259 research outputs found

    Representations of the self: Conditions and effects of self-association

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    Stimuli that we associate to ourselves and serve as self-representations are relevant in information processing; they reduce cognitive load by prioritizing that which signals to be directly relevant to us. Self-representations such as our own name and face have been found to impact various stages of information processing, including affect and behavior. However, it is unclear whether such effects transfer to newly established self-representations like the numerous ones that we encounter in digital environments. Research has demonstrated that newly self-associated stimuli may indeed impact information processing, though maybe not as widely as familiar stimuli. This dissertation investigated the role of familiarity in the impact of self-representations. In each of the studies, a matching task was used in order to induce the association of neutral geometric shapes to the self and a stranger. Followingly, their attentional impact was comparatively measured in a dotprobe task as observed by a cuing effect and inhibition of return. Based on the types of stimuli used in prior literature, the first studies used word-labels as familiar representations and geometric shapes and new representations. In order to address this potential confound, a final study tested the attentional impact of self and stranger-representations when letter combinations were used as both familiar representations (word-labels) and new representations (nonwords). Overall, results demonstrated that new self-representations impacted performance in the matching task but attentional prioritization of self-representations (vs. stranger-representations) was only observed when familiar representations were used. It therefore seems that, although new stimuli may be tagged to the self, familiarity is a prerequisite for self-representations to capture attention. Hence, whether new self-representations become integrated into the self-concept and consequently impact information processing is rather dependent on its particular characteristics and interactions with it. However, it does not occur immediately. In sum, the evidence shows that self-association alone is insufficient to yield changes in the self-concept

    a case of people with disabilities in El Salvador

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Management,2020.Disability is a complex phenomenon. It reflects the interaction between the features of a person’s body and the features of the society in which he or she lives. Therefore, overcoming the difficulties faced by people with disabilities requires the participation of different actors and interventions to remove environmental and social barriers (World Health Organization, WHO, 2018). Said interventions tend to vary from one society to another, generally influenced by public policies, education and awareness. In the case of El Salvador, the attention and priority given to people with disabilities and their needs has been limited. There have been some improvements, particularly in the employment field with the implementation of the Law of Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities, the National Policy of Integral Attention for People with Disabilities and the ratification of international conventions; however, is been a challenge to guarantee the application and enforcement of these instruments and this has impacted negatively the available employment opportunities and financial independence of this sector of the population. Other structural conditions of the country have also favored the existence of a wide array of barriers that have produced an increasing gap between people with and without disabilities and in many cases have perpetuated poverty. This gap needs to be addressed by different sectors of society since the barriers are imposed and reproduced by multiple actors and affect every aspects of a person’s life. Currently there are some initiatives among companies that have benefited people with disabilities. These initiatives are mainly recognized as Corporate Social Responsibility. The initiatives commonly vary from creation of job banks and job fairs to the training of people with disabilities in multiple areas, however, the network of inclusive companies and job offers are still limited due to the soft application of laws and sanctions, lack of awareness and particularly, due to psychological barriers imposed by society. It is important to recognize that, even when these initiatives have been beneficial to people with disabilities and also are a good starting point towards inclusion, these should not be regarded as charity since access to equal employment, education, training and other rights are a responsibility that has to be fulfilled and not just a mere act of good will. It is undeniable that the Salvadoran government and its institutions still have a lot of work to do when it comes to inclusion and enforcing the Law of Equal Opportunities. Is also undeniable that there is an urgent need of opening more spaces and creating more opportunities particularly in the employment field since it is through employment that people can achieve a better quality of life, financial independence and decision-making power. In this context, an initiative that could be well received in El Salvador and that could generate a positive impact in the topic of inclusion and employment for people with disabilities is Social Business. This is a recent trend that is on the rise and is also an innovative alternative that proposes a sustainable way of addressing social and environmental issues that have not been solved or covered by the government. Fortunately, El Salvador already counts with a network of professionals and groups of people with long experience in this field. There is also a network of trainees with a certain type of disability that are ready to take up on jobs and are just waiting for a job opening. These conditions represent an opportunity for Social Businesses that aim to increase and promote inclusion and start breaking gaps among the different sectors of the Salvadoran society. These businesses are also supported by successful stories in other countries such as the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Spain. These initiatives demonstrate that the positive impact is not only perceived by the direct beneficiaries but by the whole society since they create an added value and tackle issues that societies have struggled to solve for long periods of time. The following questions have been selected for this document: What are the conditions that exist nowadays in El Salvador in regard to disability? What are the main barriers and challenges that are faced by people with disabilities in El Salvador when it comes to employment opportunities? What are some of the initiatives that are being implemented by businesses in order to contribute to solving issues in El Salvador? What are the areas of opportunity that can be used to promote inclusion and generate employment for people with disabilities in El Salvador? Are there any international examples that can be replicated in El Salvador? The ultimate and expected goal of this study is understanding the existing barriers for people with disabilities in El Salvador and identifying successful social businesses endeavors that can be replicated in the country as well as detecting opportunity areas that can be used to create sustainable jobs and promote inclusion in the country.1. Disability in El Salvado 2. Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Businesses 3. Social Business as a pathway to Job Creation for people with disabilities in El Salvadormaste

