529 research outputs found

    Motivacija za rad, radna uspjeÅ”nost i razvoj karijere kao instrumenti upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima ā€“ percepcija policijskih službenika

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    Motivacija za rad, radna uspjeÅ”nost i razvoj karijere kao instrumenti upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima ā€“ percepcija policijskih službenik

    Celebrating Empire. Organization of "General Assemblies of the Forces of the Regime" 1935-6 in Italy\u27s Province of Istria

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    The author describes the preparation and implementation of mass rallies marking the beginning and the end of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia (October 1935 ā€“ May 1936) in Italyā€™s province of Istria. Relying on official regime representation of these events through the writing of the regime-affiliated press and confidential documents, the paper discusses the main organizational and ideological features of the mass rallies, with an emphasis on the manner in which the fascist authorities prepared them and the way they were presented in the press. Throughout the war, mass rallies and events of public ritual contributed to the homogenization of the Italian people, culminating in May 1936 with oceanic assemblies celebrating the victory, and achieving the closest state of unity of the people with the Fascist regime. The country-wide preparations for the ā€œGeneral Assembly of the Forces of the Regimeā€ (Adunata generale delle forze del regime) that marked the beginning of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia were strictly implemented in the Province of Istria in line with the regimeā€™s expectations, and the general population was urged to participate in the mass demonstrations that were believed to have been marking the events of utmost historical significance. The preparations for the Assembly went to the minimal detail, ensuring the participation of every Fascist Party member in the event, while the local daily journal Corriere Istriano motivated the wide masses for this huge event. The Gathering took place in the late afternoon of October 2nd 1935, and both archival documents and the press (focusing on the provincial capital of Pula) emphasized the alleged utmost euphoria and enthusiasm that the event provoked, especially in its dimension of adoration of the Italian leader Benito Mussolini. The gatherings in the so-called ā€œRadiant African Mayā€ (Maggio radioso africano) in Istria in 1936 formed an incessant period of mobilization and celebration from May 5th (after the announcement of the capture of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa) up to May 10th (after the proclamation of the Empire). In contrast to the initial grand adunata on October 2nd 1935, these gatherings were more hastily prepared but were again ideologically organized and controlled from the governmentā€™s centre in Rome. Two main gatherings (May 5th and May 9th) involved the listening to Mussoliniā€™s speeches through speakers put in public places, one of which was the huge Roman-era Amphitheatre in Pula. Besides that, the gatherings followed an already established pattern of forming processions and playing music that captivated the people gathered until early morning hours. The events occurred in the whole Province, and local police were asked to report to the Prefecture in Pula in detail about the gatherings on each locality

    Large carnivores in Croatia

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    Velike zvijeri ne označavaju zasebnu sistematsku kategoriju, već obuhvaćaju pripadnike reda zvijeri koji se ističu svojom veličinom. U Hrvatskoj nalazimo tri vrste velikih zvijeri : sivi vuk (Canis lupus), smeđi medvjed (Ursus arctos) i euroazijski ris (Lynx lynx). Sve tri vrste karakterizira potreba za velikim životnim prostorom, gdje se svaka jedinka u naÅ”em geografskom području kreće po terenu od 100 do 2000 kmĀ². Predatori su i nalaze se na vrhu hranidbene piramide. Zovemo ih joÅ” i ā€žkrovne vrsteā€œ zbog toga Å”to pridonose očuvanju ostalih vrsta i staniÅ”ta u kojima žive. Ali, nažalost, sve tri vrste spadaju u kategoriju potencijalno ugroženih vrsta, prije svega zbog čovjekovih aktivnosti kao Å”to su nezakonit lov te fragmentacija i devastacija staniÅ”ta. NaÅ”a je zadaća da ih zaÅ”titimo i očuvamo jer su izuzetno važan dio bioloÅ”ke raznolikosti i, kao najviÅ”i dio hranidbene piramide, neizostavan dio u očuvanju prirodne ravnoteže.Large carnivores do not indicate a separate systmatic group, but include members of the order of carnivores that are distinguished by their size. In Croatia, there are three species of native large carnivores : gray wolf (Canis lupus), brown bear (Ursus arctos) and euroasian lynx (Lynx lynx). All three species are characterized by the need for large living space where each individual is, in our geographic area, moving across the field from 100 to 2000 kmĀ². They are predators and are on top of the food pyramid. We also call them ā€žroof typesā€œ because they contribute to the preservation other species and the habitats in which they live. But, unfortunately, all three species fall into category of potentially threatened species, primarily due to human activities such as illegal hunting and habitat fragmentation and devastation. It is our job to protect and preserve them, because they are an important part of biodiversity, and, as the highest part of food pyramid, an indispensable factor in preserving the natural balance

