13 research outputs found
Una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre los costos del tratamiento para pacientes con Infarto Agudo de Miocardio
Objective: To analyze the costs treatment for patients
with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) over the period
from 2000 to 2016.
Materials and methods: Systematic review of the literature
on the costs of treatment for patients with Acute
Myocardial Infarction in the period 2000-2016. We selected
30 scientific articles from the database Scielo, Medline,
Redalyc, Springer Medizin and Lilacs, which met the
inclusion criteria: articles published in Spanish, Portuguese
or English from 2000 to 2016. To restrict the search of
articles, we use the health descriptors: costs, myocardial
infarction and cardiovascular, combining them with the
Boolean operators ‘’AND’’, ‘’OR’’ and ‘’NOT’’. Of which, a
sample of 11 articles was selected.
Results: It was evidenced that a high percentage (63.6%)
came from the Scielo database. According to the country
of origin of the articles, it was identified that the highest
percentage (36.4%) came from Colombia. Concerning
the direct and indirect costs of patients with Acute Myocardial
Infarction (AMI) from an international perspective,
the total estimated cost for Acute Coronary Syndrome
(ACS) in 2011, including direct and indirect costs, is 8,786.9. Ambulatory management
costs represent 54%.
Conclusion: The costs of people with Acute Myocardial
Infarction in both ambits, the international and national
(Colombia) are significantly attributable by surgical interventions,
treatment, hospital stay and post-diagnostic
outpatient management
A systematic literature review of treatment costs for patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
Objective: To analyze the costs treatment for patientswith Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) over the periodfrom 2000 to 2016.Materials and methods: Systematic review of the literatureon the costs of treatment for patients with AcuteMyocardial Infarction in the period 2000-2016. We selected30 scientific articles from the database Scielo, Medline,Redalyc, Springer Medizin and Lilacs, which met theinclusion criteria: articles published in Spanish, Portugueseor English from 2000 to 2016. To restrict the search ofarticles, we use the health descriptors: costs, myocardialinfarction and cardiovascular, combining them with theBoolean operators ‘’AND’’, ‘’OR’’ and ‘’NOT’’. Of which, asample of 11 articles was selected.Results: It was evidenced that a high percentage (63.6%)came from the Scielo database. According to the countryof origin of the articles, it was identified that the highestpercentage (36.4%) came from Colombia. Concerningthe direct and indirect costs of patients with Acute MyocardialInfarction (AMI) from an international perspective,the total estimated cost for Acute Coronary Syndrome(ACS) in 2011, including direct and indirect costs, is 8,786.9. Ambulatory managementcosts represent 54%.Conclusion: The costs of people with Acute MyocardialInfarction in both ambits, the international and national(Colombia) are significantly attributable by surgical interventions,treatment, hospital stay and post-diagnosticoutpatient management
Overweight or Obesity: Serum Lipids in a University Population of Barranquilla Colombia
Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, overweight and obesity occur due to an abnormal
or excessive accumulation of body fat that is harmful to health. During childhood and adolescence, risk factors such as
dyslipidemia or obesity are detected, the maintenance of which in the adult stage has been verified, indicating that
detection should be started as early as possible. It is necessary to carry out an anthropometric <- nutritional evaluation to
detect a deficit or excess weight in time. A study on the topic of chronic non-communicable diseases in Colombia indicated
that in 2014 more than 100,000 people died with ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular diseases (CVDs), cancer, DM
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), by being able to carry out early detections that will allow adequate
prevention of secondary complications. Methodology: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried
out with a population - sample of 36 university students of both sexes. After informed consent, those who met the
inclusion criteria demanded by Bioimpedance included: weight, height, visceral fat, body fat, In addition to abdominal or
waist circumference, hip and lipid profile: total cholesterol (CT), triglycerides (TG), HDLc, VLDLc. LDLc. Results:
Overweight and obesity in the results of (BMI, Gf and FV)), found in young male and female sex with prevalence in the
male sex group, and hyperlipidemias mainly in the female sex studied. Conclusion: High prevalence of CVD risk factors
such as overweight, obesity, and hyperlipidemia in the female sex group
Concentrations of trace elements like copper and zinc in breast, cow's and goat's milk
Objetivo: Comparar las concentraciones de los oligoelementos cobre y zinc en la leche
materna, de vaca y de cabra.
Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se recogieron muestras de leche materna
de madres lactantes sanas (91 mujeres) que asistieron a un centro materno infantil en la
ciudad de Maracaibo-Venezuela. Previo consentimiento informado se seleccionaron madres
que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Las concentraciones de los oligoelementos en
estudio, se determinaron mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica con llama.
Resultados: En el análisis de la muestra de leche humana se hallaron concentraciones de
cobre de 0,290 ± 0,04 mg/L y concentraciones de zinc de 1,580 ± 0,35 mg/L. Estos valores
son considerados aceptables según la ingesta diaria de referencia para estos oligoelementos
y fueron más elevada en muestras en leche de cabra según la literatura, mientras que las concentraciones de zinc en ambas leches (cabra y vaca), registradas por otros especialistas,
fueron más elevadas que en la leche humana del presente estudio.
Conclusiones: Las concentraciones de cobre y zinc halladas en la leche materna en este
trabajo son las ingestas recomendadas para el desarrollo y madurez del sistema nervioso
central del neonato.Objective: To compare the concentrations of trace elements like copper and zinc present in
breast, cow's and goat's milk.
Methods: Descriptive, cross sectional study. Samples of breast milk were collected from
healthy lactating mothers (91 women) who attended a maternal and children health center
in Maracaibo city, Venezuela. Mothers were selected prior informed consent who met the
inclusion criteria. The concentrations of the studied trace elements were determined by
atomic absorption spectrophotometry with flame.
Results: In the analysis of the human milk´s sample, there were found concentrations of Cu
(0.290 ± 0.04 mg/L) and concentrations of Zn (1.580 ± 0.35 mg/L). These levels are
considered acceptable according to the permitted intake of trace elements and according to
the literature, those are higher in goat milk´s samples, while concentrations of Zn in both
milks (goat and cow), registered by other specialists were higher than in the human milk´s
of the present study.
Conclusions: The concentrations of copper and zinc found in breast milk are the
recommended daily intake for the development and maturity of the central nervous system
of the newborns
Anthropometric parameters regarding the nutritional status of schoolchildren
Objective. This study assesses the anthropometric parameters concerning the nutritional status of and
establishes the prevalence of excessive weight, obesity, and malnutrition among schoolchildren in an educational
institution on Colombia’s northern coast. Materials and methods. A quantitative correlational research was conducted.
The sample included 556 children aged between 6 and 11 years (310 boys and 246 girls). Their weight, height, BMI, and
nutritional status were evaluated, and the BMI/age variable (Z-score)was studied to determine the nutritional categories
of underweight, normal, and excess weight (overweight and obese) through a descriptive analysis and analysis of
variance (ANOVA) using an unbalanced factorial design. Results. Thinness and obesity cases were reported, with 21.43%
(119/556) of the students experiencing some kind of nutritional disorder. Although no statistically significant differences
were observed between the gender factor levels, ANOVA showed that male students tend to move farther from the
expectedZ-scores. Conclusion: The average Z-score of young students is usually closer to the expected score, whereas
that of older students is farthest from expectation, in addition to showing greater variability between measures
La ética del profesor religada a la formación en valores del estudiante. Mirada teórica
En los últimos 10 años, la ética ha sido explorada como base de la estructura humana, y los valores su forma concreta de aplicarla en la cotidianidad, en las prácticas pedagógicas. Con el objetivo de describir sistemáticamente cómo ha sido la formación en valores del estudiante universitario, se hizo una revisión teórica sobre formación ética de los profesores que tienen esta labor, utilizando bases de datos digitales para luego compilar la información relevante de investigaciones científicas. Así, teniendo el escenario ideal en la formación ética que da la práctica pedagógica, los valores, en tanto eje central de la educación universitaria, requieren la formación humana de los profesores para el logro del objetivo misional de cualquier institución cuyo fundamento sea la formación de seres humanos en una sociedad que atiende el robustecimiento de la virtud ética renacida en la conciencia planetaria. Por lo tanto, el profesor es el protagonista principal en la formación de