2,221 research outputs found

    Food Safety and Demand: Consumer Preferences for Imported Pork in Urban China

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    China’s transition into a developed economy is driving changes in consumer preferences and demand for foods. The objective of this study is to assess and measure consumers’ preferences for and attitudes toward imported pork in urban China. Estimated logit models based on a consumer survey conducted in 2008 reveal that individuals’ age, shopping location, and food safety concerns significantly influence their willingness to pay for U.S. pork. Factors affecting purchasing behavior of Western-style pork cuts versus traditional Chinese cuts are also evaluated. Consumers’ food safety concerns were linked to a previous lean-meat additive scare and a lack of confidence in the Chinese food inspection system.Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Consumer Preferences for U.S. Pork in Urban China

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    China’s transition into a developed economy is driving changes in consumer preferences and demand for foods. To evaluate consumer preferences for U.S. pork in urban China, primary data were collected in two metropolitan areas- Beijing and Shanghai. Estimated logit models revealed that an individual’s age, shopping location and food safety concerns significantly influenced their willingness-to-pay for U.S. pork. A proportional linear model was developed to evaluate factors affecting purchasing behavior of western-style pork cuts vs. traditional Chinese cuts. Food safety concerns were linked to a previous lean-meat additive scare and a lack of consumer confidence on the Chinese food inspection system.China, U.S. Pork, Willingness-to-pay, Ordered Logit, food safety, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Marketing, D120, D190, M390, Q130, Q180,

    Modeling Heterogeneity in Consumer Preferences for Select Food Safety Attributes in China

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    Food safety issues often arise from problems of asymmetric information between consumers and suppliers with regards to product-specific attributes. Severe food safety scandals were observed recently in China that not only caused direct economic and life loss but also created distrust in the Chinese food system domestically as well as internationally. While much attention has focused on the problems plaguing the Chinese government’s food inspection system, little research has been dedicated to analyze consumers’ concerns over food safety. In this paper we measure consumer preferences for select food safety attributes in pork and take their food safety risk perceptions into account. Several choice experiment models, including latent class and random parameters logit, are constructed to capture heterogeneity in consumer preferences. A statistical sample of 6,720 observations is obtained from a choice experiment administered in seven major Chinese metropolitan cities. Our results suggest that Chinese consumers have the highest willingness-to-pay for a government certification program, followed by a traceability system, third party certification and a product-specific information label. The results of this study call upon the direct involvement of the Chinese government in the food safety system. A more strict monitoring system will not only improve consumer welfare in the short-run but also restore consumers’ trust leading to a social welfare increase in the long run.Food safety, choice experiment, willingness-to-pay, risk perceptions, random parameters logit, latent class logit, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Q13, Q17, Q18,

    Got (Safe) Milk? Chinese Consumers’ Valuation for Select Food Safety Attributes

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    Food safety issues often arise from problems of asymmetric information between consumers and suppliers of food with regards to product-specific attributes or characteristics. Food safety concerns in China are having a drastic impact on consumer behavior, commodity markets, international trade and food security. An additional challenge to the problem of asymmetric information lies in the inherent structure of the governing bodies which oversee food safety and quality. Unlike the United States and other developed countries, China’s food safety is regulated by several government entities with different and sometimes overlapping responsibilities. As a result consumers don’t have a comprehensive food safety and quality system on which to base their economic decisions. In an effort to maintain the food supply of the world’s largest economy safe, China’s government has approved a series of tougher food safety laws and regulations. Although publicized as a tough approach to food safety, it is unclear whether this latest effort will make China’s food safer to eat and improve the country’s image to its agricultural trading partners. While much attention has focused on the problems plaguing China’s food inspection system, little research has been dedicated to analyze consumers’ concerns over food safety. In this paper we measure consumer preferences for select food safety attributes in milk. More specifically we estimate consumer’s willingness to pay for government certification, an independent (third party) certification program, national brand, and a product’s shelf-life using a choice experiment approach. We compare and contrast several modeling strategies to capture heterogeneity of consumer preferences. The data used in this study was collected from a choice experiment administered in seven major metropolitan cities in China, yielding a statistical sample of 6,720 observations. Our results suggest that Chinese consumers have the highest willingness-to-pay for a government certification program, followed by national brand, private certification, and longer shelf-life products. We find that Chinese consumers are very concerned about the safety of the milk they purchase and are willing to pay a high premium to assure that their food is safe. The high level of concern regarding milk safety is linked to recent food safety incidents involving dairy products, most notably the Melamine-adulterated milk products. Heterogeneity of consumer preferences and willingness to pay for the select food safety attributes was found by implementing a latent class logit model based on attitudinal responses as well as a mixed logit model. Although it might appear that Chinese consumers’ confidence on the government is eroding, as reported in the wake of recent food safety scandals, our research found that consumers were less confident on non-government food safety control measures. This result indicates that there is a strong need for the Chinese government to provide adequate food safety and quality control. Our findings call upon the direct involvement of the Chinese government in the food safety system. A more strict monitoring system via certification is necessary. If realized, such government efforts will provide higher welfare to consumers in the short-run and will restore consumers’ trust increasing social welfare in the long run. Policy implications of our results are discussed with particular attention given to food safety and security issues.China, Choice experiment, Mixed logit, Latent class logit, Food safety, Preference heterogeneity, Willingness-to-pay, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, International Relations/Trade, Marketing, Q11, Q18,

