8 research outputs found

    Classification of sediments by means of Self-Organizing Maps and sediment quality guidelines in sites of the southern Spanish coastline

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    This study was carried out to classify 112 marine and estuarine sites of the southern Spanish coastline (about 918 km long) according to similar sediment characteristics by means of artificial neural networks (ANNs) such as Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and sediment quality guidelines from a dataset consisted of 16 physical and chemical parameters including sediment granulometry, trace and major elements, total N and P and organic carbon content. The use of ANNs such as SOM made possible the classification of the sampling sites according to their similar chemical characteristics. Visual correlations between geochemical parameters were extracted due to the powerful visual characteristics (component planes) of the SOM revealing that ANNs are an excellent tool to be incorporated in sediment quality assessments. Besides, almost 20% of the sites were classified as medium-high or high priority sites in order to take future remediation actions due to their high mean Effects Range-Median Quotient (m-ERMQ) value. Priority sites included the estuaries of the major rivers (Tinto, Odiel, Palmones, etc.) and several locations along the eastern coastline

    Bioaccumulation of inorganic elements in dreissena polymorpha from the Ebro river, Spain: could zebra mussels be used as a bioindicator of the impact of human activities?

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    Dreissena polymorpha is among the top 100 most harmful invasive species in aquatic habitats. European Directive 2013/39/UE establishes Environmental Quality Standards for biota because it has been demonstrated that pollutants bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms. This study evaluated bioaccumulation of inorganic elements in the soft tissues of D. polymorpha in order to assess the usefulness of zebra mussels as a bioindicator of contaminant presence in super fi cial waters. Concentrations of 66 elements were measured in order to evaluate their relation- ship with nearby anthropogenic activity and to the values recommended by Environmental Quality Standards for biota. Bivalves were col- lected from four sample points along the Ebro River Basin (Spain), where diverse human activities are carried out. Zebra mussels accumulate toxins in soft tissue during their life cycle, including Al, Cr, Fe, Hg, Pb, Th, Cd and U. The highest levels of accumulation corresponded to elements associated with human activity in the area, showing the impact of anthropogenic actions on biota. D. polymorpha not only supplies information about current water quality but also acts as a witness of past water quality by bioconcentrating toxic elements present in the environment and providing relevant results about historical water contamination. In conclusion, D. polymorpha is a harmful and dangerous invasive species, but its pervasiveness means that it can be used as a bioindicator to assess current and past presence of elements in water

    Study of evolution of microbiological properties in sewage sludge-amended soils: A pilot experience

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    Large amounts of sewage sludge are generated in urban wastewater treatment plants and used as fertilizer in agriculture due to its characteristics. They can contain contaminants such as heavy metals and pathogenic microorganisms. The objective of this research work is to study, in real conditions, the evolution of microbial concentration in agricultural soils fertilized by biologically treated sewage sludge. The sludge (6.25 tons Ha-1 ) was applied in two agricultural soils with different textures and crops. A microbiological (total coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus sp., Pseudomonas sp., Salmonella sp. and total mesophylls) and physical-chemical characterization of the sludge, soils and irrigation water were carried out. The evolution of these parameters during sowing, growth and harvesting of crops was studied. Initially, sewage sludge had a higher concentration of microorganisms than soils. Irrigation water also contained microorganisms, fewer than sewage sludge amendment but not negligible. After amendment, there were no differences in the microbiological evolution in the two types of soil. In general, bacterial concentrations after crop harvest were lower than bacterial concentrations detected before sewage sludge amendment. Consequently, the application of sludge from water treatment processes did not worsen the microbiological quality of agricultural soil in this study at real conditions

    Photoactivation and photoregeneration of TiO2/PAC mixture applied in suspension in water treatments: approach to a real application

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    The process TiO2/PAC/UV-vis has been under study and compared with the isolated treatments of adsorption and photocatalysis determining possible synergies between adsorption and photocatalysis of target antibiotics: amoxicillin, enrofloxacin, sulfadiazine, and trimethoprim. The characterization of the TiO2/PAC mixture was carried out via FESEM and FTIR. Moreover, a kinetic study has been performed. The effect of UV-vis radiation and the type of matrix was analyzed in TiO2/PAC/UV-vis process. The performance of this treatment has been monitored during three cycles, evaluating also the regeneration of TiO2/PAC mixture by UV-vis light. TiO2/PAC/UV-vis process allowed the removal of the antibiotics in the range 90–100% (an average removal of 93% of the initial concentration) after 60 min of treatment. However, only amoxicillin showed a significant synergy applying TiO2/PAC/UV-vis process. Regarding matrix effect, no influence of the matrix type (ultrapure water or treated wastewater) was observed. Since PAC tends to be deactivated gradually, the TiO2/PAC/UV-vis process performance decreases after each cycle in a 15% average. Finally, regeneration via UV-vis light started to be effective after a total of 4 h of regeneration

