199 research outputs found

    Effect of Time Spent on Pasture on Grazing Behaviour in Latxa Dairy Sheep

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    In the Basque country the dairy ewe production system is based on a high pasture utilisation by means of partial time grazing where ewes spend a limited number of hours outdoors (Oregui et al., 1997). This production system, which is also typical of other Mediterranean areas, is different from that in northern Europe where continuous grazing is the usual management. There is a lack of knowledge concerning grazing behaviour under these conditions. This research investigated the effect of time spent on pasture on grazing behaviour

    Atlantic mountain grassland-heathlands: structure and feeding value

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    Atlantic mountain pastures are composed by mosaics of semi-natural grasslands and heathlands. A knowledge of their structure and feeding value is useful to understand their livestock use and improve management of these communities. This study was carried out in the Gorbeia Natural Park in northern Spain. Pasture composition, sward height and nutritive value were measured over four grazing seasons (spring, summer, late summer and autumn) in three plant communities: grassland (GR), open heathland (OH) and dense heathland (DH). The grassland community had lower sward height and better nutritive value. In less favoured grazing periods, when sward height in GR becomes limiting livestock move to OH with higher pasture height and lower sward cover and nutritive value. Even both heathlands have similar height and quality, the selection of OH, and avoiding of the dense one, could be due to its higher sward cover, which could make it easier to look for feed. Moreover, considering the woody component the estimated nutritive value of DH does not cover the minimum required for livestock production

    Effect of Time Spent on Pasture on Milk Production and Quality in Latxa Dairy Sheep

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    Dairy sheep production systems in the Basque country are pasture based. Forage resources are managed by shepherds who match herbage, forage and supplement availability with production requirements. This is achieved through a part-time grazing system, where ewes spend 3 to 7 hours grazing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of restricted access to pasture on milk production and quality

    On-Farm Information: A Valuable Tool for the Sustainable Management of Mountain Pastures in Protected Natural Areas

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    Mountain pastures have traditionally been maintained by livestock. The analysis of data concerning farms\u27 characteristics, productive-reproductive management and land use of commercial farms can constitute a real approach to study these systems and the changes that are occurring. This information is necessary to develop new utilisation guidelines, making compatible livestock production and conservation of natural resources. This paper describes a methodological framework to study the issues described above through some examples taken out from a wider research project (Mandaluniz et al., 2003)

    Search for multimessenger signals in NOvA coincident with LIGO/Virgo detections

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    Using the NOvA neutrino detectors, a broad search has been performed for any signal coincident with 28 gravitational wave events detected by the LIGO/Virgo Collaboration between September 2015 and July 2019. For all of these events, NOvA is sensitive to possible arrival of neutrinos and cosmic rays of GeV and higher energies. For five (seven) events in the NOvA Far (Near) Detector, timely public alerts from the LIGO/Virgo Collaboration allowed recording of MeV-scale events. No signal candidates were found

    Search for multimessenger signals in NOvA coincident with LIGO/Virgo detections

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    Using the NOvA neutrino detectors, a broad search has been performed for any signal coincident with 28 gravitational wave events detected by the LIGO/Virgo Collaboration between September 2015 and July 2019. For all of these events, NOvA is sensitive to possible arrival of neutrinos and cosmic rays of GeV and higher energies. For five (seven) events in the NOvA Far (Near) Detector, timely public alerts from the LIGO/Virgo Collaboration allowed recording of MeV-scale events. No signal candidates were found

    Fundamental Symmetries, Neutrons, and Neutrinos (FSNN): Whitepaper for the 2023 NSAC Long Range Plan

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    This whitepaper presents the research priorities decided on by attendees of the 2022 Town Meeting for Fundamental Symmetries, Neutrons and Neutrinos, which took place December 13-15, 2022 in Chapel Hill, NC, as part of the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC) 2023 Long Range Planning process. A total of 275 scientists registered for the meeting. The whitepaper makes a number of explicit recommendations and justifies them in detail

    First measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters using neutrinos and antineutrinos by NOvA

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    The NOvA experiment has seen a 4.4σ signal of ν̄e appearance in a 2 GeV ν̄μ beam at a distance of 810 km. Using 12.33×1020 protons on target delivered to the Fermilab NuMI neutrino beamline, the experiment recorded 27 ν̄μ→ν̄e candidates with a background of 10.3 and 102 ν̄μ→ν̄μ candidates. This new antineutrino data are combined with neutrino data to measure the parameters |Δm322|=2.48-0.06+0.11×10-3 eV2/c4 and sin2θ23 in the ranges from (0.53-0.60) and (0.45-0.48) in the normal neutrino mass hierarchy. The data exclude most values near δCP=π/2 for the inverted mass hierarchy by more than 3σ and favor the normal neutrino mass hierarchy by 1.9σ and θ23 values in the upper octant by 1.6σ