15 research outputs found

    Association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Psoriasis: A Case-control Study

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    Vitamin D deficiency is associated with higher cardiovascular risk and metabolic syndrome (MeS) criteria. The main objective of this study was to analyse the association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) serum levels with MeS (National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel-III criteria) in 46 Spanish patients with psoriasis, but without arthritis and systemic treatment, and 46 control subjects, matched by sex and age. The patients with psoriasis showed significantly lower level of 25-OHD than controls (30.5 vs. 38.3 ng/ml; p =0.0001). Patients with MeS had significantly lower serum levels of 25-OHD than those without MeS (24.1 +/- 7.5 vs. 32.8 +/- 8.9,p =0.007), and a negative correlation was found between 25-OHD and waist circumference, diastolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, and triglyceridaemia. In the control group no significant correlation between 25-OHD and MeS was found. Although the sample was small, our results suggest a potential protective role for 25-OHD in the metabolic profile of patients with psoriasis without arthritis

    Urticarial vasculitis: a retrospective study of 20 cases and diagnostic-therapeutic protocol

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    La urticaria vasculitis es una enfermedad crónica que se caracteriza por episodios urticariales o de angioedema que puede asociarse a niveles bajos de complemento. Hemos realizado un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo que incluye a 20 pacientes con urticaria vasculitis diagnosticados en los últimos 5 años donde analizamos los síntomas más frecuentes y los tratamientos que se han empleado. A continuación se ha diseñado un protocolo diagnóstico-terapéutico de Urticaria Vasculitis para orientar el manejo de estos pacientes, en el que se incluye una breve definición de esta entidad así como las enfermedades y fármacos a los que se puede asociar.The urticarial vasculitis is a chronic disease characterized by urticarial or angioedema episodes that may be associated with low levels of complement. We conducted a retrospective study including 20 patients with urticaria vasculitis diagnosed in the last 5 years where we analyze the most common symptoms and treatments that have been used. Then there has been a diagnostic and therapeutic protocol Urticaria Vasculitis which helps the management of these patients which includes a brief definition of illness and disease and drugs that may be associated

    Cutaneous manifestations of scleroderma: a therapeutic challenge

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    La esclerodermia es una conectivopatía crónica y multisistémica con alta morbi-mortalidad y de patogenia desconocida. Los principales síntomas son consecuencia del depósito de colágeno y el daño endotelial a nivel de corazón, pulmón, tubo digestivo, riñón y piel. La afectación cutánea puede llegar a ser muy incapacitante y empeorar de forma marcada la calidad de vida de los pacientes. En la presente revisión se repasan las principales manifestaciones dermatológicas de esta enfermedad, su diagnóstico y las posibilidades de tratamiento.Scleroderma is a chronic and multisystemic connective tissue disease with high morbidity and mortality and unknown pathogenesis. The main symptoms are a result of collagen deposition and endothelial damage at heart, lung, gastrointestinal tract, kidney and skin. The skin involvement can become disabling and markedly worsen the quality of life of patients. The present article reviews the main cutaneous manifestations of this disease, its diagnosis and treatment options