    Estimating demand for perennial pigeon pea in Malawi using choice experiments

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    AbstractPerennial crops have numerous ecological and agronomic advantages over their annual counterparts. We estimate discrete choice models to evaluate farmers' preferences for perennial attributes of pigeon pea intercropped with maize in central and southern Malawi. Pigeon pea is a nitrogen-fixing leguminous crop, which has the potential to ameliorate soil fertility problems related to continuous maize cultivation, which are common in Southern Africa. Adoption of annual pigeon pea is relatively low but perennial production of pigeon pea may be more appealing to farmers due to some of the ancillary benefits associated with perenniality. We model perennial production of pigeon pea as a function of the attributes that differ between annual and perennial production: lower labor and seed requirements resulting from a single planting with multiple harvests, enhanced soil fertility and higher levels of biomass production. The primary tradeoff associated with perennial pigeon pea intercropped with maize is competition with maize in subsequent years of production. While maize yield is approximately twice as valuable to farmers as pigeon pea yield, we find positive yet heterogeneous demand for perenniality driven by soil fertility improvements and pigeon pea grain yield

    Organized Atrial Tachycardias after Atrial Fibrillation Ablation

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    The efficacy of catheter-based ablation techniques to treat atrial fibrillation is limited not only by recurrences of this arrhythmia but also, and not less importantly, by new-onset organized atrial tachycardias. The incidence of such tachycardias depends on the type and duration of the baseline atrial fibrillation and specially on the ablation technique which was used during the index procedure. It has been repeatedly reported that the more extensive the left atrial surface ablated, the higher the incidence of organized atrial tachycardias. The exact origin of the pathologic substrate of these trachycardias is not fully understood and may result from the interaction between preexistent regions with abnormal electrical properties and the new ones resultant from radiofrequency delivery. From a clinical point of view these atrial tachycardias tend to remit after a variable time but in some cases are responsible for significant symptoms. A precise knowledge of the most frequent types of these arrhythmias, of their mechanisms and components is necessary for a thorough electrophysiologic characterization if a new ablation procedure is required

    Organized Atrial Tachycardias after Atrial Fibrillation Ablation

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    The efficacy of catheter-based ablation techniques to treat atrial fibrillation is limited not only by recurrences of this arrhythmia but also, and not less importantly, by new-onset organized atrial tachycardias. The incidence of such tachycardias depends on the type and duration of the baseline atrial fibrillation and specially on the ablation technique which was used during the index procedure. It has been repeatedly reported that the more extensive the left atrial surface ablated, the higher the incidence of organized atrial tachycardias. The exact origin of the pathologic substrate of these trachycardias is not fully understood and may result from the interaction between preexistent regions with abnormal electrical properties and the new ones resultant from radiofrequency delivery. From a clinical point of view these atrial tachycardias tend to remit after a variable time but in some cases are responsible for significant symptoms. A precise knowledge of the most frequent types of these arrhythmias, of their mechanisms and components is necessary for a thorough electrophysiologic characterization if a new ablation procedure is required

    Concentración de nutrientes en la escorrentía de diferentes predios del trópico enmendados con residuos animales bajo condiciones de lluvia natural.

