29 research outputs found

    Lipoproteins and Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Assessment of the Safety of Aqueous Extract of Aloe vera on Haematology of Wistar Rats

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    Aloe vera is used both traditionally and packaged commercially in many regions of the world for several medicinal and or cosmetic purposes. It is claimed to have rejuvenating, moisturizing, healing or soothing properties on the skin and gastrointestinal tract. This study focused on assessment of the safety of A. vera on blood parameters: packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell count (RBC), haemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count (WBC), its differentials neutrophils, lymphocytes and platelet counts. Thirty Wistar rats were equally and randomly divided into 3 groups and A. vera extract solution was administered to 2 groups for 12 or 24 h respectively, for 7 days consecutively. The third group served as control for the experiment. Blood samples were collected on day 8 to determine changes in the haemogram as a basis for toxicity. Rats administered with A. vera extract, particularly for 24 h showed increased levels of PCV (47.42±4.32%), RBC (9.26±0.60 X106/μL), WBC (12.61±0.45 X103/μL) and its differentials. Platelet count was also significantly increased (150.25±4.77 X109/L). The results from this study showed that A. vera stimulated increased production of all blood cell types. In conclusion, protracted consumption of the extract of A. vera cause stimulation of haematopoiesis which may induce or encourage the progression of haemoproliferative disorders.Keywords: Aloe vera, Haematology, Wistar Ra

    Studies on the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyrexic activities of betulinic acid derived from Tetracera Potatoria.

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    Background: The anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activity of betulinic acid (BA) was investigated in this study. The triterpene was isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of Tetracera potatoria and its structure was verified by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The bioactivity of this compound was assessed using carrageenan-induced paw oedema in rats and carrageenan-induced pulmonary oedema in mice for the antiinflammatory activity, while acetic acid-induced writhing test in mice and zymosan-induced fever in rats were used for analgesic test.Materials and Methods: Rats and mice were randomly divided into groups of five animals. For each experiment, betulinic acid at 10, 20 or 40mg/kg b.w was administered intraperitoneally to the first three groups respectively. The fourth group was administered with indomethacin (10mg/kg) or acetylsalicylic acid (150mg/kg), while the fifth group was administered with distilled water (10ml/kg). Data obtained were expressed as mean±S.E.M and significant differences were determined at p<0.05.Results: BA significantly reduced carrageenan-induced paw oedema by 11.0%, 45.7%, 68.6% or pulmonary oedema by 25.6, 29.2 and 45.13% dose dependently. 40 mg/kg of BA inhibited paw oedema by 68.6% comparably to acetylsalicylic acid (71.4%) or indomethacin (51.33%) respectively. Abdominal writhing was also significantly (p<0.05) reduced to 17.20 writhes by BA (40mg/kg) comparable to Indomethacin (16.3writhes). Fever was inhibited by BA most significantly by 3hours post-injection of zymosan (1.00, 1.45, 0.000C) and this inhibitory effect was higher than that observed for acetylsalicylic acid (0.300C).Conclusion: Betulinic acid derived from Tetracera potatoria exhibited potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic or antipyrexic activity which is comparable to indomethacin or acetylsalicyclic acid.Keywords: Anti-inflammatory, analgesia, antipyrexia, betulinic acid, Tetracera potatori

    Spectrophotometric Analysis of Oxytetracycline Brands Available Over-the-Counter for Veterinary Use in South Western Nigeria

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    Chemotherapy with oxytetracycline in livestock is reportedly faced withincreasing therapeutic failure and resistant bacteria strains circulating inhumans, animals and the environment. This study determined the actualconcentrations in some dosage forms of oxytetracycline available in Southwest Nigeria labelled for veterinary use by spectrophotometric method of analysis. Eight 5% (50mg/ml) and four 20% (200mg/ml) preparations of injectable oxytetracycline were purchased from veterinary pharmacies in Ibadan. The mean concentration of oxytetracycline obtained from formulations ranged between 0.484mg/ml and 0.757 mg/ml. Al l the commercial formulat ions contained less than the label led concentration when 1mg/ml of these samples was compared with 1mg/ml of theanalytical grade of oxytetracycline. Therapy failures and development ofbacterial resistance to oxytetracycline could therefore result from proliferation of fake or sub- s tandard drugs and indiscriminate use or abuse. There is need for strict regulation and quality control of importation, marketing and use of veterinary drugs in Nigeria. Also, there is need for pharmaco-vigilance a n d p h a rma c o - e p i d emi o l o g i c a l investigation of chemotherapeutic agents,which is recommended to ensure their efficacy for animal health and food safety

    Kontrola tripanosomoze kemoterapeuticima - pregled prošlih mjera, sadašnje stanje i budući trendovi

