70 research outputs found

    Money, Mentoring and Making Friends : The Impact of a Multidimensional Access Program on Student Performance

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    There is a well established socioeconomic gradient in educational attainment, despite much effort in recent decades to address this inequality. This study evaluates a university access program that provides financial, academic and social support to low socioeconomic status (SES) students using a natural experiment which exploits the time variation in the expansion of the program across schools. The program has parallels with US affirmative actions programs, although preferential treatment is based on SES rather than ethnicity. Evaluating the effectiveness of programs targeting disadvantaged students in Ireland is particularly salient given the high rate of return to education and the lack of intergenerational mobility in educational attainment. Overall, we identify positive treatment effects on first year exam performance, progression to second year and final year graduation rates, with the impact often stronger for higher ability students. We find similar patterns of results for students that entered through the regular system and the ‘affirmative action’ group i.e. the students that entered with lower high school grades. The program affects the performance of both male and female students, albeit in different ways. This study suggests that access programs can be an effective means of improving academic outcomes for socio-economically disadvantaged students. JEL Codes: I21Education inequality ; Access programs ; Natural experiment ; Economics of education

    The Potential Impact of Probiotics on the Gut Microbiome of Athletes

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    peer-reviewedThere is accumulating evidence that physical fitness influences the gut microbiome and as a result, promotes health. Indeed, exercise-induced alterations in the gut microbiome can influence health parameters crucial to athletic performance, specifically, immune function, lower susceptibility to infection, inflammatory response and tissue repair. Consequently, maintenance of a healthy gut microbiome is essential for an athlete’s health, training and performance. This review explores the effect of exercise on the microbiome while also investigating the effect of probiotics on various potential consequences associated with over-training in athletes, as well as their associated health benefits

    Moderate-intensity aerobic and resistance exercise is safe and favorably influences body composition in patients with quiescent Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a randomized controlled cross-over trial

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    peer-reviewedBackground Overweight and metabolic problems now add to the burden of illness in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. We aimed to determine if a program of aerobic and resistance exercise could safely achieve body composition changes in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Methods A randomized, cross-over trial of eight weeks combined aerobic and resistance training on body composition assessed by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry was performed. Patients in clinical remission and physically inactive with a mean age of 25 ± 6.5 years and Body Mass Index of 28.9 ± 3.8 were recruited from a dedicated Inflammatory Bowel Disease clinic. Serum cytokines were quantified, and microbiota assessed using metagenomic sequencing. Results Improved physical fitness was demonstrated in the exercise group by increases in median estimated VO2max (Baseline: 43.41mls/kg/min; post-intervention: 46.01mls/kg/min; p = 0.03). Improvement in body composition was achieved by the intervention group (n = 13) with a median decrease of 2.1% body fat compared with a non-exercising group (n = 7) (0.1% increase; p = 0.022). Lean tissue mass increased by a median of 1.59 kg and fat mass decreased by a median of 1.52 kg in the exercising group. No patients experienced a deterioration in disease activity scores during the exercise intervention. No clinically significant alterations in the α- and β-diversity of gut microbiota and associated metabolic pathways were evident. Conclusions Moderate-intensity combined aerobic and resistance training is safe in physically unfit patients with quiescent Inflammatory Bowel Disease and can quickly achieve favourable body compositional changes without adverse effects. Trial registration The study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov; Trial number: NCT02463916

    Early Salmonella Typhimurium infection in pigs disrupts Microbiome composition and functionality principally at the ileum mucosa

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    peer-reviewedSalmonella is a major foodborne pathogen which successfully infects animal species for human consumption such as swine. The pathogen has a battery of virulence factors which it uses to colonise and persist within the host. The host microbiota may play a role in resistance to, and may also be indirectly responsible from some of the consequences of, Salmonella infection. To investigate this, we used 16S rRNA metagenomic sequencing to determine the changes in the gut microbiota of pigs in response to infection by Salmonella Typhimurium at three locations: ileum mucosa, ileum content and faeces. Early infection (2 days post-infection) impacted on the microbiome diversity at the mucosa, reflected in a decrease in representatives of the generally regarded as desirable genera (i.e., Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus). Severe damage in the epithelium of the ileum mucosa correlated with an increase in synergistic (with respect to Salmonella infection; Akkermansia) or opportunistically pathogenic bacteria (Citrobacter) and a depletion in anaerobic bacteria (Clostridium spp., Ruminococcus, or Dialliser). Predictive functional analysis, together with metabolomic analysis revealed changes in glucose and lipid metabolism in infected pigs. The observed changes in commensal healthy microbiota, including the growth of synergistic or potentially pathogenic bacteria and depletion of beneficial or competing bacteria, could contribute to the pathogen’s ability to colonize the gut successfully. The findings from this study could be used to form the basis for further research aimed at creating intervention strategies to mitigate the effects of Salmonella infection

