3 research outputs found


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    The aim. To substantiate the effectiveness of the use of VAC-therapy in the treatment of wounds in patients with diabetic foot syndrome. Materials and methods. The patient with a complicated form of diabetic foot syndrome was examined. The monitoring of the course of the wound process is supplemented by clinical, cytological, microbiological and morphological criteria. In the treatment of patients we used vacuum therapy apparatus. Vacuum wound therapy was performed in negative pressure regimens in the range of 80–125 mm Hg. Results. In the pattern of morbidity in economically developed countries, diabetes mellitus (DM) occupies one of the first places. Its prevalence is 1.5–6 %. The number of patients with diabetes in Ukraine is likely to reach 14 million by 2020. Lesions of the lower extremities of different genesis occur in 30–80 % of people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Most often, these lesions are complicated by the development of chronic peptic ulcer defects, which, when untimely diagnosed and inadequate treatment, leads to amputation of the affected limb. Even when radical surgery is avoided, the long and costly treatment of trophic disorders of the soft tissues of the feet and legs leads to huge costs of both material resources and time for medical staff. In 15 % of patients with DM, trophic ulcers of the lower extremities are diagnosed. Recent studies have focused on such important aspects of the study of this issue as the early diagnosis of soft tissue lesions in individuals with DM, the development of treatment aimed at preventing amputations, facilitating the further rehabilitation of patients. Vacuum therapy is one of the new methods of treating wound defects, including in patients with diabetic foot syndrome. Topical application of vacuum therapy has already become an integral therapeutic option for wound debridement in patients with diabetic foot syndrome. However, when applying the classic vacuum therapy technique, these patients have the problem of delaying the outflow of tissue exudate and lysis detritus to the vacuum system. Conclusions. Optimization of the technique of the influence of negative pressure on the wound by applying forced drainage with irrigation of the wound with an antiseptic can maintain a constantly high concentration of antimicrobial agent in the wound, increase the speed of wound dialysis and prevent clogging of pores of the sponge and the bacterial colonies in it. The application of this technique avoids high amputation, accelerates the time of wound healing, and retains the supporting function of the lower extremity

    A riscos criminogênicos de migração irregular em condições de conflito armado na Ucrânia.

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    The purpose of the paper is to comprehend and examine dimensions of irregular migration, namely its criminogenic, victimological sources and its background influence on criminal processes in conditions of armed conflict in Ukraine. Results of the study allows us to draw a sound conclusion that irregular migration poses a number of criminogenic risks to Ukrainian national security as well as to the rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens, especially of those who remain or arrive to the occupied territories. The research ascertains that criminogenic potential of migration may be viewed from two related perspectives associated with the phenomenon of migrants’ criminality and migrants as potential or real victims of crime. The research outlines the factors providing a favourable environment for engaging irregular migrants into criminal activities. Basing on the recent amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine and current criminal statistic the research ascertains the links of ethnic minority criminality and mercenary activities with irregular migration in Ukraine. The research provides arguments that internally displaced persons can be viewed as a contemporary type of intra-state migration that poses additional criminogenic hazards in conditions of the armed conflict in Ukraine. Practical implications of the study lie in the recommendations for decreasing the risks of irregular migration, in conditions of armed conflict in Ukraine, defined a following: resolving the issue on the legal status of the armed conflict in Eastern regions of Ukraine, as well as recognising Lugansk Public Republic and Donetsk Public Republics terrorist’s organisations on the national level. Reinforcing suppression of all kinds of smuggling, international.&nbsp

    Способ измельчения твердого топлива, преимущественно кокса для ферросплавного производства

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    Спосіб дрібнення твердого палива, переважно, коксу для феросплавного виробництва, що включає попереднє грохочення палива, з виділенням класу 10-25 мм, вибірне дрібнення та розсів палива, що залишилося, до отримання палива класу 10-25 мм (коксового "горіху"), який відрізняється тим, що для попереднього грохочення палива, переважно, валового коксу мокрого гасіння, його направляють конвеєром валового коксу на валковий грохот для розділення на класи +25 мм та 0-25 мм, при цьому кокс класу 0-25 мм, через інерційний грохот, де його поділяють на класи 10-25 мм й 0-10 мм, направляють до бункерів для відвантаження споживачу, а паливо у вигляді доменного коксу класу +25 мм, з валкового грохоту прямує до двовалкової дробарки мобільного дробильного комплексу (МДК), який складають з дробарки та стрічкових конвеєрів, зв’язаних між собою та встановлених на залізничних вагонах, після чого подрібнене паливо, конвеєрами МДК, направляють до зв’язаного з ними конвеєра валового коксу, звідки воно, разом з валовим коксом, знову надходить на валковий грохот й знову розсіюється на класи +25 мм, 10-25 мм, 0-10 мм, а паливо класу +25 мм повторно надходить для подрібнення у дробарку МДК й процес повторюється