7 research outputs found

    Efficiency of criminal proceedings and their cost

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    To sum up, it should be stated that the concept of efficiency should be understood as a quick, effective and rational operation of the participants in the proceedings, taking into account the principles of efficiency and savings of financial resources. The length of proceedings is one of the most acute problems not only of criminal law, but also of the administration of justice in general. The first and foremost reason for such a classification is that the excessive length of proceedings prevents a fair hearing, since it does not respect the constitutional right to have a case heard without undue delay. Secondly, long proceedings generate high costs, an issue particularly important when these costs are borne by the State Treasury and thus not by the convict whose culpable behavior has caused them to arise.The issues of efficiency of criminal proceedings and their costs are inextricably linked. Furthermore, it establishes that the efficiency of criminal proceedings determines the level of generated costs. The research shows that the quality of the proceeded cases depends on the financial outlays and that the costs indicated by the procedural authorities do not correspond with those actually incurred. In conclusion, it should be pointed out that financial aspects fall within the scope of the regulatory impact assessment and constitute a priority when im-plementing new legal provisions, in direct relation to the economic analysis of law and the efficiency and costs of ongoing proceedings

    Challenges of legal aid system in Polish criminal proceedings

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    Publikacja stanowi zwie艅czenie projektu "Improving protection of victims' rights: access to legal aid" (JUST/2011/JPEN/AG/2924) wsp贸艂finansowanego przez Komisj臋 Europejsk膮, dotycz膮cego pozycji pokrzywdzonego w procesie karnym.The injured party plays an extremely important role in the Polish criminal procedure. However, there is a lot left to be desired in terms of binding statutory regulations and the way they are put to practice, especially when it comes to realistic possibilities of protecting one's rights and interests. The array of means available to the victim of a crime should be comparable with the array of means available to the perpetrator and furthermore they should be enforceable

    Efficiency of criminal proceedings and their cost

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    To sum up, it should be stated that the concept of efficiency should be understood as a quick, effective and rational operation of the participants in the proceedings, taking into account the principles of efficiency and savings of financial resources. The length of proceedings is one of the most acute problems not only of criminal law, but also of the administration of justice in general. The first and foremost reason for such a classification is that the excessive length of proceedings prevents a fair hearing, since it does not respect the constitutional right to have a case heard without undue delay. Secondly, long proceedings generate high costs, an issue particularly important when these costs are borne by the State Treasury and thus not by the convict whose culpable behavior has caused them to arise.The issues of efficiency of criminal proceedings and their costs are inextricably linked. Furthermore, it establishes that the efficiency of criminal proceedings determines the level of generated costs. The research shows that the quality of the proceeded cases depends on the financial outlays and that the costs indicated by the procedural authorities do not correspond with those actually incurred. In conclusion, it should be pointed out that financial aspects fall within the scope of the regulatory impact assessment and constitute a priority when implementing new legal provisions, in direct relation to the economic analysis of law and the efficiency and costs of ongoing proceedings

    Relations between the efficiency of criminal proceedings and its costs

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    Wydzia艂 Prawa i AdministracjiPrzewlek艂o艣膰 post臋powa艅 jest jednym z najbardziej dolegliwych problem贸w nie tylko prawa karnego, ale i wymiaru sprawiedliwo艣ci w og贸le. Po pierwsze dlatego, 偶e uniemo偶liwia sprawiedliwe rozpatrzenie sprawy, poniewa偶 nie respektuje konstytucyjnego prawa do rozpoznania sprawy bez nieuzasadnionej zw艂oki. Po drugie dlatego, 偶e generuje wysokie koszty. Kwestia ta ma z kolei szczeg贸lne znaczenie, gdy kosztami procesu obci膮偶a si臋 Skarb Pa艅stwa, co oznacza, 偶e to spo艂ecze艅stwo, a nie skazany, kt贸rego zawinione zachowanie sta艂o si臋 przyczyn膮 ich powstania, musi je ponosi膰. Zagadnienia sprawno艣ci proces贸w karnych i ich koszt贸w s膮 ze sob膮 nierozerwalnie powi膮zane. W zwi膮zku z tym warto zastanowi膰 si臋 nad tym jakie relacje mi臋dzy nimi zachodz膮. W niniejszym opracowaniu zaprezentowano te wsp贸艂zale偶no艣ci, ich teoretyczny model i jego u偶yteczno艣膰. Co wi臋cej, ustalono, 偶e sprawno艣膰 proces贸w karnych determinuje poziom generowanych koszt贸w. Udowodniono, 偶e jako艣膰 rozpoznawanych spraw uzale偶niona jest od nak艂ad贸w finansowych, oraz 偶e wykazywane przez organy procesowe koszty nie pokrywaj膮 si臋 z tymi, kt贸re s膮 rzeczywi艣cie ponoszone. Podsumowuj膮c nale偶y wskaza膰, 偶e aspekty finansowe wchodz膮 w zakres oceny skutk贸w regulacji i stanowi膮 priorytetowy element wdra偶ania nowych przepis贸w prawnych, co ma zwi膮zek z ekonomiczn膮 analiz膮 prawa oraz sprawno艣ci膮 i kosztami tocz膮cych si臋 proces贸w.The length of proceedings is one of the most acute problems not only of criminal law, but also of the administration of justice in general. The first and foremost reason for such a classification is that excessive length of proceedings prevents a fair hearing, since it does not respect the constitutional right to hear the case without undue delay. Secondly, long proceedings generate high costs, an issue particularly important when these costs are borne by the State Treasury and thus not by the convict whose culpable behavior has caused them to arise. The issues of efficiency of criminal proceedings and their costs are inextricably linked. Such relationships are worth closer examination. This thesis presents these interdependencies, their theoretical model and its usefulness. Furthermore, it establishes that the efficiency of criminal proceedings determines the level of generated costs. The research shows that the quality of the proceeded cases depends on the financial outlays and that the costs indicated by the procedural authorities do not correspond with those actually incurred. In conclusion, it should be pointed out that financial aspects fall within the scope of the regulatory impact assessment and constitute a priority when implementing new legal provisions, in direct relation to the economic analysis of law and the efficiency and costs of ongoing proceedings