valores, pues según sea su actuar ejemplar, vocación, motivación, actitud y compromiso de vida, así va a ser seguido por los estudiantes. AbstractDuring the last 10 years, ethics has been explored as basis of human structure and its values as the practical way to apply them in everyday life of teaching practices, for that reason, it was necessary to make theoretical reviews, and check research results with the objective addressed to describe systematically how has been the values education in university students under the framework of the scientific review about the ethical formation of teachers formation. This exploration was conducted using digital databases and then compiles the relevant information from scientific research. The results showed that pedagogical practices are the ideal space for the ethics formation, where values are the central axis of college education and require in first measure human formation of professors to achieve the mission objective of any institution that has as foundation the human beings formation toward a rebirth society in planetary consciousness. Thus, professor is the main protagonist in the formation of values and the way how he acts, and how his dedication, motivation, attitude and commitment contributes to be identified as living example to follow by his students
La ética del profesor religada a la formación en valores del estudiante. Mirada teórica
<p>En los últimos 10 años, la ética ha sido explorada como base de la estructura humana, y los valores su forma concreta de aplicarla en la cotidianidad, en las prácticas pedagógicas. Con el objetivo de describir sistemáticamente cómo ha sido la formación en valores del estudiante universitario, se hizo una revisión teórica sobre formación ética de los profesores que tienen esta labor, utilizando bases de datos digitales para luego compilar la información relevante de investigaciones científicas. Así, teniendo el escenario ideal en la formación ética que da la práctica pedagógica, los valores, en tanto eje central de la educación universitaria, requieren la formación humana de los profesores para el logro del objetivo misional de cualquier institución cuyo fundamento sea la formación de seres humanos en una sociedad que atiende el robustecimiento de la virtud ética renacida en la conciencia planetaria. Por lo tanto, el profesor es el protagonista principal en la formación de valores, pues según sea su actuar ejemplar, vocación, motivación, actitud y compromiso de vida, así va a ser seguido por los estudiantes.</p><p> </p><p>Abstract<br />During the last 10 years, ethics has been explored as basis of human structure and its values as the practical way to apply them in everyday life of teaching practices, for that reason, it was necessary to make theoretical reviews, and check research results with the objective addressed to describe systematically how has been the values education in university students under the framework of the scientific review about the ethical formation of teachers formation. This exploration was conducted using digital databases and then compiles the relevant information from scientific research. The results showed that pedagogical practices are the ideal space for the ethics formation, where values are the central axis of college education and require in first measure human formation of professors to achieve the mission objective of any institution that has as foundation the human beings formation toward a rebirth society in planetary consciousness. Thus, professor is the main protagonist in the formation of values and the way how he acts, and how his dedication, motivation, attitude and commitment contributes to be identified as living example to follow by his students.</p
Hábitos alimentarios en el adulto mayor con hipertensión arterial
Introducción: La hipertensión arterial es la más frecuente de las condiciones que afectan la salud de las personas adultas en todas partes del mundo. En la población colombiana encontramos que la enfermedad hipertensiva ocupa el cuarto lugar de mortalidad en mayores de 65 años. Objetivo: Determinar los hábitos alimentarios en los adultos mayores con hipertensión arterial que asisten al subcentro de salud de salamanca Soledad 2018. Material y método: estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, prospectivo. La población y la muestra la conformaron 50 personas asistente al subcentro de salud, de un municipio del departamento del Atlántico 2018. Para recolectar los datos se utilizó un cuestionario, sometido al juicio de expertos para determinar la validez de este, los datos fueron analizados y procesados en el programa estadístico SPSS® Versión 23. Y los resultados fueron presentados en frecuencia y porcentajes. Resultados: Se evidencio que el 40% de los pacientes se encuentran entre los 49-54 años de edad, 58% género femenino, 66% casado, y el 52% con nivel de escolaridad secundaria, con respecto a los hábitos alimentarios, el 70% de las personas sí cocina normalmente en su casa, el 44% habitualmente ingieren sal, cubitos de caldos para condimentar, 50% consume productos enlatados, 60% ingiere embutidos, 56% no ingiere jugos, 82% consume pan, 46% botanas. 100% consume frutas. Conclusión: los hábitos alimentarios en esta población con hipertensión son inadecuados debido al alto consumo calórico de sal y alimentos no saludable
