19 research outputs found

    Industrial Innovation in Transition

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    In this study, the innovation management processes of Finnish companies in significantly changing business environment were examined. Data collection for this study draws on qualitative methods and interviews. Based on the analysis, it can be summarized that innovation activities are often characterized as processual and hierachically structured with emphasis on the traditional stage-gate–model. As a contrast, in some interviews also highly informal and unsystematic origins and processes of innovation are described. Strategy processes are often characterized according to the established terminology emphasizing rationality and formal processes. However, business strategies are also perceived as a limiting and hindering factor for innovations.  Based on the analysis, there seems to be heavy emphasis on incremental innovation, which builds on advancing current competencies, businesses, and capabilities. Large foreign companies and "players" are described as trendsetters, which are followed. The majority of characterizations do not convey an exploration spirit or passion for radical, disruptive innovations and creation or transformation to entirely new businesses. Descriptions of developing new social innovations (eg. Facebook, Twitter), novel business models, intrapreneurship or start-up mentality as well as passionate visions of transformational ideas and business opportunities appear seldom. Activities for developing processes for open innovation are seen as a future possibility. Currently there is a lack of open innovation tools and processes. Many companies accumulate "big data" from their operations. However, developing its widespread analysis and utilization is seen to take place in the future. Descriptions of active development of ideas to transform businesses and business models based on "big data" analytics are rare.  Industrial innovations originate from networks involving customers, suppliers and public R&D organizations. The study raises also some suggestions how to reform the Finnish innovation system. Development is needed in company innovation management processes, TEKES activities, new funding instruments and university incentive system. On the Finnish societal level, an innovation gap emerges between small companies and large enterprises

    Bit Bang 7: Future of Energy

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    This book is the 7th in the Bit Bang series of books produced as multidisciplinary teamwork exercises by doctoral students participating in the course Bit Bang 7: Future of Energy at Aalto University during the academic year 2014–2015. The course aims at fostering teamwork and multidisciplinary collaboration, as well as providing participants with a global, futurecentric perspective on the energy sector. The growing global demand for energy and diminishing natural resources are driving the development of eco-efficient energy sources, new ways of doing business, and designing our living environment. Bit Bang 7 addresses the topic of energy sources and technologies from the perspective of their economic, environmental and social sustainability. The course elaborates on the interconnectedness of these phenomena, and links them to possible future scenarios, global megatrends and ethical considerations. Will we see disruptive changes in our energy future? Can we impact consumption patterns, ways of doing business, and our way of life? Are we creating a sustainable future for the generations to come? Working in teams, the students set out to answer questions related to the changing energy sector and to brainstorm radical scenarios of what the future could hold. This joint publication contains articles produced as teamwork assignments for the course, in which the students were encouraged to take novel and radical views on the future of energy. The Bit Bang series of courses is supported by the Multidisciplinary Institute of Digitalisation and Energy (MIDE). Previous Bit Bang publications are available from http:/mide.aalto.fi

    BIT BANG 5: Changing Global Landscapes - Role of Policy Making and Innovation Capability

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    Bit Bang – Changing Global Landscapes: Role of Policy Making and Innovation Capability was the fifth multidisciplinary postgraduate course for Aalto University doctoral students. A total of 24 students from five Aalto University Schools participated in this two-semester course. The course focused on global competition for leadership in innovation, policy-making, technology, and science and education. The fundamental objective of the Bit Bang courses is to teach the students teamwork, multidisciplinary collaboration and scenario building, as well as provide the students with global perspective, and industry and business foresight. In addition to normal class activities the students worked in six person teams to study local and global strategies to strive for success. This joint publication contains the final reports of the teamwork assignments. In the chapters the students seek answers to what makes the difference between the leaders and the followers. The topics include e.g. the potential of additive manufacturing for bringing manufacturing industries back to Western countries, the link between national higher education systems and innovation capability at the nation level, and changing governmental structures to better match contemporary challenges. The Bit Bang post graduate courses are organised by Aalto University’sMultidisciplinary Institute of Digitalisation and Energy (MIDE)

