25 research outputs found

    Spanish’s experience on improving inspection of sprayers: official manual for ISO 16122 and ISO 16119

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    Mandatory inspections in Spain are organized following ISO 16122. In order to guarantee a clear and comprehensive inspection’s procedure in all of the official inspection’s workshops, the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture published an official inspection’s manual based on ISO 16122 in order to improve and harmonize the process.Postprint (published version

    Smart orchard sprayer to adjust pesticide dose to canopy characteristics

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    Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) is one of the most endemic diseases that affect apple production worldwide. An accurate management of Plant Protection Products (PPP) together with the use of the latest technologies is one of the objectives of the EU Horizon 2020 OPTIMA project, as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) system. Optimal dose adjustment of PPP in orchards requires an accurate identification of canopy characteristics and a precise sprayer adjustment to distribute the adequate amount of active ingredient and liquid proportionally to the canopy variations. Furthermore, the possibility to use available tools and knowledge to consider the potential variability inside the parcel will lead into a reduction of the amount of PPP, which is a shared objective with the EU Farm to Fork strategy. Within the OPTIMA project a smart orchard sprayer has been developed. The system incorporates 6 ultrasonic sensors (three per side) for canopy characterization. A dedicated program developed using python allows the system to calculate canopy width and canopy density along the row. This information, together with the georeferenced location of the sprayer and the actual forward speed is used to activate the six-solenoid proportional motor-valves controlling the six different spray sections. Information about working pressure and consequently the nozzle flow rate is recorded every 1 s in order to generate the actual application map. The system is based on the adaptation of the Tree Row Volume (TRV) method established by European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO, 2021) with additional information concerning canopy density. The system is linked with development of EDS (Early Detection System) and DSS (Decision Support System) within the OPTIMA project and the aim at the end of the project will be to link all the three technological developments to achieve a holistic smart sprayer.PROJECTE HORIZON 2020-OPTIMAPostprint (published version

    New method to increase pesticide deposition: Copper microencapsulation

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    Copper plant protection products have been severely restricted in the EU according to soil and groundwater contamination due to the traditional use as a fungicide, especially in vineyards. This limitation, together with the dependence on copper use for mildew control, places winegrowers in a great disadvantage, especially in organic production. Therefore, EURECAT together with the UPC, have developed a new copper product, more efficient in terms of deposition, in order to reduce the amount of active ingredient necessary for good disease control. Preliminary trials have been carried out by the UPC, in order to select the best formulation and to compare it with a conventional copper-based product in terms of deposition using filter paper as a collector in an artificial vineyard. The obtained results show that deposition of different developed products is statistically different from the control product, even doubling the amount of copper deposited in the collectors, which would be a promising solution to solve the problem outlined above.The presented research is part of the COPPEREPLACE project (INTERREG SUDOE, Ref. SOE4/ P1/E100) in the frame of the activity 3.3 in the GT3.Postprint (published version

    Relative efficiencies of experimental and conventional foliar sprayers and assessment of optimal LWA spray volumes in trellised wine grapes

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    Leaf wall area (LWA) has been proposed as an appropriate dose expression for field testing of plant protection products (PPPs) applied via foliar spray in trellised grapes. However, its efficiency could change depending on the characteristics of the crop or the pesticide application equipment (PAE). Herein, three spray technologies were evaluated. A traditional air-assisted tractor-mounted sprayer was compared with two portable knapsack sprayers: a backpack mistblower and a backpack hydraulic sprayer.Postprint (updated version

    Evaluation of leaf deposit quality between electrostatic and conventional multi-row sprayers in a trellised vineyard

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    © 2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/© 2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0Spray application technologies for specialty crops have developed considerably in recent years with regard to improved control, reduced cost, and ability to avoid environmental contamination. For example, new developments in electrostatic sprayers have been progressively introduced as an alternative for vineyard spray applications.Postprint (author's final draft

    Dynamic evaluation of airflow stream generated by a reverse system of an axial fan sprayer using 3D-ultrasonic anemometers. Effect of canopy structure

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    Air assisted sprayers are currently used for the applications of plant protection products in fruit trees and vineyards. However, the use of these equipment carries a high environmental risk, mainly owing to the generation of airborne spray drift in the lower boundary layer above crop canopy. Hence, many tests are currently focused on investigating several factors that affect the efficiency of the spray process, in which air assistance and air behaviour are two of the most difficult parameters to evaluate. This present work proposes a first approach on the characterization of the airflow generated by an orchard sprayer equipped with an axial fan and an air reverse system in the outlet plane of the air, while circulated through two artificial rows of canopy representing vineyard trellis, using 3D-ultrasonic anemometers to measure the experimental data.Postprint (updated version

    DOSAVIÑA: Tool to calculate the optimal volume rate and pesticide amount in vineyard spray applications based on a modified leaf wall area method

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    DOSAVIÑA is a new tool (website and app for smartphones) developed for calculating the optimal volume rates and pesticide doses to apply during spray application processes in vineyards. DOSAVIÑA also calculates and recommends the optimal working parameters for working pressure, forward speed, and number and types of nozzlesThis research was partially funded by the “Ajuts a les activitats de demostració (operació 01.02.01 de Transferència Tecnològica del Programa de desenvolupament rural de Catalunya 2014-2020)” and an FI-DGR grant from Generalitat de Catalunya (2018 FI_B1 00083). Research and improvement of Dosaviña have been developed under the LIFE PERFECT project: Pesticide Reduction using Friendly and Environmentally Controlled Technologies (LIFE17 ENV/ES/000205Postprint (updated version

    Comprobación de un sistema de aplicación variable basado en mapas de vegetación obtenidos con un vehículo aéreo no tripulado (UAV)