    Strain-level metagenomic analysis of the fermented dairy beverage nunu highlights potential food safety risks

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the researchers at the Animal Research Institute (Accra, Ghana) for their help with sample collection, storage, and processing. This research was funded by Science Foundation Ireland in the form of a center grant (APC Microbiome Institute grant SFI/12/RC/2273). Research in the Cotter laboratory is also funded by Science Foundation Ireland through grant 11/PI/1137. O.O. is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through a Starting Investigator Research Grant (grant 13/SIRG/2160). K.D. is a PhD student funded by the Ghana Educational Trust Fund. The Rowett Institute receives funding from the Scottish Government (RESAS). The Rowett Institute receives funding from the Scottish Government strategic research portfolio (RAFE).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Thermus and the Pink Discoloration Defect in Cheese

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    peer-reviewedA DNA sequencing-based strategy was applied to study the microbiology of Continental-type cheeses with a pink discoloration defect. The basis for this phenomenon has remained elusive, despite decades of research. The bacterial composition of cheese containing the defect was compared to that of control cheese using 16S rRNA gene and shotgun metagenomic sequencing as well as quantitative PCR (qPCR). Throughout, it was apparent that Thermus, a carotenoid-producing genus, was present at higher levels in defect-associated cheeses than in control cheeses. Prompted by this finding and data confirming the pink discoloration to be associated with the presence of a carotenoid, a culture-based approach was employed, and Thermus thermophilus was successfully cultured from defect-containing cheeses. The link between Thermus and the pinking phenomenon was then established through the cheese defect equivalent of Koch’s postulates when the defect was recreated by the reintroduction of a T. thermophilus isolate to a test cheese during the manufacturing process. IMPORTANCE Pink discoloration in cheese is a defect affecting many cheeses throughout the world, leading to significant financial loss for the dairy industry. Despite decades of research, the cause of this defect has remained elusive. The advent of high-throughput, next-generation sequencing has revolutionized the field of food microbiology and, with respect to this study, provided a means of testing a possible microbial basis for this defect. In this study, a combined 16S rRNA, whole-genome sequencing, and quantitative PCR approach was taken. This resulted in the identification of Thermus, a carotenoid-producing thermophile, in defect-associated cheeses and the recreation of the problem in cheeses to which Thermus was added. This finding has the potential to lead to new strategies to eliminate this defect, and our method represents an approach that can be employed to investigate the role of microbes in other food defects of unknown origin.Teagasc Walsh Fellowship Programm

    Evaluation of methods for the reduction of contaminating host reads when performing shotgun metagenomic sequencing of the milk microbiome

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    peer reviewedShotgun metagenomic sequencing is a valuable tool for the taxonomic and functional profiling of microbial communities. However, this approach is challenging in samples, such as milk, where a low microbial abundance, combined with high levels of host DNA, result in inefficient and uneconomical sequencing. Here we evaluate approaches to deplete host DNA or enrich microbial DNA prior to sequencing using three commercially available kits. We compared the percentage of microbial reads obtained from each kit after shotgun metagenomic sequencing. Using bovine and human milk samples, we determined that host depletion with the MolYsis complete5 kit significantly improved microbial sequencing depth compared to other approaches tested. Importantly, no biases were introduced. Additionally, the increased microbial sequencing depth allowed for further characterization of the microbiome through the generation of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs). Furthermore, with the use of a mock community, we compared three common classifiers and determined that Kraken2 was the optimal classifier for these samples. This evaluation shows that microbiome analysis can be performed on both bovine and human milk samples at a much greater resolution without the need for more expensive deep-sequencing approaches.Irish Dairy Lev