    Bit Bang 9: Entrepreneurship

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    This book is the 9th in the Bit Bang series of books produced as multidisciplinary teamwork exercises by doctoral students participating in the course Bit Bang 9: Entrepreneurship at Aalto University during the academic year 2016–2017. Working in teams, the students set out to answer questions related to entrepreneurship and to brainstorm radical scenarios of what the future could hold. This joint publication contains articles produced as teamwork assignments for the course

    Bit Bang 8: Digitalization

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    This book is the 8th in the Bit Bang series of books produced as multidisciplinary teamwork exercises by doctoral students participating in the course Bit Bang 8: Digitalization at Aalto University during the academic year 2015–2016. Digitalization has brought great opportunities for economic growth, productivity gain and job creation in our societies, and will change the way industry will operate. Bit Bang 8 addressed the topic of digitalization from the perspective of its economic, environmental and social sustainability. The course elaborated on the interconnectedness of these phenomena, and linked them to possible future scenarios, global megatrends and ethical considerations. How will digitalization shape our future? How can we prepare can prepare our societies to respond to these changes? Working in teams, the students set out to answer questions related to the digitalization and to brainstorm radical scenarios of what the future could hold. This joint publication contains articles produced as teamwork assignments for the course, in which the students were encouraged to take novel and radical views on digitalization. The Bit Bang series of courses is supported by the Multidisciplinary Institute of Digitalisation and Energy (MIDE). Previous Bit Bang publications are available from http:/mide.aalto.fi

    Suomen kilpailukyvyn ja talouskasvun turvaaminen 2020-luvulla : Selvityshenkilön raportti

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    Elinkeinoministeri Mika Lintilä kutsui 5.6.2018 professori Erkki Ormalan selvityshenkilöksi laatimaan arvion ja suositukset soveltavan tutkimuksen voimavarojen riittävyydestä sekä Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy:n roolista elinkeinoelämää palvelevan innovaatiotoiminnan edistämisessä. Selvityksen keskeinen viesti on, että soveltavaa tutkimusta kehittämällä ja toimijoiden yhteistyötä vahvistamalla voidaan tukea Suomen kansantalouden kasvua 2020-luvulla ja auttaa turvaamaan Suomen työllisyyskehitys sekä ratkaista kansantalouden kestävyysvajeen haasteita. Suomeen on palautettava toimintamalli, joka turvaa kansallisen tutkimus- ja innovaatiotoiminnan tasapainoisen ja ennakoitavan kehittämisen. Tutkimus- ja innovaatiotoiminnan menestyvä toteutus perustuu suurelta osin laajoihin ja kattaviin kansallisiin tutkimusohjelmiin tai kärkihankkeisiin, joissa tavoitteina ovat tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksien kehittäminen ja hyödyntäminen. Näiden rahoittamiseen tulee ohjata vuosina 2020–2022 yhteensä 300 miljoonan euron pysyvä tasokorotus. VTT:lle esitetään 30 miljoonan euron tasokorotusta, joka tulee käyttää tärkeiden osaamisalueiden kehittämiseen ja yhteistyöohjelmiin sekä infrastruktuurien kehittämiseen. Yliopistoja ja ammattikorkeakouluja tulee kannustaa tulosohjauksen kautta osallistumaan yritysyhteistyöhön. Tulevaisuuden osaajatarpeet tulee kartoittaa nykyistä paremmin ja tarvittavat muutokset on otettava huomioon korkeakoulujen ja ammatillisen koulutuksen tutkintotavoitteita määriteltäessä. Samalla jatkokoulutuksen edellytyksiä on olennaisesti parannettava. Yhteyshenkilö: Pirjo Kutinlahti, puh. 029 504 826

    Tutkimus-ja kehityprojektien arviointi-ja valintamenetelmät

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    Analysing and supporting R & D project evaluation:An applied systems analytic approach: Dissertation

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