    A phenotypic analysis of three population-based metaheuristics

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    Metaheuristics are used as very good optimization methods and they imitate natural, biologic, social and cultural process. In this work, we evaluate and compare three different metaheuristics which are population-based: Genetic Algorithms, CHC and Scatter Search. They work with a set of solutions in contrast to trajectory-based metaheuristics which use an only solution. From a comparative analysis, we can infer that Genetic Algorithms and CHC algorithms can solve satisfactorily problems with a growing complexity. While Scatter Search provides high quality solutions but its computational effort is very high too.Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A modified binary-PSO for continuous optimization

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    Metaheuristics based on swarm intelligence simulate the behavior of a biological social system like as a flock of birds or a swarm of bees, and they have achieved important advances for solving optimization problems. In this paper, we propose a variant for a particular kind of those metaheurisitcs: Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). This modification arises after discovering a low rate of convergence produced by a high level of dispersal at the swarm. Finally, we analyzed and compared the results obtained by an original PSO algorithm and our proposal. From those, we can see the improvement obtained by our variant since it allows to explore more the search space.Presentado en el X Workshop Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Prevalencia y factores asociados de complicaciones posoperatorias en cirugía general del paciente adulto mayor, según la escala de Clavien-Dindo. Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Cuenca 2019 – 2021

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    Antecedentes: Los adultos mayores tienen mayor índice de complicaciones posoperatorias, siendo considerados un grupo etario de alto riesgo para morbilidad y mortalidad, aumento de estancia hospitalaria, reintervenciones, tratamientos adicionales e incremento de costos. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y factores asociados de complicaciones posoperatorias en Cirugía General del paciente adulto mayor, según la escala de Clavien-Dindo. Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Cuenca 2019-2021. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico transversal, para estudiar complicaciones posquirúrgicas según Clavien-Dindo en 180 adultos mayores intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Los datos fueron analizados con el programa SPSS 25.0. La caracterización de la población se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva, para la asociación se usó OR, con IC 95% y p <0,05. Resultados esperados: La edad más frecuente fue de 65 a 84 años (86,10%), sexo femenino 55.60%. El 67% presentó comorbilidad asociada: cardiovascular (43,30%), endócrino-metabólica (33.90%) y pulmonares (16.10%). El 52,20% tuvo sobrepeso y el 15.60% obesidad grado I. El 42% desarrolló algún tipo de complicación posquirúrgica en los 30 días posteriores a la intervención, la más común fue la mortalidad (32%), Clavien-Dindo grado II 25,33%, grado I 20%, grado III B 6,67%, grado IV A 4% y grado IV B 12%. Comorbilidad endócrino metabólica OR 2.65 (IC 95% 1.41-5.03), hipoalbuminemia OR 7.91(IC 95% 4.01- 15.6) y tiempo quirúrgico prolongado OR 6.85 (IC 95% 3.37-13.95), siendo esta asociación estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones: Las complicaciones posquirúrgicas del adulto mayor están relacionadas con comorbilidad endócrino-metabólica, hipoalbuminemia y tiempo quirúrgico prolongado.Background: The elderly have a higher rate of postoperative complications, being considered a high-risk age group for morbidity and mortality, increased hospital stay, reinterventions, additional treatments and increased costs. Objective: To determine the prevalence and associated factors of postoperative complications in General Surgery of the elderly, according to the Clavien-Dindo classification. Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital. Cuenca 2019-2021. Methodology: A cross-sectional analytical observational study was carried out to study postoperative complications according to Clavien-Dindo in 180 elderly who underwent surgery at the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital. The data were analyzed with the SPSS 25.0 program. The characterization of the population was carried out using descriptive statistics, for the association the OR was used, with its 95% IC and p value <0.05. Results: The most frequent age was 65 to 84 years (86.10%), 55.60% female. 67% present associated comorbidity: cardiovascular (43.30%), endocrine metabolic (33.90%) and pulmonary (16.10%). 52.20% were overweight and 15.60% had grade I obesity. 42% developed some type of postoperative complication in a period of 30 days after the intervention, the most common being mortality (32%), Clavien-Dindo grade II 25, 33%, grade I 20%, grade III B 6.67%, grade IV A 4% and grade IV B 12%. Endocrine-metabolic comorbidity OR 2.65 (IC 95% 1.41-5.03), hypoalbuminemia OR 7.91(IC 95% 4.01-15.6) and prolonged surgical time OR 6.85 (IC 95% 3.37-13.95), these association was statistically significant. Conclusions: Postoperative complications in the elderly are related to endocrine-metabolic comorbidity, hypoalbuminemia and prolonged surgical time.Especialista en Cirugía GeneralCuenc