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    En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un mapa de aplicación variable real obtenido con un prototipo de aplicación variable de productos fitosanitarios en base a mapas de vegetación obtenidos con un UAV. Los ensayos se realizaron en Torrelavit (Alt Penedès, Barcelona) en una parcela representativa de 3 ha de viña de la variedad Merlot plantada a 1,2 m de distancia entre plantas y a 2,2 m entre hileras. Los ensayos se llevaron a cabo durante el estadio vegetativo 75 según la escala BBCH (bayas de tamaño guisante). El mapa de prescripción se generó a partir de la unión entre la información tomada con una cámara multiespectral embarcada en un UAV y las recomendaciones obtenidas con la APP Dosaviña® (https://dosavina.upc.edu). Este mapa de prescripción se cargó en el pulverizador equipado con el sistema de aplicación variable.El mapa de vigor se generó usando un hexacopeto equipado con una cámara multiespectral con 5 bandas espectrales (R, G, B, NIR, RedEgde). A partir de las imágenes aéreas se calculó el índice NDVI y se establecieron tres niveles de vigor (alto, medio y bajo). Estas zonas de vigor fueron comprobadas mediante medidas manuales de la vegetación y se calculó el volumen de aplicación óptimo para cada una de ella utilizando la APP Dosaviña®El prototipo funciona de la siguiente manera: a) obtención de la posición GPS del pulverizador, b) determinación del volumen de aplicación objetivo a partir del mapa de prescripción considerando la posición GPS, c) lectura de la presión de pulverización real, d) reajuste de la presión de pulverización para la obtención del volumen objetivo, y e) almacenamiento de información cada segundo, almacenando información sobre la velocidad de avance real, la presión real de trabajo y el volumen de aplicación real. Este mapa de aplicación real permite obtener datos de trazabilidad en todas las zonas tratadas y calcular el ahorro de pesticidas en comparación con la aplicación convencional. Los resultados preliminares permitieron alcanzar un ahorro de alrededor del 20% tanto en la cantidad de producto fitosanitario como en el volumen de agua

    Análisis de supervivencia de pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por hepatocarcinoma

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    Los análisis de supervivencia permiten estudiar el periodo de tiempo transcurrido desde un momento predeterminado hasta la ocurrencia de un suceso. En este proyecto, se ha evaluado la supervivencia de pacientes intervenidos de hepatocarcinoma (CHC). Esta dolencia está considerada grave y constituye una de las principales causas de muerte relacionadas con el cáncer. Teniendo en cuenta que no se dispone de una gran cantidad de datos y que gran parte de ellos son censurados, se han estudiado la supervivencia de los pacientes mediante el método de Kaplan-Mayer, que es especialmente útil para estos casos. Además, permite analizar las variables contrastando distintas funciones para cada uno de sus niveles (GRAMATGES, Anissa, 2002). Los mencionados contrastes se han realizado utilizando la prueba Log-Rank. Utilizando el método de riesgos proporcionales de Cox, se ha planteado y contrastado un modelo de regresión para la supervivencia de los pacientes, en función de variables explicativas de la base de datos. Los resultados de este análisis muestran que las variables relacionadas con el grado de desarrollo del CHC son las únicas que proporcionan funciones de supervivencia significativamente distintas. En cuanto a los grupos incluidos en cada una de las variables restantes, como son etiología, sexo, edad y tratamientos recibidos, no presentan diferencias estadísticas entre sus funciones de supervivencia.Els anàlisis de supervivència permeten estudiar el període de temps transcorregut des d'un moment predeterminat fins a l'ocurrència d'un succés. En aquest projecte, s'ha avaluat la supervivència de pacients intervinguts de hepatocarcinoma (CHC). Aquesta dolència està considerada greu i constitueix una de les principals causes de mort relacionades amb el càncer. Tenint en compte que no es disposa d'una gran quantitat de dades i que gran part d'ells són censurats, s'han estudiat la supervivència dels pacients mitjançant el mètode de Kaplan-Mayer, que és especialment útil per a aquests casos. A més, permet analitzar les variables contrastant diferents funcions per a cadascun dels seus nivells (GRAMATGES, Anissa, 2002). Els esmentats contrastos s'han realitzat utilitzant la prova Log-Rank. Utilitzant el mètode de riscos proporcionals de Coix, s'ha plantejat i contrastat un model de regressió per a la supervivència dels pacients, en funció de variables explicatives de la base de dades. Els resultats d'aquesta anàlisi mostren que les variables relacionades amb el grau de desenvolupament del CHC són les úniques que proporcionen funcions de supervivència significativament diferents. Quant als grups inclosos en cadascuna de les variables restants, com són etiologia, sexe, edat i tractaments rebuts, no presenten diferències estadístiques entre les seves funcions de supervivència.Survival analysis allow studying the period of time elapsed from a predetermined moment to the occurrence of an event. In this project, the survival of patients operated on for hepatocarcinoma (HCC) has been evaluated. This disease is considered really serious and one of the leading causes of death related to cancer. Considering that the database is short, and a large part of its data is censored, it has been studied by Kaplan-Mayer method, which is especially useful for these cases. Besides this, it allows analyzing the variables contrasting different functions for each of its levels (GRAMATGES, Anissa, 2002). The mentioned contrasts have been made using the Log-Rank test. Using the Cox proportional hazards method, a regression model for the survival of patients has been proposed and contrasted, based on explanatory variables of the database. The results of this analysis shows that variables related to the degree of development of the HCC, are the only ones that provide significantly different survival functions. Regarding the groups included in each of the remaining variables, such as etiology, sex, age and treatments received, they do not show statistical differences among their survival functions