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    African trypanosomosis is a major parasitic disease which affects both humans and animals in the Africa continent, south of the Sahara desert. It is caused by infection with various species of trypanosome that are transmitted to the host through the bite of an infected vector, the tsetse fly. Efforts to control the disease have involved attempts to reduce the vector population by use of traps, insecticide application, the sterile male technique as well as treatment and prophylaxis of overt cases with chemotherapeutic drugs, consisting mainly of isometamidium, homidium, quinapyramine and diminazene. These drugs have been in use for over 50 years and are associated with severe toxicity and parasite resistance. Over the years, efforts in several laboratories to formulate new treatment profiles through pharmacokinetic studies of the trypanocides, combination therapy, use of medicinal plants and application of antioxidants, have not succeeded in eradicating the threat of the disease. The development of an effective vaccine has also not been successful due to the antigenic variation of the trypanosome surface coat, a condition that has stifled progress, if not totally halted vaccine development. However, more recent studies suggest the trypanosomal microtubulin could be a viable antigen for vaccine development. This review focuses on measures that have been undertaken to control Animal African Trypanosomosis by chemotherapy, and discusses future measures and prospects since the measures adopted so far have not successfully controlled the disease.Afrička tripanosomoza glavna je nametnička bolest ljudi i životinja na afričkom kontinentu južno od Sahare. Njezini su uzročnici različite vrste tripanosoma koje se prenose na domaćina ubodom zaraženog prijenosnika muhe ce-ce. Napori koji se ulažu u kontroli bolesti uključuju i pokušaje za smanjenje populacije prijenosnika uporabom klopki, primjenom insekticida, postupkom sterilnih mužjaka kao i liječenjem te profilaksom kemoterapeuticima poput izometamidija, homidija, kvinapiramina i diminazena. Ti su lijekovi u uporabi više od pedeset godina i povezani su s teškom toksičnošću organizma i otpornošću parazita. Prijetnja od ove bolesti nije uklonjena unatoč višegodišnjim naporima nekih laboratorija za pronalaženje novih oblika liječenja proučavanjem farmakokinetike tripanocida, zatim kombiniranom terapijom, uporabom medicinskog bilja te primjenom antioksidansa. Ni razvoj učinkovitog cjepiva nije bio uspješan, zbog antigenskih promjena na površinskoj ovojnici tripanosoma. To je smanjilo nade za napredak u razvoju cjepiva, ako ga nije i potpuno zaustavilo. Ipak, najnovija istraživanja pokazuju da bi tripanosomski mikrotubulin mogao biti održiv antigen za razvoj cjepiva. Ovaj je pregledni članak usredotočen na mjere poduzimane za kontrolu tripanosomoze u afričkih životinja kemoterapijom. U njemu se također razmatraju buduće mjere i perspektive s obzirom na to da dosadašnje mjere nisu bile uspješne u kontroli bolesti

    Effect of Sub-Chronic Administration of Tetracera potatoria Roots Extract and Betulinic Acid from the Plant on Haematology and Serum Biochemistry of Wistar Rats

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    Tetracera potatoria is used as natural remedy for a wide range of diseases in West Africa. Anti-ulcerogenic and anti inflammatory effects of T. potatoria are reported to be induced by Betulinic acid (BA). This study was aimed at assessment of the safety of T. potatoria and BA using acute and sub-chronic toxicity methods.Methanol extract of T. potatoria root (100, 500 and 1000 mg/kg) and BA (10, 20 and 40 mg/kg) isolated from the extract were administered to Wistar rats for 28 consecutive days in the subchronic toxicity study. Each experiment had control groups (n=5) which were administered with distilled water (10ml/kg). Whole blood and serum samples were collected from the rats for hematology and serum biochemistry on day 29.T. potatoria extract induced significant decreases in PCV from 42.8±1.5% (control) to 32.7±2.2% (1000mg/kg) 6 and RBC from 12.8±0.4 X10 /μl to 6 11.6±9.1X10 /μl, but increased WBC 3 levels from 7.8±2.3 X10 /μl (control) to 3 9.1±1.2 X10 /μl (500mg/kg). BA induced decreases in PCV from 42.8±1.2% to 41.8±0.4%, and RBC 6 from 12.7±7.6X10 /μl to 6.1±1.1 6 X10 /μl. Serum biochemistry showed significant increases in ALT from  48.5±2.2 U/L to 66.75±12.5 in rats administered with BA (40mg/kg), but relatively normal AST. Triglyceride levels were non-significantly reduced in T. potatoria treated rats but were increased from 74.0±3.8 mg/dl (control) to 139.3±4.8 mg/dl in rats administered with BA (40 mg/kg).In conclusion, sub-acute administration of T. potatoria root was relatively nontoxic, but BA showed relatively more toxicity to blood cells and a tendency to cause dyslipidemia.Keywords: Tetracera potatoria, Betulinic acid, haematology, serum biochemistr


