82 research outputs found
SUMMARY. The aim of our study was the definition of alleles and genotypes frequency of -204A>C polymorphism of CYP7A1 gene for patients with arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus.Materials and Methods. The I group consisted of 198 obtained patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and III stage of arterial hypertension, the II includes 152 persons with III stage of arterial hypertension, the III includes 49 practically healthy people. Molecular and genetics methods such as DNA separation from peripheral blood leukocytes, polymerase chain reaction, horizontal electrophoresis were used for determination of -204A>C polymorphism of СУР7А1 promoter region. The results were statistically analyzed by Microsoft Exel 2013 programs with the help of the chi-square test (χ2), the Student's test (t), the reliability of the differences between indicators (p).Results. Among patients from the I group genotype AA was present in 119 persons (60.1 %), AC – 31 (15.7 %), CC – 48 (24.2%); the II group – 112 patients (73.7 %), АС – 10 (6.5 %), СС – 30 (19.7 %); the ІІІ group – 43 persons (87.76 %), АС – 4 (8.16 %), СС – 2 (4.08 %). The frequency of allele A was 91.84 %, C – 8.16 % for the I group; 76.97 % and 23.03 % for the II group (р<0.05), 67.93 % and 32.07 % for the III group (р<0.05). There are the statistically significant differences among genotypes between patients from the I and III groups (χ 2=14,023; р=0.001); II and III groups (χ 2=6.789; р=0.034).Conclusions. After definition of -204A>C polymorphism of CYP7A1 promoter region for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension, CC genotype was ascertained more often by 4.5 % than in patients with arterial hypertension, by 22.7 % than in the control group.РЕЗЮМЕ. Цель – исследовать частоту аллелей и генотипов по -204А>C полиморфизму гена СYP7A1 у лиц с артериальной гипертензией и сахарным диабетом 2 типа.Материалы и методы. В І группу обследованных вошли 198 пациентов с сахарным диабетом 2 типа и артериальной гипертензией ІІІ стадии, во ІІ – 152 больных с артериальной гипертензией III стадии, в ІІІ – 49 условно здоровых лиц. Для исследования полиморфизма -204А>C промоторной области гена СYP7A1 были использованы молекулярно- генетические методы (выделение ДНК из лейкоцитов периферической крови, полимеразную цепную реакцию, горизонтальный электрофорез). Данные были обработаны статистически с помощью программ Microsoft Exel 2013 с использованием теста хи-квадрат (χ2), критерия Стьюдента (t), достоверности различий между показателями (р).Результаты. После исследования полиморфизма -204А>C промоторной области гена СYP7A1 среди пациентов І группы генотип АА был констатирован у 119 лиц (60,1 %), АС – у 31 (15,7 %), СС – у 48 (24,2 %); ІІ – у 112 (73,7 %), 10 (6,6 %), 30 (19,7 %); ІІІ – у 43 (87,76 %), 4 (8,16 %), 2 (4,08 %) соответственно. У лиц ІІІ группы частота аллеля А составила 91,84 %, С – 8,16 %; ІІ – 76,97 % и 23,03 % (р<0,05), ІІІ – 67,93 % и 32,07 % (р<0,05). Найдено статистически значимые различия в распределении генотипов в І и ІІІ группах (χ2=14,023; р=0,001), ІІ и ІІІ группах (χ2=6,789; р=0,034).Выводы. После исследования полиморфизма -204А>C промоторной области гена СYP7A1 у пациентов с сахарным диабетом 2 типа и артериальной гипертензией генотип СС констатировано чаще на 4,5 %, чем у больных артериальной гипертензией, на 22,7 % – чем в группе контроля.Мета - дослідити частоту алелів та генотипів за -204А>C поліморфізмом гена СYP7A1 у осіб із артеріальною гіпертензією та цукровим діабетом 2-го типу Матеріали і методи. У І групу обстежених ввійшли 198 пацієнтів із цукровим діабетом 2-го типу та артеріальною гіпертензією ІІІ стадії, у ІІ – 152 хворих на артеріальну гіпертензію ІІІ стадії, у ІІІ – 49 умовно здорових осіб. Для дослідження поліморфізму -204А>C промоторної ділянки гена СYP7A1 було використано молекулярно-генетичні методи (виділення ДНК із лейкоцитів периферичної крові, полімеразну ланцюгову реакцію, горизонтальний електрофорез). Дані було оброблено статистично за допомогою програм Microsoft Exel 2013 із використанням тесту хі-квадрат (χ2), критерію Стьюдента (t), достовірності розходжень між показниками (р).Результати. Після дослідження поліморфізму -204А>C промоторної ділянки гена СYP7A1 серед пацієнтів І групи генотип АА було констатовано у 119 осіб (60,1%), АС – 31 (15,7%), СС – 48 (24,2%); ІІ – у 112 (73,7%), 10 (6,6%), 30 (19,7%); ІІІ – у 43 (87,76%), 4 (8,16%), 2 (4,08%) відповідно. В осіб ІІІ групи частота алелі А склала 91,84%, С – 8,16%; ІІ - 76,97% та 23,03% (р < 0,05), ІІІ – 67,93% та 32,07% (р < 0,05). Знайдено статистично значущі відмінності у розподілі генотипів у І та ІІІ групі (χ2 = 14,023; р = 0,001), ІІ і ІІІ групі (χ2 = 6,789; р = 0,034).Висновки. Після дослідження поліморфізму -204А>C промоторної ділянки гена СYP7A1 у пацієнтів із цукровим діабетом 2-го типу та артеріальною гіпертензією генотип СС зустрічався частіше на 4,5%, ніж у хворих із артеріальною гіпертензією, на 22,7%, ніж у групи контролю
Estimation of variants of the pancreatic gland pathology in patients, suffering complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis in late postoperative period
Objective. Estimation of variants of the pancreatic gland pathology and rate of the unfavorable results occurrence in late postoperative period in patients, suffering complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis, depending on the procedures of surgical treatment.