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    Excessive nutrient losses from agricultural soils represent a major source of surface water contamination. In this study we quantified concentrations of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), dissolved and total phosphorus (DP,TP), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in runoff from two animal farm operations of Puerto Rico. The farms, one dairy and one poultry, represented typical conditions (i.e., topography, ecological zone, management system) of these production systems.Two fields were selected for the runoff studies on each farm, and two runoff collectors were installed in each field. Runoff samples were collected under natural rainfall conditions. The average phosphorus concentration in runoff from the poultry fields (5.87 mg TP/L, 4.82 mg DP/L) was significantly greater than that observed from the dairy fields (2.29 mg TP/L, 1.79 mg DP/L). Dissolved phosphorus concentrations represented more than 90% of the total P concentrations on both farms, a situation that may exacerbate the impact on receiving water bodies. Average DP concentrations exceeded 1 mg/L, a limit proposed for the regulation of runoff P concentrations from agricultural lands, in 70% of the runoff events at the dairy farm, and 100% of the events at the poultry farm. The magnitude of the nutrient concentrations on both farms was significantly affected by the time lapse between the manure applications and the first precipitation event. Nutrient concentrations in runoff samples were also significantly affected by rainfall depth.La pérdida excesiva de nutrientes de suelos agrícolas representa una fuente primaria de contaminación de los cuerpos de agua. En este estudio se cuantificaron las concentraciones de nitrógeno total Kjeldahl (NTK), fósforo total y disuelto (PD, PT), y carbón orgánico disuelto (COD) en la escorrentía de dos fincas productoras de animales de Puerto Rico. Las fincas, una vaquería y una avícola, son representativas de las condiciones típicas (i.e., topografía, zona ecológica, sistema de manejo) de estos sistemas de producción. En cada finca se seleccionaron dos predios para estudios de escorrentía y en cada predio se instalaron dos fraccionadores de escorrentía. Se recolectaron muestras de escorrentía generadas por eventos de lluvia natural. La concentración promedio de fósforo en la escorrentía de los predios avícolas (5.87 mg TP/L, 4.82 mg PD/L) fue significativamente mayor que la observada en los predios de la vaquería (2.29 mg PT/L, 1.79 mg PD/L). La concentración de PD representó cerca del 90% de la concentración de PT observada en ambas fincas, situación que puede agravar el impacto en las aguas circundantes. La concentración de PD promedio excedió 1 mg/L, límite propuesto para controlar la escorrentía de fósforo de predios agrícolas, en 70% de los eventos de escorrentía en el caso de la vaquería y en un 100% de los casos en la finca avícola. La magnitud de las concentraciones en ambas fincas se afectó significativamente por el lapso de tiempo transcurrido entre la aplicación de los residuos orgánicos y el primer evento de lluvia. La concentración de nutrientes en la escorrentía también se afectó significativamente con la profundidad de la lámina de lluvia

    Cryptosporidium, Enterocytozoon, and Cyclospora Infections in Pediatric and Adult Patients with Diarrhea in Tanzania.

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    Cryptosporidiosis, microsporidiosis, and cyclosporiasis were studied in four groups of Tanzanian inpatients: adults with AIDS-associated diarrhea, children with chronic diarrhea (of whom 23 of 59 were positive [+] for human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]), children with acute diarrhea (of whom 15 of 55 were HIV+), and HIV control children without diarrhea. Cryptosporidium was identified in specimens from 6/86 adults, 5/59 children with chronic diarrhea (3/5, HIV+), 7/55 children with acute diarrhea (0/7, HIV+), and 0/20 control children. Among children with acute diarrhea, 7/7 with cryptosporidiosis were malnourished, compared with 10/48 without cryptosporidiosis (P < .01). Enterocytozoon was identified in specimens from 3/86 adults, 2/59 children with chronic diarrhea (1 HIV+), 0/55 children with acute diarrhea, and 4/20 control children. All four controls were underweight (P < .01). Cyclospora was identified in specimens from one adult and one child with acute diarrhea (HIV-). Thus, Cryptosporidium was the most frequent and Cyclospora the least frequent pathogen identified. Cryptosporidium and Enterocytozoon were associated with malnutrition. Asymptomatic fecal shedding of Enterocytozoon in otherwise healthy, HIV children has not been described previously