    Europeanisation and Democratisation of Parties and Party System of Serbia

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    The basic argument outlined in this paper is that in order to understand the impact of European integration on national parties and party systems, we have to find out how the majority of parties made adjustments to their programmes, platforms and public statements. There is a relationship between process of democratization and Europeanization. It is necessary to divide the period from 1990 to 2007 into the time of MiloÅ”ević and the time after him. Political life in Serbia during the 1990s had characteristics of a closed state, closed society and closed system. During 2000, under external and internal pressures and with assistance of the civil society, democratic opposition parties united in the DOS, around the idea against MiloÅ”ević and on the principle of a civic European orientation. After the political changes of 2000, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has been integrated into international institutions and organizations in a very short time. The party system in Serbia changed in the time frame 1990ā€“2007, and this was primarily a consequence of the results of the seven parliamentary elections called in the period 1990ā€“2007. An important trait of all these elections is that there were major oscillations in the strength of all parties. Also, the electoral system was changed several times. The major change was carried out in 1992, with transition from majoritarian to proportional electoral system. The last change of the electoral system came after the elections of 2003, when the census was abolished for parties of national minorities. After a ten-year isolation of the country, integration with the EU enjoys a large support among the citizens of Serbia. Although a significant percentage of citizens of Serbia support the idea of accession of Serbia to the EU, but the necessary changes are often neglected. The negotiations between Serbia and the EU are continued on June 13, 2007. Some Serbian parties have become members of European party federations (families). Parliamentary elections were held on January, 21st 2007. The government is formed by DS, DSS-NS and G17, as a majoritarian, democratic and pro-European government. Two the biggest challenges for this government are the cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, and unsolved status of Kosovo

    Ex situ conservation of genetic resources of field elm (Ulmus minor Mill) and European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pall)

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    Principles of the conservation of genetic resources of elms (Ulmus spp) do not differ fundamentally from the general principles accepted for the conservation of genetic resources of other common Noble Hardwoods. Efficient conservation can best be achieved through appropriate combination of in situ and ex situ methods, which have distinct advantages. Besides that, ex situ conservation is employed when emergency measures are needed for rare endangered populations and when populations are too small to be managed in situ (e.g. risks of genetic drift and inbreeding). The aim of our research is ex situ conservation of genetic resources of field elm {Ulmus minor Mill) and European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pall) through establishment of field genebanks. Sampling was conducted in one population of field elm and one population of white elm. Plant material (buds) from 8 trees of field elm and 10 trees of white elm was used for in vitro production of clones. Obtained clones will be used for establishment of field genebanks on the experimental estate of the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment

    Learning for sustainability through community involvement in protected area governance

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    U ovom radu se razmatra uključivanje zajednice u upravljanje zaÅ”tićenim područjima kao moguća prilika za učenje, razmenu znanja i mogućnost donoÅ”enja odluka, kao i zarad unapređenja održivost, počev od lokalnog, preko regionalnog i nacionalnog, pa sve do globalnog nivoa. Osim kratkog pregleda teoretskih pristupa i pristupa politika relevantnih za učenje sa ciljem unapređenja održivosti lokalne zajednice, ovaj rad obuhvata i sekundarnu analizu rezultata empirijskog istraživanja uključenosti zajednice u upravljanje zaÅ”tićenim područjima. Ovo istraživanje je obavljeno u okviru projekta 'Za- Å”tićena područja za prirodu i ljude' (Protected Areas for Nature and People), koji je sprovela organizacija WWF Adria. KoriŔćena metodologija obuhvata kombinovani kvalitativni i kvantitativni pristup. Rezultati istraživanja jasno ukazuju na to da postoji raskorak u proceni između predstavnika zaÅ”tićenih područja i predstavnika zajednice, kao i nedvosmislena potreba za poboljÅ”anjima u međusobnoj komunikaciji i saradnji. Potrebe i prilike za učenje u tom procesu razmatraju se na osnovu tih saznanja u okviru lokalnog konteksta i globalnih razvojnih trendova.The paper explores community involvement (CI) in protected area (PA) governance as an opportunity to learn, share knowledge and decision making power and contribute to sustainability starting from a local level, through regional and national and up to a global level. In addition to a brief review of the relevant theoretical and policy approaches to learning for sustainability in the context of the local community, this paper comprises a secondary analysis of the results of an empirical research on community involvement in PA governance. The research was carried out under the framework of the project Protected Areas for Nature and People (PA4NP), launched by the WWF Adria. The methodology uses a combination of a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The results of the research clearly indicate that there is an overall gap in assessment between protected areas and community representatives, and that there is an obvious need for improvement in their mutual communication and collaboration. Based on these findings, the needs and opportunities for learning in that process are discussed within the local context and global development trends