Materials and methods. Results of surgical treatment of complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis in department of the gut surgery in 2007 - 2017 yrs were studied in 107 patients, who were divided into two groups: the Group I – 67 (62.7%) patients, in whom pancreato- and virsungodigestive operations were performed, and the Group II – 40 (37.4%) patients, in whom duodenum—preserving resection-drainage surgical interventions were done.
Results. Unfavorable variants of pancreatic pathology were observed significantly more frequently in patients of the Group I – in 34/67 (50.7%) in comparison with patients of the Group II – in 6/40 (15.0%) (χ2=9.49, p=0.002).
Conclusion. Analysis of rate of the unfavorable results occurrence in late postoperative period, depending on surgical tactics appled, have shown a trustworthy advantage of the resection-drainage operations
Green tea, red wine and lemon extracts reduce experimental tumor growth and cancer drug toxicity
Aim: To evaluate antitumor effect of plant polyphenol extracts from green tea, red wine lees and/or lemon peel alone and in combination with antitumor drugs on the growth of different transplanted tumors in experimental animals. Materials and Methods: Green tea extract (GTE) was prepared from green tea infusion. GTE-based composites of red wine (GTRW), lemon peel (GTRWL) and/or NanoGTE as well as corresponding nanocomposites were prepared. The total polyphenolics of the different GTE-based extracts ranged from 18.0% to 21.3%. The effects of GTE-based extracts were studied in sarcoma 180, Ehrlich carcinoma, B16 melanoma, Ca755 mammary carcinoma, P388 leukemia, L1210 leukemia, and Guerin carcinoma (original, cisplatin-resistant and doxorubicin-resistant variants). The extracts were administered as 0.1% solution in drinking water (0.6–1.0 mg by total polyphenolics per mouse per day and 4.0–6.3 mg per rat per day). Results: Tumor growth inhibition (TGI) in mice treated with NanoGTE, cisplatin or cisplatin + NanoGTE was 27%, 55% and 78%, respectively, in Sarcoma 180%, 21%, 45% and 59%, respectively, in Ehrlich carcinoma; and 8%, 13% and 38%, respectively in B16 melanoma. Composites of NanoGTE, red wine, and lemon peel (NanoGTRWL) enhanced the antitumor effects of cyclophosphamide in mice with Ca755 mammary carcinoma. The treatment with combination of NanoGTE and inhibitors of polyamines (PA) synthesis (DFMO + MGBG) resulted in significant TGI of P388 leukemia (up to 71%) and L1210 leukemia. In rats transplanted with Guerin carcinoma (parental strain), treatment with GTRW or GTE alone resulted in 25–28% TGI vs. 55–68% TGI in cisplatin-treated animals. The inhibition observed in the case of combination of GTE or GTRW with cisplatin was additive giving 81–88% TGI. Similar effects were observed when combinations of the cytostatics with GTE (or NanoGTE) were tested against cisplatin- or doxorubicin-resistant Guerin carcinoma. Moreover, the plant extracts lowered side toxicity of the drugs. Treatment with GTE, NanoGTE, and NanoGTRW decreased the levels of malondialdehyde in heart, kidney and liver tissue of experimental animals, as well as the levels of urea and creatinine in blood serum, increased erythrocyte and platelet counts, hemoglobin content, and decreased leucocyte counts. Conclusion: The obtained data indicate the prospects for further development of GTE and corresponding nanocomposites as auxiliary agents in cancer chemotherapy. Key Words: polyphenolic plant extracts, antitumor effect, cancer therapy
Parity-Violating Hydrodynamics in 2+1 Dimensions
We study relativistic hydrodynamics of normal fluids in two spatial
dimensions. When the microscopic theory breaks parity, extra transport
coefficients appear in the hydrodynamic regime, including the Hall viscosity,
and the anomalous Hall conductivity. In this work we classify all the transport
coefficients in first order hydrodynamics. We then use properties of response
functions and the positivity of entropy production to restrict the possible
coefficients in the constitutive relations. All the parity-breaking transport
coefficients are dissipationless, and some of them are related to the
