17 research outputs found

    Wpływ transportu na jakość mięsa drobiowego®

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    The paper presents the impact of ante-mortem turnover on poultry stress and the effects of transport stress on meat quality and safety. Animal transport is one of the most stressful phases of ante-mortem turnover, during which birds are exposed to a number of unfavourable stress factors. During transport, skin damage and bodily injuries occur, carcass quality deteriorates, leading to unfavourable quality changes in the meat (changes in pH, colour, defects in PSE and DFD meat, micro biological and sensory changes) and deaths of birds.W artykule przedstawiono wpływ obrotu przedubojowego na stres u drobiu oraz skutki stresu transportowego na jakość i bezpieczeństwo mięsa. Transport zwierząt jest jedną z najbardziej stresujących faz obrotu przedubojowego, podczas którego ptaki narażone są na szereg niekorzystnych czynników stresowych. Podczas transportu dochodzi do uszkodzeń skóry i urazów ciała, pogorszenia jakości tuszek prowadzących do niekorzystnych zmian jakościowych mięsa (zmian pH, barwy, powstawania wad mięsa PSE i DFD, zmian mikrobiologiczknych i sensorycznych) a także padnięć ptaków

    Analiza jakości tuszek kurcząt brojlerów z różnych ferm drobiu województwa podkarpackiego

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    Celem pracy była analiza jakości tuszek kurcząt brojlerów pochodzących z różnych ferm drobiu województwa podkarpackiego. Uzyskane warunki produkcyjne mierzone zużyciem paszy na 1 kg przyrostu, końcową masą ciała były porównywalne z krajowymi wynikami produkcyjnymi kurcząt brojlerów. Wyższą śmiertelność kurcząt brojlerów stwierdzono w fermie o najwyższej obsadzie ptaków na 1 m2. Wydajność rzeźna badanych tuszek kształtowała się na poziomie 70,59–71,89%. Procentowa zawartość mięśni piersiowych wynosiła od 24,71 do 25,82%. Tuszki badanych kurcząt charakteryzowały się niewielkim otłuszczeniem (2,38-4,13%). Wielkość obsady nie wpłynęła na parametry poubojowe tuszek kurcząt brojlerów

    Preferencje nabywcze „żywności wygodnej” pochodzenia drobiowego w opinii młodzieży akademickiej

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    Convenient food of poultry origin is becoming increasingly competitive compared to traditional meat and meat products and thus gaining in popularity. Students irregular lifestyle and lack of time to prepare meals make convenient food preferred by them. Attempts were made to learn student respondents’ views on consumption, product offer, as well as purchasing preferences for convenient food of poultry origin. Consumers surveyed indicated that they often consumed elements of poultry carcasses and concentrates such as bouillon cubes, and instant soups. Majority of respondents affirmed that offers of convenient poultry products were satisfactory. Ease of meals preparation and time – saving were two factors that contributed significantly to purchasing preferences. In the opinion of those surveyed low price could be the key factor that influenced frequent purchases of convenient food


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    Recently there has, been growing a increase in consumption of poultry meat in Poland. The most important material for slaughter poultry are broilers. Among factors that influence rising demand for poultry meat are: low price, availability of raw materials and promotional campaigns of safe nutrition. Its nutritional and sensory value makes it a choice product. University students are a specific group that has aroused the interest of nutritionists. The students’ lifestyle is characterised by high active social life and intense responsibilities, which ought to be augmented with a carefully chosen diet. The youth do not only have significant impact on the family purchasing decisions but display a strong purchasing power due to financial resources at their disposal and would in the future become mature and rational consumers. The article lists factors that determine purchasing needs, reasons for choice of markets and the consumption frequency of broiler meat. The feeling of lack of other products coupled with current sales promotions were, in the opinion of the students surveyed, often responsible for the decision to purchase of broiler chicken meat. Low price and the ease of preparation were also key reasons for the choice of this meat product. Responding students noted that skinless chicken breast fillet was most commonly consumed