A systematic literature review of treatment costs for patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
Objective: To analyze the costs treatment for patientswith Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) over the periodfrom 2000 to 2016.Materials and methods: Systematic review of the literatureon the costs of treatment for patients with AcuteMyocardial Infarction in the period 2000-2016. We selected30 scientific articles from the database Scielo, Medline,Redalyc, Springer Medizin and Lilacs, which met theinclusion criteria: articles published in Spanish, Portugueseor English from 2000 to 2016. To restrict the search ofarticles, we use the health descriptors: costs, myocardialinfarction and cardiovascular, combining them with theBoolean operators ‘’AND’’, ‘’OR’’ and ‘’NOT’’. Of which, asample of 11 articles was selected.Results: It was evidenced that a high percentage (63.6%)came from the Scielo database. According to the countryof origin of the articles, it was identified that the highestpercentage (36.4%) came from Colombia. Concerningthe direct and indirect costs of patients with Acute MyocardialInfarction (AMI) from an international perspective,the total estimated cost for Acute Coronary Syndrome(ACS) in 2011, including direct and indirect costs, is 8,786.9. Ambulatory managementcosts represent 54%.Conclusion: The costs of people with Acute MyocardialInfarction in both ambits, the international and national(Colombia) are significantly attributable by surgical interventions,treatment, hospital stay and post-diagnosticoutpatient management
Levels of copper and zinc in different stages of breast milk and the influence of the nutritional state of nursing mothers
La leche humana materna tiene una composición única
para proporcionar a los recién nacidos todos los nutrientes
esenciales como proteínas, grasas, hidratos de carbono,
minerales, vitaminas y otras substancias fisiológicamente
activas, con el fin de suplir en cantidad y calidad las necesidades
calóricas y nutricionales del lactante. El objetivo
fue establecer las concentraciones totales de cobre y zinc
en la leche materna en sus distintas etapas: calostro, de
transición y madura, determinadas espectrométricamente
y la influencia del estado nutricional de madres lactantes;
estudio descriptivo transversal en madres entre 18 y 35
años, sanas y no fumadoras; los resultados evidencian
una disminución en las concentraciones de cobre y zinc
a medida que la lactancia va evolucionando, además, el
promedio de índice de masa corporal de las madres en
período de lactancia reflejaron sobrepeso. Concluimos
que el contenido calórico de los oligoelementos de la leche
materna es esencial para el crecimiento de los niños por los
beneficios nutricionales e inmunológicos que proporciona,
por lo que es importante que la madre se encuentre en un
estado nutricional adecuado que permita suministrar los
requerimientos adecuados al niño para su crecimiento y
desarrollo.Human milk has a unique composition and provides
newborns with all essential nutrients such as proteins, fats,
carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and other physiologically
active substances, in order to supply in quantity and quality
the caloric and nutritional needs of the infant. The objective
of this study was to establish the total concentration
of copper and zinc in breast milk in its different stages:
colostrum, transitional and mature milk, determined spectrometrically
and the influence of the nutritional status of
nursing mothers. We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional
study in healthy non-smoking mothers between 18 and 35
years of age. Lower concentrations of copper and zinc as
lactation progressed were observed. The average of body
mass index of nursing mothers reflected overweight. We
concludes that the caloric content of the trace elements of
breast milk is essential for the growth of children because of
the nutritional and immunological benefits that it provides,
so it is important that the mother has an adequate nutritional
state that allows to supply the adequate requirements for
the child to grow and develop