5,857 research outputs found

    Chemical evolution: A solar system perspective

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    During the last three decades major advances were made in the understanding of the formation of carbon compounds in the universe and of the occurrence of processes of chemical evolution in the solar system and beyond. This was made possible by the development of new astronomical techniques and by the exploration of the solar system by means of properly instrumented spacecraft. Some of the major findings made as a result of these observations are summarized

    Martian oxidation processes and selection of ancient sedimentary samples for bio-organic analysis

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    The results obtained by the Viking Missions concerning organic and biological analysis are summarized and it is indicated that these results do not preclude the existence in buried or protected regions of the planet, organic molecules or fossil life. The use of automated instruments is suggested for the analyses of samples obtained from certain regions of the planet, as a preliminary step before they are selected, retrieved, and returned to Earth for more complete analysis

    Evaluating the fairness of the proposed carbon tax in South Africa

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    Thesis (M.Com. (Accountancy))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, School of Accountancy, 2014.At the 2013 budget presentation, the South African government indicated its intention to introduce carbon tax starting 1 January, 2015 at the rate of R120 per ton of Co2 equivalent. Prior research confirmed that carbon taxes have the potential to increase price levels, make exports uncompetitive and reinforce income inequality. It was suspected that the proposed carbon tax in the face of other similar taxes in South Africa would result in similar outcome. Furthermore, the socio-economic circumstance of South Africa could make the tax unfair to taxpayers. The object of this research was to evaluate the fairness of the proposed carbon tax in South Africa using the tenets of tax fairness Proposed by Smith (1776). The research methodology adopted was content analysis and correspondence analysis to analyse survey responses. The results of the analysis confirmed that the proposed carbon tax would result in price increases, make exports uncompetitive and reinforce income inequality. It was concluded that the proposed carbon tax would be unfair to taxpayers if implemented as currently designe

    On the origin and early evolution of biological catalysis and other studies on chemical evolution

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    One of the lines of research in molecular evolution which we have developed for the past three years is related to the experimental and theoretical study of the origin and early evolution of biological catalysis. In an attempt to understand the nature of the first peptidic catalysts and coenzymes, we have achieved the non-enzymatic synthesis of the coenzymes ADPG, GDPG, and CDP-ethanolamine, under conditions considered to have been prevalent on the primitive Earth. We have also accomplished the prebiotic synthesis of histidine, as well as histidyl-histidine, and we have measured the enhancing effects of this catalytic dipeptide on the dephosphorylation of deoxyribonucleotide monophosphates, the hydrolysis of oligo A, and the oligomerization 2', 3' cAMP. We reviewed and further developed the hypothesis that RNA preceded double stranded DNA molecules as a reservoir of cellular genetic information. This led us to undertake the study of extant RNA polymerases in an attempt to discover vestigial sequences preserved from early Archean times. In addition, we continued our studies of on the chemical evolution of organic compounds in the solar system and beyond

    Molekularna karakterizacija populacija CNK iz Srbije

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    The morphology of potato cyst nematodes (PCN) was until recently almost the only way to identify these quarantine organisms. In the last two decades, molecular analyses contributed to faster and more efficient identification of two Globodera species (Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis) and allowed insight into the genetic structure of those parts that were practically inaccessible by morphological studies. Molecular characterization was performed in ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region. The comparison was made with sequences of different foreign PCN populations via NCBI GenBank database. The results of molecular studies showed similarities and differences between local and foreign PCN populations in the part of genome that was studied.Morfologija cistolikih nematoda krompira (CNK) je do nedavno bila gotovo jedini način identifikacije ovih karantinskih organizama. Molekularne analize su u poslednje dve decenije doprinele bržoj i efikasnijoj identifikaciji dve Globodera vrste (Globodera pallida i G. rostochiensis) i omogućile uvid u genetiku strukturu onih delova koji su praktično bili nedostupni morfološkim studijama. Molekularna karakterizacija je urađena u ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 regionu. Poređenja su vršena sa sekvencama različitih stranih populacija CNK preko NCBI GenBank baze podataka. Rezultati molekularnih studija pokazuju sličnosti i razlike domaćih i stranih populacija CNK u proučavanom delu genoma

    Gas Chromatograph-quadrupole Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Organic Compounds

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    Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry of acetonitrile, furan, pyrrole, paraffins, and other aromatic organic compounds of biological significanc

    120. Saksa arstide päevad Freiburgis

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    Eesti Arst 2017; 96(6):316–31

    Maailma Arstide Liit kiitis heaks uuendatud arstivande

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    Eesti Arst 2017; 96(10):57

    Eesti arstid maailma arstide parlamendis

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    Ettepaneku Eesti Arstide Liidule (EAL) liitumiseks Maailma Arstide Liiduga (World Medical Association, WMA) tegid eelmise aasta septembris Helsingis toimunud peaassambleel (vt ka EA nr 11, 2003) WMA toonane president Kati Myllymäki ja peasekretär Delon Human. Eesti arstid näitasid oma üksmeelset toetust liitumisettepanekule viimasel üldkogu koosolekul Viljandis. Ühehäälne toetus oli selge märk, et arstkonna ilmavaatest pole kadunud igiomane ühtekuuluvustunne oma ametivendadega teistes maades. Eesti Arst 2004; 83(11): 790-79