protected by informational self-determination. But this interpretation can generate an interesting debate about different standards of evidence in social and criminal jurisdictions. Finally, the intrinsic vocation to internationalisation of information flows requires an international legal perspective from which to consider the new European legal regime as well as to reflect on disputes resolution and applicable law