16 research outputs found

    Current knowledge and attitudes of students towards biotechnology: A long way to go

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    Thanks to technological innovations, science is rapidly evolving, and therefore, development of effective and engaging learning strategies is needed to ensure knowledge transmission. But first, we need to know what the current situation is. In this work, we focused on biotechnology, a scientific branch that is present in many of aspects of our daily life, but also a source of controversy. We developed a questionnaire to investigate the knowledge of 124 Baccalaureate students about biotechnology and its uses, as well as their awareness about the transgenic food as a socioscientific issue, and their attitudes towards applications of transgenics. Most students cannot give an appropriate definition of biotechnology. Besides, students have misconceptions about transgenics, and easily change their attitudes. Thus, new strategies to get students interest and improve knowledge transfer should be implemented

    Secondary Students’ Knowledge on Birds and Attitudes towards Conservation: Evaluation of an Environmental Education Program

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    Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve holds a diversity of habitats and resources that are essential for migratory bird species’ conservation, and at the same time provides a rich milieu for the development of environmental education programs. This study evaluates the impact of a daylong and place-based environmental education program, performed at the Urdaibai Bird Center (UBC), on secondary education students’ environmental attitudes and knowledge. Students (n = 908) completed a written questionnaire where their perceptions on the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve and marshes, together with their interest in biodiversity, knowledge about bird migration and bird species identification skills, and attitudes towards conservation were assessed. Results show that students’ knowledge regarding Biosphere Reserves, marshes, and bird migration is limited, and that their bird identification skills are scarce. Although they scored high on environmental attitudes, a significant number of them feel that conservation efforts are excessive and hinder economic development. Students living within the Biosphere Reserve, as well as from rural milieus or who underwent primary education through a bird-centered curriculum hold a better knowledge of the local biodiversity. To adapt the environmental education program at the UBC, its integration in formal teaching/learning contexts via meaningful hands-on and/or project-based activities could be considered, together with the systematic evaluation of the outcomes.This study was partially funded by the Basque Government through the IKASGARAIA (Education, Culture and Sustainable Development) Research Group (IT1637-22)

    Compost and PGP-Based Biostimulant as Alternative to Peat and NPK Fertilization in Chestnut (Castanea Sativa Mill.) Nursery Production

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    In forest nurseries, intensive use of non-renewable substrates such as peat and high application rates of chemical synthesis fertilizers lead to environmental problems and high susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stresses. This work aims to seek more sustainable crop management to help mitigate these problems, combining the substitution of peat by compost and the use of growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPs) as a fertilization tool. For this purpose, a trial was carried out to test the effectiveness of an agricultural waste compost and a biostimulant based on PGP microorganisms in the production of Castanea sativa plants in a forest nursery. This trial assessed the growth of plants, with both inputs separately and combined, and then studied the tolerance of chestnut seedlings to water deficit. The results showed that partial substitution of peat by compost is possible, but not complete, as the high levels of conductivity and pH generated by a high proportion of compost negatively affected plant growth. It was also noted that the application of the biostimulant enables the complete substitution of mineral fertilization. Moreover, at the end of the nursery phase, chestnut seedlings treated with the biostimulant showed the same or even better quality than chestnut seedlings obtained with conventional fertilization, also resulting in greater resistance to water deficit, based on the increase in root volume and the improvement of the physiological status. Changes observed in both quantity and composition of microbiota associated with chestnut rhizosphere after inoculation with PGPs were related to the improvement observed. In relation to water deficit resistance, a positive synergy was also observed with the combination of both inputs, since plants with full substitution of peat by compost combined with PGP-based fertilization showed the greatest drought resistance.This work was funded by the Spanish Government (RTI2018-094623-B-C21 MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), and by the Basque Government (IT-932-16)

    Ikastorratza. e-Revista de didáctica

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    Resumen y palabras clave en euskera, español e inglésResumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe estudian los conocimientos y las principales dificultades conceptuales que presentan acerca del mar, tanto futuros profesores y profesoras de ESO como estudiantes de 4º curso de ESO, por medio de dibujos y de un cuestionario. Se comprueba que los grupos estudiados presentan un conocimiento escaso acerca del mar. Por otro lado, se diseña e implementa una secuencia didáctica para promover el conocimiento acerca del océano y corregir los errores conceptuales entre el alumnado de ESO. Así, se visita el Aquarium de Getxo, y los y las alumnas realizan individualmente un trabajo descriptivo de los ecosistemas marinos valiéndose de TIC. Tal y como demostró la evaluación de estos trabajos, esta actividad motivadora es efectiva para la promoción del conocimiento acerca del mar y reflexionar sobre los errores conceptuales.ES

    Unprepared to deal with invasion: Pre‐service teachers’ perception, knowledge and attitudes toward invasive species

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    The serious and growing impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) on the planet make it necessary to include this issue with greater determination in educational programs, with the aim of generating citizens capable of dealing with this environmental problem in a sustainable way. Likewise, the management of IAS represents a clear socio-scientific issue (SSI), which gives greater interest to its inclusion in school. At this point, future teachers play a key role, so that their knowledge, perceptions and attitudes on the subject must be evaluated. In order to deal with this objective, a questionnaire was filled out by 400 students of the degrees in early childhood education and primary education of the Universities of La Rioja (UR) and the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain. Our results show that pre-service teachers do not perceive impacts of different types generated by IAS, and they show a clear lack of knowledge about transmission vectors. Likewise, they do not support various control measures, especially slaughter of invasive vertebrates, related to affective dimensions. These results highlight the need to work toward an appropriate integration of this issue at different educational levels, training students and educators, fostering favorable attitudes toward a sustainable management of IAS.This research was partially funded by the Hydro-Environment Processes Research Group (IT1029-16), supported by the Basque Government

    Ikastorratza. e-Revista de didáctica

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    Resumen y palabras clave en euskera, español e inglésResumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe intenta determinar el conocimiento y la percepción que posee el alumnado de 2º curso de Bachillerato acerca del riesgo de inundabilidad. El estudio se ha realizado con estudiantes de tres centros educativos de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco ubicados en ámbitos con diferente nivel de riesgo por inundación. Se testó la hipótesis de si el alumnado que previamente había cursado la asignatura Ciencias de la tierra y del medio ambiente poseía un mayor conocimiento y percepción acerca del riesgo de inundación. Los resultados muestran que, en general, existe una escasa percepción y conocimiento en torno a esta temática entre el alumnado. Por último, se ha diseñado una secuencia didáctica basada en la indagación que pretende desarrollar las competencias en torno a la gestión del riesgo por inundación. En dicha propuesta se atiende a los fenómenos de inundación como parte de la dinámica fluvial, proporcionando preguntas investigables, el uso de recursos digitales, la realización de pequeñas investigaciones, así como reflexiones y argumentaciones en torno a esta problemática socio-científica.ES