6 research outputs found

    Optimization of agricultural production on family farms in Toplicki district

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    Бројни екстерни и интерни фактори у последњих 10-20 година допринели су измени амбијента у коме раде породична газдинства. Пољопривредна производња се у Топличком округу одвија углавном на ситним породичним газдинствима која се карактеришу малим капацитетима, недостатком радне снаге и финансијских средстава. У Топличком округу који обухвата четири општине (Прокупље, Блаце, Житорађа и Куршумлија) постоји 16.312 газдинства од којих су 99% са усмерењем на пољопривредну производњу, разумљиво са различитим линијама у структури њихове производње. Постојање потребе за сталним преиспитивањем постигнутих резултата у пољопривредној производњи последица је, између осталог, њене зависност од напретка других научних области. Широк избор могућих техничких, технолошких и организационих решења, колико представља повољну околност, толико и доприноси сложености проблема пред којим се налази организатор производње. Предмет истраживања су породична газдинства усмерена на ратарску, повртарску, сточарску и воћарску производњу тј. њихова производна структура. Ова усмереност одсликава стварно стање у Топличком округу где су природни фактори опредељивали газдинства за неку од наведених производњи. Притом, под производном структуром подразумевамо комбинацију производних линија и производних фактора, а под оптималном производном структуром ону комбинацију којом се постиже екстремна вредност задате функције критеријума оптималности.Numerous external and internal factors in the last 10-20 years have contributed to alter the environment in which family farms operate. Agricultural production in Toplica district take place mainly on small family farms, which are characterized by low capacity, lack of manpower and financial resources. Toplica district includes four municipalities: Prokuplje, Blace, Kursumlija Žitorađa. There are 16,312 households. Agricultural production occurs in 99% of them, understandably with different lines in the structure of their production. The need for constant review of the results achieved in agricultural production is a result of, among other things, its dependence on the progress of other scientific fields. A wide variety of possible technical, technological and organizational solutions, as far as a favorable circumstance, and so contributes to the complexity of the problems facing a production organizer. The subjects of research are family farms focused on crop, vegetable, livestock and fruit production, i.e. their production structure. This focus reflects the actual situation in Toplica district where the natural factors households opted for one of the above production. Production structure considers combination of production lines and production factors, and optimal production structure considers combination which provides extreme value of given function optimality criterion

    Optimalna struktura svinja na farmi sa minimalnim proizvodnim troškovima

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    The study deals with the analysis of production costs, as well as the net area in the production of the herd of organizational structures at the pig farm. The question arises of the optimum production structure in the cooperative household, which is mainly oriented to the production of Pigmeat. In this paper, a concrete model of linear programming for the optimal organizational structure of the herd of pig farms of the net effective area was defined. The research covered the cooperative farm “1.Decembr” in Žitorađa in Toplički district. For 2013, the production technology of agricultural animals was followed, and economic results were analyzed. In the observed period of one year. It was found that there were 28,252 throats on the farm. Total agricultural growth in 2013 amounted to 664,920 kg, in the amount of 781,569.7 €. Total death: piglets on wolves 6,315 throats, stuffed pigs 3,425 throats, 17,150 kg, tooth 928 throats, 40,980 kg, pigs 67 throats 13,930 kg, immature 3 throat 890 kg.Studija se bavi analizom obrta stada svinjogojske farme u proizvodnji svinjskog mesa u Srbiji, kao i neto efektivne površine oprimalne organizacione structure tovljenika u farmskim uslovima. Postavlja se pitanje optimalne structure proizvodnje na zadružnom gazdinstvu, koja je uglavnom orijentisano na proizvodnji tovnih svinja. U radu je definisan i urađen konkretan model linearnog programiranja za optimalnu organizacionu strukturu stada svinjarske farme neto efektivne površin., Istraživanje je obuhvatilo zadružnu farmu “1. Decembr” u Žitorađi u Topličkom okrugu. Za 2013 godinu praćena je tehnologija proizvodnje tovljenika na farmi, i analizirani su ekonomski rezultati. Tokom jednogodišnjeg posmatranog perioda.Utvrđeno je da je na farmi uzgoj tovljenika bio je 28.252 grla. Ukupni prirast na farmi, u 2013. godini bio je 664.920 kg, u iznosu od 781.569,7 €. Ukupno uginuće: prasadi na sisi 6.315 grla, zalučena prasad 3.425 grla, 17.150 kg, tovnih svinja 928 grla, 40.980 kg, krmače 67 grla 13.930 kg, nerastova 3 grla 890 kg

