12 research outputs found

    4-oji tarptautinė mokslinė konferencija „Švietimo politika kultūriniuose kontekstuose: transmisija ir (ar) transformacija“

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    4-oji nacionalinė mokslinė konferencija „LETA 2020: Švietimas ir ugdymas, jungiantys bendruomenes“

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    Aukštojo mokslo tarptautinimas Rytų ir Vidurio Europoje: apibrėžimo konceptualizavimas regione

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    The article sets out to analyse previous research on the internationalisation in higher education in Central and Eastern Europe with a particular focus on the conceptualisation of ‘internationalisation’. While there is quite a lot of research regarding both theory and implementation of internationalisation, the majority of it is conducted in the West and the most commonly accepted definition hails from the research traditions of the Anglophone world. This literature review shows that when researchers in Central and Eastern European countries use the term ‘internationalisation’, they either refer to a policy change encouraged (or necessitated) by a supranational institution or global education discourse, or an education process through which an international or intercultural dimension is integrated into higher education.Straipsnyje analizuojami aukštojo mokslo tarptautinimo tyrimai Vidurio ir Rytų Europos regione, ypatingą dėmesį skiriant tarptautinimui konceptualizuoti. Nors tyrimų, susijusių tiek su internacionalizacijos teorija, tiek su jos įgyvendinimu, yra gana daug, dauguma jų atlikta Vakaruose, o labiausiai paplitęs apibrėžimas yra kilęs iš anglakalbio pasaulio mokslinių tyrimų tradicijų. Atlikta literatūros apžvalga leidžia daryti išvadą, kad Vidurio ir Rytų Europos šalių tyrėjų darbuose tarptautinimo (internationalisation) sąvoka vartojama įvardyti aukštojo mokslo politikos (policy) pokyčius, kurie vyksta skatinant ar reikalaujant viršnacionalinėms institucijoms (šiam reiškiniui apibūdinti taip pat vartojamas europeizacijos (Europeanization) terminas, norint pabrėžti siekį įgyvendinti Europos Sąjungos institucijų nustatomas ar siūlomas normas) ar pasauliniam švietimo diskursui, arba procesą, per kurį į aukštąjį mokslą integruojama tarptautinė ar tarpkultūrinė dimensija

    Tarptautinių palyginamųjų tyrimų įtaka nacionalinių valstybių švietimo politikai

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    This article analyzes previous research on the influence of international large-scale assessments (PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA) to national education policies. Based on this meta-analysis, four trajectories of influence are presented and discussed: direct impact, indirect impact via a general education discourse, direct and indirect legitimation.Šiame straipsnyje pristatoma tarptautinių palyginamųjų tyrimų (PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA) įtakos valstybių švietimo politikai tyrimų analizė. Remiantis atliktos analizės rezultatais, pateikiamos ir aptariamos keturios išskirtos tarptautinių palyginamųjų tyrimų įtakos nacionalinei švietimo politikai trajektorijos: tiesioginio poveikio, netiesioginio poveikio per diskursą, tiesioginės ir netiesioginės legitimacijos

    Scientific Research in Education, Vol 3 (2020)

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    Peer reviewed scientific publicationLeidinys parengtas Lietuvos edukacinių tyrimų asociacijos (LETA) iniciatyvaRecenzuojamas mokslo leidiny

    Accessible Learning Management Systems: Students’ Experiences and Insights

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    Learning Management System (LMS) is a type of an e-learning system is one of the main infrastructural requirements that improves access to higher education for persons with disabilities. The primary aim of the research study[1] was to explore perceptions of students with disabilities regarding the use and accessibility of learning management systems and benefits and/or barriers in e-learning. Students mainly have negative experiences while attempting to enter university web-sites/libraries/LMSs because of the inadequate adaptation to the specific needs of students with disabilities. In countries that do not have a developed LMS, the prevalent mean of communication with professors is via e-mail, in those where there is a LMS, there is not a fully accessibility of entire content and services for students with special needs. This research defined the need for creation of an accessible LMS or adjusted already existing LMS with accessibility solutions such as: a text-to-speech engine for blind students, a mode with sign language support for deaf students and a mode which supports dyslexic.Â

    Immigrant children education as means of integration: the Lithuanian case

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    Aim. This research paper discusses the educational process of immigrant children in Lithuania with the intention to determine the integration trajectory most likely to be chosen by the immigrant students. Methods. The research methods include legal analysis of Lithuanian legislations related to immigration, immigrant integration and education, meta-analysis of previous research on immigrant integration into Lithuanian society as well as semi-structured interviews with experts of the field. Results. Having completed the research, the following conclusion has been drawn: immigrant children education in Lithuania does not tend to create conditions for successful integration and more often than not influences immigrant students to choose those integration paths that may inspire inner or outer conflict. This is due to the lack of integration policy and strategy at the state level as well as the tendency to create a cultural hierarchy wherein the Lithuanian culture is implicitly considered as above others. Practical application. The results of the research can be used to improve the conditions of immigrant children education in Lithuanian schools on the national level as well as by schools willing to foster the integration of immigrant students; the results can also be considered in the process of establishing integration policy on the state level

    Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di internazionalizzazione: gli atteggiamenti degli accademici verso l'internazionalizzazione in un'università dell'Europa dell'Est

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    The role of academics is crucial to ensure successful and sustainable internationalisation of higher education. Internationalisation is a term that is widely used in higher education institutions but is rarely questioned or analysed in depth in a specific context. Few studies investigate how academics understand internationalisation, and how this in turn affects their motivation regarding internationalisation activities. This paper investigates how academic staff members conceptualise internationalisation. Stier’s (2006) ideologies of internationalisation are employed as a heuristic device to explore academic’s conceptualisations of internationalisation in a Lithuanian university. Results of a qualitative study of multiple focus groups with 27 academics showed that the majority conceptualise internationalisation as a means to achieve a specific goal which reveal an instrumentalist view. Internationalisation was often conflated with good quality of education and vice versa but the impact internationalisation has on students and the society at large was described vaguely and incidentally.Il ruolo degli accademici è fondamentale per garantire un'internazionalizzazione efficace e sostenibile dell'istruzione universitaria. “Internazionalizzazione” è un termine ampiamente utilizzato, ma raramente messo in discussione o analizzato approfonditamente in contesti specifici. Pochi studi analizzano il modo in cui gli accademici interpretano il concetto di internazionalizzazione e come questo influisca sulla loro motivazione nel perseguire attività di internazionalizzazione stesse. Questo articolo usa il concetto di “ideologie dell'internazionalizzazione” (Stier, 2006) come strumento euristico per esplorare le concettualizzazioni dell'internazionalizzazione da parte degli accademici in un'università lituana, attraverso uno studio qualitativo composto di molteplici focus group con 27 accademici. I risultati mostrano che la maggior parte di loro concepisce l'internazionalizzazione come un mezzo per raggiungere un obiettivo specifico, rivelando una visione strumentale. I soggetti della ricerca associano spesso l’internazionalizzazione all’alta qualità dell’istruzione (e viceversa), ma descrivono l'impatto che l'internazionalizzazione ha sugli studenti e sulla società in generale solo in modo vago e incidentale