6 research outputs found

    Employee participation in reduction of ergonomic risk factors: Attitudes and perception of effects.

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    Employee acceptance of the introduction of ergonomics in their workplace is a critical factor in order for these innovations to be successful. Several research efforts have been directed to the study of employee participation (Coch and French Jr., 1948; French et al., 1960; among others). Fewer studies have been directed to the effects of participation in the introduction of ergonomic innovations (Joseph, 1986; Liker, Nagamachi and Lifshitz, 1988). Nevertheless, most of these studies have methodological limitations. This study tests the hypothesis that direct employee participation in the redesign of their jobs is inversely related to resistance to change as well as to perception of work related discomfort, and increases employee acceptance of these changes. A two wave quasi-experimental design was set-up in two engine assembly plants. One plant used the participative approach (P), the other plant did not include employee participation (NP). Survey research and participant observation methods were used to assess longitudinally employees' reactions to ergonomics changes to their jobs. The treatment sample sizes were 31 cases at plant P, and 18 at plant NP. Control groups were also set-up at each plant. The outcomes of the study were the following: (1) ergonomic applications are less likely to be openly resisted by workers when they participate in the process of job redesign; (2) objective participation is not directly related to perceptions of significant participation or positive evaluations of the change; and (3) perceived significant participation is related to positive evaluations of the change and reductions in perceived soreness. Nevertheless, performance outcomes show that both plants were effective in the implementation of ergonomic changes regardless of the participative approach, leading to positive employee reactions and reductions in perceived soreness. Also, no significant effect of participation was identified on organizational variables like QWL and trust in management. We conclude that employees' acceptance of ergonomic changes is critical, and participation increases the likelihood of more acceptable changes compatible with the way employees do their jobs. On the other hand, managers should not necessarily expect that employees will appreciate their greater participation in the change or that it will lead to more positive attitudes.Ph.D.Urban, Technological and Environmental Planning : Sociotechnological PlanningUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/105584/1/9135665.pdfDescription of 9135665.pdf : Restricted to UM users only

    Understanding recovery and resilience from natural disasters in hospitality organizations

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    Extreme weather events, such as Hurricane María, shed light on the importance of understanding the factors that promote resilience, defined as bouncing back after adverse events. The current study took a qualitative focus group approach toward understanding resilience in employees of the hospitality industry after Hurricane María. The hospitality industry plays an important role in disaster responses due to its role in supporting local and national economies, job stability for vulnerable employees, and in supporting response efforts, eg, housing aid workers. Through a series of indepth focus groups, employees from San Juan, Puerto Rico and surrounding areas shared their Hurricane María experiences in terms of themselves as individuals, their workplaces, and their community. Major themes focused on the importance of the preparedness phase of the disaster response timeline, measuring impact and response on multiple levels in interdependent systems, creating and promoting awareness of resources, and acknowledging both struggle and strength when conceptualizing transformative potential. These findings can inform actionable strategies for individuals, organizations, and communities

    Questionário básico e critérios metodológicos para as Pesquisas sobre Condições de Trabalho, Emprego e Saúde na América Latina e Caribe

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un cuestionario básico y criterios metodológicos mínimos, para ser considerados en futuras Encuestas sobre Condiciones de Trabajo, Empleo y Salud (ECTES) en América Latina y el Caribe. Para ello, se llevó a cabo un proceso de consenso, tanto virtual co mo presencial, con la participación de un grupo internacional de expertos que, para definir la propuesta, partieron de las encuestas disponibles en la región hasta 2013. El cuestionario final incluyó 77 preguntas agrupadas en seis dimensiones: características sociodemográficas del trabajador y la empresa; condiciones de empleo; condiciones de trabajo; estado de salud; recursos y actividades preventivas; y características familiares. Entre los criterios metodológicos mínimos destacan el domicilio de la persona en trevistada como lugar de la entrevista y los relacionados con la calidad del trabajo de campo. Estos resultados pueden ayudar a mejorar la compara bilidad de las futuras ECTES en América Latina y el Caribe, lo que contri buiría a mejorar la información en salud laboral en la regiónThe objective of this paper is to present a basic questionnaire and minimum methodological criteria to be methodological criteria, to be considered in future Surveys on Conditions of Work, Employment and Health (ECTES) in Latin America and the Caribbean. Health, Employment and Labor Conditions Surveys (ECTES) in Latin America and the Caribbean. Caribbean. For this purpose, a consensus process was carried out, both virtually and in person, with the participation of an international group of experts who, in order to define the proposal, started with the participation of an international group of experts. experts who, in order to define the proposal, used as a starting point the surveys available in the region up to 2013. region up to 2013. The final questionnaire included 77 questions grouped in six dimensions: sociodemographic characteristics of the worker and the company; employment employment conditions; working conditions; health status; preventive resources and activities; and family characteristics. Among the minimum methodological The minimum methodological criteria included the interviewee's home as the place of the interview and those related to the quality of the fieldwork. fieldwork. These results may help to improve the comparability of future ECTES in Latin America and the Caribbean, which would contribute to improving occupational health information in the region.O objectivo do presente documento é apresentar um questionário de base e critérios metodológicos mínimos a serem critérios metodológicos, a serem considerados em futuros inquéritos sobre as condições de trabalho, emprego e saúde (ECTES) na América Latina e nas Caraíbas. Inquéritos sobre Condições de Trabalho, Emprego e Saúde (ECTES) na América Latina e nas Caraíbas. Caraíbas. Para este efeito, foi levado a cabo um processo de consenso, tanto virtual como pessoalmente, com a participação de um grupo internacional de peritos que, a fim de definir a proposta, começou com a participação de um grupo internacional de peritos. peritos que, a fim de definir a proposta, tomaram como ponto de partida os inquéritos disponíveis na região até 2013. região até 2013. O questionário final incluía 77 perguntas agrupadas em seis dimensões: características sociodemográficas do trabalhador e da empresa; emprego condições de emprego; condições de trabalho; estado de saúde; recursos e actividades de prevenção; e características familiares. A metodologia mínima Os critérios metodológicos mínimos incluíam a casa do entrevistado como local da entrevista e os relacionados com a qualidade do trabalho de campo. trabalho de campo. Estes resultados podem ajudar a melhorar a comparabilidade dos futuros ECTES na América Latina e nas Caraíbas, o que contribuiria para melhorar a informação sobre saúde ocupacional na região.Universidad Nacional, Costa RicaInstituto Regional de Estudios en Sustancias Tóxica

    Cuestionario básico y criterios metodológicos para las encuestas sobre condiciones de trabajo, empleo y salud en América latina y el Caribe

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un cuestionario básico y criterios metodológicos mínimos, para ser considerados en futuras Encuestas sobre Condiciones de Trabajo, Empleo y Salud (ECTES) en América Latina y el Caribe. Para ello, se llevó a cabo un proceso de consenso, tanto virtual como presencial, con la participación de un grupo internacional de expertos que, para definir la propuesta, partieron de las encuestas disponibles en la región hasta 2013. El cuestionario final incluyó 77 preguntas agrupadas en seis dimensiones: características sociodemográficas del trabajador y la empresa; condiciones de empleo; condiciones de trabajo; estado de salud; recursos y actividades preventivas; y características familiares. Entre los criterios metodológicos mínimos destacan el domicilio de la persona entrevistada como lugar de la entrevista y los relacionados con la calidad del trabajo de campo. Estos resultados pueden ayudar a mejorar la comparabilidad de las futuras ECTES en América Latina y el Caribe, lo que contribuiría a mejorar la información en salud laboral en la región