    Ocena wybranych cech jakości kulinarnej tuszek kurcząt rzeźnych z towarowego i ekologicznego systemu utrzymania®

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    W artykule przedstawiono ocenę wybranych cech jakości ku-linarnej tuszek kurcząt rzeźnych pochodzących z towarowego i ekologicznego systemu utrzymania. Tuszki kurcząt rzeźnych z produkcji towarowej posiadały większą masę oraz wyższy udział elementów kulinarnych: mięśni piersiowych i skrzy-deł ze skórą, a także wyższą zawartość tłuszczu sadełkowego w porównaniu do tuszek kurcząt z produkcji ekologicznej. Bulion przygotowany z elementów tuszek kurcząt rzeźnych utrzymywanych ekologicznie odznaczał się korzystniejszą barwą i lepszą smakowitością, co może mieć znaczenie prak-tyczne dla konsumenta.The article presents an assessment of selected culinary qual-ity traits of carcasses of chickens for fattening from the com-mercial and ecological housing system. Carcasses of chickens for fattening from commercial production had a larger mass and a higher proportion of culinary elements: breast muscles and wings with the skin, also a higher fat content compared to chicken carcasses from organic production. The broth pre-pared from elements of carcasses of chickens kept ecologically kept had more favorable color and better palatability, which may have practical significance for the consumer

    Wybory rynkowe mięsa kurcząt brojlerów w opinii studentów

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    Recently there has, been growing a increase in consumption of poultry meat in Poland. The most important material for slaughter poultry are broilers. Among factors that influence rising demand for poultry meat are: low price, availability of raw materials and promotional campaigns of safe nutrition. Its nutritional and sensory value makes it a choice product. University students are a specific group that has aroused the interest of nutritionists. The students’ lifestyle is characterised by high active social life and intense responsibilities, which ought to be augmented with a carefully chosen diet. The youth do not only have significant impact on the family purchasing decisions but display a strong purchasing power due to financial resources at their disposal and would in the future become mature and rational consumers. The article lists factors that determine purchasing needs, reasons for choice of markets and the consumption frequency of broiler meat. The feeling of lack of other products coupled with current sales promotions were, in the opinion of the students surveyed, often responsible for the decision to purchase of broiler chicken meat. Low price and the ease of preparation were also key reasons for the choice of this meat product. Responding students noted that skinless chicken breast fillet was most commonly consumed

    Użytkowanie owiec rasy czarnogłówka w gospodarstwie ekologicznym na Podkarpaciu

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    Celem badań była ocena wartości użytkowej owiec rasy czarnogłówka oraz tempa wzrostu i odchowu jagniąt utrzymywanych w gospodarstwie ekologicznym na Podkarpaciu. Użytkowane w gospodarstwie ekologicznym stado owiec osiągnęło zadawalający poziom cech rozrodu, odchowu i rozwoju masy ciała jagniąt zbliżony do wyników owiec tej rasy użytkowanych w kraju. Utrzymywane w gospodarstwach ekologicznych owce dostarczają wysokiej jakości i wartości rynkowej produktów pozyskiwanych w warunkach dobrego środowiska bytowania zwierząt do jakich z pewnością należą zaliczyć tereny Podkarpacia

    Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Broiler Chicken Breast Meat Stored Frozen and Thawed Using Various Methods