    Análisis e interpretación de espacios mentales y marcos semánticos en la novela corta “El Principito” de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: una aproximación desde el enfoque de la lingüística cognitiva

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    La Lingüística cognitiva es un movimiento lingüístico que concibe el lenguaje como una conexión entre el lenguaje y la mente. Sus fundamentos teóricos son el experiencialismo, el lenguaje en uso y la mediación del cuerpo, entre otros. Dentro de sus categorías se encuentran los marcos semánticos que son conceptos que surgen del proceso de conceptualización alimentando el conocimiento enciclopédico del hablante, y los espacios mentales que son percepciones subjetivas pasajeras usadas para manifestar parcialmente mundos reales o mundos ficticios, determinados por un contexto concreto. Los elementos lingüísticos encontrados a la hora de analizar la obra “El Principito”, aportan significado a lo que los personajes nombran dentro de la novela como “lo esencial”, perspectiva construida desde la visión particular de cada personaje, especialmente del Principito y del aviador. Esta percepción es construida a través del marco semántico de creencia, es decir, con las estructuras sociales, culturales y lingüísticas que los personajes han crecido. Así mismo, los espacios mentales al surgir de la subjetividad, aportan un significado particular a cada uno de los conceptos dependiendo del contexto en el que este se utilice

    Estudio antropológico culinario del cantón Sucua, provincia de Morona Santiago 2013

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    La investigación está enfocada en desarrollar un Estudio Antropológico Culinario donde incluyen las Preparaciones Autóctonas del Cantón Sucúa. Dicha investigación se realizó en marcada en los lineamientos del Método Descriptivo- de corte Transversal, el mismo que señala la siguiente técnica: una encuesta dirigida a la población del centro del Cantón Sucúa. Tras la tabulación, análisis e interpretación de datos, se obtuvo resultados con los cuales se determinó la necesidad de la implementación de la guía antropológica culinaria para el Cantón. La propuesta está enfocada en la revalorización y mejoramiento de la gastronomía autóctona. Se han detallado varios puntos como su historia, tradición, cultura entre otras cosas de los platos más imponentes a lo largo de la historia en el Cantón. Esta propuesta se trata de investigarlas preparaciones ancestrales, medir la aceptabilidad de las preparaciones típicas existentes y crear una guía antropológica de las preparaciones autóctonas, donde nos da una apreciación antropológica desde el enfoque gastronómico- cultural del cantón Sucúa lo cual crea una base fundamental para dar a conocer el significado social de las preparaciones, fomentando la cultura y tradición. Se recomienda aplicar la guía antropológica culinaria ya que se aprecia las diferentes preparaciones, su historia, sus fotos, donde la podemos encontrar, teniendo un distinto contexto, con el cual se busca crear un impacto visual en la gente y así se decidan a hacer o probar todo lo que se encuentra en ella.The research is focused on developing a Culinary Anthropological Study where Indigenous Preparations of the Sucua Canton are included. This investigation was conducted in the guidelines of the Descriptive Method of cross- cutting, the same notes the following technique; a survey was applied to the population in the center of this Canton. With the results of the implementation of a Culinary Anthropological guide for the Canton was determined. The proposal is focused on upgrading and improvement local gastronomy. Its history, tradition, culture among Others have been detailed as the most impressive dishes throughout its history. This proposal tries to investigate the ancestral preparations, in order to measure the acceptability of existing typical preparations and create an anthropological guide of the ancestral ones, which give us an anthropological appreciation from the gastronomic cultural standpoint, this give raise to create fundamental base to know the social meaning on preparations, promoting culture and tradition. It is recommended to apply a culinary anthropological guide for appreciations, the different preparations, through its history, photos in a different context, to create a visual impact for the people who taste this kind of food

