1,327 research outputs found

    Optimal Carbon Taxes for Emissions Targets in the Electricity Sector

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    The most dangerous effects of anthropogenic climate change can be mitigated by using emissions taxes or other regulatory interventions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This paper takes a regulatory viewpoint and describes the Weighted Sum Bisection method to determine the lowest emission tax rate that can reduce the anticipated emissions of the power sector below a prescribed, regulatorily-defined target. This bi-level method accounts for a variety of operating conditions via stochastic programming and remains computationally tractable for realistically large planning test systems, even when binary commitment decisions and multi-period constraints on conventional generators are considered. Case studies on a modified ISO New England test system demonstrate that this method reliably finds the minimum tax rate that meets emissions targets. In addition, it investigates the relationship between system investments and the tax-setting process. Introducing GHG emissions taxes increases the value proposition for investment in new cleaner generation, transmission, and energy efficiency; conversely, investing in these technologies reduces the tax rate required to reach a given emissions target

    On the stability of Hamiltonian relative equilibria with non-trivial isotropy

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    We consider Hamiltonian systems with symmetry, and relative equilibria with isotropy subgroup of positive dimension. The stability of such relative equilibria has been studied by Ortega and Ratiu and by Lerman and Singer. In both papers the authors give sufficient conditions for stability which require first determining a splitting of a subspace of the Lie algebra of the symmetry group, with different splittings giving different criteria. In this note we remove this splitting construction and so provide a more general and more easily computed criterion for stability. The result is also extended to apply to systems whose momentum map is not coadjoint equivariant

    Red Educativa Telemática

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    Experiencia realizada en el centro educativo Escuelas San José - Jesuitas de Valencia y que consiste en la creación de una Comunidad Virtual en el centro con la finalidad de mejorar la comunicación entre el profesorado, las familias y los alumnos; mejorar la gestión documental; y mejorar la didáctica de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Los autores analizan las causas que originaron el proyecto; realizan una descripción de los objetivos y ámbitos en los que se desarrolla el mismo; y, por último, exponen cuáles son, a su juicio, los factores que han contribuido al éxito de su implantación, entre los que destacan la formación del profesorado como elemento clave del proyecto

    Text-to-Pictogram Summarization for Augmentative and Alternative Communication

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    Many people suffer from language disorders that affect their communicative capabilities. Augmentative and alternative communication devices assist learning process through graphical representation of common words. In this article, we present a complete text-to-pictogram system able to simplify complex texts and ease its comprehension with pictograms

    An analytical representation of the ground potential energy surface (2A') of the H + Cl2 → HCl + Cl and Cl + HCl → HCl + Cl reactions, based on ab initio calculations

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    In this work we have studied at an ab initio level the lowest 2A′ potential energy surface (PES) of the HCl2 system. This PES is involved in the H(2S)+Cl2(X 1Σ+g)→HCl(X 1Σ+)+Cl(2P) and Cl(2P)+HCl(X 1Σ+)→HCl(X 1Σ+)+Cl(2P) gas phase elementary chemical reactions. The former reaction is an important chemical laser while the second one is the most frequently used prototype of heavy-light-heavy reaction. A large number of points on the 2A′ PES have been calculated at the PUMP2/6-311G(3d2 f,3p2d) ab initio level. The ab initio calculations show the existence of two angular transition states with negligible or very small barriers to collinearity. This and other properties of the PES are in agreement with previous studies. An analytical expression based on a many-body expansion has been used to obtain a satisfactory fit of the 740 ab initio points calculated, with a root-mean-square deviation within the range of the estimated ab initio method error margin. This analytical representation of the 2A′ PES has been used to evaluate the variational transition state theory thermal rate constants of the above-mentioned reactions, including also the Cl+DCl reaction, and quite good agreement has been obtained when comparing with experimental results. The analytical PES obtained in this work is suitable for use in studies on the kinetics and dynamics of the HCl2 system

    An ab initio analytical potential energy surface for the O(3P) + CS(X1Σ+) → CO(X1Σ+) + S(3P) reaction useful for kinetic and dynamical studies

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    The N(4Su) + NO(X 2Π) → N 2(X 1Σg+) + O( 3Pg) reaction plays an important role in the upper atmosphere chemistry and as a calibration system for discharge flow systems. Surprisingly, very little theoretical and experimental work has been devoted to the characterization of the dynamical features of this system. In this work a Sorbie-Murrell expression for the lowest 3A″ potential energy surface (PES) connecting reactants in their ground electronic states based upon the fitting of an accurate ab initio CI grid of points has been derived. The PES fitted shows no barrier to reaction with respect to the reactants asymptote in accordance with experimental findings and becomes highly repulsive as the NNO angle is varied away from the saddle point geometry. The results of preliminary quasiclassical trajectory calculations on this surface reproduce very well the experimental energy disposal in products, even though the vibrational distribution derived from trajectories seems to be a bit cooler than the experimental data. Moreover, thermal rate constants derived from trajectories are in excellent accordance with experimental value

    Clustering of cognate proteins among distinct proteomes derived from multiple links to a single seed sequence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modern proteomes evolved by modification of pre-existing ones. It is extremely important to comparative biology that related proteins be identified as members of the same cognate group, since a characterized putative homolog could be used to find clues about the function of uncharacterized proteins from the same group. Typically, databases of related proteins focus on those from completely-sequenced genomes. Unfortunately, relatively few organisms have had their genomes fully sequenced; accordingly, many proteins are ignored by the currently available databases of cognate proteins, despite the high amount of important genes that are functionally described only for these incomplete proteomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed a method to cluster cognate proteins from multiple organisms beginning with only one sequence, through connectivity saturation with that Seed sequence. We show that the generated clusters are in agreement with some other approaches based on full genome comparison.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The method produced results that are as reliable as those produced by conventional clustering approaches. Generating clusters based only on individual proteins of interest is less time consuming than generating clusters for whole proteomes. </p
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