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    The paper presents an analysis of the impact of freezing storage duration (1, 3, 5, and 7 months) and thawing methods, namely, in atmospheric air, water, and using microwave oven on the quality properties of broiler chicken breast meat. The physicochemical indicators of raw breast meat after thawing and after being subjected to heat treatment were evaluated. The sensory evaluation was also conducted. The findings indicate that the duration of storage has effects on the quality of meat stored frozen at −20°C. Unfavourable changes (p<0.05) were observed between the first and seventh months of freezing storage in respect of such areas as increased drip loss, increased thermal loss, colour changes, and reduced ash content in thawed breast meat as well as in those subjected to heat treatment. Unfavourable changes in the sensory properties, namely, diminished intensity of flavour and aroma, were also observed. The analysis revealed significant (p<0.05) impacts of thawing methods on the meat’s quality properties, depending on the duration of freezing storage. The application of microwave oven method of thawing meat enabled the retention of better physicochemical properties (reduction of drip and thermal losses and increased ash content) as well as sensory properties such as the desirability of the flavor and juiciness of meat stored for one-month period. A longer period of freezing storage (5 and 7 months) revealed higher degrees of colour saturation towards red (a∗) in raw breast meat as well as reduced brittleness of breast meat thawed using microwave oven method prior to and after the heat treatment in comparison to those thawed using atmospheric air and water. Practical Applications. The duration of freezing storage and thawing methods has impacts on the meat’s quality, including its processing value. The current study has its practical implications due to the immense consumption of broiler chicken meat, the high proportion of deep frozen meat products in commerce, and the acceptability and popularity of frozen stored meat in households. The current study enables one to ascertain how the physicochemical and sensory properties of broiler chicken breast meat change over the period of freezing storage (for 1, 3, 5, and 7 months) and which of the applied thawing methods (in atmospheric air, water, or microwave method) is most favourable for retaining meat’s best quality

    Ocena preferencji i częstotliwości spożycia mięsa drobiowego w opinii studentów

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród studentów Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego dotyczących oceny preferencji i częstotliwości spożycia mięsa drobiowego. W strukturze spożycia mięsa drobiowego dominowało mięso kurcząt brojlerów. Badani studenci wskazali, że najczęściej spożywają filet z piersi kurcząt bez skóry. W opinii studentów niska cena, wartość odżywcza mięsa i czas przyrządzania potraw były głównymi powodami decydującymi o spożyciu mięsa. Badani respondenci wysoko ocenili ofertę rynkową mięsa drobiowego, a preferowaną formą asortymentu handlowego było mięso bez opakowania

    Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Broiler Chicken Breast Meat Stored Frozen and Thawed Using Various Methods

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    The paper presents an analysis of the impact of freezing storage duration (1, 3, 5, and 7 months) and thawing methods, namely, in atmospheric air, water, and using microwave oven on the quality properties of broiler chicken breast meat. The physicochemical indicators of raw breast meat after thawing and after being subjected to heat treatment were evaluated. The sensory evaluation was also conducted. The findings indicate that the duration of storage has effects on the quality of meat stored frozen at −20°C. Unfavourable changes (p<0.05) were observed between the first and seventh months of freezing storage in respect of such areas as increased drip loss, increased thermal loss, colour changes, and reduced ash content in thawed breast meat as well as in those subjected to heat treatment. Unfavourable changes in the sensory properties, namely, diminished intensity of flavour and aroma, were also observed. The analysis revealed significant (p<0.05) impacts of thawing methods on the meat’s quality properties, depending on the duration of freezing storage. The application of microwave oven method of thawing meat enabled the retention of better physicochemical properties (reduction of drip and thermal losses and increased ash content) as well as sensory properties such as the desirability of the flavor and juiciness of meat stored for one-month period. A longer period of freezing storage (5 and 7 months) revealed higher degrees of colour saturation towards red (a∗) in raw breast meat as well as reduced brittleness of breast meat thawed using microwave oven method prior to and after the heat treatment in comparison to those thawed using atmospheric air and water. Practical Applications. The duration of freezing storage and thawing methods has impacts on the meat’s quality, including its processing value. The current study has its practical implications due to the immense consumption of broiler chicken meat, the high proportion of deep frozen meat products in commerce, and the acceptability and popularity of frozen stored meat in households. The current study enables one to ascertain how the physicochemical and sensory properties of broiler chicken breast meat change over the period of freezing storage (for 1, 3, 5, and 7 months) and which of the applied thawing methods (in atmospheric air, water, or microwave method) is most favourable for retaining meat’s best quality