92 research outputs found

    Towards a consensus on the circular economy

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    The growing importance of the concept of the circular economy as a way to attain sustainable development has encouraged scholars to propose different ways to understand it. Given the large number of studies done on the circular economy, their differing approaches and their multiple applications, this paper attempts to propose a consensus view of the basic notions of the circular economy framework and highlight its relationship with eco-innovation. To that end, this study carried out a systematic literature review that resulted in four main outputs: a knowledge map of the circular economy, an analysis of the main notions of the concept, principles, and determinants of a circular economy. Finally, this study brings to light some remarkable examples of eco-innovations developed for implementation in the circular econom

    Towards a consensus on the circular economy.

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    The growing importance of the concept of the circular economy as a way to attain sustainable devel- opment has encouraged scholars to propose different ways to understand it. Given the large number of studies done on the circular economy, their differing approaches and their multiple applications, this paper attempts to propose a consensus view of the basic notions of the circular economy framework and highlight its relationship with eco-innovation. To that end, this study carried out a systematic literature review that resulted in four main outputs: a knowledge map of the circular economy, an analysis of the main notions of the concept, principles, and determinants of a circular economy. Finally, this study brings to light some remarkable examples of eco-innovations developed for implementation in the circular economy

    Beyond the Circular Economy Theory: Implementation Methodology for Industrial SMEs.

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    Purpose: The circular economy has multiple benefits and opportunities to achieve sustainability and a better future for the next generations. The purpose of this paper is to propose a methodology that guides step-by-step any industrial SMEs in the transition from the linear to a circular model. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have a crucial role in the sustainable development transition, considering that they represent most of the world's companies. Design/methodology/approach: To develop this methodology, two research techniques were used: a focus group and storyboarding. Findings: The resulting methodology, called Ecopyme, comprises five steps: 1) Firm identity, 2) Diagnosis, 3) Planning, 4) Get the ball rolling, and 5) Assessment and feedback. In addition, two key criteria that must be included in the whole process were identified: value creation in the firm through a circular economy and organization commitment from the top management to the staff. Research limitations/implications: The Ecopyme methodology has two limitations: It does not propose either implementation tools or involve consumers and actors at the meso (e.g., eco-industrial parks) and macro (e.g., cities, provinces, countries) levels. Practical implications: This study will help policymakers understand the SMEs' perspective and remove barriers that may hinder the paradigm shift. The methodology is also a useful tool for consultants and entrepreneurs to incorporate the circular economy (CE) principles into their business. Originality/value: In the CE literature, little attention has been paid to proposing a structured methodology to implement CE in SMEs. Thus, the study provides a step-by-step methodology that guides any industrial SMEs to transition from linear to circular. Also, it provides additional evidence concerning the importance of human commitment in changing firms' paradigm because people can encourage the adoption of responsible production practices if firms commit CEOs, sustainability managers, and staff

    Challenges for ecolabeling growth: lessons from the EU Ecolabel in Spain

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    Purpose The European Ecolabel (EU Flower) has the mission to encourage cleaner production and influence consumers to promote Europe's transition to a circular economy. Nonetheless, little is known about EU Ecolabel evolution; it is not clear what the drivers that encourage its implementation are. Thus, this study aims to assess the growing acceptance of the EU Ecolabel in the European Union, and Spain more specifically, by examining product and service categories and geographical regions. Methods The methodological approach taken in this study is a mixed methodology based on the triangulation method by consulting the EU Ecolabel scheme database, EU Ecolabel delegates from some autonomous regions, and the academic literature. Also, a geographic analysis was run in the ArcGIS Software with data about the accumulation of licenses assigned in 2016. Results and discussion The analysis shows that most products in Spain that have been awarded the EU Ecolabel belong to the following categories: Do-It-Yourself Products (paint and varnish), Paper Products, Cleaning Up Products, and Electronic Equipment. At the same time, the study showed that this ecolabel faces significant obstacles in its diffusion, such as the competition with environmental labels launched previously in Europe and other regional labels. Conclusions The results of this study indicate the existence of five drivers that may encourage the implementation of EU Flower in a region: (1) public management, (2) communication strategy, (3) sustainable public procurement criteria, (4) local income per capita, and (5) international trade incentives. Finally, this study provides essential recommendations for policymakers to trigger ecolabeling practices such as the need to improve the understanding of the EU ecolabel impact in different levels of activity, which means countries, regions, industrial clusters, firms, and consumers. Also, this investigation identifies areas for further research, and it expresses the need to develop business case studies about ecolabeling with the objective to visualize this phenomenon as an eco-innovation process

    An Overview of the Circular Economy among SMEs in the Basque Country: A Multiple Case Study.

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    Purpose: This research analyzes the maturity of environmental management as well as the degreeof to which the Circular Economy has been implemented in Basque SMEs.Design/methodology/approach:A total of 17 case studies were carried out in industrialSMEs companies in the Basque Country.Findings:The main results show that companies are limited to complying with the law and inmany cases are worried about the image of the company, although they are not committed toenvironmental issues. There is still a lot to do in SMEs, as they are the companies that face thebiggest challenges due to a lack of resources.Originality/value: Circular Economy aims to change a linear economy into promotingsustainability of the economy while also engaging in sustainable environmental protection. Thisresearch has focused on small and medium enterprises as they represent a 99% of companies inEurope and they are the ones that have the most difficulty reaching a stage of environmentalexcellence due to their limited resources

    Increasing Engineering Students’ Involvement in Circular Economy Practices.