    Organic sunflower honey from the area of Banat (northeastern Serbia) - physicochemical and microbiological characterizations

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    Today, special attention is paid to organic honey due to increasing pollution and numerous toxins, and certified organic honey is described as having no chemical pollution, including that related to bee migration in search of good flowers that beekeepers do not directly control. This study aimed to characterize through analysis 5 samples of organic sunflower honey from Banat (Serbia): physicochemical quality parameters (moisture, HMF, diastase activity, free acidity, glucose and fructose content, sucrose and ash) and microbiological safety (presence of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, coliforms, lactic acid bacteria, molds and yeasts). Mean values obtained for physicochemical parameters are: 16.52% humidity, 8.17 mg/kg HMF, 10.8 diastasis activity, 24.07 meq/kg of free acidity, 60.8% of glucose and fructose 0.5% sucrose and 0.01% ash. The microbiota that was isolated from all the samples tested consisted of Bacillus spp. ranging from 0.50-0.55 x10-2 cfu/g and Saccharomyces spp., ranging from 0.31-0.44 x10-2 cfu/g. MALDI TOF confirmed preliminary identification to be Bacillus pumilus, while yeasts were identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This research could contribute to the valorization of sunflower honey, which would lead to standardization and increase the production of this product


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    Developed beekeeping is an important component of modern agriculture, both for the production of honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, beeswax and bee venom, and the pollination of plants and increase yield. Engaging bees as pollinators is increasing the quality and quantity of obtained fruits. Spontaneous and cultivated flowering plants are an irreplaceable source of natural food for honeybees, and one can reasonably talk about the perfect symbiosis of flowering plants and bees. This paper presents a natural economic and organizational conditions of production of bee products, as well as economic and agro economic signifcance. The purpose of the analysis is to identify and show the costs incurred, their value and structure during the period when the equipment is modern, and this is a period of 20 years. This work includes the analysis of the results of production, achieved yields and production volume, production value and the actual fgures, and derived indicators of business success: effciency and proftability, and payback period. All the analysis has been done to a capacity of 100, 200 and 300 beehives

    Problemi i perspektive akvakulture kod nas i u svetu

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    This paper details the state of aquaculture in Serbia, the problems as well as future development prospects of fishing in Serbia and on a global scale. Fish farming is one of the most profitable branches of agriculture, which makes investing in aquaculture very rentable since the production of fish meet is significantly cheaper than livestock meet production. Serbian fish production is not meeting our demands, in spite of the favorable bio-ecological characteristics of the local area. Thus, we are currently forced to import two thirds of the necessary fish meat from foreign countries.radu je prikazano stanje naše akvakulture, problemi, kao i perspektiva razvoja ribarstva kod nas i u svetu. Gajenje riba je jedna od najprofitabilnijih grana poljoprivrede, tako da su ulaganja u akvakulturu isplativa jer je proizvodnja ribljeg mesa višestruko jeftinija nego proizvodnja mesa u stočarstvu. Domaća proizvodnja ribe nije dovoljna i pored povoljnih bioekoloških karakteristika našeg područja. Zbog toga smo prinuđeni da dve trećine potrebnog ribljeg mesa uvozimo iz stranih zemalja

    Optimal flock structure of pig farm providing minimum costs

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    The study deals with the analysis of production costs, as well as the net area in the production of the herd of organizational structures at the pig farm. The question arises of the optimum production structure in the cooperative household, which is mainly oriented to the production of Pigmeat. In this paper, a concrete model of linear programming for the optimal organizational structure of the herd of pig farms of the net effective area was defined. The research covered the cooperative farm “1.Decembr” in Žitorađa in Toplički district. For 2013, the production technology of agricultural animals was followed, and economic results were analyzed. In the observed period of one year. It was found that there were 28,252 throats on the farm. Total agricultural growth in 2013 amounted to 664,920 kg, in the amount of 781,569.7 €. Total death: piglets on wolves 6,315 throats, stuffed pigs 3,425 throats, 17,150 kg, tooth 928 throats, 40,980 kg, pigs 67 throats 13,930 kg, immature 3 throat 890 kg