    Relations between the efficiency of criminal proceedings and its costs

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    Wydzia艂 Prawa i AdministracjiPrzewlek艂o艣膰 post臋powa艅 jest jednym z najbardziej dolegliwych problem贸w nie tylko prawa karnego, ale i wymiaru sprawiedliwo艣ci w og贸le. Po pierwsze dlatego, 偶e uniemo偶liwia sprawiedliwe rozpatrzenie sprawy, poniewa偶 nie respektuje konstytucyjnego prawa do rozpoznania sprawy bez nieuzasadnionej zw艂oki. Po drugie dlatego, 偶e generuje wysokie koszty. Kwestia ta ma z kolei szczeg贸lne znaczenie, gdy kosztami procesu obci膮偶a si臋 Skarb Pa艅stwa, co oznacza, 偶e to spo艂ecze艅stwo, a nie skazany, kt贸rego zawinione zachowanie sta艂o si臋 przyczyn膮 ich powstania, musi je ponosi膰. Zagadnienia sprawno艣ci proces贸w karnych i ich koszt贸w s膮 ze sob膮 nierozerwalnie powi膮zane. W zwi膮zku z tym warto zastanowi膰 si臋 nad tym jakie relacje mi臋dzy nimi zachodz膮. W niniejszym opracowaniu zaprezentowano te wsp贸艂zale偶no艣ci, ich teoretyczny model i jego u偶yteczno艣膰. Co wi臋cej, ustalono, 偶e sprawno艣膰 proces贸w karnych determinuje poziom generowanych koszt贸w. Udowodniono, 偶e jako艣膰 rozpoznawanych spraw uzale偶niona jest od nak艂ad贸w finansowych, oraz 偶e wykazywane przez organy procesowe koszty nie pokrywaj膮 si臋 z tymi, kt贸re s膮 rzeczywi艣cie ponoszone. Podsumowuj膮c nale偶y wskaza膰, 偶e aspekty finansowe wchodz膮 w zakres oceny skutk贸w regulacji i stanowi膮 priorytetowy element wdra偶ania nowych przepis贸w prawnych, co ma zwi膮zek z ekonomiczn膮 analiz膮 prawa oraz sprawno艣ci膮 i kosztami tocz膮cych si臋 proces贸w.The length of proceedings is one of the most acute problems not only of criminal law, but also of the administration of justice in general. The first and foremost reason for such a classification is that excessive length of proceedings prevents a fair hearing, since it does not respect the constitutional right to hear the case without undue delay. Secondly, long proceedings generate high costs, an issue particularly important when these costs are borne by the State Treasury and thus not by the convict whose culpable behavior has caused them to arise. The issues of efficiency of criminal proceedings and their costs are inextricably linked. Such relationships are worth closer examination. This thesis presents these interdependencies, their theoretical model and its usefulness. Furthermore, it establishes that the efficiency of criminal proceedings determines the level of generated costs. The research shows that the quality of the proceeded cases depends on the financial outlays and that the costs indicated by the procedural authorities do not correspond with those actually incurred. In conclusion, it should be pointed out that financial aspects fall within the scope of the regulatory impact assessment and constitute a priority when implementing new legal provisions, in direct relation to the economic analysis of law and the efficiency and costs of ongoing proceedings