43 research outputs found

    Analysis of stability and near-equilibrium dynamics of self-assembled Casimir cavities

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    Vacuum fluctuations are a fundamental and irremovable property of a quantized electromagnetic field. These fluctuations are the cause of the Casimir effect -- mutual attraction of two electrically neutral metallic plates in vacuum in the absence of any other interactions. For most geometries and materials, Casimir effect is strictly attractive, leading to the only stable equilibrium configuration with merged plates. Recent observation showed, however, that this unavoidable vacuum-induced attraction can be mitigated by the presence of electrostatic repulsion produced by the formation of double electric layers, and a stable equilibrium between two charged metallic plates in a solution of an organic salt can be reached. Here, we study theoretically in details equilibrium configurations and their dynamical behavior in the system of two parallel metallic films coupled by the Casimir and electrostatic interactions. We analyze the effect of various parameters of the system -- such as the salt concentartion and temperature -- on the equilibrium cavity thicknesses, inspect resonant properties of the resulting an-harmonic optomechanical system near equilibrium, and examine its stochastic dynamics under the influence of thermal fluctuations of the environment

    Circulating Atherogenic Multiple-Modified Low-Density Lipoprotein: Pathophysiology and Clinical Applications

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    Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) circulating in human bloodstream is the source of lipids that accumulate in arterial intimal cells in atherosclerosis. In-vitro–modified LDL (acetylated, exposed to malondialdehyde, oxidized with transition metal ions, etc.) is atherogenic, that is, it causes accumulation of lipids in cultured cells. We have found that LDL circulating in the atherosclerosis patients’ blood is atherogenic, while LDL from healthy donors is not. Atherogenic LDL was found to be desialylated. Moreover, only the desialylated subfraction of human LDL was atherogenic. Desialylated LDL is generally denser, smaller, and more electronegative than native LDL. Consequently, these LDL types are multiply modified, and according to our observations, desialylation is probably the principal and foremost cause of lipoprotein atherogenicity. It was found that desialylated LDL of coronary atherosclerosis patients was also oxidized. Complex formation further increases LDL atherogenicity, with LDL associates, immune complexes with antibodies recognizing modified LDL and complexes with extracellular matrix components being most atherogenic. We hypothesized that a nonlipid factor might be extracted from the blood serum using a column with immobilized LDL. This treatment not only allowed revealing the nonlipid factor of blood atherogenicity but also opened the prospect for reducing atherogenicity in patients

    Mitochondrial dysfunction and chronic inflammation in polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine–metabolic disorder affecting a vast population worldwide; it is linked with anovulation, mitochondrial dysfunctions and hormonal disbalance. Mutations in mtDNA have been identified in PCOS patients and likely play an important role in PCOS aetiology and pathogenesis; however, their causative role in PCOS development requires further investigation. As a low-grade chronic inflammation disease, PCOS patients have permanently elevated levels of inflammatory markers (TNF-α, CRP, IL-6, IL-8, IL-18). In this review, we summarise recent data regarding the role of mtDNA mutations and mitochondrial malfunctions in PCOS pathogenesis. Furthermore, we discuss recent papers dedicated to the identification of novel biomarkers for early PCOS diagnosis. Finally, traditional and new mitochondria-targeted treatments are discussed. This review intends to emphasise the key role of oxidative stress and chronic inflammation in PCOS pathogenesis; however, the exact molecular mechanism is mostly unknown and requires further investigation.Funding: This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant #20-15-00337).Scopu

    Role of Phagocytosis in the Pro-Inflammatory Response in LDL-Induced Foam Cell Formation; a Transcriptome Analysis