thermodynamic response to an external magnetic field and to vorticity. In
addition, we give a holographic example of a strongly interacting relativistic
fluid where the parity-violating transport coefficients are computable.Comment: 39+1 page
Characterological features of otosclerosis in the Sverdlovsk region
In the Sverdlovsk region surdological consultations show 50 to 60 cases ot otosclerosis per year, which make up 0.37% of all cases of hearing ailments. Approximately 40 patients undergo surgery every year - sparing piston stapedoplastics without dismemberment of the anvil-stapes joint and the stapes muscle tendon. This method of treatment lessens labyrinth oppression in the post-operative period and prevents the possibility of necrosis of the long bone outgrowth of the anvil.На сурдологическом приеме в Свердловской области выявляется 50 - 60 случаев отосклероза в год, что составляет 0,37 % случаев тугоухости. Целью работы явилось изучение динамики развития отосклероза в Свердловской области, анализ результатов хирургического лечения больных и разработка рекомендаций по послеоперационной реабилитации. Около 40 больным ежегодно осуществляется хирургическое лечение - поршневая стапедопластика щадящим способом с сохранением наковальне-стремечкового сочленения и сухожилия стременной мышцы. Данный способ лечения уменьшает риск угнетения лабиринта в послеоперационном периоде и предотвращает возможность некроза длинного отростка наковальни
Advanced results of Fortelyzin® use in the FRIDOM1 study and real clinical practice
Aim. To study the effectiveness of Fortelyzin® in subgroups with different body weights in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) in the FRIDOM1 study and real clinical practice.Material and methods. Fortelyzin® was administered in a single-bolus dose of 15 mg over 10 seconds, regardless of the body weight of patients. Metalyse® was administered in a single-bolus dose of 30-50 mg over 10 seconds, depending on body weight. The one-year results of the FRIDOM1 study were evaluated by the clinical centers using telephone contact. Monitoring of Fortelyzin® use was carried out by inpatient physicians, emergency doctors and paramedics by filling out a monitoring sheet in the period from June 2013 to December 2021 in 19243 patients with STEMI.Results. In the FRIDOM1 study, the distribution of patients depending on body weight in the Fortelyzin® (n=190) and Metalyse® (n=191) drug groups was as follows: up to 60 kg — 4 people each (p=1,00); from 60 to 70 kg — 21 and 23 (p=0,87); from 70 to 80 kg — 39 and 43 (p=0,71), from 80 to 90 kg — 63 and 47 (p=0,07); from 90 to 100 kg — 30 and 41 (p=0,19); over 100 kg — 33 people (p=1,00) in each group. The effectiveness of thrombolysis according to electrocardiographic (ECG) data in the Fortelyzin® and Metalyse® groups was as follows: up to 60 kg — 75% each (p=1,00); from 60 to 70 kg — 76% vs 83% (p=0,72); from 70 to 80 kg — 82% vs 86% (p=0,76); from 80 to 90 kg — 81% vs 77% (p=0,64); from 90 to 100 kg — 80% vs 81% (p=1,00); over 100 kg — 79% vs 76% (p=1,00); in total — 80% vs 80% (p=0,87). The effectiveness of thrombolysis according to coronary angiography (CAG) (TIMI 2-3) in the Fortelyzin® and Metalyse® groups was as follows: up to 60 kg — 100% vs 50% (p=0,43); from 60 to 70 kg — 81% vs 67% (p=0,48); from 70 to 80 kg — 74% vs 84% (p=0,41); from 80 to 90 kg — 70% vs 72% (p=1,00); from 90 to 100 kg — 67% vs 66% (p=1,00); over 100 kg — 58% vs 64% (p=0,80); in total — 70% vs 71% (p=0,76). The one-year survival rate in the FRIDOM1 study in the Fortelyzin® and Metalyse® groups was 94% (p=0,91). The administration of Fortelyzin® in patients with STEMI caused blood flow restoration according to ECG data in 14624 of 19243 patients (76%), while according to CAG (TIMI 2-3) — in 3422 of 4805 patients (71%). Inhospital mortality was 5% (n=962), while intracranial hemorrhage developed in 0,5% (n=92).Conclusion. The use of Fortelyzin® in the FRIDOM1 study and in real clinical practice in a single-bolus (10 sec) dose of 15 mg in patients with STEMI with any body weight showed its high efficacy and safety, including at the prehospital stage
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