    Post-weaning social isolation of rats leads to long-term disruption of the gut microbiota-immune-brain axis

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    Early-life stress is an established risk for the development of psychiatric disorders. Post-weaning isolation rearing of rats produces lasting developmental changes in behavior and brain function that may have translational pathophysiological relevance to alterations seen in schizophrenia, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Accumulating evidence supports the premise that gut microbiota influence brain development and function by affecting inflammatory mediators, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and neurotransmission, but there is little knowledge of whether the microbiota-gut-brain axis might contribute to the development of schizophrenia-related behaviors. To this end the effects of social isolation (SI; a well-validated animal model for schizophrenia)-induced changes in rat behavior were correlated with alterations in gut microbiota, hippocampal neurogenesis and brain cytokine levels. Twenty-four male Lister hooded rats were housed in social groups (group-housed, GH, 3 littermates per cage) or alone (SI) from weaning (post-natal day 24) for four weeks before recording open field exploration, locomotor activity/novel object discrimination (NOD), elevated plus maze, conditioned freezing response (CFR) and restraint stress at one week intervals. Post-mortem caecal microbiota composition, cortical and hippocampal cytokines and neurogenesis were correlated to indices of behavioral changes. SI rats were hyperactive in the open field and locomotor activity chambers traveling further than GH controls in the less aversive peripheral zone. While SI rats showed few alterations in plus maze or NOD they froze for significantly less time than GH following conditioning in the CFR paradigm, consistent with impaired associative learning and memory. SI rats had significantly fewer BrdU/NeuN positive cells in the dentate gyrus than GH controls. SI rats had altered microbiota composition with increases in Actinobacteria and decreases in the class Clostridia compared to GH controls. Differences were also noted at genus level. Positive correlations were seen between microbiota, hippocampal IL-6 and IL-10, conditioned freezing and open field exploration. Adverse early-life stress resulting from continuous SI increased several indices of ‘anxiety-like’ behavior and impaired associative learning and memory accompanied by changes to gut microbiota, reduced hippocampal IL-6, IL-10 and neurogenesis. This study suggests that early-life stress may produce long-lasting changes in gut microbiota contributing to development of abnormal neuronal and endocrine function and behavior which could play a pivotal role in the aetiology of psychiatric illness

    Measuring reliable change in cognition using the Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screen (ECAS)

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    doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/21678421.2017.1407794Background: Cognitive impairment affects approximately 50% of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Research has indicated that impairment may worsen with disease progression. The Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screen (ECAS) was designed to measure neuropsychological functioning in ALS, with its alternate forms (ECAS-A, B, and C) allowing for serial assessment over time. Objective: The aim of the present study was to establish reliable change scores for the alternate forms of the ECAS, and to explore practice effects and test-retest reliability of the ECAS?s alternate forms. Method: Eighty healthy participants were recruited, with 57 completing two and 51 completing three assessments. Participants were administered alternate versions of the ECAS serially (A-B-C) at four-month intervals. Intra-class correlation analysis was employed to explore test-retest reliability, while analysis of variance was used to examine the presence of practice effects. Reliable change indices (RCI) and regression-based methods were utilized to establish change scores for the ECAS alternate forms. Results: Test-retest reliability was excellent for ALS Specific, ALS Non-Specific, and ECAS Total scores of the combined ECAS A, B, and C (all?>?.90). No significant practice effects were observed over the three testing sessions. RCI and regression-based methods produced similar change scores. Conclusion: The alternate forms of the ECAS possess excellent test-retest reliability in a healthy control sample, with no significant practice effects. The use of conservative RCI scores is recommended. Therefore, a change of ?8, ?4, and ?9 for ALS Specific, ALS Non-Specific, and ECAS Total score is required for reliable chang

    48 Altered gut microbiota in stable patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) compared to controls and its relationship with intravenous (IV) antibiotic usage and lung function

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    peer-reviewedObjective CF is associated with altered digestive function and thus nutrient availability for gut microbes in addition to altered gut microbiota, compared with healthy controls. Equally intensive antibiotic and nutritional therapy may further compound this. We present results from the largest CF gut microbiota study to date