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    The circular economyhas become a topic of intense interest for policymakers, scholars and business managers because it has proven to bea new paradigm to achieve the sustainability of our society. However, the main efforts made in thecircular economy cannot be limited tothe actions ofprofessional or experts. We believe that if we intend to meet current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, we mustteach present generations the principles for achievingeconomic, social and environmentalsustainability in the short, mediumand long-term. This paper highlights the use of participatory guided activitiesinstead of traditional coursesto teach and engage engineering students with circular economy practices

    Economía circular: Relación con la evolución del concepto de sostenibilidad y estrategias para su implementación

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    The circular economy is a paradigm that aims to generate economic prosperity, protect the environment and prevent pollution, consequently, facilitating sustainable development. The growing interest of governments, industry, and society in the implementation of the circular economy has led us to inquire about its direct connection with the ultimate goal of this paradigm: sustainability. For this purpose, an analysis of the scientific articles published in this last century on this concept has been made. As a result, we conclude that the Circular Economy is a paradigm of action that has evolved from the concept of sustainability and its application in the economy, society, and the necessary care of the environment that surrounds us. Accordingly, the Circular Economy has become a paradigm that seeks sustainable development, proposing different strategies throughout the chain of production and use of products and services. For this purpose, the article proposes five concrete fields of action and presents strategies for sustainable design to achieve the circularity in the processes, allowing the production and sustainable consumption.La economía circular es un paradigma que tiene como objetivo generar prosperidad económica, proteger el medio ambiente y prevenir la contaminación, facilitando así el desarrollo sostenible. El creciente interés de gobiernos, industria y sociedad en la implementación de la economía circular, nos ha llevado a indagar sobre su conexión directa con el fin último de este paradigma: la sostenibilidad. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de los artículos científicos publicados en este último siglo acerca de este tema. Como resultado se concluye que la Economía Circular es un paradigma de actuación que ha evolucionado a partir del concepto de sostenibilidad y su aplicación en la economía, la sociedad, y el cuidado necesario del ambiente que nos rodea. Así, la Economía Circular se ha convertido en un paradigma que busca el desarrollo sostenible, proponiendo diferentes estrategias en toda la cadena de producción y uso de los productos y servicios. Para este propósito el artículo propone cinco campos de acción concretos y presenta estrategias de diseño sostenible para conseguir la circularidad en los procesos, permitiendo la producción y consumo sostenible

    Circular economy: Relationship with the evolution of the concept of sustainability and strategies for its implementation

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    La economía circular es un paradigma que tiene como objetivo generar prosperidad económica, proteger el medio ambiente y prevenir la contaminación, facilitando así el desarrollo sostenible. El creciente interés de gobiernos, industria y sociedad en la implementación de la economía circular, nos ha llevado a indagar sobre su conexión directa con el fin último de este paradigma: la sostenibilidad. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de los artículos científicos publicados en este último siglo acerca de este tema. Como resultado se concluye que la Economía Circular es un paradigma de actuación que ha evolucionado a partir del concepto de sostenibilidad y su aplicación en la economía, la sociedad, y el cuidado necesario del ambiente que nos rodea. Así, la Economía Circular se ha convertido en un paradigma que busca el desarrollo sostenible, proponiendo diferentes estrategias en toda la cadena de producción y uso de los productos y servicios. Para este propósito el artículo propone cinco campos de acción concretos y presenta estrategias de diseño sostenible para conseguir la circularidad en los procesos, permitiendo la producción y consumo sostenible

    Mutations in the urocanase gene UROC1 are associated with urocanic aciduria

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    [EN] Urocanase is an enzyme in the histidine pathway encoded by the UROC1 gene. This report describes the first putative mutations, p. L70P and p.R450C, in the coding region of the UROC1 gene in a girl with urocanic aciduria presenting with mental retardation and intermittent ataxia. Computed (in silico) predictions, protein expression studies and enzyme activity assays suggest that none of the mutations can produce a fully functional enzyme. The p. L70P substitution, which probably implies the disruption of an alpha-helix in the N-terminus, would alter its properties and therefore, its function. The p.R450C change would render impossible any interaction between urocanase and its substrate and would loss its enzyme activity. Consequently, these studies suggest that both mutations could alter the correct activity of urocanase, which would explain the clinical and biochemical findings described in this patient.We are grateful to the patient for her kind collaboration. We are indebted to Dr C Marco-Marín for the in silico structural studies. CIBERER is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. This work was supported by grants from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (PI051318 and PI070548).Espinós-Armero, CÁ.; Pineda, M.; Martínez-Rubio, D.; Aída Ormazabal; María Antonia Vilaseca; Leo J. M. Spaapen; Palau, F.... (2009). Mutations in the urocanase gene UROC1 are associated with urocanic aciduria. Journal of Medical Genetics. 46(6):407-411. https://doi.org/10.1136/jmg.2008.06063240741146