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    Water resources are one of the most important issues of our time. Representatives of the world\u27s countries and experts of the region invest all their time and skills in devising the proper way of managing the integration of the concept of sustainable development. Also, the goal of every state in the management of these resources is to find the right ratio of the public and the private sector in the management of water supply, most of the reasons are to avoid any kind of conflict because of water resources. The same conflicts are very divisive in terms of physical confrontations, protests and the spread of various diseases in the area with contaminated water. For these reasons, it is crucial to recognize and correct implementation of the process of water resources management, to adjust it with the concept of sustainable development in the future

    Depopulacija i izborni proces: glasovanje iz inozemstva u Bosni i Hercegovini, Srbiji i Crnoj Gori

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    Depopulation caused by emigration and negative natural growth is a feature of all societies and states in the post-Yugoslav space. Migration, as one of the causes of depopulation, results in problems in the fundamental issues of building a democratic society and state. The implications of depopulation are multiple on political processes, and important effects are visible in the elections in these societies. The subjects of analysis in this paper are different approaches to regulating the voting rights of emigrants in electoral processes in the political systems of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. These countries are the best examples of three different models of regulation of electoral processes, and they are good examples of mechanisms and shortcomings for exercising the right of emigrants to vote. In this regard, the first open question is the number of eligible voters and the effective number of voters in these countries. In these three countries, we encounter out-of-date and insufficiently accurate voter lists, which are the product of poor administration and the constant change in the number of inhabitants, which is insufficiently monitored. Another important issue that we analyze is the voting right of emigrants, where we come across different models and (in) possibilities to use the right to vote. Through the analysis, we show different solutions and their implications on the election process. The analysis of different approaches in the regulation of the right to vote of emigrants shows a number of dilemmas in the basic exercise of the right to vote, and often discriminatory treatment of voters outside the country. The third level of analysis is the analysis of the overall participation of emigrants and their participation in political and electoral processes through electoral cycles that show trends in this area.Depopulacija prouzročena iseljavanjem stanovniÅ”tva i negativnim prirodnim prirastom odlika je svih druÅ”tava i država na postjugoslavenskom prostoru. Migracije, kao jedan od uzroka depopulacije, rezultiraju problemima u temeljnim pitanjima izgradnje demokratskog druÅ”tva i države. Depopulacija ima viÅ”estruke učinke na političke procese koji su vidljivi i na izborima u navedenim druÅ”tvima. Predmet analize u ovom radu su različiti pristupi uređenju biračkog prava iseljenika u izbornim procesima u političkim sustavima Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije i Crne Gore. Navedene države predstavljaju najbolje primjere triju različitih modela regulacije izbornih procesa, a dobri su primjeri niza mehanizama i manjkavosti za ostvarivanje biračkog prava iseljenika. U tom pogledu, prvo otvoreno pitanje je raskorak između broja birača koji imaju pravo glasa i efektivnog broja birača u ovim zemljama. U sve tri države susrećemo neažurne i nedovoljno precizne popise birača koji su posljedica loÅ”e administracije i stalne promjene broja stanovnika koja se nedovoljno prati. Drugo važno pitanje koje analiziramo je biračko pravo iseljenika pri čemu nailazimo na različite modele i (ne)mogućnosti da se ostvari biračko pravo. Kroz analizu pokazujemo različita rjeÅ”enja i njihove implikacije na izborni proces. Analiza različitih pristupa u regulaciji biračkog prava iseljenika pokazuje niz dilema u temeljnom ostvarivanju biračkog prava, a često i diskriminacijski odnos prema biračima izvan zemlje. Treća razina analize zahvaća ukupnu participaciju iseljenika i njihovog sudjelovanje u političkim i izbornim procesima kroz izborne cikluse
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