45,738 research outputs found

    Poems for My Woofie The Story of Lt. Wilfred V. Michaud, 1st Parachute Battalion, 1st Marine Division

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    My senior capstone project is the creation of a book of investigative poetry. The subject of the work is my grandfather, Wilfred V. Michaud. He was a lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps during World War II. The poetry addresses the history of Michaud’s battalion and the battles it fought, as well as personal stories of Michaud’s life and experience in the service. Several secondary sources were used to gain historical context for the poetry. Additionally, primary sources were used to provide information about Michaud’s personal experiences. The combination of primary and secondary sources established the necessary background and inspiration for the project

    Siena Italian Studies

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    STEP Category: Education AbroadSynopsis of an 8 week study abroad program in Siena, Italy.The Ohio State University Second-year Transformational Experience Program (STEP)Academic Major: Pharmaceutical Science

    Lower bounds for ranks of Mumford-Tate groups

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    Let A be a complex abelian variety and G its Mumford--Tate group. Supposing that the simple abelian subvarieties of A are pairwise non-isogenous, we find a lower bound for the rank of G, which is a little less than log_2 dim A. If we suppose that End A is commutative, then we show that rk G >= log_2 dim A + 2, and this latter bound is sharp. We also obtain the same results for the rank of the l-adic monodromy group of an abelian variety defined over a number field. ----- Soit A une vari\'et\'e ab\'elienne complexe et G son groupe de Mumford--Tate. En supposant que les sous vari\'et\'es ab\'eliennes simples de A sont deux \`a deux non-isog\`enes, on trouve une minoration du rang rk G de G, l\'eg\`erement inf\'erieure \`a log_2 dim A. Si on suppose que End A est commutatif, alors on montre que rk G >= log_2 dim A + 2, et cette borne-ci est optimale. On obtient les m\^emes resultats pour le rang du groupe de monodromie l-adique d'une vari\'et\'e ab\'elienne d\'efinie sur un corps de nombres

    Coping, Confidence and Alienation: the early experience of trainee teachers in English FE

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    This article examines what both in-service and pre-service trainee teachers learn from their early experience of teaching in further education (FE) colleges in England. Despite differences between in-service and pre-service trainees, that early experience is often characterised by isolation and lack of control over practice for both groups. Though trainee teachers may develop as a result of this experience of working in FE, a discourse that emphasises their growing confidence obscures how these trainees may not be enhancing their professional practice, but rather learning to cope with difficult circumstances. This article draws on data gathered between 2005 and 2009 from two separate projects, one that focused on pre-service, the other on in-service teacher education in FE colleges. It problematises the effect of this early experience and applies the Marxist concept of alienation to analyse the development of trainee teachers in relation to coping rather than learning to teach and to the limited impact of government reform. As a partial counterbalance to the paucity of the early experience of many trainee teachers, the article concludes by arguing that teacher education for the FE sector should be constructed around a body of professional knowledge rather than the lengthy list of statutory professional standards that directs current provision
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