    Tratamiento de aguas residuales procedentes de la industria farmacéutica mediante nano-fotocatálisis con TiO2

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    Durante la fabricación de fármacos, se generan aguas residuales que pueden contener restos de materias primas, productos intermedios o productos finales, contaminantes emergentes de efectos ambientales todavía desconocidos que deben de ser eliminados previamente a su vertido final. Actualmente se estudia el tratamiento de aguas con contaminantes orgánicos oxidables mediante procesos de oxidación avanzada, entre los que destaca la fotocatálisis heterogénea. El dióxido de titanio es el semiconductor más indicado para usar en el tratamiento fotocatalítico del agua debido a su baja toxicidad, resistencia a la fotocorrosión, disponibilidad, efectividad y relativo bajo cost

    Degradación de contaminantes orgánicos en efluentes mediante fotocatálisis con una suspensión comercial de nano-TiO2

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    La presencia de determinados contaminantes to´xicos, persistentes y bioacumulables en las aguas asi´ como de otros emergentes cuyos efectos no son todavi´a bien conocidos, pueden limitar el uso de la misma, siendo necesario un tratamiento posterior que adecue la calidad de la misma para su uso. Actualmente se estudia la eliminacio´n de estos contaminantes orga´nicos persistentes mediante procesos de oxidacio´n avanzada, entre los que destaca la fotocata´lisis heteroge´nea. El dio´xido de titanio (TiO2) es el semiconductor ma´s indicado para usar en el tratamiento fotocatali´tico del agua debido a su baja toxicidad, resistencia a la fotocorrosio´n, disponibilidad, efectividad y relativo bajo coste

    Amebas de vida libre en aguas residuales y fangos: Su papel como reservorio natural de bacterias potencialmente patógenas

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    Las amebas de vida libre (AVL) son protozoos ubicuos, presentes en suelos y en ecosistemas acuáticos naturales y artificiales. Participan en los procesos de depuración desarrollados en las Estaciones Depuradoras de Aguas Residuales (EDAR), convirtiéndolas en un nicho ecológico idóneo para la proliferación de AVL, que las colonizan e instauran en ellas su hábitat, ya que se alimentan de bacterias presentes en el medio. Los procesos de depuración biológica no están diseñados con el fin de eliminar la contaminación microbiológica, aunque ayudan a reducir algunas poblaciones bacterianas. Hasta la fecha, sólo algunas especies y géneros de AVL han sido descritos como patógenos, pero todas ellas suponen un riesgo como reservorio de bacterias patógenas. Su forma quística, les confiere resistencia frente a las condiciones adversas y desinfectantes comunes, permitiéndoles superar los procesos de depuración y potabilización y colonizar sistemas artificiales de agua. En este trabajo, se estudió la presencia de AVL en aguas y fangos de 5 EDAR que vierten sus aguas a la cuenca del Ebro, analizando un total de 20 puntos de muestreo. Para ello, se llevó a cabo el aislamiento AVL y la posterior identificación de género y especie, así como de las bacterias endosimbiontes, mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR). De las 41 amebas aisladas en el 85 % de las muestras, 21 fueron identificadas genéticamente. Trece de ellas, pertenecieron al género Acanthamoeba spp., 6 a Naegleria spp. y 2 se identificaron como Vermamoeba vermiformis. El 53,66 % de las AVL albergaba en su interior Mycobacterium spp., el 29,27 % Legionella pneumophila y el 14,63 % Pseudomonas spp. Free-living amoebae (FLA) are ubiquitous protozoa, present in soils and in natural and artificial aquatic ecosystems. They take part in the purification processes that take place in Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs), thereby turning these plants into ecological niches suitable for proliferation of FLAs, which they colonize and in which they establish their habitat, since they feed on bacteria present in the environment. Biological purification processes are not designed to remove microbiological contamination, although they help to reduce some microbial populations. At present only some genera and species of FLAs have been described as pathogenic, but all of them pose a risk as reservoirs of pathogenic bacteria. Their cystic stage gives them resistance to adverse conditions and common disinfectants, allowing them to withstand water purification processes and colonize artificial water systems. The presence of FLAs in waters and sludges from 5 WWTPs that discharge their waters into the Ebro river basin has been studied in this work. To this end, a total of 20 sample points were analysed by isolating the FLAs and subsequently identifying their genus and species. The same was done for endosymbiotic bacteria, by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Out of 41 FLAs that were isolated in 85 % of the samples, 21 were genetically identified. Thirteen belonged to the genus Acanthamoeba spp., 6 to Naegleria spp. and 2 were identified as Vermamoeba vermiformis. 53.66 % of FLAs hosted Mycobacterium spp., 29.27 % Legionella pneumophila, and 14.63 % Pseudomonas spp