    El cuento infantil para fortalecer los valores en los niños y niñas de 3 a 5 años de la Unidad Educativa Víctor Manuel Guzmán de la ciudad de Ibarra, provincia de Imbabura en el año lectivo 2015 - 2016

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    Determinar la influencia del cuento infantil para fortalecer la práctica de los valores en los niños y niñas de 3 a 5 años de la Unidad Educativa Víctor Manuel Guzmán.A través de la época, la oralidad ha sido una de las fuentes más importantes de comunicación con que el hombre transmite sus pensamientos, sentimientos, emociones y conocimientos; en este contexto el cuento desde la prehistoria es un recurso de identificación con la identidad, la cultura, las tradiciones, las costumbres y valores de los pueblos. Luego de aplicar una ficha de observación a los niños y niñas de 3 a 5 años de la Unidad Educativa Víctor Manuel Guzmán de la ciudad de Ibarra, se pudo evidenciar un comportamiento inadecuado de algunos pequeños, ocasionado por el mal ejemplo de sus padres, la influencia negativa de varios programas de televisión y planificaciones de los docentes que a veces no incluyen como eje transversal los valores. Para la investigación se utilizara diferentes métodos y técnicas que ayudara a comprender el problema y con toda la información interiorizada del marco teórico referente, a las categorías y las teorías: humanista, cognitiva y constructivista se pudo diseñar una alternativa de solución. Este trabajo de grado es muy beneficioso tanto para niños, como para docentes y padres de familia, ya que una vez detectado el problema diseñé una guía de estrategias, en la que se considera importantes: la motivación, la lúdica, actividades interactivas y una reflexión sobre un determinado valor; se ofrece veinte ludo cuentos; todos altamente novedosos, para que los docentes puedan aplicar en el aula y los niños disfruten de un ambiente de armonía, donde se combina la cognición con lo procedimental y actitudinal

    Informe final programa ejercicio profesional supervisado realizado en el ingenio la unión, Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa, Escuintla, Guatemala febrero - octubre 2008.

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    El siguiente informe presenta los resultados de las actividades realizadas durante el programa de EPS, que se llevó a cabo en Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa, Escuintla, durante el período de Febrero- Octubre de 2008. Se presentan tres aspectos del programa: atención a escolares, prevención en salud bucal y actividades comunitarias, así como un análisis costo/beneficio de los tratamientos dentales. La atención a escolares de forma integral se realizó en una escuela nacional mixta del municipio de Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa, de la cual se tomó una muestra de 30 escolares. Para el diagnóstico epidemiológico de la caries dental se utilizó el índice CPO-D (piezas dentarias cariadas, piezas dentarias perdidas y piezas dentarias obturadas permanentes), ceo-d ( piezas dentarias cariadas, piezas dentarias pérdidas o indicadas para extracción y piezas dentarias obturadas primarias) el cual se considera como muy alto, según los valores dictados por la organización mundial de la salud al compararlos por género, edad y escolaridad, además se examinó la placa dentobacteriana por medio del IPB (índice de placa bacteriana), por lo tanto se observa la necesidad de atención integral dental en dicha escuela. Se determina el porcentaje de cobertura durante el programa de EPS con base a la necesidad de tratamientos. La historia de tratamiento restaurador es elevada en ambos géneros debido a la cercanía de la escuela a la clínica dental, fácil acceso a la misma, colaboración de docentes y padres de familia para la asistencia a las citas. El objetivo primordial del programa de EPS es brindar servicio a la comunidad para poder compartir nuestros conocimientos y aumentar nuestro acervo cultural, además de conocer las necesidades de la población; es por ello que se realizó un proyecto comunitario el cual consistió en mejorar la infraestructura de la escuela “El Brillante” ubicada dentro del perímetro del Ingenio La Unión, S.A

