29 research outputs found

    The plasma mechanism for preferential acceleration of heavy ions

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    The induced scattering of ion-acoustic waves on ions is considered for preferential preacceleration of heavy elements. The reconsidered diffusion coefficient in velocity space is used. If the threshold velocity for the main acceleration is linear in charge-to-mass ratio, the induced scattering can account for the observed heavy element abundances in solar cosmic rays

    Oral piercing is a new challenge in the dentistry.

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    The number of the young adults undergoing oral piercing is increasing worldwide. Oral piercing leads to numerous complications, and it is possible that the incidence of complications may increase as the prevalence of oral piercing rises in Ukraine. However, not everyone is aware of its potential risks, local and systemic complications shortly after, or long after the piercing procedure. Dentists should educate patients with oral piercing or those who plan to have this type of body art performed about potential side effects and possible oral, dental, and systemic complications. However, data related to these complications in Ukrainian literature are limited. The purpose of this study – to assess the potential complications of the oral piercing; and to analyze awareness about the actual health risks linked to the practice of oral piercing by dental students. This study includes 37 cases of oral piercing in 36 young women attending the department of therapeutic dentistry of Dnipropetrovsk medical academy with and without complaints. The average subjects age was 22,3 years. Patients were examined clinically and radiographically. 200 students of Dnipropetrovsk medical academy answered a questionnaire about oral piercing knowledge. Immediate complications of oral piercing included pain (58.3% of cases), oedema (47,2%) and bleeding (11.1%) as the most representative. Prolong time of piercing wearing is associated with a greater prevalence of complications. Dental fractures or fissures (35,1%), gingival recession (29,7%) and mucosal atrophy (21,6%) are the most representative. The accumulation of dental plaque and calculus on piercing elements (43,2%) was an additional risk of infection. The results of the survey showed a high level (85,4%) of awareness of dental students about local oral piercing risks. At the same time, dental students (50,6%)  are not sufficiently aware of the risk of piercing on developing systemic complications. Approximately 60% of dental students do not have a negative attitude towards the new practice of oral piercing

    Ефективність та оптимізація утеплення будинків за допомогою фасадних систем

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    In the article Selection of optimal technological solutions for the installation of hinged ventilated facades using calculations. Necessary factors are identified, in which the optimal methods of facade insulation, the minimum period of time for installation work and the corresponding cost of materials and works are determined. Optimization of organizational and technological solutions can be achieved due to the limit limitations of design indicators. The solution of this task was carried out using the combination of duration and cost diagrams. Minimization of resource costs can be achieved by increasing the number of work teams and working days per week. According to the results of the research, the following parameters of the technological process were recommended for the use of the following parameters of the technological process, provided that the minimum indicators of cost and duration were achieved when installing single-layer thermal insulation systems: - number of crews - 3; - number of working days per week - 6. The construction duration indicator is one of the most important at all stages of organizational, design and economic preparation for the installation of the house insulation system. The duration of warming is determined according to the calendar schedule. In turn, the cost of construction and installation work may change during the construction process due to changes in the cost of the project as a whole. Therefore, it is also quite relevant to determine the influence of organizational and technological factors on it.У статті надано вибір оптимальних технологічних рішень при влаштуванні навісних вентильованих фасадів за допомогою розрахунків. Визначені необхідні фактори, при яких визначені оптимальні методи утеплення фасаду, мінімальний проміжок часу  виконання монтажних робіт і відповідна вартість матеріалів та робіт. Оптимізація організаційно-технологічних рішень може бути досягнута за рахунок граничних обмежень проектних показників. Рішення даного завдання здійснювалося за допомогою суміщення діаграм тривалості і вартості. Мінімізація витрат ресурсу може бути досягнута за рахунок збільшення кількості робочих бригад і робочих днів на тиждень. За результатами досліджень, за умови досягнення мінімальних показників вартості і тривалості при влаштуванні одношарових систем теплоізоляції були рекомендовані до використання наступні параметри технологічного процесу: кількість бригад – 3; кількість робочих днів на тиждень – 6. Отриманий оптимальний метод  утеплення фасаду: при виконанні робіт 3 робочими бригадами і 6-ти денному робочому графіку,  а також пристрої теплоізоляції в один шар, мінімальна тривалість виконання монтажних робіт становить 53 дня, відповідна вартість – 6,822 млн. грн. Виходячи з цих розрахунків та з того що мін вата є не горючим матеріалом а вентильований фасад не дає можливості утворення конденсату у конструкції стіни, обираємо для оздоблення будинку, що проектуємо, навісний вентильований фасад. Показник тривалості будівництва є одним з найважливіших на всіх етапах організаційної, проектної та економічної підготовки влаштування системи утеплення будинку. Тривалість утеплення визначається згідно з календарним графіком. У свою чергу, вартість будівельно-монтажних робіт може змінюватися в процесі будівництва у зв’язку зі зміною вартості проекту в цілому. Тому також досить актуальним є визначення впливу на нього організаційно-технологічних факторів

    Study of the effect of the introduction of mitochondrial import determinants into the gRNA structure on the activity of the gRNA/SpCas9 complex in vitro