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    Excessive accumulation of lipid inclusions in the arterial wall cells (foam cell formation) caused by modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the earliest and most noticeable manifestation of atherosclerosis. The mechanisms of foam cell formation are not fully understood and can involve altered lipid uptake, impaired lipid metabolism, or both. Recently, we have identified the top 10 master regulators that were involved in the accumulation of cholesterol in cultured macrophages induced by the incubation with modified LDL. It was found that most of the identified master regulators were related to the regulation of the inflammatory immune response, but not to lipid metabolism. A possible explanation for this unexpected result is a stimulation of the phagocytic activity of macrophages by modified LDL particle associates that have a relatively large size. In the current study, we investigated gene regulation in macrophages using transcriptome analysis to test the hypothesis that the primary event occurring upon the interaction of modified LDL and macrophages is the stimulation of phagocytosis, which subsequently triggers the pro-inflammatory immune response. We identified genes that were up- or downregulated following the exposure of cultured cells to modified LDL or latex beads (inert phagocytosis stimulators). Most of the identified master regulators were involved in the innate immune response, and some of them were encoding major pro-inflammatory proteins. The obtained results indicated that pro-inflammatory response to phagocytosis stimulation precedes the accumulation of intracellular lipids and possibly contributes to the formation of foam cells. In this way, the currently recognized hypothesis that the accumulation of lipids triggers the pro-inflammatory response was not confirmed. Comparative analysis of master regulators revealed similarities in the genetic regulation of the interaction of macrophages with naturally occurring LDL and desialylated LDL. Oxidized and desialylated LDL affected a different spectrum of genes than naturally occurring LDL. These observations suggest that desialylation is the most important modification of LDL occurring in vivo. Thus, modified LDL caused the gene regulation characteristic of the stimulation of phagocytosis. Additionally, the knock-down effect of five master regulators, such as IL15, EIF2AK3, F2RL1, TSPYL2, and ANXA1, on intracellular lipid accumulation was tested. We knocked down these genes in primary macrophages derived from human monocytes. The addition of atherogenic naturally occurring LDL caused a significant accumulation of cholesterol in the control cells. The knock-down of the EIF2AK3 and IL15 genes completely prevented cholesterol accumulation in cultured macrophages. The knock-down of the ANXA1 gene caused a further decrease in cholesterol content in cultured macrophages. At the same time, knock-down of F2RL1 and TSPYL2 did not cause an effect. The results obtained allowed us to explain in which way the inflammatory response and the accumulation of cholesterol are related confirming our hypothesis of atherogenesis development based on the following viewpoints: LDL particles undergo atherogenic modifications that, in turn, accompanied by the formation of self-associates; large LDL associates stimulate phagocytosis; as a result of phagocytosis stimulation, pro-inflammatory molecules are secreted; these molecules cause or at least contribute to the accumulation of intracellular cholesterol. Therefore, it became obvious that the primary event in this sequence is not the accumulation of cholesterol but an inflammatory response

    Possible Role of Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Chronification of Inflammation: Focus on Atherosclerosis

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    Chronification of inflammation is the process that lies at the basis of several human diseases that make up to 80% of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It can also explain a great deal of processes related to aging. Atherosclerosis is an example of the most important chronic inflammatory pathology in terms of public health impact. Atherogenesis is based on the inflammatory response of the innate immunity arising locally or focally. The main trigger for this response appears to be modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL), although other factors may also play a role. With the quick resolution of inflammation, atherosclerotic changes in the arterial wall do not occur. However, a violation of the innate immunity response can lead to chronification of local inflammation and, as a result, to atherosclerotic lesion formation. In this review, we discuss possible mechanisms of the impaired immune response with a special focus on mitochondrial dysfunction. Some mitochondrial dysfunctions may be due to mutations in mitochondrial DNA. Several mitochondrial DNA mutations leading to defective mitophagy have been identified. The regulatory role of mitophagy in the immune response has been shown in recent studies. We suggest that defective mitophagy promoted by mutations in mitochondrial DNA can cause innate immunity disorders leading to chronification of inflammation

    Cell-Based Models for Development of Antiatherosclerotic Therapies

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    The leading cause of death worldwide is cardiovascular disease. Among the conditions related to the term, the most prominent one is the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the walls of arteries. The situation gets even worse with the fact that the plaque development may stay asymptomatic for a prolonged period of time. When it manifests as a cardiovascular disorder, it is already too late: the unfortunate individual is prescribed with a plethora of synthetic drugs, which are of debatable efficacy in the prevention of atherosclerotic lesions and safety. Cell models could be useful for the purpose of screening substances potentially effective against atherosclerosis progression and effective in reduction of already present plaques. In this overview, we present studies making use of in vitro and ex vivo models of atherosclerosis development that can prove valuable for clinical applications

    The Role of Altered Mitochondrial Metabolism in Thyroid Cancer Development and Mitochondria-Targeted Thyroid Cancer Treatment

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    Thyroid cancer (TC) is the most common type of endocrine malignancy. Tumour formation, progression, and metastasis greatly depend on the efficacy of mitochondria—primarily, the regulation of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis, Ca2+ homeostasis, dynamics, energy production, and associated reactive oxygen species generation. Recent studies have successfully confirmed the mitochondrial aetiology of thyroid carcinogenesis. In this review, we focus on the recent progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms of thyroid cancer relating to altered mitochondrial metabolism. We also discuss the repurposing of known drugs and the induction of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis as a new trend in the development of anti-TC therapy

    Role of the mtDNA Mutations and Mitophagy in Inflammaging

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    Ageing is an unavoidable multi-factorial process, characterised by a gradual decrease in physiological functionality and increasing vulnerability of the organism to environmental factors and pathogens, ending, eventually, in death. One of the most elaborated ageing theories implies a direct connection between ROS-mediated mtDNA damage and mutations. In this review, we focus on the role of mitochondrial metabolism, mitochondria generated ROS, mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy in normal ageing and pathological conditions, such as inflammation. Also, a chronic form of inflammation, which could change the long-term status of the immune system in an age-dependent way, is discussed. Finally, the role of inflammaging in the most common neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, is also discussed