    Impacto del soporte nutricional en niños con restricción de crecimiento intrauterino, en el Hospital de Especialidades José Carrasco Arteaga, Cuenca, periodo 2020.

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    El objetivo fue identificar si el soporte nutricional aplicado a los nacidos antes de 40 semanas debido a Restricción del Crecimiento Intraútero (RCIU), alcanza a las cero semanas de edad corregida, crecimiento valorado a través de peso, longitud y perímetro cefálico, similar al de los recién nacidos a térmico y considerados normales en crecimiento. Es un estudio no experimental, retrospectivo, analítico de casos y controles, llevado a cabo de Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga, en el año 2020, con un total de 62 recién nacidos. Los casos fueron neonatos los nacidos en la semana 40 de embarazo o menos diagnosticados de RCIU, y los controles fueron las medidas antropométricas de referencia normal; se excluyeron a neonatos nacidos a las con el diagnóstico de RCIU y que presentaron características disfomorgenéticas; con diagnóstico de RCIU y que fallecieron antes de cumplir la semana cero de edad corregida, y los nacidos con el diagnóstico de RCIU que presentaron hidrocefalia a la semana cero de edad corregida. La información se tomó del sistema AS400, y fue procesada en el programa estadístico SPSS 26, utilizando estadística descriptiva e inferencial, La población estuvo caracterizado por predominio del sexo masculino, en su mayoría con edad gestacional de 36 a 39 SG, y el peso medio fue ubicado entre los 2121 gr a 2500 gr, una longitud mayor a 46 cm, y un perímetro cefálico de 31,3 a 33 cm. Además, a las 40 SG de edad corregida presentó una mediana de 2700 gr de peso, longitud de 49,5 cm, y perímetro cefálico de 34 cm; el peso corporal fue notablemente inferior al patrón de referencia. Se concluye que el peso corporal a las 40 semanas corregidas, fue menor que el patrón de referencia. Se recomienda emprender estudios de correlación para determinar su relación en el crecimiento y desarrollo de este grupo de pacientes con énfasis en la ganancia de peso.The objective of this present study was to identify whether the nutritional support applied to those born before 40 weeks due to Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR), helps the growth in weight, length, and head perimeter to catch up from zero weeks of corrected age similar to that of full-term newborns who are considered normal in terms of growth. For this, we realized a non-experimental, retrospective, analytical study of cases and controls, carried out in the Jose Carrasco Arteaga Hospital, in the year 2020, with a total of 62 newborns. The cases were neonates born in the fortieth week of pregnancy or the least diagnosed with IUGR, and the controls were the normal anthropometric measurements; this excludes the neonates born diagnosed with IUGR and who presented disformagenetic characteristics; diagnosed with IUGR and those who have passed away before having made it to week zero of corrected age, and those born with IUGR who presented hydrocephalus at the week zero of corrected age. The information was taken from the AS400 system and was processed in the statistical program, SPSS 26, using descriptive and inferential statistics. The population was predominately masculine in gender; the majority of the gestational age was between 36 and 39 SG; the median weight was located between 2121 – 2500 grams; a length of more than 46cm, and a head perimeter of 31.3-33 cm. Furthermore, it was shown at the 40th week of corrected age to have a median of 2700 grams in weight, 49.5 cm in length, and a head perimeter of 34 cm; the body weight was noticeably inferior in the pattern of reference. It is concluded that the body weight at 40 weeks of corrected age was less than the reference pattern. Correlation studies are recommended to determine their relationship to the growth and development of this group of patients