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    It has long been known that defects in the structure of the mitochondrial genome can cause various neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases. Nevertheless, at present there is no effective method for treating mitochondrial diseases. The major problem with the treatment of such diseases is associated with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) heteroplasmy. It means that due to a high copy number of the mitochondrial genome, mutant copies of mtDNA coexist with wild-type molecules in the same organelle. The clinical symptoms of mitochondrial diseases and the degree of their manifestation directly depend on the number of mutant mtDNA molecules in the cell. The possible way to reduce adverse effects of the mutation is by shifting the level of heteroplasmy towards the wild-type mtDNA molecules. Using this idea, several gene therapeutic approaches based on TALE and ZF nucleases have been developed for this purpose. However, the construction of protein domains of such systems is rather long and laborious process. Meanwhile, the CRISPR/Cas9 system is fundamentally different from protein systems in that it is easy to use, highly efficiency and has a different mechanism of action. All the characteristics and capabilities of the CRISPR/Cas9 system make it a promising tool in mitochondrial genetic engineering. In this article, we demonstrate for the first time that the modification of gRNA by integration of specific mitochondrial import determinants in the gRNA scaffold does not affect the activity of the gRNA/Cas9 complex in vitro

    Evaluation of a strategy for tumor-initiating stem cell eradication in primary human glioblastoma cultures as a model

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    Primary cultures of human glioblastoma were obtained from the surgical material of patients K. (female, 61 years, Ds: relapse of glioblastoma) and Zh. (female, 60 years, Ds: relapse of glioblastoma). The effectiveness of a new therapeutic approach aimed at destroying the cancer cell community was evaluated on the primary cell lines of human glioblastoma culture by employing a new strategy of tumor-initiating stem cell synchronization and a domestic strategy of their eradication "3+1". The key elements of the strategy were the following indicator results: (1) evaluation of the presence of tumor-initiating stem cells in a population of cells from analyzed cultures by their ability to internalize double-stranded labeled DNA (TAMRA+ cells); (2) determination of the reference time points of the repair cycle of DNA interstrand cross-links induced by cross-linking cytostatic mitomycin C; (3) evaluation of cell cycle synchronization; (4) determination of the time (day after therapy initiation) when TAMRA+ cells were synchronously present in phase G1/S of the cell cycle, sensitive to the therapy; and (5) establishment of the TAMRA+ (tumor-initiating stem cells) eradication schedule. The cultures were treated with cross-linking cytostatic mitomycin C and a compositional DNA preparation. After the treatments, cell division slows down, and the cultures degrade. The K cell line completely degraded within 30 days of observation. The cell number of the Zh culture fell to nearly one-third of the starting value by day 15 of observation. On day 15, this indicator constituted 1/7.45 for mitomycin C and 1/10.28 for mitomycin C + DNA with reference to the control. The main target of the mitomycin C + DNA regimen was TAMRA+ tumor-initiating stem cells of the glioblastoma cell populations. The action of mitomycin C alone or in the combination with DNA demonstrated effective elimination of TAMRA+ tumor-initiating stem cells and the whole primary cultures of human glioblastomas

    Expression of genes of cytokines, transcription factors and differentiation antigens in human dendritic cells activated by double-stranded DNA

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    One of the most important properties of extracellular double-stranded DNA related to the treatment of various diseases is its ability to activate effector cells of the immune system (anti-tumor and vaccinal immunity) through dendritic cells (DCs). The stimulatory effect of DNA on DCs is mediated by the TLR9 signaling pathway and/or through a system of cytosolic sensors and is manifested by increased expression of MHC class II antigens and costimulatory molecules and by increased synthesis of immunoregulatory cytokines. In this work, the expression of cytokines, differentiation antigens and transcription factor genes has been investigated in DCs activated by double-stranded human DNA (i) without any additional factors, (ii) using a lipophilic agent, and (iii) by blocking TLR9 with chloroquine. Evaluation of the DNA effect was carried out after the 6- and 24-hour exposure. It was found that the preparation of double-stranded DNA transfected by Lipofectamine 2000 boosts DCs at the same level as Poly(dA : dT), a synthetic equivalent of double-stranded DNA. It was discovered that combined application of DNA and chloroquine enhances expression of the IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-γ, IL­8, МСР1, VEGF, CD25, and CD83 genes by hour 24 of incubation. It was for the first time shown that genomic “self” double-stranded DNA as a mono agent activates mRNA synthesis of cytokines IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-γ, IL­8, IL­10, and VEGF in DCs at 6 hours of induction


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    The article presents data on the cultivation and characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) isolated from the bone marrow of patients with dysplastic coxarthrosis. Several morphological phenotypes were found in the fraction of adhesive MSC: spindle-shaped elongated cells, large flattened cells, and thin stellate cells in both samples of bone marrow. Immunophenotypic analysis showed that cells express surface antigens (CD90, CD73, CD105, CD45 and CD34), which are characteristic for typical stem cells. It was shown that the use of a new growth medium containing no components of animal origin for the cultivation of human MSC allowed to achieve confluence of the cell culture on the 16th-8th day of incubation without delaying the proliferative activity of the cells and without loss of ability to differentiate into chondro- and osteogenic types of tissues. Multipotency of MSC was confirmed by osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of cells, during prolonged cultivation of MSCs in induction media in vitro . The differentiation of MSC into osteoblasts was confirmed by immunocytochemical staining for alkaline phosphatase and alizarin red S. Specific differentiation of MSC in chondrogenic type was revealed by staining of cartilage deposits with alcian blue. For the first time, such characteristics of human MSC as: mitotic index, trajectory of cells migration and average speed of migration on culture plastics were determined. The mitotic index of actively proliferating MSC was from 2.7 to 3.4 % of the total cell number. The moving activity (speed of cell migration) was 38-42 μm/h. Thus, bone marrow aspirate from patients with orthopedic pathology is the source of stem cells that meet all the criteria for MSC as determined by the International Society of Cellular Therapy and can be used in regenerative therapy of bone and cartilage