795 research outputs found

    Desarrollo del acceso abierto en España. Algunas iniciativas

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    The main objectives of this paper are: 1)Expound the open access to scientific production concept. 2) Present some of the significant initiatives that some Spanish Universities are developing in this field. 3) Define the key role that University Libraries play in this new way of scientific communication

    Neutron diffraction structural study of the apatite-type oxide ion conductor, La8Y2Ge6O27: location of the interstitial oxide ion site

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    Apatite-type rare earth silicates/germanates have attracted considerable interest recently due to their high oxide ion conductivities. Despite evidence in support of a conduction mechanism involving interstitial oxide ions, the exact location of the interstitial oxide ion sites continues to attract controversy. In this paper we report a neutron diffraction structural study for the high oxygen excess compound, La8Y2Ge6O27. The structural model indicates that the oxide ions are located between the GeO4 tetrahedra, leading to significant localised distortions. These results, coupled with recent modelling studies, hence, support the conclusion that oxide ion migration proceeds via these tetrahedra

    Enhancement of the conductivity of Ba2In2O5 through phosphate doping

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    In this paper, we demonstrate the successful incorporation of phosphate into Ba2In2O5, which leads to the conversion from an orthorhombic to a cubic unit cell. The resulting increased oxygen vacancy disorder leads to an enhancement in the oxide ion conductivity at low temperatures. In addition, in wet atmospheres, significant proton conduction is observed

    Implementation of the V52-control strategy in MATLAB through co-simulation MATLAB-SIMPACK

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    Wind turbines (WTs) are complex and highly loaded systems, which leads to the importance of the task to determine the loads in the powertrain before operation. At CWD there are existing simulation models with a multi-body system approach, and simulated controllers which work parallel with them. In this case, a multibody SIMPACK-model is used to simulate the powertrain loads in the V52- testbench. Since the simulated controller for this model does not contain the operating strategy used in the real plant (V52-testbench), the thesis aims to design a new controller that reproduces this strategy. The existing simulated controller will be adapted to the real controller from the test bench. The experimental measurements taken in the V52-testbench will be used to run the co-simulation MATLAB-SIMPACK needed for the development and implementation of a new simulated controller. The controller will get the simulated rotational speed in the low-speed shaft from the V52-testbench SIMPACK-model as input, and will output the torque in the generator that the model needs to produce the desired output rotational speed. A comparison between the response of the V52- testbench SIMPACK-model with the existing simulated controller and the new simulated controller will be investigated. The response of the controller to different rotational speed-input signals will be also validated against measurement data from the V52-testbench. In order to determine if the method used to implement the new controller is transferable to the upcoming generator on the V52-testbench, the behavior of this new generator will be integrated in the V52-testbench SIMPACK-model by modifying the generator´s shaft moment of inertia in the model. A sensitivity analysis will be carried out in order to identify which parameters to change when adapting the controller to the new generator.<br /

    Desarrollo del acceso abierto en España. Algunas iniciativas

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    The main objectives of this paper are: 1)Expound the open access to scientific production concept. 2) Present some of the significant initiatives that some Spanish Universities are developing in this field. 3) Define the key role that University Libraries play in this new way of scientific communication

    El sistema bibliotecario español

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    Description of the historical evolution of the library system in Spain from the 19th century to the present. The current Spanish Library system is characterized, examining its legal basis and its different components.Se describe la evolución del sistema bibliotecario en España desde su creación en el siglo XIX hasta nuestros días. Posteriormente centra su desarrollo en comentar el Sistema Bibliotecario Español, del cual tras enumerar sus bases legales, pasa a describir brevemente los diversos componentes que forman parte de él. (Autor

    Accurate inverses of Nekrasov Z-matrices

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    We present a parametrization of a Nekrasov Z-matrix that allows us to compute its inverse with high relative accuracy. Numerical examples illustrating the accuracy of the method are included

    The university library in the context of the new social and educational model

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    The concept of a library must be revised periodically, whenever the evolutionary process produces a truly transcendental change. The present is one such point in time. A new model for a university library is described, one that has emerged in response to two types of changes: those required by the information society and those needed for the development of a European Space for Higher Education (ESHE). In keeping with these requirements, a hybrid university library is now developing, whose management is based on the philosophy of globalization, the use of new information and communication technologies (ICTs), cooperation, and the quality of services provide

    La colección de literatura de viajes en la Biblioteca Pública "María Moliner" de Zaragoza. Desarrollo y análisis.

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    En este trabajo se analiza la colección de viajes de la Biblioteca Pública Municipal María Moliner de Zaragoza. En el proceso, se tiene en cuenta la tipología documental, la antigüedad de los documentos y las materias. Además, se ha realizado un análisis más exhaustivo de las guías de viaje teniendo en cuenta su antigüedad y el territorio al que se refieren. Todo ello con el propósito de reunir y plasmar las características fundamentales de la colección.El trabajo se divide en dos partes fundamentales: en primer lugar, se define la literatura de viajes y se propone una clasificación de dicho tipo de literatura aplicable a una colección bibliotecaria; y en segundo lugar, se expone el proceso de análisis. <br /

    Ordenación de la colección infantil (6 a 13 años) en la Biblioteca Pública Municipal “Benjamín Jarnés”: Propuesta de temas.

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    Las secciones de narrativa de las colecciones infantiles de las bibliotecas públicas, suelen estar ordenadas mediante un sistema alfabético por apellido del autor. Este trabajo propone, mediante la consulta a los usuarios de esas colecciones, un listado de temas que puedan identificar los libros, una vez que sean plasmados en un tejuelo mediante una imagen. La consulta a los usuarios se ha realizado en la Biblioteca Pública Municipal “Benjamín Jarnés” de Zaragoza