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    This study investigated the effect of Moringa oleifera in diabetic Wistar rats. The effect of methanol extract of M. oleifera at doses of 200, 400 and 800mg/kg body weight was compared to non-diabetic rats, diabetic control rats and diabetic rats treated with rosiglitazone (2mg/kg b.w.). Glucose levels were monitored within 24 hours and on day 15 of treatment. Blood samples were collected on day 16 of treatment to determine serum lipid profile, proteins and its fractions, non-protein metabolites and liver enzymes. On day 15 of treatment, glucose levels of diabetic control rats decreased by 13.33%, rats treated with the doses of the extract decreased by 52.37%, 53.62% and 53.93%, and rats treated with rosiglitazone, 58.8%. Weight gain was consistent in all groups of rats except in diabetic control with significant weight loss (-37.12g). The lipid profile showed rats treated with the extract had higher triglyceride levels, but significantly (p<0.05) lower total cholesterols with lower levels of LDL-C and VLDL-C, and higher HDL-C. Total proteins were increased with significant (p<0.05) increases in the albumin fraction. Liver enzymes, urea and creatinine levels were also reduced in the extract treated rats. In conclusion, the extract of the leaves of Moringa oleifera reduced blood glucose levels, corrected dyslipidemias of the diabetic rats, and protected the liver from alloxan-induced injury.     &nbsp

    Assessment of cardiotoxic potential of methanol extract of red cultivar Allium cepa

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    The effects of oral administration of crude methanol extract of red cultivar Allium cepa (Onion) on serum cardiac troponin (cTnI) in cardiac muscle and some haematological parameters were investigated in this study. Fifty five (55) male albino rats were housed and fed with standard growers ration and water ad libitum. There were three major groups; A, B and C containing twenty five (25), twenty five (25) and five (5) rats respectively. Group C was the control group while groups A and B were sub-divided into 5 groups of 5 rats each. Group A was administered with red cultivar A. cepa extract at doses of 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg, 800 mg/kg and 1200 mg/kg for 14 days while group B rats were administered with the doses of red cultivar A. cepa for 28 days. Blood samples were collected from the retro-orbital sinus for haematology and cardiac troponin-I assay, histopathological examination of the heart was also done. Haematology showed significant (p<0.05) progressive decrease in packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC) and haemoglobin (Hb) concentration and there was progressive elevation of mean corpuscular volume (MCV). Dose-independent elevation of serum cardiac troponin-I (cTnI) with varying degrees of myocardial injuries was observed. This study further postulates a correlation between the A. cepa-induced anaemia and increased cTnI which may be caused by myocardial ischaemia. In conclusion, this study reported the capability of red cultivar A. cepa to induce anaemia and cause myocardial injury as expressed with statistical significant (p<0.01) increase in serum cTnI. Medicinal use of red cultivar A. cepa is therefore recommended to be limited to lower doses and for short duration to prevent the haemotoxic and cardiotoxic potentials.Keywords: Allium cepa, Cardiac troponin-I, Cardiotoxicity, Haemotoxicity, Medicinal, Red cultiva

    Serum biochemical changes accompanying prolonged administration of ethanolic extract of whole fruit of Lagenaria breviflora (Benth) Roberty in Wistar rats

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    Toxicological evaluation of the whole fruit of Lagenaria breviflora was carried out using the serum  biochemical changes accompanying prolonged administration of the ethanolic extract of the fruit in Wistar rats. Twenty five rats were randomly but equally divided into five groups. Rats in groups B, C, D and E were administered with ethanolic extract at 1000, 2000, 4000 and 8000 mg/kg body weight, respectively, while rats in group A received 0.9% physiological saline as the control animals. The lower doses of the extract (1000 and 2000 mg/kg body weight) lowered the serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), while high-density    lipoproteincholesterol (HDL-C) was elevated. Higher doses of 4000 and 8000 mg/kg body weight of the extract increased the serum levels of TG and LDL-C and, lowers HDL-C level in the serum. There was dosedependent elevation of serum glucose level in rats administered with the extract. The serum value ofglucose in rats administered with the extract of 8000 mg/kg body weight increased two and half-foldover the control value. The mean serum total protein value increased for all the treatment groups whencompared with that of the rats in the control group. The serum creatinine (CRT) level increased   dosedependently and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) was elevated two-fold in most of the test groups. This was corroborated with histopathological findings revealing marked renal tubular degeneration. The serumlevel of ALP increased significantly (P < 0.05) in test rats administered the highest dose of the extract. Itwas concluded that therapeutic application of the extract of L. breviflora is quite safe at lower doses butit is nephrotoxic and can precipitate hyperglycaemia and dyslipidaemia at higher doses. Key words: Toxicological evaluation, Lagenaria breviflora, fruit, serum biochemistry, Wistar rat


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    Background: The anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activity of betulinic acid (BA) was investigated in this study. The triterpene was isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of Tetracera potatoria and its structure was verified by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The bioactivity of this compound was assessed using carrageenan-induced paw oedema in rats and carrageenan-induced pulmonary oedema in mice for the anti-inflammatory activity, while acetic acid-induced writhing test in mice and zymosan-induced fever in rats were used for analgesic test. Materials and Methods: Rats and mice were randomly divided into groups of five animals. For each experiment, betulinic acid at 10, 20 or 40mg/kg b.w was administered intraperitoneally to the first three groups respectively. The fourth group was administered with indomethacin (10mg/kg) or acetylsalicylic acid (150mg/kg), while the fifth group was administered with distilled water (10ml/kg). Data obtained were expressed as mean±S.E.M and significant differences were determined at