482 research outputs found

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    Un juicio justo: la especificación del juicio legal en la filosofía jurídica analítica, la hermenéutica iusfilosófica y la teoría de la ley natural

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    The article reflects upon the specification of the judgment “according to the law” as a just judgment according to both legal and moral criteria. The evolution of legal philosophy from the legalistic tenet that the just judgement by the judge ought to be grounded only in positive legal sources to the realization that such a judgement is impossible demands that the analytical theory of law, hermeneutic legal philosophy and natural law theory supplement each other in order to avoid nihilist irrationalism

    El liberalismo de Ronald Dworkin (a propósito de "ética privada e igualitarismo político")

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    La "gramática de los derechos" y el concepto de derechos humanos en John Finnis.

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    El articulo analiza dos tesis de John Finnis: que conviene usar el lengtiaje de los derechos humanos para expresar las exigencias de la justicia y que Tomás de Aquino, aunque nunca usó la expresión "derechos humanos", poseia el concepto de derechos humanos. El estudio sitúa el pensamiento de Finnis en el marco del debate sobre los orígenes de la noción de derecho subjetivo, con especial consideración de las tesis de Villey y Tierney. Finalmente, el autor evalúa los argumentos de Finnis: concuerda con la necesidad de adoptar el lenguaje de los derechos humanos, pero estima que el concepto mismo de derechos humanos no existe como tal, diferenciado, en la obra de santo Tomás, aunque sea compatible con ella

    Latin American Economic Integration

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    Efectos clínicos en ortopedia funcional de los maxilares

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    The funtional appliances therapy used wifh a correct diagnosis is able to make changes in teeth and in our patients profile .At the present time functional appliances can be used with or without fíxed appliances getting satisfactory results in malocclusions treatment.This report presents clinical cases in order to evaluate theraphy results in vertical ,transversal and sagital planes.La ortopedía funcional de los maxilares es un recurso terapéutico que aplicado luego de un adecuado diagnostico permite influenciar tanto en la parte facial como en la dentaria de nuestros pacientes. Actualmente se utiliza sóla o en conjunto con la aparatología fija, permitiendo obtener resultados satisfactorios en el tratamiento de las maloclusioness. En este artículo mediante casos clínicos se evalúan los efectos de esta terapia en los diferentes planos del espacio

    Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in Aluminium Alloys 7075 and 2024

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    Aluminum and its alloys are central materials for the aircraft industry. Aluminum alloys (AA) 7075 and 2024 are widely used both in the structures and in brittle sections of the airplanes. The presence of the alloying elements in these metals makes them susceptible to localized corrosion at the same time vulnerable to bacterial attachment. A great number of reports on aircraft deterioration are related to microbial growth by contamination inside fuel storage tanks and aircraft wing tanks; this phenomenon is known as microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). As expected, corrosion and biocorrosion increase maintenance costs and time of the aircraft in the hangar. Therefore, the growing interest is to shed light on these issues and develop future inhibition methods. In this chapter, we will give an overview of microbiologically influenced corrosion associated with AA 2024 and 7075 by consortia and bacteria. Three mechanisms of biocorrosion in aluminium alloys have been described. In addition, some alternatives methods to battle the effect of biocorrosion will be shown, these methods are based on green compound which blocking of attached of bacteria and promote the detachment of biofilm, being these a tendency of the last innovation way to inhibit this kind of phenomenon

    Making Strides: State of the Practice of Pedestrian Forecasting in Regional Travel Models

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    Much has changed in the 30 years since non-motorized modes were first included in regional travel demand models. As interest in understanding behavioral influences on walking and policies requiring estimates of walking activity increase, it is important to consider how pedestrian travel is modeled at a regional level. This paper evaluates the state of the practice of modeling walk trips among the largest 48 metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and assesses changes made over the last 5 years. By reviewing model documentation and responses to a survey of MPO modelers, this paper summarizes current practices, describes six pedestrian modeling frameworks, and identifies trends. Three-quarters (75%) of large MPOs now model non-motorized travel, and over two-thirds (69%) of those MPOs distinguish walking from bicycling; these percentages are up from nearly two-thirds (63%) and one-half (47%), respectively, in 2012. This change corresponds with an increase in the deployment of activity-based models, which offer the opportunity to enhance pedestrian modeling techniques. The biggest barrier to more sophisticated models remains a lack of travel survey data on walking behavior, yet some MPOs are starting to overcome this challenge by oversampling potential active travelers. Decision-makers are becoming more interested in analyzing walking and using estimates of walking activity that are output from models for various planning applications. As the practice continues to mature, the near future will likely see smaller-scale measures of the pedestrian environment, more detailed zonal and network structures, and possibly even an operational model of pedestrian route choice